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BASS cans Coanglers 2025

fishing user avatarjrhennecke reply :

This is just another example of how ESPN is ruining BASS. I can't believe this is the organization that Ray Scott started or the way he would want it to end up. First the fiasco with the Federation, the complete ignoring of the West Coast and now the death of the amature angler. They should get it over with and rename the organization Professional Bass Anglers Assosiation. As far as these pro anglers that are pleased with the decision let me remind them were they started and who it is that makes them "Elite". How many times have you heard one of these pros say they got there start as a coangler? And it is the weekend/ coangler that buys products from these pro's sponsors and allows them to make the living they do. It's sad how these folks have forgotton that.  

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

Does Joe Sixpack or Jimmy Joe Jack Daniels get to suit up with Peyton Manning and patrol the sidelines?  Does he get to sit on the bench with Tim Duncan?  Sit in the dugout with Fonzie Soriano?

No.  So why should you get to fish with Kevin VanDam or Rick Clunn?

Sure, being able to fish with the pro's made for some fan fun.  But IMO these guys are out there trying to make a living catching fish.  Why should they have to worry about the guy in the back of the boat catching a pig that the pro could have caught tomorrow?

IMO, BASS just stepped up big time and became the TRUE professional fishing organization.

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 

How is this the "death of the amature angler"?  The only thing we can't do is fish out of the back of the boat in ONE tournament trail that only has a hundred boats.  That's only keeping 100 amatures from doing something they might want to do.  You can still fish the BASS Opens as a co-angler.  You can still fish the FLW Tour and the FLW Series, as well as the Stren, and BFLs as a co-angler.  There are hundreds of other tournament trails where you can fish as a co-angler/amature.  Pick your head up, the amature angler is still alive and well! :)

fishing user avatarjrhennecke reply : 

The BASS has created the Elitiest series.  There is truth to the point that other pro athletes don't have amatures competing against them.  That is what made the series special.  Amature anglers had the chance to fish with arguably the best fishermen in the world.  It created a bond between the pros of a sport and the people who support them.  Something you could not get in other sports.  How many times on this forum alone has someone advised an angler who wanted to start tournament fishing to join a club then fish as a coangler?  It is true that there are other circuits that a coangler can fish.  The cooangler will survive.  There are no opens or invatationals in the west.  Thank god for the FLW.   The greats from the past fished with coanglers what makes these guys so different?

fishing user avatarPigsticker reply : 

LOL tim duncan? so many to choose from you pick duncan, I like it though. Your not allowed to sit on the same bench as Greg Ostertag ;D

anyways it is just one tourney trail like what has been said not the death of the amatuer plus they still let in a few federation anglers right?average joe six tooth is not finished yet ;)

fishing user avatarchitown reply : 


Golf Pro's

Football Pro's

Base Ball Pro's

Sport pro's

Who is on the bottom as far as Salary ?

Who get's the least TV time.

Who are the most recognized.

We shall See if this will increase the Pro's salary .

Will they now get more recognition.

I feel Hurt over this sorry Guys.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Will Bret Farve sit on the sidelines?

You all forgot that one.  ;D

Fishing as a professional is extremely stressful.

When Ike goes nuts everyone laughs at him.  The truth be told, Ike is very emotional and he shows it in a very, very stressful occupation.

There are other ways amatures can bond with the pros.  And I am not uspset at this turn of events and am taking the position that it came about at the request of the pros, themselves.

After all, who needs to have someone in their boat, under foot, and trying to be  nice to for a day of fishing and at the same time catch a bass on every cast and act professional?

It is hard enough to be a pro fisherman and these guys just do not need the added stress of fishing with an amature.

As it is they give a lot of time at shows, seminars, TV, and the write or are interviewd by magazines and newspapers so removing the amature fishing responsibilities gives them more time to learn the bodies of water they fish.

Just my two-cents.  :)

Just my two cents.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Who cares????????????????????????????????????????????????

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 
Who cares????????????????????????????????????????????????

X2, best post of the thread.

fishing user avatarsmallfry reply : 

On the one hand, it makes perfect sense.  Fishing with a co-angler is like golfing and your caddy gets to take a swing at your ball every so often.  This should put more emphasis solely on the pros skill.

On the other hand, it is a unique part of the tournament culture that will be lost.  Also, what happens when some of the most die hard local tournament guys no longer have this opportunity?  Do they still lay off the fish in anticipation for a tournament they aren't even fishing in?  Or do they now just go fishing as they normally would prior to the pro's tournament resulting in more pre-tourney pressure?  Do they go to "watch" pros fish from the back of the pros boat, or do they take their own boat out to watch the pros (and maybe do a little fishing while they are out there too?)?  How many club tournaments will get scheduled the same time as the Elite tourney that wouldn't have before?  The pros fish for a living, but a lot of die hards live to fish.  Both have equal right to the water.  Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it...

