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The Classic 2025

fishing user avatarJustbass11 reply : 

The Classic, anyone going??? I know  stupid question. But, who is going to win it this year??? 

fishing user avatarrosshilk reply : 

Aaron Martens will finish his elite series career winning his first classic. It’s literally all he is missing in his elite series career.

fishing user avatarjbsoonerfan reply : 

EE or Jordan Lee. They are tuned in right now.

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

Brandon Lester . He doesnt live that far away and was either snubbed or turned down the invite to the More Little Fish league . I'm pulling for him .

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

What's - The Classic ???

 I thought the name had been changed to 

The Jordan Lee Invitational . . . . . 

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fishing user avatarcrypt reply : 

Jason Christie...…….

fishing user avatarTlauz reply : 

This will be the last Classic with all the top anglers for awhile. It should be interesting. Next years classic will seem strange without all the big names. 

fishing user avatarSmokinal reply : 
  On 2/18/2019 at 10:50 AM, rosshilk said:

Aaron Martens will finish his elite series career winning his first classic. It’s literally all he is missing in his elite series career.

I'd love to see that happen!

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 

I would follow them around and get some pictures for y’all but my boat is very slow! Maybe pictures of them zooming by???  I’m cheering for deFoe but wouldn’t bet against j lee

fishing user avatarMIbassyaker reply : 
  On 2/18/2019 at 10:50 AM, rosshilk said:

Aaron Martens

  On 2/18/2019 at 1:20 PM, jbsoonerfan said:

EE or Jordan Lee.

  On 2/18/2019 at 11:49 PM, crypt said:

Jason Christie.

  On 2/19/2019 at 9:26 PM, TnRiver46 said:



Very, very hard to bet against any of these. 


But if I had to, I would seriously consider Wesley Strader.



fishing user avatarbowhunter63 reply : 

Maybe KVD might be his last one.

fishing user avatarKevin Goodwin reply : 
  On 2/20/2019 at 12:55 PM, bowhunter63 said:

Maybe KVD might be his last one.

Yeah what's going on with KVD? Is he full time MLF now? Is he doing both? Only the classic? I was surprised to see he was fishing the classic because I thought he switched to MLF...

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 
  On 3/8/2019 at 10:00 PM, Kevin Goodwin said:

Yeah what's going on with KVD? Is he full time MLF now? Is he doing both? Only the classic? I was surprised to see he was fishing the classic because I thought he switched to MLF...

Him and most of the other field qualified last year . 

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 
  On 2/19/2019 at 7:55 AM, Tlauz said:

This will be the last Classic with all the top anglers for awhile. It should be interesting. Next years classic will seem strange without all the big names. 


  On 3/8/2019 at 10:00 PM, Kevin Goodwin said:

Yeah what's going on with KVD? Is he full time MLF now? Is he doing both? Only the classic? I was surprised to see he was fishing the classic because I thought he switched to MLF...

I was surprised to see names I recognized, also.  Wonder if BM didn't consider 'unqualifying' those that bolted.  Or that MLF didn't schedule something big next weekend

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Ike pulls it out on the last day.


Then again.....................

fishing user avatarHeyCoach reply : 

I think Strader, JLee, or A-A-Ron May end up on top. 

fishing user avatarCroakHunter reply : 

Ott, Christie, j-lee, Jacob wheeler, and Edwin evers would be who I was betting on. 

fishing user avatarJ.Vincent reply : 

Very Likely to Place in Top 10:

Ott DeFoe 

Randal Tharp

Jason Christie

Brandon Lester

Jordan Lee

Wesley Strader 

Edwin Evers




Dark Horse:




fishing user avatarJustbass11 reply : 

I like Gerald Swindale

fishing user avatarredux reply : 

I'm torn between Hack or Christie.

fishing user avatarflatcreek reply : 


fishing user avatarryanerb reply : 

I thought I overheard there is a cut after day 1? Any more details?

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 3/16/2019 at 3:44 AM, ryanerb said:

I thought I overheard there is a cut after day 1? Any more details?

No so ~ 

It's #25 After day 2 


fishing user avatarjbsoonerfan reply : 

Looks like it was a tough day out there.



Who knows though, maybe all those MLF guys just try to catch 1-2 lbers all the time so they can't get on a big bite. :lol-045:

fishing user avatarTennessee Boy reply : 



Gotta be nice sleeping in your own bed with the lead in the Bass Master Classic. 

