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Se Mass...frostbite Gettogether? 2025

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 

Who's interested in sneaking in one more?

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

I'll give it a whirl if you all don't mind.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

I'm in as long as it's before November 21. That's when my engine gets winterized.

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 

How about...and this is just a thought...Quinsigamond...Halloween weekend?

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Trick or treat. Sounds appropriate.

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 

Easy ramp...nice parking lot...and the fish can really be on in the fall...Just a thought.

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

Sorry, I can't make that weekend.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
  On 10/21/2011 at 3:19 AM, Jigfishn10 said:

Sorry, I can't make that weekend.

What about the following Saturday?

fishing user avatarJones508 reply : 

Sure! I can do any Saturdays

fishing user avatarfreebie reply : 

I'd be interested in joining you guys but I work Saturdays so will have to wait until you can do a sunday trip. I don't have a boat yet but should by sometime next year. If anyone knows of a boat available that needs a motor or other work then I'd be interested in hearing about it(I'm an outboard tech at a rebuilding shop)


fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 
  On 10/21/2011 at 5:37 AM, Fishing Rhino said:

What about the following Saturday?

I'm sorry, I got my days mixed up, the 29th works. Now I gotta see if I can pass the bill thru congress.

Freebie...welcome to the site.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

So, it looks like the 29th is a go. Is the Home Depot the meeting spot? What time?

fishing user avatarGrundleLove reply : 

As it stands right now im 50/50 and will know by sometime early next week. Do not hold a spot for me.

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 

Hello Freebie...Everybody that can make Sunday Oct 30 7:00am at Home Depot in Bellingham, please signify by saying Aye...


fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

Sorry guys, Sunday's are impossible for me. Have fun and Good luck! :)

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Aye, and avast yuh swabbies. Either day is AOK.

fishing user avatarThe one that got away reply : 

Unless things change on the family schedule, I'm good for either day. I'm a non-boater, so only if there's room.

fishing user avatarJones508 reply : 

Sorry guys I can't do the Sunday thing. I can only go if it's Saturday but please don't let me hold anyone back.

fishing user avatarfreebie reply : 

dont change days on account of me. especially since I am a non boater for the time being. also if anyone isever looking for someone to fish on a monday I am off every monday. definitely don't mind chipping in for gas beer or whatever else. can also back up a trailer very well.

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 

Ok let's get a head count for next Saturday...Who is definite and who's not... that got away

tate.........................................................Jones 508

Fishing Rhino..........................................Jigfishing10


Is this correct?

By the way Freebie...I love fishing on Mondays...


fishing user avatarJones508 reply : 

Next Sat. is fine by me

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

Just punched my ticket and passed the bill thru congress. I'll be at Homer D. Poe's Bellingham house on Saturday @ 7:00 AM. I hope Rhino doesn't mind me on his boat again! :lol:

fishing user avatarThe one that got away reply : 

Saturday for me has just been ruled out by The Queen of Mendon. I've been told I can be paroled for the day on Sunday, so if the group plans change to Sunday, I'm in as long as someone has room on a boat.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
  On 10/23/2011 at 4:06 AM, Jigfishn10 said:

Just punched my ticket and passed the bill thru congress. I'll be at Homer D. Poe's Bellingham house on Saturday @ 7:00 AM. I hope Rhino doesn't mind me on his boat again! :lol:

As long as I'm not on the receiving end of one of your hooksets it's fine.

For all participants, and interested parties, this will likely be the last go round of the season. However, it would be wise for us to stay in touch, and maybe meet for breakfast or lunch to discuss future events, and changes to the format. We (Gramp, Tate and I) are in agreement that we aren't trying to form a fishing club, at least not one with officers, by-laws, tournaments, etc.

But to keep things organized, we should get together to make a list of suggested places to have the get togethers. Maybe we can do a small pond with hp limits or electric motors only. Tate has a jon boat, and I have two canoes, one with a trolling motor and the other with paddle power. Just a suggestion, but one worth considering. Lots of nice ponds on both sides of the Cape Cod Canal and other places in Mass.

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

ROFL! You're killing me Rhino. :D

I'd be up for some meetings on future get togthers. I have an interview on Monday, so maybe a starter boat is in my future. We'll see in the coming weeks if I land that position and maybe I can bring my lil fishing partner with me on some of these.

I look forward to seeing you all this coming weekend.

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 

Let's just see if we can pull Saturday off first...The list is rapidly changing...We've got 3 boats and 2's your chance candidate wins......Jones508...Jigfishin10...and....................

fishing user avatarJones508 reply : 

Sounds good.

I also have some time off the second half of this week if anyone is down for a recon mission before Saturday.

fishing user avatarGrundleLove reply : 

I'm probably out on this one. Just cant juggle the time factor.Good luck though.