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

What did you guys think was gonna happen when BASS got bashed for the unproven facts that flew around after Falcon.

   It was reported that the majority of the fish that died was Co-anglers, and that isn't the numbers Trip posted or mentioned on TV.

  Still not one shred of evidence to prove the claims of the thousands of pounds of fish that died.  

        So who got the worst end of the deal due to all the blogs, the co angler.

       WE can all take some credit for this change, we kept a story going that had no proof, just speculation.

  Next time you bash an organization, think of the changes that it may effect and ask your self is that what you intended?

    Was a third livewell just gonna happen over night?   No

    Do spectators want to see 3 bass limits on both sides?   No

    Does limiting the Co angler to 3 fish fix the problem?  no  40 lbs in one well is still the problem

  Does limiting the Co angler to fish 3 days fix the problem of livewell over crowding?  No

   Did the shared weight go over big with co anglers in the past?   No, they didn't like that idea either.

    BASS eliminated the Co angler giving the pro 2 livewells to support his catch, the only logical choice.

  Before you bash, think of who really gets the raw end of the deal in the end.      

fishing user avatararul reply : 

I was really bummed at the news, until I saw no Florida Tournies for the next 2 years...

So, I guess I won't be missing out anyways.  If there had been a florida tourney, I would have been depressed no being able to co-anlger it....

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
Who cares????????????????????????????????????????????????

X2, best post of the thread.

Yup, this is what the Weekend Series is for. It might also be a move to try to help boost the Weekend Series numbers, they have been down this year.

fishing user avatarZel... reply : 

If BASS wanted to make the Elite trail pro only, they should have done it from the beginning when they started the series.  Did they do that NO!  Did they have legitimate and substantiated minimum result requirements for pro's to fish the Elites NO (look at the history of many of the Elites as proof)!  The term Elite has little meaning right now, and to use it as reasoning is truly disingenuous.  Maybe some day it will.  Sure, maybe 1/2 of the Elite anglers could be considered Elite, but the remainder lessen this designation.    What they have done is take a RIGHT away from their grassroots membership who PAY MONEY to obtain these RIGHTS, and THE MEMBERSHIP should be up in arms about this decision.  I liken those who support BASS's decision to people who idly stand by and watch their rights slowly be taken away by a government, and one day the light bulb comes on and say WHAT HAPPENED?  Well my answer has been and always will be do something about when it happens, not afterwards.  I will continue to protest this decision as much as I can.  Do I think it will change anything NO, but at least I will feel good that I did what I felt was right in my heart.  And who here thinks BASS would give a refund to those who paid their memberships through 2009?

How would you all feel if I considered myself to be and extraordinary angler, and now refuse to answer fishing questions from any newbie here at BR because they don't reach certain standards?   I would be drawn and quartered (and rightfully so).  So what's the difference?

fishing user avatarSteve H reply : 

It's sad, no doubt about it. What really concernes me is when we read a story about Pro X using bait Y and when we see the footage our hero is using bait Z. I think this will only make this happen to a greater degree.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
If BASS wanted to make the Elite trail pro only, they should have done it from the beginning when they started the series. Did they do that NO! Did they have legitimate and substantiated minimum result requirements for pro's to fish the Elites NO (look at the history of many of the Elites as proof)! The term Elite has little meaning right now, and to use it as reasoning is truly disingenuous. Maybe some day it will. Sure, maybe 1/2 of the Elite anglers could be considered Elite, but the remainder lessen this designation. What they have done is take a RIGHT away from their grassroots membership who PAY MONEY to obtain these RIGHTS, and THE MEMBERSHIP should be up in arms about this decision. I liken those who support BASS's decision to people who idly stand by and watch their rights slowly be taken away by a government, and one day the light bulb comes on and say WHAT HAPPENED? Well my answer has been and always will be do something about when it happens, not afterwards. I will continue to protest this decision as much as I can. Do I think it will change anything NO, but at least I will feel good that I did what I felt was right in my heart. And who here thinks BASS would give a refund to those who paid their memberships through 2009?

My reponse was "Who Cares" because no one should be shocked by this. Look what BASS has become in the past couple years. This should come as no surprise. I have said it time and time again, BASS/ESPN/DISNEY only cares about what make them money, and whatever doesn't they get rid of (YOUTH, Fed Nation, Weekend Series). The "grass roots" BASS Ray Scott founded (pretty sad how he has become so non existent lately, shows the type of person he is) is gone, it is all about the Benjamin's. As you said Zel, one day people will notice, but those people will be the BASS higher ups, wondering why all the Federation Nation states have gone over to TBF.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
It's sad, no doubt about it. What really concernes me is when we read a story about Pro X using bait Y and when we see the footage our hero is using bait Z. I think this will only make this happen to a greater degree.

