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Do You Drink While on the Water? 2025

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Personally i don't drink at all. Have no problem with the ones that do. I did my share while younger.

Do you drink while out on the water?

Do you allow anyone on board to drink?

I have no problem with someone in my boat drinking a beer or two while we are out unless it is not allowed.

Back in 1978 a buddy gave me a beer while we were talking side to side out on the water. I ended up pouring half of it out after we split up. That's the last beer I touched while on the water.

My wife loves a beer or two or three while we are out. I just don't care to indulge.


fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

A couple of beers won't hurt anybody but not on the water or a auto.

fishing user avatarSfritr reply : 

I am not one to turn down a frosted beverage usually, however, I never drink while on the water.  I also do not drink when playing golf either.  For me, as soon as I drink one my golf game goes to heck. 

Plus, I have been on the water when a storm kicks up and having all senses working can be a life saver

fishing user avatarring fry reply : 

I love my beer.  If I'm in the boat, I will not drink.  I don't trust the idiots out there whether they are drinking or not.  I want all my senses functioning at top level when I'm on the water.  Well, as top level as I have, anyway.  ;)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I don't usually take beer out with guys that don't

drink on the water. On the other hand, I don't go

out with those kinda guys very often.

A couple of summers ago my partner and I had

hangovers and decided not to get any beer the

next morning. Man...that was a mistake!


fishing user avatarBassnMan Mike reply : 

While I dont mind if someone in my boat has a few beers the only thing I drink while on the water is water or Gatorade.

fishing user avatarAl Wolbach reply : 
I don't usually take beer out with guys that don't

drink on the water. On the other hand, I don't go

out with those kinda guys very often.

A couple of summers ago my partner and I had

hangovers and decided not to get any beer the

next morning. Man...that was a mistake!



As long as you keep it to about two per hour everything is cool. Mine usually get hot before they are finished when I'm fishing. Most tournaments in this area do not allow alcohol in the boat during competition. When I 'm not fishing a tournament I generally will have a beer or twelve, but I do not exceed two per hour................Al

fishing user avatarbobbyc reply : 

I'm not a drinker, but if i were, two scenarios when i wouldn't drink would be operating a boat or truck/car.

fishing user avatarIwillChooseFreeWill reply : 

I will have one or two on shore (but no more unless I am close to the camper), and if the location allows, but never on a boat unless someone else is driving.

Most of the lakes and ponds around here are either state park, forest service or military land, none of which allow alcohol on their land.

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 

I never drink on my boat. way to much police activity on my body of water. However, my passengers always drink!!!

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

It all depends.  If I'm fishing I typically dont drink especially if I'm driving the boat.  If I'm just out with a bud and hes driving.  Its fair game.  Most of the time I dont drink on the water.  I dont have anything against it.  Just really never do.

fishing user avatarTommyBass reply : 

First of all, I am by no means a big drinker.

But, it depends really on what I'm doing.  If I go out "boating" in like a speed boat and spend much of the day floating around... then ya, one or two beers arn't bad.  But I still never get drunk.  Here in IN its just as illegal to drive a boat drunk as it is a car.

Fishing, not really.  I find if I try to I don't focus very well.  Usually I end up focusing too much on fishing and end up with a hot flat beer : )  So I stay away from it usually then.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Yes, a lot of water. And a big lunch too.

fishing user avatargatorblazer reply : 

On a friends pond in a jon boat, sure.  On any water where someone might have to drive, no

fishing user avatardone reply : 

Never. I have never even had alcohol on my boat at all. I come close enough to falling in without impairing my balance lol. Heck I get so into fishing it is tough enough to me to remember to drink water or gatoraid when I am out all day long.

That being said I have been on other folks boats while they engaged, and their boat, their rules, as long as they don't endanger me. 

On land, i have had my share of beer so I am not going to begrudge those who do so safely on the water.

fishing user avatarBrush Hog20 reply : 

Barely...I usually fish with the same guys and we will generally toss a sixer in the boat cooler and there is usually still a couple in there after about 8-10 hours of fishing..  Really we just bring it as a matter of principal.. ;D  seems wrong to not have a beer or two at least at the ready while fishing even tho not much really gets drank...l ;D  After is a WHOLE other story.. ;D

fishing user avatarFishbone reply : 

No beer on the boat; save it for drinking on the drive home. ;)

fishing user avatarNeedAnewScreenName-587943 reply : 

yes, drink and smoke too  8-)

you can put almost 36 oz of Woodchuck cider in a Nalgene bottle.  It looks like a bottle of pee to most, so usually it is left unbothered by fellow fisherman and john law.

BTW, I fish electric only lakes 90% of the time.  Most boats go 3 mph. 

Going 3 mph with a buzz on is a lot safer than going 55 mph with no buzz.  All you glitter rocket jockeys are playing with fire with all that kinetic energy. 

Feel free to lecture and condemn me.  It won't change a thing.   :-?

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

NEVER, absolutely no beer in my boat at any time.

fishing user avatarNeedAnewScreenName-587943 reply : 

oh yeah, forgot to say that if I am taking Ward Cleaver, Mother Teresa or Dexter fishing I leave the cider and cigars at home.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
oh yeah, forgot to say that if I am taking Ward Cleaver, Mother Teresa or Dexter fishing I leave the cider and cigars at home.

