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kvd leads 2025

fishing user avatarzero reply : 

kvd is leading by 3 lbs

second is bobby lane i hope bobby doesnt win

fishing user avatarIntroC reply : 

KVD is not human.

fishing user avatarBass XL reply : 

Why don't you want Bobby Lane to win?

fishing user avatarDalton Tam reply : 

final verdict on first day is Aaron martens with 20.7

Scott Rook with 19.? and KVD with 19.3

fishing user avatarGetfished reply : 

And Brent Chapman is 4th with 18 lbs. Gotta love those Tightlines baits

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

8th through 14th place are 15 ounces apart.  It's still anyone's event.  The top three or four anglers are fishing in spitting distance of each other.  I expect someone to come out of the top 10 to 15 and take this thing. Great photo's from the Bassmasters web site.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

The live weigh in was so-so. I'm holding my vote on the new emcee but his first day was nothing to write home about. After the weigh in concluded BASS held a Q and A session. The top 5 angler's sat up front panel style and took turns answering questions from the press. It was a little sappy. Despite the auspicious 1st day coverage, that tournament itself is setting up to be a good one.



fishing user avatarCapt Ray reply : 

This thing is still anyones game.  Two weeks ago our highs were in the 40's, tomorrow we will hit 80 with increasing South winds, heavy fog, and a full moon out during the day.

The fish will constantly change patterns over the next two days.  Should be interesting.

fishing user avatarfishermantony reply : 

How about Paul Elias and Brandon Palaniuk? (from Rathdrum Idaho!)  These 2 guys and the other Fed Nation guy are a big story so far too!

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

I highly doubt the area Martens, KVD, and Rook are sharing will last all 3 days and would be surprised if there wasn't a good drop in weights tomorrow from the leaders.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I fully expect Martens to fold under the pressure and at the very least whine and cry about how people fishing too close to him.

fishing user avatarManeframe reply : 

It was funny during the press conference they asked Rook why that area was so special and he said " cuz Van Dam is there, you know its got to be good, haha". I was really impressed with Brent Chapman's limit today. He said that he had to run 120 miles one way!!!! And only got to fish for an hr and some change due to the fog delay. Personally, that is pretty impressive to me. Who knows what he can do with a full day. Tomorrow will be interesting.

Anyone know how long the fog delay was?

fishing user avatarfishermantony reply : 
It was funny during the press conference they asked Rook why that area was so special and he said " cuz Van Dam is there, you know its got to be good, haha". I was really impressed with Brent Chapman's limit today. He said that he had to run 120 miles one way!!!! And only got to fish for an hr and some change due to the fog delay. Personally, that is pretty impressive to me. Who knows what he can do with a full day. Tomorrow will be interesting.

Anyone know how long the fog delay was?

1 hr 5 minutes I think. They were supposed to launch at 7 and launched at 8:10.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
I fully expect Martens to fold under the pressure and at the very least whine and cry about how people fishing too close to him.

Isn't that his MO?

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
I fully expect Martens to fold under the pressure and at the very least whine and cry about how people fishing too close to him.

Isn't that his MO?

I think anyone who has essentially lost two Classics on the final days and has a second place would complain just as much. It's those Cali dudes, just look at Fourbizz.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
I fully expect Martens to fold under the pressure and at the very least whine and cry about how people fishing too close to him.

Isn't that his MO?

I think anyone who has essentially lost two Classics on the final days and has a second place would complain just as much. It's those Cali dudes, just look at Fourbizz.

Wait, you mean Jay and Aaron aren't brothers?

fishing user avatarwisconsin heat reply : 

i hope aaron wins, its really about time he wins one of these.

fishing user avatarfishermantony reply : 

I read that piece in the live blog this morning about his interview from the other day and it made a small part of me root for him.  He talked about his mom staying with his dad who is very ill and her probably not making it to support him, and how his family was more upset than he was with those  Classic loses.  But all in all, he's like the pre 2004 Red Sox, you just never feel comfortable.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

He is already complaining about spectator boats and recreational guys fishing "his" spot. Has 3 in the boat and is about five and a half pound back. KVD also has three so it looks like that area is just about done.