I will never forget reading a BASS Times tourney report from Lake Lewisville and Ike got a strong finish using "Berkley Shakey Worms" (because he is sponsored by Berkley). But after watching the Bassmaster epsiode it is clear that there is a huge zip lock of senkos and he even says "Come on Senko, Come on Senko!" ;D

fishing user avatarStephen Mick reply : 

I can't speak for the history of co-anglers in BASS events, but from what I've seen on the tour this season, 70-80% of the same co's seem to fish every event. So if the idea is that co-angler positions help bring fans and pros together, that hasn't been happening from what I saw. In fact, some of the guys considered themselves "pro co's" and fish the Elites as co's because they couldn't afford entry fees or other costs for other series.

Also, co's in Elite events have the potential to affect the outcome of the event. Sure, co's can catch pro's fish, but let's say I'm a pro, and I get paired up with a local guy who knows to throw a certain bait. He's getting bit, and I'm not. So I'll tie on what he's using. So, without even knowing it, he's "giving me information" which could affect the outcome.

Personally, I'd love to see BASS eliminate the Wednesday practice day, and to hold a true pro/am event instead, where pros and co's fish together. (Or something like that.)

Just my two cents.


fishing user avatarWillzx225 reply : 

"The "grass roots" BASS Ray Scott founded (pretty sad how he has become so non existent lately, shows the type of person he is)"

Easy now!  I see where you're going with this but lets show some respect to Ray.  We all need to remember that if it weren't for him we would not have as much to discuss.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
"The "grass roots" BASS Ray Scott founded (pretty sad how he has become so non existent lately, shows the type of person he is)"

Easy now! I see where you're going with this but lets show some respect to Ray. We all need to remember that if it weren't for him we would not have as much to discuss.

Sorry, but people absolutley destroy the organization you create and goes against pretty much everything you were for (grass roots average Joe) and youdon't have anything to say?

Money conquers all.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
"The "grass roots" BASS Ray Scott founded (pretty sad how he has become so non existent lately, shows the type of person he is)"

Easy now!  I see where you're going with this but lets show some respect to Ray.  We all need to remember that if it weren't for him we would not have as much to discuss.

Sorry, but people absolutley destroy the organization you create and goes against pretty much everything you were for (grass roots average Joe) and youdon't have anything to say?

Money conquers all.

What's to say other than "SOLD".

Think about it, if you sell me your car and I trash it, loss.  How would I look if I came out in public and said "Tin ruined my car, he can't drive, doesn't care, etc"

I'd look like a tool.

By complaining he would only be opening the door for everyone to say "Then you shouldn't have sold it!!"

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

I have been able to hear him speak at events on a number of occasions, he always has an opinion on everything. And I'm just surprised he has kept his quiet about BASS's present state.

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 
I have been able to hear him speak at events on a number of occasions, he always has an opinion on everything. And I'm just surprised he has kept his quiet about BASS's present state.

Maybe he dosn't see anything wrong with the present state of BASS.

fishing user avatarRoot beer reply : 

We have better things to worry about in this country then what BASS is doing.

I'm glad the co-angler divison is gone. If I was a pro, I wouldn't want a co-angler in my boat.

I'll be glad to spend time after a tourney with a fellow fan talking to him about my day, but I dont want 'em in my boat during tourney week.

fishing user avatarjrhennecke reply : 
I have been able to hear him speak at events on a number of occasions, he always has an opinion on everything. And I'm just surprised he has kept his quiet about BASS's present state.

Because he created BASS and has always been viewed as a "regular" guy I am suprised also that he has said nothing.  The fact that he sold BASS has nothing to do with it.  If anything it should give Ray the freedom to share his opinion.  I would love to hear his honest opinion.  If I remember right didn't he have something to say about the Federation fiasco?  I believe that what is so irratating to fishermen like myself is that we grew up with and supported BASS.  It was an orginization that brought us all together wether you were a weekend warrior or a pro.  The last couple years the ESPN people have left us out to dry.  

fishing user avatarVolman482 reply : 

If ESPN had started the Elite Series with no co-anglers as it should be, there would be no problem to discuss now. They were looking at the dollars riding in the back. I wonder what they will charge for the "privelage" of being an observer? I hope they have to pay the observers to observe. Would serve them right!!!!!


fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

The main purpose in having an observer in the first place is to keep the pro "honest". Another reason is safety. The way I see it, if they want someone to ride along and babysit a pro during the tournament, they should either pay the observers or at least let them ride free.

(But we all know that's not going to happen, they couldn't make any money doing it that way)

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 

I can understand why they would charge observers.  You can't go to a professional football, baseball, or basketball game for free.  If you want to watch, you've got to pay.  I'd do it if it wasn't too much, and they came to our area.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
I can understand why they would charge observers. You can't go to a professional football, baseball, or basketball game for free. If you want to watch, you've got to pay. I'd do it if it wasn't too much, and they came to our area.

