My 11.27lb largemouth. She was caught at Lake Conroe on 2/25/07, on a wat/red zoom superhog. She was 24 1/2" long and a girth of 20".
That's a real solid fish man - nice size belly, just a solid chunk. Congrats on your 11 pounder - I'm hoping I catch one half that size this year!
WHAT A HAWG!! :o Congrats!
What a beautiful catch! I would still be shaking. Congrats!!!
wooo what a tank!
Great fish, great pic.
niiice fish. my goal is to break 10 this year. wanna take me out on conroe?
It only takes one fish like that to make it a REALLY good trip !!! :-)
Big congrats, and continued success to you,
WHAT A HAWG!!!!!! Congrats.
Congratulations! Nice HAWG ya got there.
Really nice fish. From now on everything will probably seem a little small. Congratulations.
That's a big mama! Congrats on your PB!
Nice fish!
Great fish!!
p.s. Next time you land a hawg put on a BIGGER smile ;D. The pics are gonna be posted for billions and billions.
Congrats on a great fish.
That's a beautiful fish!! Congrats!!!
big fishy fishy...haha i've never even seen a fish bigger than 13 inches in real life :-[
way to go! my goal for this year is 5 lb so a fish like that would be a major score for me.
how in the world did u pull that bull dozer out of the water ;D
Impressive!! Hopefully I'll have something worthy of posting after this weekend!!
Welcome linzylou.... members are definitely getting more attractive as time goes by...
That is a seriously, wickedly, large monster. Congrats!
Very nice fish!
In the words of Paris Hilton: "That's hot."