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Tournaments 2025

fishing user avatarNoBassPro reply : 

Just wondered how many of you fish tournaments. Out of those that do, what do you feel the pros and cons are?

fishing user avatarzip pow reply : 

There are more good things about tourneys than bad the only negative is carrying. Co anglers to your honey holes I know that sounds greedy but if you have a spot that's paying off you fish with a co angler in that place the next tourney . him an one of his buddies will be parked there all day

fishing user avatarNoBassPro reply : 

Thanks. I've always thought about entering a local tourney but just never have. Between work and family its hard for me to commit to more than one or two, let alone get in some prefishing and take it serious. But it does sound fun, so kinda wondered what others experiences were.

fishing user avatarHEEF reply : 

I've fished the college FLW tournaments, and had a BLAST! I mean there isn't an experience like it. I just think its a ton of fun being able to go out and fish, let alone possibly winning money for it. I mean sure you are gonna spend some money doing it, but you would spend it anyways, why not put it into fishing. I kinda agree with Zip Pow, people do find your spots which sucks, but hey thats fishing. You can't keep a secret fishing spot quiet for very long anyways, someone is bound to find it.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

Been fishing buddy tournaments with my son for 6 or 7 years. He enjoys the competition. I enjoy spending time with him. We both like the money.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Tournaments are a great learning opportunity, yet they can be very humbling. The scale does not lie!

fishing user avatarBrianinMD reply : 

I have learned more in the last two years since I started tournament fishing than I would have thought possible. The key is just finding a good club.

fishing user avatarGotfishyfingers? reply : 

I started fishing tournaments this past year. Both local and nationally. The experience was awesome. I Can't wait til next years trails. There are some many out there I'm sure you can find something to fit your schedule. What state do you live in?

fishing user avatarNoBassPro reply : 

I live in Michigan, there's no lack of smaller tournaments and clubs around here. I've just never been able to talk myself into entering one.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Lack of self-confidence holds many people back. Take the bull by the horns and do your thing. :)

fishing user avatarpsuangler91 reply : 

I fished my first tournament this fall and I plan on fishing as many as possible next season. There's nothing like it, I didn't think fishing could be any more fun but when there's money on the line it makes it so much more exciting. It's tough cause I don't have my own boat but I'm hoping to fish some BFL's as a co angler.

fishing user avatarlynyrdsky1 reply : 
  On 10/13/2011 at 9:26 AM, zip pow said:

There are more good things about tourneys than bad the only negative is carrying. Co anglers to your honey holes I know that sounds greedy but if you have a spot that's paying off you fish with a co angler in that place the next tourney . him an one of his buddies will be parked there all day

I am a co-angler and there is a code I fish by. I do not fish anyones spot that I have fished with before unless I get there complete expressed permission to do so. Cause I do not want to tick someone off to the point where they will not let me fish with them in the future.

fishing user avatarJIGFISHERMAN. reply : 

Keep in mind here by me, there are LOTS of little lakes. Biggest within an 1-1/2 drive is 2000 acres, with nearly all being 1000 or below, and most being below 600 acres.

I've changed my perspective a bit since living sort of on a lake that used to have tons of tournaments.

For one it jams up the public access site, making it nearly impossible for others not fishing the tournament to get on the lake. On some lakes we are talking not just fishing, but recreational boating as well. All this=complaints

Property damage.....One tournament had guys parking in grassy areas on an approach road, as well as in a farmers field.

An extreme amount of increased fishing pressure. Not just from the tournament itself, but from guys trying to "learn the lake".

An 800 acre lake should not, and IMO can not handle 70+ tournaments per summer.

fishing user avatar"BRB" reply : 

I have fish a few open tournament, but I'm looking forward to trying to fish the BFL as a co-angler. Can't wait!!!!

fishing user avatarzip pow reply : 
  On 11/30/2011 at 10:55 PM, lynyrdsky1 said:

I am a co-angler and there is a code I fish by. I do not fish anyones spot that I have fished with before unless I get there complete expressed permission to do so. Cause I do not want to tick someone off to the point where they will not let me fish with them in the future.