But like I said, the main purpose for the observer is to babysit the pro. (Make sure he doesn't get off the boat to land a fish, or snag fish, help him back in the boat if he should fall out, you know, babysitting type stuff) You don't go to a pro football game to babysit the players.....the NFL pays referees to babysit the players while on the field, and they pay them well I might add.

fishing user avatarxiggi reply : 

Change happens.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
I have been able to hear him speak at events on a number of occasions, he always has an opinion on everything. And I'm just surprised he has kept his quiet about BASS's present state.

Maybe he dosn't see anything wrong with the present state of BASS.

Maybe when he sold the rights , there was a gag rule inserted into the contract that prohibits him from commenting on anything that he doesn't like.

fishing user avatarWillzx225 reply : 

I agree with 5bass that they will more than likely charge to be an observer since there will still be an abundance of people lining up to ride along with these guys for the educational aspect. ( I will be one of those lined up)  But I would certainly hope that they will offer a raffle of some sorts for those who pay to ride along.  Maybe for a trolling motor, rods, GPS, etc.  

fishing user avatarZel... reply : 

Co No Mo !


fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Reading on several other media outlets, this was something the pros have been asking for, for a long time according to the fine print, do away with the back seater.

   How many times do you see Tiger and a Co golfer paired on Sunday?

  Name one sport, were an Pro is teamed with an amatuer when the money is on the line?

 We aren't talking exhibition events either.  

         Somebody needs to check the stats on actually how many Co anglers fished multiple events?

     I have seen the local ones that came through our area, and I can tell you that most of the time, not all, its the family and friends of the Co angler that show up for weigh-ins who are local boys.   Thus fan support, guess what, you want have as many with out the locals fishing as co's.

      But then again, most weigh ins are not  that big a spectacle any way.   Specially if you compare them to any of the other top 5 sports.

    Bassin has never been spectator friendly, and never will.      

   It just don't generate any revenues because the arena floor that bassin takes place on is public lake , free, and then just how many non fishermen are gonna buy boats for one tournament a year to go watch?

           Funny, no one ever wants to blame the Pros for some of the changes that come about.     BASS gets blamed for it all, yet the pros have been asking for long time.    Go figure!

     My take, some Pros are made men, don't need another check to fish them all, and then there are guys who need checks to survive.

    5500 is big investment for some,  they deserve all the water to them selves.

     Food for thought,   Martens and Velvick and their Co's share a 100 yard stretch for 3 of the 4 days on Falcon.

         Did sharing that water with Co's who weighed nice sacks as well cost them $100,000?  




fishing user avatarjrhennecke reply : 

      Did sharing that water with Co's who weighed nice sacks as well cost them $100,000?


Makes no difference the rules were the same for both competitors.  The coanglers had a right to be there as much as the pros did.  Every competitor paid their entry fee.  Tournament entry was a membership benefit.

fishing user avatarBallpark Frank reply : 
Does Joe Sixpack or Jimmy Joe Jack Daniels get to suit up with Peyton Manning and patrol the sidelines? Does he get to sit on the bench with Tim Duncan? Sit in the dugout with Fonzie Soriano?

No. So why should you get to fish with Kevin VanDam or Rick Clunn?

Sure, being able to fish with the pro's made for some fan fun. But IMO these guys are out there trying to make a living catching fish. Why should they have to worry about the guy in the back of the boat catching a pig that the pro could have caught tomorrow?

IMO, BASS just stepped up big time and became the TRUE professional fishing organization.

I could not say it any better, I agree 100% with Burley on this one.

fishing user avatarjrhennecke reply : 
Does Joe Sixpack or Jimmy Joe Jack Daniels get to suit up with Peyton Manning and patrol the sidelines? Does he get to sit on the bench with Tim Duncan? Sit in the dugout with Fonzie Soriano?

No. So why should you get to fish with Kevin VanDam or Rick Clunn?

Sure, being able to fish with the pro's made for some fan fun. But IMO these guys are out there trying to make a living catching fish. Why should they have to worry about the guy in the back of the boat catching a pig that the pro could have caught tomorrow?

IMO, BASS just stepped up big time and became the TRUE professional fishing organization.

Because that was one of the benefits you recieved when you joined BASS.

fishing user avatarmike bat reply : 
Does Joe Sixpack or Jimmy Joe Jack Daniels get to suit up with Peyton Manning and patrol the sidelines? Does he get to sit on the bench with Tim Duncan? Sit in the dugout with Fonzie Soriano?

No. So why should you get to fish with Kevin VanDam or Rick Clunn?

Sure, being able to fish with the pro's made for some fan fun. But IMO these guys are out there trying to make a living catching fish. Why should they have to worry about the guy in the back of the boat catching a pig that the pro could have caught tomorrow?

