The various other forums are on fire, western bass has more details.
I hope they press charges to the fullest extent. This really aggravates me, all the time and money we put in pre fishing and preparing for tournaments.
I always get mad when I think of all the tournaments that probably were won by these jerks.
Straight from the TD of WON Bass:
QuoteAs I was leaving the Callville Bay Marina Bar and Restaurant and weigh in location. I wanted to run by and check on our anglers whom were having motor or boat issues. As I drove to where Mark Niccoletti and Jordan from Anglers Marine, were working on some angler boats, I was flagged down by the Nevada Fish and game. They were filleting the fish that were collected after the weigh ins, which came to the scales "DEAD". I told them that I would return in a minute or two, as I wanted to check on a few of our anglers. When I was able to return to the area where the staff was cleaning the fish that are to be given to local area homeless families, I was pulled aside and told of two different issues. One was regarding a AAA, that dumped a whole bottle of Rejuv in a livewell, and ended up killing all of his fish due to over Rejuv. Then the Nevada fish and game agent seemed to have a lump in her throat and a plastic bag in her other hand. It was mentioned, that they happened to be talking about the fish that were being filleted, and what the fish happened to be eating. One of the staff, decided by random to open up the belly of a fish and instead of finding a crawdad, a lead weight, with a fixed drop shot hook was found in stead. There were a total of four 2 oz ( not confirmed ) weights in the bellies of three separate fish at day two weigh ins.
I was sick to my stomach when I saw what was in the bags, it was like someone hit me in the stomach with a hammer. I decided to make sure that nobody, other than the people that were at the fillet station, found out that we had discovered the weights. Headed to the hotel to check in with tour stat girls, so they could look up the number of anglers, who happened to weigh in 3 dead fish on day two. There were only three anglers that day that brought three dead fish to the scales that day. It was decided between Harvey and myself, that the best way to handle it, was to pretend that we never found out, so that whom ever was responsible, would feel as if they had gotten away with it. We placed some paper clips to the said anglers weigh cards, as we were confidant that the AAA's in no way had anything to do with what had happened, based on our findings.
Day three started at the scales and things were under way for the final day of the 2010 US Open. As the anglers approached the stage, I would look at the weigh cards waiting for those that had been clipped. As I look over, I see the first weigh card come up with a paper clip attached and nothing was found in his fish. The second clipped card came up, and same deal. As the third weigh card that was clipped came up, I saw Mike Hart at the bottom of the stage. I got on the mic, and announced his name, and made comments regarding the Castaicanator. Signals were given, and Mike's fish were placed in the holding tank. As the fish are tested to make sure they are dead, I was called over by my TD, John Cassidy. As I approached the area, to feel the belly of the first fish I grabbed, it was obvious that there was something hard, and unnatural in the belly of that fish. I asked Mike to step to the side, as there was something we needed to talk about. The five fish were immediately set aside in a separate bag. Mike was escorted to the side where we had officials waiting. All five fish that had been presented to our scales by Mr. Hart where then gutted, and as most of you have seen, the lead weights where in all five fish. As I continued to keep the scales going, it was said that Mike had run. I was not made aware of the fact the Mike Hart was still around, until an angler came to me and said, that Mike was still here, but was hiding in a friends truck. I was taken to the truck, as Mike had requested to talk with me. I opened the driver side door, as Mike Hart was in the passenger side with the air on. As I got in the car, all the signs were there...... He was slumped in the chair with his hands on his face. He confessed to adding weights to the fish and was completely demoralized regarding his pour and completely unacceptable decision he had made by cheating. I mentioned that he had made it to easy for us to figure out, and it was only due to the fact that the Nevada Fish and Game happened to fillet and donate the meat to the local homeless families. I asked him, if he wanted to take the stage and face his friends family and fellow anglers, and he said he could not face it. I explained that we as a tournament organization will go after him with everything we have, and that I was troubled that we would have to make an example of him.
As you have read in our Blog.... Mike hart has been banned for life from all WON Bass tournaments, and is facing criminal charges. It is a sad day in angling history once again. I am sorry that this had to happen and take any of the deserved emotion of winning the US Open away from Clifford Pirch. He deserves everything, for winning this years event, and he does not deserve to have his moment taken away.
Mike Harts action does not, and should not reflect what so ever on any of the AAA's he happened to fish with on any of the three days of this years 2010 US Open. As there was no fish found to have weights added to them on Monday, and that we could not confirm that Mike had actually put the weights in the Tuesday fish, both the AAA's weights for Monday and Tuesday were left as is. The AAA that was paired with him today, was given his entry fee back.