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 

KVD is insane... 22 pounds?


fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 
He is already complaining about spectator boats and recreational guys fishing "his" spot. Has 3 in the boat and is about five and a half pound back. KVD also has three so it looks like that area is just about done.

I think that area still has some fish in it. :)

fishing user avatarfishermantony reply : 

Go Brandon Palaniuk!  Represent the Northwest and the Fed Nation!!

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

[movedhere] General Bass Fishing Forum [move by] five.bass.limit.

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 

Brent Chapman can catch KVD if he has more time to fish with his long run and no fog delay but with another fog delay KVD wins.

Tight Lines

Pa Angler

fishing user avatarSouth FLA reply : 

How does KVD do it? He is surrounded by great fishing talent, literally fishing the same area as them and gets a bigger bag!  Not sure if he has some spiritual connection or something, but he is so good that I feel like pulling for someone else just because he is too GOOD. Wish I could get in his head and watch his technique for a whole tour season.

fishing user avatarIntroC reply : 
How does KVD do it? He is surrounded by great fishing talent, literally fishing the same area as them and gets a bigger bag! Not sure if he has some spiritual connection or something, but he is so good that I feel like pulling for someone else just because he is too GOOD. Wish I could get in his head and watch his technique for a whole tour season.

It really is amazing that in a sport that is supposed to involve at least some amount of luck that someone can be so dominating. He really takes the luck factor out of fishing. And on top of that he doesn't seem to be slowing down any.

fishing user avatarGetfished reply : 

I think you can take the joke about him backlashing only once every three years one step further. Not only does he have a very trained thumb, I would bet he also has several very well trained and disciplined retrieve/cranking speeds or techniques. He correctly determines how to feed them his bait depending on their mood. I believe he has this type of ability.

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 

coming to NATGEO...

KVD is the Bass Whisperer.


fishing user avatarTin reply : 
He is already complaining about spectator boats and recreational guys fishing "his" spot. Has 3 in the boat and is about five and a half pound back. KVD also has three so it looks like that area is just about done.

I think that area still has some fish in it. :)

He clearly has the spot within the spot or has found out something to get those bigger fish to bite. He had 10 pounds more than Martens or Rook who were literally on top of him. I'm surprised between the three of them they only boated 20 keepers today. Should be good....

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
He is already complaining about spectator boats and recreational guys fishing "his" spot. Has 3 in the boat and is about five and a half pound back. KVD also has three so it looks like that area is just about done.

I think that area still has some fish in it. :)

He clearly has the spot within the spot or has found out something to get those bigger fish to bite. He had 10 pounds more than Martens or Rook who were literally on top of him. I'm surprised between the three of them they only boated 20 keepers today. Should be good....

Same story as last year on Lay.  VanDam had that one spot that just produced and reloaded.

He's no mere mortal.

fishing user avatarfishermantony reply : 

We should feel privileged to witness this greatness, doesn't come along often in any sport.

fishing user avatarIncheon Basser reply : 

Yes Kevin is good but I'm starting to feel bad for the other really good anglers who will be overlooked and forgotten from the history books due to his dominance

fishing user avatarIncheon Basser reply : 
We should feel privileged to witness this greatness, doesn't come along often in any sport.

it seems to come around a lot lately.







That's a living legend giant in almost every sport during my life time and that list could be much longer

fishing user avatarfishermantony reply : 

You can make a strong case that Jordan is in a class by himself, all time.  Woods I would make the argument that it is really him and Nicholas, all time, class by themselves.  Montana although he is my favorite of all time, would have more peers closer all time than the two athletes mentioned above, in my opinion.  Not better or even equal, just closer.  Bass fishing by the record, you've got Rick Clunn and now KVD, I'm assuming Clunn's dominance wasn't in your life time.  All in all I think true Greatness in sports is very rare.  If another Jordan or Woods comes along even in my kids lifetimes I'd be surprised.   

fishing user avatarjdw174 reply : 

I for one would absolutely LOVE to see KVD re-write the books today.  However, if he so much as burps in the wrong direction, there are others, especially the ones making the run south, who could pull this one out.  Chapman got a 20lb stringer in about 70 minutes :o , so think what he can do if he gets a fog-free day and even more fishing time.  If Kevin's area can't produce the fish he needs for a third day, I'd say anyone in the top 5 can win it down south.

fishing user avatarzero reply : 

i hope kvd make other pros cry it will be funny

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
i hope kvd make other pros cry it will be funny

"Baseballplayers/fishermen don't cry."