IMO, BASS just stepped up big time and became the TRUE professional fishing organization.

i have to disagree with you .... one bassfishing is bassfishing ,,, you cant compair it other sports .... 2nd most guys that fish as nonboaters are there to fish and compete for the 25k .... they are also there to learn .... they also pay a ton to fish one elite event ,,, i dont see why they would pay the cash if they really couldent fish .... lastly it was a big step down ,,, theres no reason why any angler shouldent be allowed to compete in any event .... all the pros can talk smak but they all started on the back of someones boat ... its just another reason espn is ruining bass ... i have never fished any tourney as a non boater or a boater .... but i have followed bass for a while now ,,, and it just gets worse and worse ... the nice thing about bass was the interaction with the regular angler .... the fact you had the option to fish an event if you wanted to .... just another reason to fish the flw or any other tour out there ....  ;D

fishing user avatarmike bat reply : 
I can understand why they would charge observers. You can't go to a professional football, baseball, or basketball game for free. If you want to watch, you've got to pay. I'd do it if it wasn't too much, and they came to our area.

But like I said, the main purpose for the observer is to babysit the pro. (Make sure he doesn't get off the boat to land a fish, or snag fish, help him back in the boat if he should fall out, you know, babysitting type stuff) You don't go to a pro football game to babysit the players.....the NFL pays referees to babysit the players while on the field, and they pay them well I might add.

it will be funny to see how this pans out .... id laugh my a** off if they couldent get the people they need to watch the pros ... it happens all the time on the weekend series .... the are always haveing boaters switch over to non boaters just so it works ...  see you have to remember they need these people through the whole 3 days of fishing ,,, how many people will call into work to watch fridays .... not to mention before the field gets cut ... espn is stupid stupid stupid

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 
I can understand why they would charge observers. You can't go to a professional football, baseball, or basketball game for free. If you want to watch, you've got to pay. I'd do it if it wasn't too much, and they came to our area.

But like I said, the main purpose for the observer is to babysit the pro. (Make sure he doesn't get off the boat to land a fish, or snag fish, help him back in the boat if he should fall out, you know, babysitting type stuff) You don't go to a pro football game to babysit the players.....the NFL pays referees to babysit the players while on the field, and they pay them well I might add.

it will be funny to see how this pans out .... id laugh my a** off if they couldent get the people they need to watch the pros ... it happens all the time on the weekend series .... the are always haveing boaters switch over to non boaters just so it works ... see you have to remember they need these people through the whole 3 days of fishing ,,, how many people will call into work to watch fridays .... not to mention before the field gets cut ... espn is stupid stupid stupid

ESPN might be "stupid, stupid, stupid," but their Elite Series anglers also fishe FOUR day tournaments (Thursday-Sunday), not three day. ;D

fishing user avatarmike bat reply : 

my mistake 4 days ,, it just makes it even harder on bass ....  i dont get it at all ... but we will see how it pans out

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

I'm not sure what the cost will be for an observer to ride all 4 days but I'd say at least $ with 100 anglers needing a babysitter, BASS/ESPN stands to make $40,000 bucks of free and clear money from the observer pool at each tournament.

$40K x 11 = $440,000. :o

Looks like the pro's wanted the co-anglers cut out and BASS saw an opportunity to rake in some free money.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
Does Joe Sixpack or Jimmy Joe Jack Daniels get to suit up with Peyton Manning and patrol the sidelines? Does he get to sit on the bench with Tim Duncan? Sit in the dugout with Fonzie Soriano?

No. So why should you get to fish with Kevin VanDam or Rick Clunn?

Sure, being able to fish with the pro's made for some fan fun. But IMO these guys are out there trying to make a living catching fish. Why should they have to worry about the guy in the back of the boat catching a pig that the pro could have caught tomorrow?

IMO, BASS just stepped up big time and became the TRUE professional fishing organization.

Because that was one of the benefits you recieved when you joined BASS.

Since when?

fishing user avatarJ_Zink reply : 
Does Joe Sixpack or Jimmy Joe Jack Daniels get to suit up with Peyton Manning and patrol the sidelines?  Does he get to sit on the bench with Tim Duncan?  Sit in the dugout with Fonzie Soriano?

No.  So why should you get to fish with Kevin VanDam or Rick Clunn?

Sure, being able to fish with the pro's made for some fan fun.  But IMO these guys are out there trying to make a living catching fish.  Why should they have to worry about the guy in the back of the boat catching a pig that the pro could have caught tomorrow?

IMO, BASS just stepped up big time and became the TRUE professional fishing organization.

Because that was one of the benefits you recieved when you joined BASS.

Since when?

Technically, since you had to be a member of BASS in order to fish a tournament, co-angler or Pro, it was sort of an unspoken benefit.  