Please.... lets all remember this is a human being that we are talking about. He made a horrific and unforgivable mistake and will have to live with his decisions for the rest of his life. This will no doubt show that we tournament organizations are serious about cheaters and are determined to create what ever we have to to keep the integrity of our sporty alive. It is now 1:30 AM on the day after... and I need to call it quits for today. I am sure this is not the last of this, and we will keep you posted as more information is available.
I don't know what I'm more mad about, him cheating or him killing the fish by shoving weights in their mouths...
I'm just curious, did it say anywhere if he would have actually won WITHOUT putting the weights in the fish?
It didnt say, but I doubt it. Mead is a small bass lake. So the extra 1.5lbs aggregate is a HUGE difference.
QuoteI don't know what I'm more mad about, him cheating or him killing the fish by shoving weights in their mouths...I'm just curious, did it say anywhere if he would have actually won WITHOUT putting the weights in the fish?
I don't think he would have actually won with or without the weights. He had 18.82 after day two. Leader was 22.32. There was also 10 other guys with over 20 pounds in front of him. It would have been a long shot.
Glad he got caught.
Throw the book at him
Never, ever let him fish another organized tournament.
Require that he surrender his fishing license.
It's probably a good thing he did not get up on stage. His tail would have never made it out of the parking lot in one piece.
Good bye Mike Hart.
Love it when the bad guys get busted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you notice the dead fish due to Rejuvinade? You can't kill fish from using "too much", unless it's toxic stuff to use on your fish in the first place. Period.
I've accidentally used "too much" Catch & Release, which merely got all my fish stoned. I opened the livewell, and they were like, "Heeyyy duuude" LOL!
His punishment shall be that he must fight Antonio Margarito.
I find it more pathetic than horrific though. Sucks that the fish died....
QuoteI've accidentally used "too much" Catch & Release, which merely got all my fish stoned. I opened the livewell, and they were like, "Heeyyy duuude" LOL!
;D Yeah, open the livewell and they're all laying on their sides.....nice and alive...just chillin'. Happens quite often during the summer months when you are pumping in fresh water and such, then you add some more C&R and the party is on!
When you open the box:
" Aaaaahhh DUDE! Kill the lights bro, youre harshin my mellow!"
QuoteWhen you open the box:" Aaaaahhh DUDE! Kill the lights bro, youre harshin my mellow!"
Reading this quote and looking at your avatar, I can see Randy Marsh saying those exact words.
So is it me, or is the TD's story really fun to read? Like a train full of puppies derailing. Horrible, but you just cant look away...
I just really find it flabergasting. How much gall do you have to have to actually go through with that? How can you think you would not eventually get caught?
It's like a tv show man. They came up with a secret plan to catch the guy in the act. I nominate the TD for the lead role in next season's CSI: Las Vegas. One smart cookie I say
Years back late 80s we had a guy that started winning all the tournaments on Lake Okeechobee, people got suspicious and they sent a boat to follow him, he noticed they were following him and came in with no fish that tournament. He claimed he didn't want to give away his hole.
Keep in mind the local tournaments at the time fished about a 100 boats, this dude winds up getting a divorce after messing around on his old lady.
This guy lived right on the rim canal of the lake.
The soon to be ex wife went to the director of the tournament trail and had all the tackle shop owners meet her there. She told them that he would shiner fish all week and he had an old freezer that he made onto a live well. He would pull into his boathouse and go inside and watch TV all day, about 1/2 hour from weigh in he would load the fish up and go weigh in 25-35 lbs of fish.
They never charged him. Statute of limitations and lack of evidence, other then her testimony which isn't always enough in a criminal case.
The guy took off, he never fished tournaments again.
tracker I heard that same story before.
QuoteIt's like a tv show man. They came up with a secret plan to catch the guy in the act. I nominate the TD for the lead role in next season's CSI: Las Vegas. One smart cookie I say
The guy is Bill Egan and he runs SBI (Swimbaits, Inc.) as well.
His company makes some very realistic wraps for swimbaits. This was his first tournament as TD. Nothing like trial by fire to see if you can hack it.
From what I have read, he has received nothing but praise for how the situation was handled.
I also read where Hart's long time friend and fishing partner has come out to say that this never happened when they fished as a team. It would really, really suck to be him right now too. He has not been implicated in any of this, but I am sure he will also be under a microscope should he fish with anyone else or a singles T.