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

I was hoping Aaron would finally win a Classic. You can't win on day 1 but you can lose it. Looks like 5 of the top 7 are western bass pro's. It's going to be hard to beat Ott on his home waters with a big lead.


fishing user avatarSam reply : 
  On 2/19/2019 at 9:56 AM, Smokinal said:

I'd love to see that happen!

Aaron had a bad day one.


If he doesn't turn it around on Saturday it is good-bye, Aaron.

fishing user avatarBrian Owens reply : 

Can someone clue me in on why so many people are saying this is the last classic? Does it have to do with MLF? Sorry I'm out of the loop. Watching the live stream but can't find any info on what everyone keeps referencing about this being the last classic. 



fishing user avatarJ.Vincent reply : 
  On 3/17/2019 at 1:30 AM, Brian Owens said:

Can someone clue me in on why so many people are saying this is the last classic? Does it have to do with MLF? Sorry I'm out of the loop. Watching the live stream but can't find any info on what everyone keeps referencing about this being the last classic. 



Half of the Elite field left for the Major League Fishing trail;  Some of those veteran anglers who are now with MLF, will likely never have another chance to fish the Elites, especially if things go well with the new MLF trail. So unless they can compete in the Opens and qualify for the classic through that route then it’s probably their final classic. But it’s technically not the last Classic for B.A.S.S.

fishing user avatarBrian Owens reply : 
  On 3/17/2019 at 2:01 AM, J.Vincent said:

Half of the Elite field left for the Major League Fishing trail;  Some of those veteran anglers who are now with MLF, will likely never have another chance to fish the Elites, especially if things go well with the new MLF trail. So unless they can compete in the Opens and qualify for the classic through that route then it’s probably their final classic. But it’s technically not the last Classic for B.A.S.S.

Gotcha, I thought that was the case. Thanks for filling me in!

fishing user avatarmheichelbech reply : 

Where can articles about the classic be found?  I was surprised there wasn’t much written on the website.

fishing user avatarSwbass15 reply : 

Ike was fishing like someone possessed this morning was fun to watch. No theatrics just him fishing in the moment was pretty cool to watch. Interesting shake up today will be fun to watch the final day.

fishing user avatarTennessee Boy reply : 

I've been watching a lot of the Classic.  I'm reminded how much I prefer the BASS scoring system to MLF’s.  There are a lot of guys catching a lot of dinks in this tournament.  19 of the top 25 had a limit both days.   Today Keith Poche in 37th place culled 12 fish that weighted a little under 13 lbs.  Adrian Avena in 9th place culled 15 that weighted 15 lbs.   Under MLF rules this would be a total dink fest.   The guys at the top are the ones finding the big ones.  That’s the way it’s supposed to be.

fishing user avatarTlauz reply : 

I enjoy both BASS and MLF format.  I really like the MLF events where they don't know where they are going.  I enjoy watching them try to break down a lake quickly.  I also enjoy when it is tough.   It reminds me more of what a lot of regular anglers go through.  Most lakes are good at certain times, but can you catch fish when it is tough.  I am sure many of the anglers will miss BASS and the classic, but I also feel BASS will definitely miss the anglers.  Next years classic will not have the same feel.  I think the new guys are great sticks, but I enjoy watching people I have come to know over the years.  Who knows what the future holds.  I would love to see one big tournament with the top 15 from MLF, BASS and FLW go at it once a year.  It would be great for the fans.  

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 3/17/2019 at 7:30 AM, Swbass15 said:

Ike was fishing like someone possessed this morning was fun to watch. No theatrics just him fishing in the moment was pretty cool to watch. Interesting shake up today will be fun to watch the final day.

I drive by that area at work almost every day of the year.  I always wondered if there were fish in there, thanks to Ike I now know! Haha

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Have really been enjoying the Classic and talking to everyone.  And....also enjoy FLW an MLF.....variety is the spice of life some say.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Mr. Iaconelli is getting a few on a crankbait this morning.

Interesting how he calls every bite a "Big One" and then need to measure the Big One to ensure it reaches the 14-inch size requirement.  Maybe Big One means something else I'm not aware of . . . .

I do enjoy watching the man fish when he conducts himself like a Man.


fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 
  On 3/17/2019 at 8:55 PM, A-Jay said:

12-inch size requirement

Its 14 for this body of water and 18 for brown ones .