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Just wait, more things will be canned very soon.

fishing user avatarmike bat reply : 
Just wait, more things will be canned very soon.

yea like my membership ... LOL

fishing user avatarmawilson reply : 

somebody posted earlier that the old pros fished with co anglers if you look back at old tournament standinds there is no list for co anglers if both anglers had their boat at the tournament they flipped a coin to see whos boat they used and they split the day out of the front I know this for a fact my dad fished the first mega bucks and they did it after they got paired each day.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 
I have been able to hear him speak at events on a number of occasions, he always has an opinion on everything. And I'm just surprised he has kept his quiet about BASS's present state.

Just because we haven't heard his opinion in public doesn't mean that he hasn't voiced it in private. How can you come down on him so hard without knowing what he is thinking or doing that we don't see. There isn't much he could do anyway. He doesn't own it anymore.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Ya, I went a little far with that looking back on it. Dumb comment.

PM sent by the way Flukey.

fishing user avatarUpnorth reply : 

Here's my take: Getting rid of the co-angler is not only a great idea, it was mandatory.  It is the only way to completely level the playing field.  I have fished as a pro in both the Strens and BFLs.  I have had co's that spent most of their time picking backlashes and I have had some that should have been 100% fishing from the front deck.  Both type of coangler had an impact on the fish I caught and how I caught them, sometimes an advantage, but usually a negative.  I can only hope that FLW would follow suite (Ha!!).  It is sad that people can no longer fish along side the Elite pros, but this is a big time expensive professional sport.  If you have the guts to put up a $5,000 entry fee, then you deserve the most level playing field possible.

As for Ray Scott, Ray sold BASS to turn a profit, ESPN later bought BASS to turn a profit.   Seems fair.  I always thought his vision of BASS was to someday see bass fishing as a legitimate professional sport.  Big money, big sponsors, 12 hours of Classic coverage, and guys earning a comfortable living.  Well, more are doing that now than ever.  I know, some live out of their truck and scrape by, but that is their choice, their dream, and they know the potential to earn a decent living now exists.  

If you want grass roots, join your local BASS Federation club.  If you want to fish from the back of a pro's boat, fish the FLW Tour.  If you want to fish the Elites, fish the Opens and see how you stack up.

 Believe me, I have had my problems with BASS in the past (like losing my Open deposits a few years ago), but this move is the right one.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

You're nuts if you think Ray Scott started BASS with any intention but to make money.

Ray Scott is a bidnessman.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

This big decsion by BASS did what?

Effected a handfull of guys.  Elite Co anglers?

How many of you will never fish again because of this?

How many of you will never buy products again?

There are only a handfull of pros out there compared to the millions of other fishing licenses being sold across the US.

Whether tournaments existed or didn't, I'm still fishing like everybody else is.   I'm still buying product, and its not because of the pros.

    I bought products before BASS was on TV.   Most of us older fellows have had Orlando Wilson, Bill Dance fishin shows, but never saw much of the pros footage of days of old.

Ya'll call them info commercials now days.    

Please, everyone just tell me who quit fishing because of this?   Anyone?    

  Then, whats the fuss?  lol

fishing user avatarZel... reply : 

What gets me the most is BASS continues to institute their Benefits subject to change at the discretion of BASS clause, and always for the worse when it comes to the grassroots anglers. They keep eliminating that which makes bass fishing tournaments special and different from all other professional sports (the ability to compete with a top pro). I guess I should be okay if we decided to take Christ out of Christmas because then more people can make a better living through commercialism and forget about what makes it special. Like the Bass Anglers Sportsman Society becoming BASS, Christmas Day can become Commerce Day. (metaphor not religion).

fishing user avatarwarmer reply : 

the whiners are out in full force in an article over at bassf4n.

it would be one thing if these were one day tournaments, and the pro-angler didnt have to save water, but you are going to put them in a boat w/ a different person every day (which disrupts the balance of a level playing field in terms of personality and talent) and make them try to conserve water.  this is unreal.  enjoy the proximity you have sitting behind the remote and let these boys work for a living.  

i cant believe tiger woods wont let me hobble along with him and ask why he chose a pitching wedge for that particular shot.  the game of golf would be so much more personal if only i could.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Hey warmer....are people 'whiners' just because they voice an opinion?

Just saw this poem online about the decision:

Hush co-angler, don't say a word,

BASS's gonna cut you, so I've heard.

Because the problems that you bring,

BASS's gonna axe you come this spring.

Since your tactics do harass,

BASS's gonna kick you in the *?$.

Cause of you some pros now choke,

BASS's gonna change it, that's no joke.

And if you're having a hard time coping,

BASS's gonna tell you Go Fish An Open.

