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fishing user avatarboz24 reply : 

>:(  I for one am super disappointed in the coverage of the "superbowl" of bass fishing.  I support ESPn by watching countless numbers of their fishing programs, and support bass by tournament angling and just plain conservation.  To have to watch Hackney Rescue his Father -In-Law- which was inspirational, again, and again...made me sick.  The blubs about rough water, Toyota Truck commercials, and Puralator Oil Filers...I am goinf CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I stayed up to 10:30- last night, which was cool, only to wake up Sunday to the same replayed show at 8:30....What the heck.  I'll tell ya ESPN, you are not winning new fans, and I for one was extremely disappointed.  I hate to gripe, but come on.  I guess I'll wait till 10 ish tonight to see the finals.  Go IKE.....Stinks for the G-Man...he's a Great Guy, just bad judgement.  Horton...sweet double on day 2!!!!!    God bless, and Good fishing..NEVER GIVE UP!    P.S.- The other classic post seems to have been moved?  I could not find it?  PEACE! :)

fishing user avatarboz24 reply : 

I for got to Grade my own post!   "D"...which is a gift...and on the bell curve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarR520dvx reply : 

Horrible ... they have a Federation angler who led a big part of day 2 and finised day 2 in the top 10 with NO coverage of him .... not enough $$$$$$. Also the Super Bowl of Bass Fishing showing at 10 PM??      D-

fishing user avatarmjhutch1116 reply : 

I will have to give espn a grade of "D" also, I was expecting much more live coverage.  The stories that they ran during their coverage was very interesting, but it still would have been nice to see more actual fishing.


fishing user avatarBassBird reply : 

I didn't want to sit up all night watching and keep hearing about Gerald Swindle getting DQed...once would have been enough.  Very poor coverage...kind of boring

Beside when people were catching fish...

fishing user avatarcarySE406 reply : 

I'm watching the "live"weigh in and only 25 people have to weigh in and it almost been two hours with 6 people still left. The fans arent even cheering.  They're having a regiment from the air force singing songs before the rest of the weigh in.  Its all really slow and boring.  My grade is a D, which isnt failing but still terrible.

fishing user avatarjayhawkfishin reply :

watch the weigh in now.

fishing user avatarwvubassfan reply : 

i give them an A for arseholes

they have ruined fishing on tv

fishing user avatarJnamo reply : 
i give them an A for arseholes

they have ruined fishing on tv

Amen brother.  

Ike is out of the top 10 the entire time and im quite sure that besides G-idiot's boat clip, he gets the most TV time.

How about the Federation guy who did so well?  

Or Duckett, the first timer local guy who led day one?

How about KVD's move on day two?  

Joke, the whole thing.  

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

I'm dissapointed overall as well.   There are 25 guys left.  I[ve seen a total of 7 that have been really featured.  Oh well.  

fishing user avatareastkybass reply : 

It was pathetic last year at least they did the weigh-ins live.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

You mean that was a fishing tournament. I don't think I saw much fishing. They get a D- from me.

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

It was terrible!!!

They took a giant step backwards compared to last year.

"D" and that's being generous.


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Y'all ever watch an FLW tournament on Fox Sports with the Hat Cams, Bow Cams, ECT; by comparison ESPN doesn't deserve even a D. I watched very little only because it wasn't covered any where else. ESPN's coverage of all sports is failing miserably and the announcers are horrible.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 


fishing user avatarZel... reply : 

Take your pick:

F for hey... just show me the FISHING!

D for DAZED and Confused this is what their coverage of the Classic left me.

C for CONTRIVED enough with the Iaconelli, Reese and Swindle's already.

B for downright BORING, I kept switching channels until I fell asleep... who won?

A for AGGRAVATING coverage, 70% human interest and 30% fishing Come on ESPN,      I ain't no girl.

fishing user avatarG3-Basser reply : 


I wanted to see more about the fishing, techniques and stories behind some of the lesser known guys who did real well.  There was far too much rehash of the prefab stories on harsh weather, Hackneys' Dad, etc.  Often I thought I was watching a recast of the previous day's events.  How many times do I need to see the video of Swindle blowing by the boats which led to his DQ?  Do yourself a favor and record this, so you can fast foward through all the rehash next time.  


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
Take your pick:

F for hey... “just show me the FISHING!”

D for DAZED and Confused… this is what their coverage of the Classic left me.