You forgot the Beaver.

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

I don't drink while on the water, but I don''t mind if my passenger has a couple of beers.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

I don't see the point.  If you want to drink, why not do it at home or in a bar?

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
I don't see the point. If you want to drink, why not do it at home or in a bar?

Some people can't control their need for booze. 

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
I don't see the point. If you want to drink, why not do it at home or in a bar?

Some people can't control their need for booze.

I don't begrudge anyone's drinking.  Lord knows I've had enough of the stuff and done things that were very stupid.

fishing user avatarFishbone reply : 
I don't see the point. If you want to drink, why not do it at home or in a bar?


fishing user avatarCaptain Shane Procell reply : 


fishing user avatarchris090981 reply : 

If your consuming alcoholic beverages on a boat , You aren't fishing .. I usually consume my intake at the bar ! Sincerely , The Square  ;)

fishing user avatarFishes in trees reply : 

I don't drink alot or or often while I'm fishing, yet there is some sublime charm in swilling a cold frosty beer on a balmy spring afternoon.  For me the key is to not bring very many.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

I'm usually so drunk by the time I get to the lake that drinking on the water isn't very appealing. 


fishing user avatardone reply : 
I don't see the point. If you want to drink, why not do it at home or in a bar?


So does that mean you have actually tried!? I would bet your could get a few casts in before they stopped ya. Course what you might catch....don't want to go there.

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

Depends.  I fish 'Lake X' a lot, and since it's private, I usually take a 6 pack with me.  I have a tradition of drinking a beer after I catch my first fish, regardless of time.  ;)

I've never had more than 4 beers in one full day of fishing.  That was a couple years ago.  Usually, I only have a couple. 

fishing user avatarmidnighthrasher reply : 


fishing user avatarBassmanfromNC reply : 

Usually don't drink anything. I fish from a kayak so I don't want to have to go to the bathroom.  ;)

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

Water only on open ice fishing thats another story ;)

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

I don't consume alcoholic beverages while on the water.  But, then again, I don't consume them when I'm off the water either.

Dang,  I shouldn't have admitted that.  Now I have no excuse for some of my posts.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Tom, just say you guzzled a Monster energy drink, LOL.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Thanks.  I'll file that Monster Energy Drink away for future use.  I need all the excuses I can get.

fishing user avatarmikesjet reply : 

I do not drink alcohol while fishing. I do not allow others to drink alcohol while in my boat. Zero tolerance.

I am out to fish and nothing else when I am in my boat. I like to look at the scenery and just bask in the calm (even if it stormy).

fishing user avatarCFFF 1.5 reply : 

Drinking on the boat all depends on what kind of fishing I am doing. If I am fishing for Bream with crickets or shiner fishing for bass then yes, but artificial fishing for bass no. I also will usually have some beers if I go fishing at night. It just seems to go good together.

fishing user avatardone reply : 
Drinking on the boat all depends on what kind of fishing I am doing. If I am fishing for Bream with crickets or shiner fishing for bass then yes, but artificial fishing for bass no. I also will usually have some beers if I go fishing at night. It just seems to go good together.

I understand the feeling (nothing better than a nice cold one in a spring or fall night on my deck after work) but ironically at least on my lake the night time you need your wits more than daytime. Too many inexperienced and ignorant folks with REAL fast boats, and no knowledge or thought of others out there, their limited line of sight, or even a slight recollection of the large amount of debris on Wylie.

Course now, that's what DD's are for (Designated Drivers...get your heads out of the gutter)

fishing user avatarHelluva_Engineer reply : 

I normally bring some, but the only time it gets drank is if we set up with some live bait in a cove, but then it's an all day and into the night thing.

fishing user avatarperchin reply : 

Almost never, probably because I'm always the one driving, so mostly just pop, water, and gatorade.

fishing user avatardemonjd22 reply : 

I will definitely have a few out on the water, but me and my friends fish ponds and lakes that are small and only allow trolling motors so were not talking 4 foot swells and 60 mph bass boats flying around. I can't see a problem if your responsible about it (ie not getting plastered, being obnoxiously loud, and littering) Can't say I've ever had a bad time out on the water either, so if it ain't broke I'm not going to fix it ;D

fishing user avatarlittlefisher reply : 

I have absolutely nothing against drinking, but not in a boat. I consider it a vehicle just like a car. I actually think it can be a lot more dangerous than a car is if you were to wreck. But I am not opposed to cracking one open once the weigh in is over and bs'ing with the rest of the tournament goers.

fishing user avatarHot Rod reply : 

Nah, I'm too busy puffin' up a fat J or runnin' a few lines of coke  ;)

Are you serious? In a vehicle capable of speeds over 60 mph? :o

There is no place in motorsports of any kind for impared drivers.  Its dangerous enough out there on the lakes I fish.  Now if you are floating around a pond or something of that sort its a different story.

Personally the only time I crack a cold one open in my boat is when it is in my garage and I'm in there organizing tackle  ;)

fishing user avatarzerofivenismo reply : 

Absolutely not.  Don't care for alcohol, but give me some orange soda and it's game over.  I use to fish with a couple guys that downed beers all the time.  Newborn baby girl woke me up fast. 


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