QuoteI also read where Hart's long time friend and fishing partner has come out to say that this never happened when they fished as a team. It would really, really suck to be him right now too. He has not been implicated in any of this, but I am sure he will also be under a microscope should he fish with anyone else or a singles T.
I hear ya Wayne. I read his partners statement and I feel sorry for the guy right about now, (assuming he had done nothing in the past when he and CHEATER fished together)
Mike Hart is a well known and was respected for his bass tournament successes in SoCal; fished approximately 100 team events, was in the money over 75% of the time and won over $190K and a few boats. Mikes team partners include Siemantel (Fishing Hall of Fame), "Zank" Vizanko and Chandler, all respected anglers.
This is why the cheating by Mike during the US Open was such a shock to everyone who fishes SoCal tournaments. It's not fair to sweep Mikes partners under the bus because he made a bad decision, they should not be guilty by association.
Hart is guilty of cheating and the bass fishing community will never forgive him or allow him to bass fish any tournaments, his career is over.
QuoteIt's not fair to sweep Mikes partners under the bus because he made a bad decision, they should not be guilty by association.
I agree 100%, however people will now have doubts.
Guilt by association is a fact of life, especially when "winning and losing" are thrown in.
QuoteMike Hart is a well known and was respected for his bass tournament successes in SoCal; fished approximately 100 team events, was in the money over 75% of the time and won over $190K and a few boats. Mikes team partners include Siemantel (Fishing Hall of Fame), "Zank" Vizanko and Chandler, all respected anglers.This is why the cheating by Mike during the US Open was such a shock to everyone who fishes SoCal tournaments. It's not fair to sweep Mikes partners under the bus because he made a bad decision, they should not be guilty by association.
Hart is guilty of cheating and the bass fishing community will never forgive him or allow him to bass fish any tournaments, his career is over.
You can toss out the well respected part, and as far as I'm concerned his wins mean nothing.
As far as his partners do you think that could be pulled off without the boat occupant knowing?
Maybe, he could have told the guy to take the front while he checked his fish, any tournament angler will be fishing not paying attention.
Disgusting. To cheat, and to kill a fish in the process...just wrong.
Something that I think a lot of people are missing, is that the dead fish weighed in were likely not dead from the weight, but from the intense heat. There were a LOT of dead fish weighed in. His third day limit of five fish were weighed live, but killed to prove they had been weighted.
QuoteSomething that I think a lot of people are missing, is that the dead fish weighed in were likely not dead from the weight, but from the intense heat. There were a LOT of dead fish weighed in. His third day limit of five fish were weighed live, but killed to prove they had been weighted.
I don't really think that makes a difference, how long do you think they would have made it with those weights pulling down.
QuoteQuoteSomething that I think a lot of people are missing, is that the dead fish weighed in were likely not dead from the weight, but from the intense heat. There were a LOT of dead fish weighed in. His third day limit of five fish were weighed live, but killed to prove they had been weighted.
I don't really think that makes a difference, how long do you think they would have made it with those weights pulling down.
That doesnt matter to me.
"Mike Hart is a well known and was respected for his bass tournament successes in SoCal; fished approximately 100 team events, was in the money over 75% of the time and won over $190K and a few boats."
Now I don't know about the rest of ya'll, but I'd make him payback all his winnings and boats plus taxes and penalties.
Once a cheat, always a cheat regards-
When money is on the line, people do crazy things! From corking bats to drugs, at least in fishing we ban them for life.
When I was a child in Bossier City La., one of my friends dad went away for many years due to cheating in bass tournaments. It was devastating on his family. Apparently he and his partner had a swimming pool full of FL. bass. It is good that Mr. Hart was caught but I feel for Mike and his family.
In our hearts we know he cheated, but if there was a hook attached to the weight they will have a hard time prosecuting him. That is if he has a good lawer.
QuoteIn our hearts we know he cheated, but if there was a hook attached to the weight they will have a hard time prosecuting him. That is if he has a good lawer.![]()
Not if he confessed to it.
It looks like they are going to need an x-ray machine at every weigh in soon.
where is the world was the coangler as he was stuffing fish? Must have been REALLY sneaky...
This is why I would never enter a $ tourney without random coangler draws or marhsalls. I would wager some form of cheating takes place in any "team" tourney, or tourney without random draws, by at least 1 boat. I am not a very trusting person...