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 3/17/2019 at 9:09 PM, scaleface said:

Its 14 for this body of water and 18 for brown ones .

Guess that 2 inches put them into the Big One category.

Thank you - fixed it.


fishing user avatar12poundbass reply : 

It seems like year after year Ike is in contention to win the Classic. 

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

Does anybody know what the crankbait was , that broke , while working a  fish, that Rojas was using ?

fishing user avatarRB 77 reply : 
  On 3/17/2019 at 8:55 PM, A-Jay said:

Mr. Iaconelli is getting a few on a crankbait this morning.

Interesting how he calls every bite a "Big One" and then need to measure the Big One to ensure it reaches the 14-inch size requirement.  Maybe Big One means something else I'm not aware of . . . .

I do enjoy watching the man fish when he conducts himself like a Man.



Its funny, my father used to do this a all the time. Every fish practically, all the while using a fairy wand and 5 lb test. Of course they're all gonna feel like giants. Haha. It go so bad, that I even stopped paying attention anymore until one day last season he DID hook a giant. I had just fired out a bomber cast and didn't bother to look back as this was the 20th "giant" of the morning. By the time I heard the drag start screaming I was already 40-50 yards out on a cast. Too late to grab the net. He managed to get the fish to boat and lip it. After a congrats and some photos we had a talk about the "giants" and the importance of the net on big fish. He has gotten better about it since then. Haha. Man, I love fishing with ol' Pops.

fishing user avatarNHBull reply : 
  On 3/17/2019 at 8:55 PM, A-Jay said:

Mr. Iaconelli is getting a few on a crankbait this morning.

Interesting how he calls every bite a "Big One" and then need to measure the Big One to ensure it reaches the 14-inch size requirement.  Maybe Big One means something else I'm not aware of . . . .

I do enjoy watching the man fish when he conducts himself like a Man.


I like him too, but wouldn't want to be in a boat with him for a day......But give the guy credit, he does know how to market himself 

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 3/18/2019 at 4:10 AM, NHBull said:

I like him too, but wouldn't want to be in a boat with him for a day......But give the guy credit, he does know how to market himself 

Acting like he should be playing cards with Randle Patrick "Mac" McMurphy, Chief Bromden, Billy Bibbit & Charlie Cheswick is an interesting marketing approach.  I do not believe Nurse Rachet would approve of any of it. 




fishing user avatarMIbassyaker reply : 

Sorry, I love Ike, antics and all.  I'll happily take your place on his boat.


The man radiates pure, uncut enthusiasm for fishing in a way that nobody can match. I understand that's not everybody's bag, but I find it infectious.

fishing user avatarJrob78 reply : 

Congratulations Ott Defoe! Really happy for him, seems like such a good dude.

fishing user avatarjbsoonerfan reply : 
  On 3/18/2019 at 6:35 AM, Jrob78 said:

Congratulations Ott Defoe! Really happy for him, seems like such a good dude.


fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Congratulations to Ott DeFoe ~ 2019 Bassmaster Classic Champion.

Good Dude. 



fishing user avatarCrankFate reply : 
  On 3/18/2019 at 6:25 AM, MIbassyaker said:

Sorry, I love Ike, antics and all.  I'll happily take your place on his boat.


The man radiates pure, uncut enthusiasm for fishing in a way that nobody can match. I understand that's not everybody's bag, but I find it infectious.

He’s from New Jersey. And a stone’s throw away from Philadelphia at that. Just let that sink in for a few. There’s maybe 5 bass in the whole region. I like Ike. His city limits fishing is one of the best bass fishing shows ever.

fishing user avatarMIbassyaker reply : 
  On 3/18/2019 at 6:52 AM, CrankFate said:

He’s from New Jersey. And a stone’s throw away from Philadelphia at that. Just let that sink in for a few. There’s maybe 5 bass in the whole region. I like Ike. His city limits fishing is one of the best bass fishing shows ever.

Actually, there are a lot of bass in NJ and eastern PA. Not giants by the standards of other regions, but respectable, fishable numbers. It's just that most of the waterbodies are small. I used to live in the Trenton area.

fishing user avatarNYWayfarer reply : 

Grats to Ott! Hard fought tourney for sure.


Glad to see Ike finish strong. I would have loved to join him for a beer at his Ike live after party.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Not many B.A.S.S. Elites finished in the top 10 except the young western pro's.