C for CONTRIVED… enough with the Iaconelli, Reese and Swindle's already.

B for downright BORING, I kept switching channels until I fell asleep... who won?

A for AGGRAVATING coverage, 70% human interest and 30% fishing… Come on ESPN, I ain't no girl.

That sums it up. Very clever, Zel.

"A" for aggravating coverage really strikes the heart of the matter, "What audience are they targeting?"

Not me.

fishing user avatarShadcranker reply : 

F- no live weigh in coverage, and re-ran the same covg all weekend. Ran only 10 minutes of weigh in coverage? I didn't even see Skeet Resse in final weigh in, and he lost by four ounces????

Terrible effort in my opinion.

They should have just waited and had a recap show the next weekend and edited it down to a one hour special.

I'm glad I went fishing Saturday instead of staying around to watch all the "live" action of Friday's fishing day.

Absolute joke.

fishing user avatarsquid reply : 


fishing user avatartritonman reply : 

Grade D

I had to watch the live weigh-in on the computer. It's pretty bad when you have the biggest tournament of the year going on and you show racing instead. I thought that's what the speed channel was for. Maybe BASS should look at joining the OutdoorNetwork instead of ESPN.

fishing user avatarFisher of Men reply : 


The reason BASS is in this shape is because they are owned by ESPN.  Maybe they should sell the BASS to someone who cares.  I agree with everyone else that they did a horrible job with the coverage.  It was hard to tell if I was watching the same coverage as the day before because of all the "special interest" stories that were played and replayed.   The time slots. . . give me a break.  Perhaps not a "live" weigh-in, but play it at 7:00 P.M. instead of 9 (CST).  

BTW, with all our gripes, how about each one of us e-mail ESPN with complaints.  Perhaps send one to Purolator and Toyota as well voicing our concerns.

fishing user avatarBanor reply : 


You know it's bad when the wife (who fishes with me and travels with me alot) looks over and says: "You stayed up for this?".  Then rolls over and goes to sleep.


fishing user avatar-hydrillagorilla- reply : 


even the 'live' was just the show before, carved up again with a few different stories!  

But I was still glad to see ESPN have it on TV.  Still moving forward.  Hopefully someday the winner will net more than $500,000.00!  

fishing user avatarJeff_NHBA reply : 

I have to give ESPN a solid D-.  The only reason I couldn't fail them is at least they had some covereage.  Although, the live coverage was so minimal, I don't even see why they bothered.  At this rate, the only way we'll get to see Classic coverage is if we buy the DVD.

ESPN really blew it this year.

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

I gave them a D as well.  It was just BAD!

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 


When I tuned in Sat morning and they were showing a bunch of specials they put together I was bummed. Then when that segment was over and the next one came on and it was the exact same thing I turned off the t.v. Watched the live weigh in last night on the computer. Waaaaay too long. Not to mention it would've been nice to see on my 32 inch television instead of having to watch on the computer. I can't think of much they could've done worse.

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

It seemed like they never showed anglers fishing on the water.  In the superbowl, they usually show the game in its entirety, and they wouldn't even think about not showing a great catch, so why can't they apply that logic to the Classic?

I give them a


fishing user avatargloomis7 reply : 

Definitly a D. I stayed up all night sunday so i could see who won and at MIDNIGHT after a 10 minutes spot on the weigh-in i went to bed. I was very dissapointed, for something that is soo huge they really didn't do anyone justice except toyota and purolator. Very Sad. >:(

fishing user avatarbocabasser reply : 

i gave it a c. reason being, because anytime you can see exactly what a pro is throwing, that alone has to be worth a "c ". i try to block out what they are saying, and just focus on their equipment. espn needs new blood, zona is a kook, tommy sanders is basically a non-fisher, and thank god jerry mcginnis wasn't there to "track" the movements of a couple of bass. i sure did like that delgado chick. too bad is wasn't warmer---i wonder if espn has bikinis for their female reporters!

fishing user avatarThe Duke reply : 


fishing user avatarkrisjack69 reply : 

Failed.Espn don't know how to cover a fishing tourny.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Better than nothing ........... but not by much.  D+

The last two Classics were pretty good as far as the coverage went.  This one was PITIFUL and that's too bad because this one was probably the best as far as the way the tourney shook down.  They got the (+) because they had the live weigh-in online.  What they showed on TV was pathetic.  I also don't really have a problem of when they aired it on TV.  It's getting down to crunch time in college basketball and racing just started up, both of which are way bigger then bass fishing (even if it is the Classic), so they had to show what appealed to their mass audience.  It would have been nice though to see 5 to 10 minute live updates through out the day

fishing user avatar-badhabit- reply : 

Beginning with the 10pm show of day 1 & 85% of days 2/3 were made up of repeated clips. All but the the last 30 min of each show lost out to re-runs of Andy Griffith here @ Green Acres (that's sad).