I'm glad there are some fishermen that are still like you are as far as I'm concerned you can fish out of the back of my boat any time

fishing user avatarskeetercraig reply : 

i fish some tournaments on the days you dont finish in the top 3 are dissapointing but if i caught alot of fish and they just arent heavy enough i still consider it a good outting now when i dont catch crap and guys are weighting in 15 to 19 pound bags then it can become frustrating

fishing user avatarchris090981 reply : 

If you dream of fishing the classic oneday fish em if not then don't

fishing user avatarNoBassPro reply : 

No Classic dreams here, just was thinking it might be interesting to fish a couple local tournaments.

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 

I haven't fished any tourneys yet but plan on trying to fish as a co-angler in the BFL,ABA and a couple of local area tourneys next year. I've joined a couple of clubs and plan to start in those tourneys and see what happens.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I don't fish tournaments and have no interest in doing so, but for the ones that do, go4it and I wish you well. I'm looking at it this way for me, I fish for relaxation and don't need competition. I'm not sure how much money these local tournaments pay for winning, but the cost of a boat, many rod and reel combos, lots of tackle, entrance fee, gas, etc, it's a loser as an investment for me. That said if enough money were on the line, I'd have no fear in participating.

I have caught my share of great fish, it's not in my makeup to hoard spots, I like to see the person I'm with catch great fish too. So if I were fishing with someone that didn't feel as I did, that's a deal breaker and it wouldn't be much fun.........I probably will never fish one.

fishing user avatarJIGFISHERMAN. reply : 
  On 12/11/2011 at 10:03 AM, chris090981 said:

If you dream of fishing the classic oneday fish em if not then don't

That mentality is a sure fire way to make it no fun to fish with certain individuals, or even clubs.

Lets face it. Even guys that are REALLY good, aren't going to EVER even come close to fishing the classic. And guy's who think they are the next KVD, aren't fun to fish with or against.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 12/11/2011 at 10:03 AM, chris090981 said:

If you dream of fishing the classic oneday fish em if not then don't

Utter nonsense. It's like saying don't play softball if you aren't the next Pujols.

Tournaments are a great way to learn new skills and hone the ones you already posess.

fishing user avatarNoBassPro reply : 
  On 12/13/2011 at 4:01 AM, J Francho said:

Tournaments are a great way to learn new skills and hone the ones you already posess.

This and a little bit of fun are all I am really looking for. I'd prefer to avoid them if they are full of pro hopefuls tbh. The main things I've heard is they are a good learning experience, can be quite humbling, and it may take a try or two to find a club that fits.

In regards to SirSnooks comment, I would view this as an entertainment expense, and would not be looking for an ROI. I have a boat and purchase tackle anyway.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Here's some reports from my perspective. Maybe that'll give you something to chew on:



Do a search for "Flower City" in the My Trips forum, and you can find a bunch more from me.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 
In regards to SirSnooks comment, I would view this as an entertainment expense, and would not be looking for an ROI. I have a boat and purchase tackle anyway.

My point is for me only. I think tournaments are just fine, just not for me. It looks more like work than fun and for me work means a return on my investment and time. I competed in the business world, now my fishing is strictly for R&R. If I can fish at my leisure, come and go as I please, catch quality fish, I'm more than content with that.

I'm not in the least bit negative on tournaments, I just don't want to do it.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
It looks more like work than fun and for me work means a return on my investment and time.

Your only exposure is probably what you may have seen on TV with the pros. It is what you make it. My method is to have fun first. I keep it loose on my boat. When you are relaxed, you are able to fish better, with confidence. The only time it can be work, is when the weather doesn't cooperate. Some might go home, and wait for better weather. I'd probably be fishing anyway. It's basically going fishing with a bunch of buddies, except at the beginning of the day, you put some money on the table. You'll learn new things, meet new people, and you might win a couple bucks once in a while.

fishing user avatarNoBassPro reply : 
  On 12/13/2011 at 3:38 PM, SirSnookalot said:

My point is for me only. I think tournaments are just fine, just not for me. It looks more like work than fun and for me work means a return on my investment and time. I competed in the business world, now my fishing is strictly for R&R. If I can fish at my leisure, come and go as I please, catch quality fish, I'm more than content with that.

I'm not in the least bit negative on tournaments, I just don't want to do it.