So hush co-angler, don't say a word,

While BASS's gonna treat you like a turd!

fishing user avatarwarmer reply : 

five bass limit,

the most consistent argument/attack i hear on this issue is ad hominem, so i figure turnabout is fair play.

e.g. bass are money grubbing, big corporate fat cats who dont care about the little people, and on and on...

but, to answer your question.  no, people are not whiners for voicing their opinion, BUT most of the opinions i have read on this decision were expressed in a whine.  this makes them...

fishing user avatarjrhennecke reply : 

Comparing the plight of the coanglers to the NFL, NBA. MLB, or any other "professional" sport doesn't work.  There never have been amatures competeing along side professionals in any of these other sports.

No one is saying that every member of BASS joined to fish as a coangler in the Elite Series.  The fact is it was a benefit that any member could have utilized.  For the guys that planned to fish or wanted the opportunity to it is a big deal.

As far as calling people out for whining.  I would be careful cause folks could think you are whiner.

fishing user avatarwarmer reply : 
There never have been armatures competing along side professionals in any of these other sports.

the limited value of a co-angler at the elite series level has been that you have an inexpensive alternative to an official observer in each boat.  in fact you make some (though very little) money based on their presence.

1. outside influence:

a) performance:

- the problem with this "observer" is that he/she can materially effect the performance of the pro who is attempting to earn their living this way.

by way of anecdote: a friend of mine who is a tour level pro, missed a final day cut because a co cast OVER HIS ROD to a schooling bass as he was burning it in to pick up a spinnerbait - OVER HIS ROD straight out the front of the boat. this cost him a 4 lber and the cut.  

so now, you have a sport that has progressed to the point that it can afford to have a contest that is less influenced by a MAJOR outside variable.

- any fish that a co catches is a fish that the pro cant save for tomorrow.

B) psychological:

what happens when you are the pro who draws the grown up version of the kid who says "are we there yet?"  "what are you doing up there?" and "one time i..."

anecdotally: i fished a draw tournament where friend x suggested to a co-angler that his pro really loved it when you slapped him on the rump and kissed him on the cheek after he caught a fish.  well, this pro does re-define homophobia so yes it was funny when the guy did it, but it also climbed up in his head and rattled him.

For the guys that planned to fish or wanted the opportunity to it is a big deal.

the folks that were truly excited about being w/ and learning from the pros will likely be happy w/ the opportunity to go along as an observer.  i for one would rather be an observer than a co-angler out of respect to the competition.  after all a co-angler tournament is not as much a measure of skill as it is a measure of the luck of the draw.

As far as calling people out for whining.  I would be careful cause folks could think you are whiner.

you could say that i did a little name calling that was unecessary.  you could say that im a bit insensitive to the plight of the long time co-angler, you could say a lot of things.  for that matter, you could say im a whiner, but youd be wrong about that.

the people that say:

- bass will lose their fan base: are not whining, just wrong

- bass is losing their connection w/ the fans: not whining, just wrong

- bass is going to lose a lot of money over this: not whining, just wrong.

the people that say:

- george bush dont care about - err i mean, bass doesnt care about the little people: whiny

- bass are a bunch of corporate fat cats: whiny

- i have a right to fish w/ a pro as a co-angler: whiny (bass has a right to CHANGE member benefits)

fishing user avatarGr8wall reply : 

im sure this is not espn's fault. im sure there parent company disney told them to.  so in actuality it is really mickey mouse who is hurting the coanglers.  Im telling you, the next step is going to be disney and walmart merging and then taking over the world.  

it sucks they took the coangler out (event hoguh i dont belong to bass)  but luckily there are so many other events out there that i can still participate in.

fishing user avatarUPS VT reply : 

What is the big deal.  They are brining back the Northern Opens and you can compete as a co-angler in that.  Maybe they will bring back the Western Opens for you guys on the left coast.  You can still be a co-angler on the Walmart tour, oops I mean FLW.

fishing user avatarBass XL reply : 

Don't know if anyone has read this yet, but here is what Ish Monroe said about the subject:

I like to hear the opnions of the co's. You are mostlikely one of the co's that enjoys the experience that you have with the pro. Which is great! And I wish I could draw someone like that at every event. But there is another side to the coin. There is what us pros consider the professional co anglers. These are guys that are trying to make a living fishing from the back of the boat. And still keed there regular job. They spend no $$$ on practice (Gas, Hotel) And they dont pay $5000 per event on a entry fee. But will be the first to cast on a fish that you miss or is following your bait. If I miss a topwater strike or have a fish follow my bait give me the chance to cast back on it and dont cast over my head to do it. I have had co's that have cast over my line. Several have cast at a fish that I was working on a bed. Fish that I have spent the time and money to find. Fishing tournaments is how I support my family. My only Job. These guys have steady pay checks. I dont blam the co's that are out there to learn and have a good time. I just believe all the BASS Elite guys are being put more on a level playing field.And its one more step towards Bass Fishing being a Professional sport. There is no other sport that a amature can compete on the same playing field as a pro. And If I didn't like co's in the back of my boat I would not fish the Open's which I and several Elite pros are doing this year and will continue to do next year. I have read some of the stuff on the message boards and alot of those guys have never even fished a Elite from the back of the boat they just want something to fuss about. There are several co's who belive it is the right thing to do. BASS is not getting rid of co anglers they are just trying to seperate the Elite Series from the rest of the other tournament circuts.