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 

lol from espn live blog:

"VanDam has a jar of nails and he's pounding them into the coffins of every other angler on the Delta."

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Chapman still has one fish to go and a bag of 2 pound fish. He started the same way yesterday and culled them all out with 3-5 pound fish. He still has a chance to catch KVD.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Here we go. . . .

Remitz's cameraman Brian Mason just confirmed that his big fish was a 10-pounder. That gives him close to 25 pounds. Ridiculous.

And the final day plot thickens.



fishing user avatarGetfished reply : 

I agree. Expect to see Chapman with another 18+ bag today. Problem is he will need 20+

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 

Should be a photo finish! Remitz & Chapman are putting the pressure big time.

and just to add to the madness:

"Aaron just told us he suspects there is an "anti-fish device" in his boat"


LOL really?

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
Chapman still has one fish to go and a bag of 2 pound fish. He started the same way yesterday and culled them all out with 3-5 pound fish. He still has a chance to catch KVD.

Chapman is making KC proud.  Lake Quivera is a suburb of the Kansas City metro area.  With his 5th place in the Classic last year and his performance this year he is raising his visibility.  I would love to see him win, but it wouldn't bother me if KVD won his fourth Classic either.  And it sounds like Remitz is going to bring in a monster bag today.  We have a competition.

fishing user avatarfishermantony reply : 

Ike's reported as having 20lbs today, unofficially putting him into 5th.  Too little too late.  Where we these 20lb bags in Venice the last couple days?  He said after yesterday's weigh in he knew they were there.

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

From the ESPN blog..pretty funny!!

3:10PM ET  As we watch BassTrakk on the final day of the Bassmaster Classic, we see that Kevin VanDam is shaping up to be the Chuck Norris of bass fishing.

Here's our top 10:

Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears KVD pajamas.

KVD doesn't need to actually cast for fish, he simply goes to a river or lake and says: "You, you, you, you and you -- in the livewell!"

KVD can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.

When the boogeyman goes to sleep, he checks his closet for KVD.

When KVD goes fishing, he doesn't need a fishing pole - he just stares at the water till the fish jump into his boat out of shear panic.

KVD runs until the treadmill gets tired.

They found KVD 's to-do list ... It is now known as The Guinness Book of World Records.

KVD doesn't do push-ups. He pushes the world down

KVD once won an underwater breathing contest with a fish.

KVD doesn't need to wait for a bite when he goes fishing; the fish know KVD doesn't like to wait.  :)

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 

Nice to see Martens not collapse... KVD edges it out again or did someone catch him?

I can't wait to find out. Thank you Interwebz.

fishing user avatarfishermantony reply : 

Unofficially its KVD then Martens.

fishing user avatarFlukeman reply : 
Ike's reported as having 20lbs today, unofficially putting him into 5th. Too little too late. Where we these 20lb bags in Venice the last couple days? He said after yesterday's weigh in he knew they were there.

the BassTraxx is not very accurate. I did that for a tourney before, basically you are tallying what the angler tells you. Let's just say from 50 feet you can tell when a fish is 2.5 and not 4lbs. But they all seem to be 4lbs on the last day   ;D

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 

28 even...

KVD is not human.

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

KVD for the win!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 

Another win for KVD

fishing user avatarzero reply : 

i hope martens cry and throw a fit like ike

fishing user avatarfishermantony reply : 
Ike's reported as having 20lbs today, unofficially putting him into 5th. Too little too late. Where we these 20lb bags in Venice the last couple days? He said after yesterday's weigh in he knew they were there.

the BassTraxx is not very accurate. I did that for a tourney before, basically you are tallying what the angler tells you. Let's just say from 50 feet you can tell when a fish is 2.5 and not 4lbs. But they all seem to be 4lbs on the last day ;D

He had 18.9, it was a lb and some change off.


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