Even on BASS Insider it was poor............. :(

fishing user avatarShadcranker reply : 

I went to ESPN. com  (under contact ESPN member services) and voiced my opinion, and we should all do the same or expect the same or worse next year. Probably won't make a difference, but I feel better for venting to them.

I directed them to this thread.

fishing user avatartmartin781 reply : 

ESPN did little to promote the Classic before it happened, and continued that lackluster commitment during the 3-day coverage of the event.  I feel sorry for the guys at ESPN who put in all the time for the production of this show.  They are obviously after the "human element" (repeated stories of Katrina rescue ,etc.), and are willing to ignore a substantial aspect of the BASS tournament market - the FISHERMEN!

The only saving grace for ESPN was that their website was relatively up-to-date and maintained.  Other than that, most of the shows were a simple rehashing of the previous shows' clips and covered only the anglers they wanted to bring to the forefront.  Unfortunately, all of the negative reaction will probably only result in ESPN pulling coverage of this event in the future and it will become a truly low-budget production (but might actually focus on the fishing).

Grade: D

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

Honestly It sucked.  I'm so glad I have DVR so I didn't have to watch the crap I didn't want to see.   It dosen't surprise me though.   Do any of you guys honestly beleve that ESPN actually give a rats rear end that were not happy with there coverage.   It's all about the money to them why would they care.   There more interested in the tv adds, and sponsers.  Hence the whole reason they had them wrap there boats they are trying to milk Bass for every ounce of money they can and when they finally run it into the ground then they will throw it away and move on to the next one.   I really don't see this as being that surprising.  The coverage sucked, has sucked for the past couple of years and not just the classic coverage but the whole season.   It's going to get worse.  

fishing user avatarboz24 reply : 

Just sent this to ESPN....last gripe for me!

I am am member of BASS, which is owned an operated by ESPN.  I am severly disappointed with your lack of coverage for our "superbowl" of Bassfishing.  You are not winning fishing fans, you are losing them.  What the heck is up with no live coverage, then recap show at 10:30 est?   Bunch of junk.  I wish you would go to and check out all of the unhappy fisherman that suppport your organization, and your programming.  You really botched up this one!

Take care..and will be the utmost positive on my very next post!!!!!!!!!

Starting "Fisher of Men" Trail (Delaware) this march...pumped about that! :)

fishing user avatarjohnrrigg reply : 

I wish I had been watching on tv, with the option of changing the channel. I am sad to say I was there. I had get up and walk around just to stay awake. It is time that ESPN and BASS bring back Fish Fishburne to mc the event! When Fish was the mc he kept things moving, would get info and make it exciting. Just my $.02 worth. JRR

fishing user avatarDEISWERTH reply : 

Big fat   F

fishing user avatarcbfishalot reply : 


The same things were played over and over again.  Last years coverage they showed what each angler was using and none of that this year.  If ESPN whole goal was to save money and time then I give them an A for that but thats not what I want to see.

fishing user avatarlogger reply : 

First of all I was watching the day one coverage and then they started telling who was in the lead on day 2 "LIVE" when they hadn't even showed the weigh in from day one yet so really that kind of ruined the last hour of the day one coverage for me.  I don't get it. I am not a huge fan of watching golf on TV but why can't ESPN cover the even in the same way. Show different anglers live or almost live and just switch from boat to boat the whole time.  Instead of talking about a guys entire season for 5 minutes and then showing him fish for 15 seconds. I am so annoyed by the amount of time they spend showing the guys in the studio talking about the same thing over and over (this year Swindle's DQ, Last year IKE's DQ) Seriously I am a big Zona fan but I watch the classic to see the fishing not the anchors talk about the fishing. Wouldit be that big a problem to just have actual live coverage? Every other sporting event can do it, why can't ESPN get it together? I just continue to be dissapointed with ESPN2 at every turn. F

fishing user avatarJeff_NHBA reply : 
F- no live weigh in coverage, and re-ran the same covg all weekend. Ran only 10 minutes of weigh in coverage? I didn't even see Skeet Resse in final weigh in, and he lost by four ounces????