Hometown guys Ott DeFoe the winner and Jacob Wheeler 2nd are MLF anglers.

Next years Classic will be interesting to see how B.A.S.S. presents the winners trophy, dought if it will be Ott!


fishing user avatarJrob78 reply : 

There was only 1 current BASS guy in the top 10, Brandon Lester. Best I can tell there were only 16 non MLF guys fishing the Classic and some of them were BASS Nation and Opens anglers and not Elite guys. The Classic will look VERY different next year.


Ott will be there next year to hand the trophy off, the past years winner qualifies for the next years Classic.

fishing user avatarTennessee Boy reply : 
  On 3/18/2019 at 8:08 AM, Jrob78 said:

There was only 1 current BASS guy in the top 10, Brandon Lester. Best I can tell there were only 16 non MLF guys fishing the Classic and some of them were BASS Nation and Opens anglers and not Elite guys. The Classic will look VERY different next year.


Ott will be there next year to hand the trophy off, the past years winner qualifies for the next years Classic.

If I was BASS I would change the rules to invite several previous champions.  Inviting all previous champions might be too many but the last 10 years and maybe anyone who has won more that once would be a good start.  BASS can create new stars but that will take time.  They need some of the all time greats competing in the Classic.

fishing user avatarJrob78 reply : 
  On 3/18/2019 at 8:20 AM, Tennessee Boy said:

If I was BASS I would change the rules to invite several previous champions.  Inviting all previous champions might be too many but the last 10 years and maybe anyone who has one more that once would be a good start.  BASS can create new stars but that will take time.  They need some of the all time greats competing in the Classic.

I don't think they will ever do that with so much emphasis put on how difficult it is to qualify for the Classic. It will be interesting to see how next years attendance is affected when there aren't many familiar names fishing it though. 

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

Congratulations to Keith Poche    for the assist .  

fishing user avatarCrankFate reply : 
  On 3/18/2019 at 7:22 AM, MIbassyaker said:

Actually, there are a lot of bass in NJ and eastern PA. Not giants by the standards of other regions, but respectable, fishable numbers. It's just that most of the waterbodies are small. I used to live in the Trenton area.

I know. I was joking. But the big catches that happen in other parts of the country are not likely there. I don’t think many people are pulling 49lb totals there.

  On 3/18/2019 at 8:28 AM, Jrob78 said:

I don't think they will ever do that with so much emphasis put on how difficult it is to qualify for the Classic. It will be interesting to see how next years attendance is affected when there aren't many familiar names fishing it though. 

I should quit my job right now, buy a boat and hope that within 3-5 years, I get a shot :Idea3:

fishing user avatarMIbassyaker reply : 

BASS is putting on the best face possible given the circumstances, but they know full well that the reputation of the Classic depends on the reputation of the competitors fishing it.  And if there is widespread perception that the Classic no longer actually features the best, hottest, and most competitive tournament anglers of the day (or at least most of them), then it will be in BASS's interest to change the rules for qualification.

fishing user avatarMIbassyaker reply : 
  On 3/18/2019 at 8:39 AM, scaleface said:

Congratulations to Keith Poche    for the assist .  

Poche should get like a miniature version of the trophy.


Although, to be fair, Ott still had to catch them. If Keith could have caught them, he would have instead!

fishing user avatarOCdockskipper reply : 
  On 3/18/2019 at 8:08 AM, Jrob78 said:

...Ott will be there next year to hand the trophy off, the past years winner qualifies for the next years Classic.

Does it or does the winner have to fish the Elite series or Opens to cash in the automatic invite?


I'm thinking of Luke Clausens Classic win, I believe he fished FLW the next year and wasn't there to defend his title the next year.


Largest bag for the tournament was by an Elite angler (Zaldain). 


I heard the MLF guys kept releasing keepers instead of putting them in the livewell and were asking when the 1st period break was going to be...


fishing user avatarJrob78 reply : 
  On 3/18/2019 at 11:03 AM, OCdockskipper said:

Does it or does the winner have to fish the Elite series or Opens to cash in the automatic invite?


I'm thinking of Luke Clausens Classic win, I believe he fished FLW the next year and wasn't there to defend his title the next year.

As far as I know he gets an automatic entry into next years Classic but I can't think of any examples one way or the other off the top of my head.

fishing user avatarFordsnFishin reply : 

Congrats to ike for the sick crowd dive.


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