I understand, its just that I've spent a few dollars on guides so I could learn new techniques and bodies of waters, and, while there are some great ones out there, I have come to the conclusion I may learn more and enjoy myself just as much fishing some tournys at a comparable or even lower cost. Heck, I don't know if you can get two fishermen in a boat without it evolving into a competition of some sort or another, but there is a difference between friendly competition and ultra serious I wanna take your money or die type competition.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I agree about friendly competition, I always played golf in a group, we always played skins and a Nassau, in the end it was only win or lose 10 bucks or so.

Never fished a tournament but I have been in quite a few golf tournaments, fierce competition.

Lee Tevino " Pressure is playing a $ 10 nassau with 5 bucks in your pocket."

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

I fished my first tournament about 7 years ago. It was a team event, the venue I prefer. I have fished as the boater and the back seater. I love both. It's about helping each other come up with five. I don't fish for the money but haven't turned a check down either. The events have been small opens and the guys that fish them are repeat guys so you get to make friends. I like the bar-B-Q after and just getting to know other guys. My wife and daughter even come out to the weigh-ins at the local events. Just fish one on a body of water you know and go with an open mind. Fish your strengths, fish the fish and not the other's out there and have some fun. You might really enjoy it.

fishing user avatarjeremyt reply : 

I fish my local club, and the local poor boy tournaments on Sundays. I enjoy it because it has forced me to learn different techniques.

fishing user avatarredboat reply : 
  On 10/13/2011 at 9:03 AM, NoBassPro said:

Just wondered how many of you fish tournaments. Out of those that do, what do you feel the pros and cons are?

I fished a few local tourneys over the last several years but not any more. We have a lot of "working man's" tournaments in this area, late afternoon takeoff, night weigh in.

My buddy and I fished one regularly, every Wednesday. Not too expensive, $30 a boat which included $5 for big bass.

After a few weeks I noticed this typical pattern:

15 boats entered; 11 weigh zero; two weigh one fish (about 2 lbs); one weigh two fish (about 4 lbs); one boat weighs 5 fish, total 15 lbs, big bass around 8 lbs. And the same two guys won it every week.

So I was convinced they must be cheating, had a bunch of bass in a dog cage sunk somewhere. Not so - a Lake Fork guide straightened me out. He told me guys would buy those artificial plastic brush piles at Bass Pro and sink them around the lake. Using GPS they could get right back on them. He said they'd typically sink 15 or 20 of these. Only 4 or 5 would actually hold fish. In the tournament they'd go back to the brush piles that held fish and reel 'em in.

"You can sometimes beat those brush pile boys," he told me, "but not very often. They're gonna win most of the time."

Nice little business those guys had going. That particular lake had three of those working man's tournaments every week; average 15 boats in each, $30 per boat, that's $450 in the pot each tourney. First place was usually around $300, sometimes "winner take all"; and they always took big bass too.

Since I was just contributing money with no chance of winning any of it back I stoped fishing those tournaments.

fishing user avatarNoBassPro reply : 

Why doesn't anyone ever follow those guys around and punch some gps coords if that is true?

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Or just stop fishing them altogether? Find a different trail, if that's the case. Or learn how to beat them.

fishing user avatarNoBassPro reply : 

I'd want to try to move the artificial cover honestly. Just to see the reaction.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

That would be awesome, LOL.

fishing user avatartstone reply : 
  On 12/24/2011 at 9:48 AM, J Francho said:

Or learn how to beat them.

Sounds like a fun challenge to me.

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 

There are 3 reasons that I have fished tournaments.

1. When I was new to bass fishing in Florida - fished as a non boater in maybe 25 tournaments - It never cost me more than 100 bucks including gas money - I was with the winning boater twice. Where else are you going get a guide for under a Franklin a day.

2. I am a fiercely competetive person and I'm getting old. I played baseball through college, played Polo until I was 38 and have run triathalons. I'm now 45 and my body won't let me do anything but bike and fish. Tournament fishing gets me my competition fix.

3. I fish most of the time with my wife and kids. But occasionally I fish in a team tournament that draws over 100 boats and the best fishermen in the state of Florida just to see how good I am.

fishing user avatarredboat reply : 
  On 12/24/2011 at 9:34 AM, NoBassPro said:

Why doesn't anyone ever follow those guys around and punch some gps coords if that is true?