Good Fishin!


fishing user avatarjrhennecke reply : 
Don't know if anyone has read this yet, but here is what Ish Monroe said about the subject:

I like to hear the opnions of the co's. You are mostlikely one of the co's that enjoys the experience that you have with the pro. Which is great! And I wish I could draw someone like that at every event. But there is another side to the coin. There is what us pros consider the professional co anglers. These are guys that are trying to make a living fishing from the back of the boat. And still keed there regular job. They spend no $$$ on practice (Gas, Hotel) And they dont pay $5000 per event on a entry fee. But will be the first to cast on a fish that you miss or is following your bait. If I miss a topwater strike or have a fish follow my bait give me the chance to cast back on it and dont cast over my head to do it. I have had co's that have cast over my line. Several have cast at a fish that I was working on a bed. Fish that I have spent the time and money to find. Fishing tournaments is how I support my family. My only Job. These guys have steady pay checks. I dont blam the co's that are out there to learn and have a good time. I just believe all the BASS Elite guys are being put more on a level playing field.And its one more step towards Bass Fishing being a Professional sport. There is no other sport that a amature can compete on the same playing field as a pro. And If I didn't like co's in the back of my boat I would not fish the Open's which I and several Elite pros are doing this year and will continue to do next year. I have read some of the stuff on the message boards and alot of those guys have never even fished a Elite from the back of the boat they just want something to fuss about. There are several co's who belive it is the right thing to do. BASS is not getting rid of co anglers they are just trying to seperate the Elite Series from the rest of the other tournament circuts.

Good Fishin!


If the want to seperate the Elites then don't let them fish the Opens. Elite anglers shouldn't use the Opens like an ATM machine. Also Ish some anglers who would have fished an Elite the next time you guys made it West will not have the chance.  

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

B.A.S.S. /E.S.P.N. has been heading in this direction for some time. Most people would say, "Bass fishing is growing up." But don't forget one thing...this is all about money. You will now see "Pro-Ams" like you do in golf and the only people who can afford that are the VERY wealthy. How much would you pay for a day of fishing with K.V.D.?? I can assure you, the average guy like me doesn't have those kind of connections, or the cash. If there are co-anglers who are not obeying rules of common courtesy, I can see Ish Monroe's point. How do you manage these "wanna-be" pros who are ruining it for the average co-angler?? You can't, and they won't try. It looks like the old story, "A few ruined it for the many."

That having been said, I agrre with those who say, I don't see any ametuers driving IN a NASCAR race, or on an NFL field during game time.

As people begin to see bass fishing as a REAL PROFESSIONAL SPORT, this was bound to happen. Forget about Ray Scott. He sold the whole kit and kaboodle and B.A.S.S. is not how he used to run it. Comparing things to the good old days won't help.

So if you want to be a co-angler, join TBF, or save your money and be one of the first B.A.S.S. Pro-Am the tune of a years pay!!!

Just fish and be happy....what can you do...peace....

Alan (bassnajr)

fishing user avatarBassMaster_17 reply : 

I think B.A.S.S should have went a differnt route and make it worth the PRO'S time to have the CO in the boat. A easy fix would have been to give a pro 5k for helping the CO win the day and then if the CO won the whole deal give both Pro's that fished with the Winner a ADDITIONAL 5k. Pretty simple and eliminates the animosity Some Pros have against the Co's.

With that said to fish the co-angler and to eliminate some of the stuff ISH spoke of make all the Co's attend and pass a Co-Angler course and remind them they are a GUEST and need to act like one. Even when fun fishing with family or friends. i KNOW better than to cast over anothers line or close to the spot they did. I look at it like hunting you would never shoot in your partners lane and endanger them when walking a field, so do the same in a BOAT You and your lures stay in your area unless advised otherwise.

While we are on the subject of brining this Sport to another level, lets get them to fishing 25-30 tourneys a year From March till Nov with the Classic being in NOV. Make them fish during all phases of the year instead of picking the easy picking times. I want to see who is the best when the spawn is on and when the heat is at 105 and then when there are snowflakes falling the temp is 30 degrees. In those conditions you have a TRUE ELITE Series that proves who the best is in all phases of fishing. I have all the respect for these fisherman and i know they just fish when they are told to but i want to see more from them and the series.

fishing user avatarBass Hole reply : 

There is also rumors circulating the divisional's will be canceled after the 2010 divisional .


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