I will at least stick to tourney where there is a chance a co-angler or marshall would blow the whistle on fraud.
Just curious. My club penalizes 1lb for a dead fish at weigh in. Is this not a normal practice? If it wasn't the heat that killed the fish and was the lead, why would someone risk adding 2oz versus losing a pound? Maybe I just don't understand the cheater mentality.
Talk about a sorry organization, they are not gonna prosecute the cheater and he confessed to cheating.
WON Bass lost all my respect. :-[
Yeah, that seems like a VERY strange move to me. More to the story maybe?
Would love to hear some of the western fishing forums comments on this.
Surely WON Bass is getting some negative feedback from its anglers over its decision.
Oh yeah. WB has a couple threads started last night. The way that place is they will probably be locked by noon.
Here's another story with a pic of the angler.
You don't love or respect the sport or the fish if you can do something like this and IMO he never did, glad he got caught. He should be denied a fishing license in all 50 states for life.
From the above post I take it that One Bass is not prosecuting. I'm sure they have good reason not to if that is the case. If he didn't walk away with the check, or admit to any other wrong doing in other tournaments it would be hard to prosecute for much. That's okay though. We fishermen know who he is now. The S O B's name will be trash anywhere he goes from here on out. I'm in Illinois and this P.O.S. would get thrown out of a bluegill tourney if he was to show up. I guess what I'm trying to say is that he will never fish another bass tournament in his life, anywhere! California to Maine, or Florida to Alaska, his name will be known. We should make it a point to re post his name each year the Open is held so we don't forget.
I dont understand the " he didnt get the check" train of thought. Is that to say that if I walk into a bank with an uzi, but get tackled before I walk out, that I would walk away scott free? Nonsense.
It is attempted felony contest fraud. Book em Danno.
we need to be more understanding. Perhaps he had problems or needs that weren't being addressed that caused him to act out. Let's all have a glass of juice, sit back from the computer, cool down and rethink all this negativity.
QuoteI dont understand the " he didnt get the check" train of thought. Is that to say that if I walk into a bank with an uzi, but get tackled before I walk out, that I would walk away scott free? Nonsense.It is attempted felony contest fraud. Book em Danno.
Exactly, Robbie Rose didn't walk away with the boat (he was d**n close) and he was fined and spent time in jail.
Hart admitted it and it was a $100,000 tournament. What place he was in doesn't matter. Still cheated and still deserves a punishment at least to the extent of what Rose got.
We do not have the option of pressing charges, etc. It is up to the state of federal goverment to prosecute a criminal case and it is the state versus whover is charged in a criminal case. All we can do is cooperate or not, but we have no say in whether a case is prosecuted. This is not different than any other criminal case.
The Nevada Wildlife department was involved with the initial sting operation in the matter, so obviously we have been more than willing to cooperate with them and any other legal authority involved. But we do not get to "press charges" as some are suggesting.
We were told at that time, and again since, to not discuss the case in public, other than to report the facts in our own publication. The more facts are discussed and things get report incorrectly, the more it would hurt any case they might choose to pursue, as an attorney would point to these contradictions when evidence is introduced.
I do think we did a good job in catching a cheater in the US OPEN, and in doing so in a way that mazimized the evidence we had against him and eliminated any controvery and debate in that regard. It obviously is a story getting a lot of press, and hopefully it helps to improve the sport in the long haul.
Our focus at the US OPEN though was not to catch a cheater , as we had hundreds of great and honest anglers battling it out in an amazing battle under the most brutal conditions you can imagine. It was an incredible tournament, a unforgetable Tribute to the Legends dinner program, following a great Icast show. That is what we would like for peope to remember about this years US OPEN, and many will for sure.
From another forum...
Do you think he was the first one to do this, or just the first one to get caught?
QuoteDo you think he was the first one to do this, or just the first one to get caught?
Where there's money , cheats are there.
QuoteDo you think he was the first one to do this, or just the first one to get caught?
Not the first to do it
Not the first one caught
Not the last to do it
Not the last one that will be caught
QuoteQuoteDo you think he was the first one to do this, or just the first one to get caught?Where there's money , cheats are there.
Yep. I've been in Church (yes Church) golf tourneys where members of the foursome I was in wanted to pull some shady things. Guys turning in 18 handicaps that haven't shot above 80 in decades.
Cheats are everywhere when money is on the line.
I'm with fourbizz; hang this S.O.B.
Get the rope !