Terrible effort in my opinion.

They should have just waited and had a recap show the next weekend and edited it down to a one hour special.

I'm glad I went fishing Saturday instead of staying around to watch all the "live" action of Friday's fishing day.

Absolute joke.

For what it's worth, ESPN is doing a recap this Saturday...

fishing user avatarsquid reply : 


fishing user avatarVaBass80 reply : 

Complete garbage, still watched it cause its the classic but honestly it seems like the whole time you're watching a long infomercial, with 15sec clips of fishing. I miss the days when they literally showed 5-10 mins of non stop fishing of various anglers in contention.  I clearly remember classics when Rick Clunn and David Fritts won they would go into detail of the patterns, gear and all the other stuff that most people watch fishing programs for, sigh I guess those days are long gone -_-

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 

I absoulutely HATED!!! >:( >:( >:( >:( that the Sunday coverage was from 9:00-11:00PM o'clock I have to go to bed at 9:45 so I didn't get to watch most of it. Also there were no live weigh ins. The little coverage I did see was good though so it gets a D.

fishing user avatarboondocks reply : 

Not very good

fishing user avatarFisher of Men reply : 
I clearly remember classics when Rick Clunn and David Fritts won they would go into detail of the patterns, gear and all the other stuff that most people watch fishing programs for, sigh I guess those days are long gone -_-

You make a good point.

Didn't the old TNN (now Spike) network carry the Bassmasters prior to ESPN? I sure miss their old format. (Drag racing, Hank Parker, and Bassmasters)

fishing user avatarkbj3579 reply : 

Let me say first, I was very disappointed myself in the coverage. Especially when they billed Saturday and Sunday morning as being live, when all it was was repeat after repeat. Like one other post said, if I knew they were going to just show the repeat the next morining, twice (Saturday and Sunday), I wouldn't have got up when I did. I also think BASS has a very unorganized web site, I mean getting around that thing is tough, am I on Insider, Espn Outdoors or Bassmaster site, they have you jumping all around and your not able to just link back to where you were to start. I'm not one of those BASS bashers either, I'm a huge supporter of BASS and I want them to grow.

Having said all of that, I think the thing they haven't worked out and may be almost impossible to do, is covering a live fishing tournament. I mean unless you have a ton of cameras or they are fishing on a 5,000 acre round lake, it has to be extremely tough to cover these guys that are spread all out on a lake. It's not like Nascar where everyone is within a 1.5 mile circle. I think also the footage that you do get is probably tough to edit down in the short amount of time that they have. I agree that I wish they would show more guys fishing, for me I would like it even if they aren't catching fish at that time. I love to see how these guys think and what they are doing to try and figure things out. Plus, it would be better for their sponsors, more face time and I believe it would help the sport grow by showing these guys personality more. I think we are a long way, at least technically, from seeing a live fishing tournament. I just don't think the technology is there yet. I do like the flw hat cams, but I don't want to see a whole tournament like that either.

So the long and short of it is I'm going to give them a C overall, just for the fact that they did try and cover it the whole weekend, even though it was mostly repeated stuff. The actuall weigh in I'm giving them a big fat F, they showed them weighing out of order, didn't show all of the top 5 weigh in, they were jumping all around. I felt like I was on their website.

fishing user avatarsquid reply : 


fishing user avatarVaBass80 reply : 

Fisher of Men I think your right I believe it was TNN, I miss that type of format oh wells -_-

fishing user avatarBassinfreak2 reply : 

Are we really suprised at the way ESPN handled the Classic? They have ruined many of the shows we watched last summer by canceling the ones many of us liked. Honestly I believe this was by far the worst coverage of the Classic I have seen.    

fishing user avatargatrboy53 reply : 

F=failing espn has ruined bass fishing coverage.flw has em beat hands down

fishing user avatartritonman reply : 

gatrboy52  when has FLW shown a live championship?

fishing user avatarZel... reply : 

Maybe they're trying to protect the value of their Disney stock.   ::)

fishing user avatarbassmaster8100 reply : 

I give ESPN a big fat F on their Classic Coverage. Didnt show much coverage of fishing. The weigh in came on at like 9pm central time here thats little late dont you think. I was really disappointed with this years Classic Coverage.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I voted F as well.It was so bad that I only watched about 15 minutes total.


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