Tried that a couple times; we lost 'em when it got dark.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

So they aren't running a anchor or nav lights in the dark?

fishing user avatarNBR reply : 

I have but now don't fish T's. A reasonable number of them is no problem at all but I do think there are too many. Most T guys/gals are just fine but there a few jerks who give the rest a bad name

fishing user avatarbt fisherman reply : 

i won the indiana bass federation youth tournement 14 and under age group my first year fishing. i weighed a fish in at every tournement

fishing user avatarbassnmike78 reply : 

i fished a few buddy tournys and a fed nation tourny as a co-angler . its a tight knit group and your immediatly blackballed for being a spot burner . if your a co-angler and burn your previous boaters spot you will get back seated for awhile until they trust you again .

fishing user avatarWachati reply : 

I am joining a bass tournament league this year. There are many reasons. I am no where near where I need to be as far as a full skill set, and view it as a great learning oppurtunity. Its another great way to meet other people in your area who have the same addiction as well. I have always been a pond junkie, my schedule never allowed me to have the time to fish regularly. When I had a few hours I would go "wachati" some bass with buzzbaits and that would be that. I am looking forward to learning some things, building my different styles, and seeing where I stack up. I am highly competitive when it comes to anything, but I am pretty sure I will be put in my "place" this year, but that is a good thing, while I hate to lose, I will do whatever it takes not for it to happen again. I am not setting the bar too high, my first goal is to never come in with an empty sack. I am trying to maybe to team tourneys, I don't like the idea of having a co-angler tell me where he wants me to fish in my boat, lol. Go get your own, lol, its a tournament for heaven's sake. Thats like pond fishing, there are certain ponds you can fish, but never speak of, and thats how some spots should be....left unknown to others.

fishing user avatarbassnmike78 reply : 

@ wachati : most co-anglers don't really have a say in where to go but they can suggest a spot especially if the lake or river your on is there home lake . you can use them to your advantage sometimes but most times i try to just learn as much as possible from the boater and keep my mouth shut haha . i learned more in one trip just by watching the boater then i could have in a month fishing alone

fishing user avatarWachati reply : 

@bassnmike78 : Yeah I was just reading the tournament rules, and it says that time should be evenly shared between boater and non-boater on where to fish, so I just assumed. If I was a non-boater I wouldn't care where the heck we fished, I would just be happy I'm out there, and that is probably the case. Heck I might even learn something from the non-boater, lol.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

Letme throw this in...Just because someone can afford to own a boat doesn't mean they can fish... :tongue19:

fishing user avatarbassnmike78 reply : 

if your fishing a fed nation tx you don't share time at all . its all the boater and your along for the ride . i wish you would share time but honestly i don't know if i would want to control some guys 30k boat even if its only using the trolling motor

fishing user avatarWachati reply : 
  On 1/5/2012 at 11:38 AM, slonezp said:

Letme throw this in...Just because someone can afford to own a boat doesn't mean they can fish... :tongue19:

especially if its 38' Fountain, lol. Buying a boat just to go fast and thats it, has never made sense to me...maybe I'm just jealous cause I can't afford one. :laugh5:
fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

No one uses a 38' Fountain to bass fish. Unless I'm busy unhooking a fish on a windy day, no non/co is running the trolling motor on my $10K boat. In a team format, it's another story - most of my partners are boat owners, and are perfectly capable.

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 

ABA has rules for boat operation and says you basically must discuss sharing time for his/her selected waters prior to ooze-off. Nothing about sharing operation of the boat.

fishing user avatarNoBassPro reply : 
  On 1/5/2012 at 11:38 AM, slonezp said:

Letme throw this in...Just because someone can afford to own a boat doesn't mean they can fish... :tongue19:

That would be the primary reason I'd never want to enter as a non boater. I've seen these guys fish and read the tourny results in the paper often enough to know it would be a crap shoot.

fishing user avatarbassnmike78 reply : 

oh no doubt its a crap shoot . the trick is to always be confident in your own skills and even though your not competing agains't the boater you need to try and figure stuff out that he or she hasn't .

fishing user avatarlazeebum reply : 

I don't fish tournaments, because the entry money would be better spent on gas and bait. I would like to see the marine police at more of the tournaments in my area. The folks fishing tournaments around here are rude *** hats and need to be heavily fined.


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