Side note, why hasent the Charles River ever been suggested yet? It's pretty equidistant from everyone and is a great fishery. I went Kayaking on the Charles on Sat and brought my rod and landed 5 bass in 6 casts...and on the 6th cast I landed a perch. It was d**n fun.

Just saying, I know people like fishing lakes but nothing wrong with the Charles.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
  On 10/24/2011 at 10:10 PM, GrundleLove said:

I'm probably out on this one. Just cant juggle the time factor.Good luck though.

Side note, why hasent the Charles River ever been suggested yet? It's pretty equidistant from everyone and is a great fishery. I went Kayaking on the Charles on Sat and brought my rod and landed 5 bass in 6 casts...and on the 6th cast I landed a perch. It was d**n fun.

Just saying, I know people like fishing lakes but nothing wrong with the Charles.

I didn't realize you were so shy. Speak up man. You should have said something or suggested it. I didn't suggest it because I know nothing about it. I like fishing anywhere, lakes, ponds, rivers or mud puddles.

To all, suggestions are welcome. Got a place you'd like us to go, let us know and we'll do what we can to accomodate.

The goal is to get to meet other members from this area, and to introduce others to places they haven't fished, and that includes the boaters.

fishing user avatarGrundleLove reply : 
  On 10/24/2011 at 11:13 PM, tate said:

GrundleLove .... 6 fish on 6 casts is awesome! Sorry to hear you can't make it on Saturday, there won't be much fishing left this season so if something changes and there is still a seat open you're welcome to attend.

What stretch of the Charles are you referring to? My office overlooks the graveyard stretch of the Charles in Waltham and my curiosity is certainly peaked to fish that river. I think one concern with the Waltham area is the ramp over by Moody St has limited parking.


The area where I launched was in Newton. Legit perfect conditions for bass, or any fish. Was sparked my curiousity was that they were biting SO EFFIN WELL. I was using a little smelt minnow that Gramps uses with a 1/16th jig head,...2 twitches and bam, fish. was remarkable. I wish I could have fished more but I was the only one on a single kayak and wanted to stay with the group. I really want to go back. What was even more awesome was that for a single kayak for 1.5 hours it only cost me 11 dollars. I would pay that all day and all night to fish it.

I also saw 2 bass boats roll through so I am assuming the fishing there is great. I also realized that there is so much of the river that is legit equidistant from everyone of i just thought it makes sense. Honestly, its the drive that is killing me to some of these places, its tough to say that without sounding like a ***** but it's true. I just wish we fished we longer is all. that being said, its a d**n good time so that's why I am so torn and you guys are freakin awesome to fish contest there.

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

Sorry to hear you can't be there Grundle. How would fishing the Norton Res sound for a future spot?

fishing user avatarfreebie reply : 

I got a chance to fish with gramps today. if the rest of you guys are anything like he is then I'm looking forward to next year and getting to meet some of you.

side note...had a great day of fishing today.

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 

The Woerd Ave boat ramp accesses that stretch of water. We can fish that with canoes, rowboats, kayaks, bassboats, did I leave anybody out? We can also fish it any time somebody says Hey...Let's fish there. This is an "Open Forum" and we love fresh ideas. Got it?

Grampa're welcome back anytime.

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 

Grundle.....Buddy....I'm saddened to hear that your busy schedule can't include us. But....I promise to fish some Grundlized worms just so the fish won't know that you couldn't make it.


fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

Sounds like you and granpa had a great day freebie. :)

fishing user avatarJones508 reply : 

You weren't lying when you called this the frostbite gathering. A high of 41? I'm soooo not ready for this. :angry:

fishing user avatarfreebie reply : 
  On 10/25/2011 at 7:53 PM, Jigfishn10 said:

Sounds like you and granpa had a great day freebie. :)

we did, it started out real tough but got better later on. learned a few things too.

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

Snow on Saturday? It'll make for a good trip, but a little too early to be spreading white mulch on the plant beds...:D

fishing user avatarfreebie reply : 
  On 10/27/2011 at 7:38 AM, tate said:

A little snow is ok but PLEASE not a winter/snow like last year! I'm good with warm cloths for Sat but following Rhino's lead I might pick up a couple golf gloves to keep the fingers warm but the gloves are thin enough to not encumber rod and reel handling.


when it's cold I steal a pair or two of my wifes little finger gloves(the real thin cheapy ones) and cut off the fingertips. I find it lets me do what I need with my line but keeps the rest of my hands warm enough that it doesn't bother me. I find I catch more fish when wearing the pink ones for what it's worth.

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 
  On 10/27/2011 at 10:11 AM, freebie said:
. I find I catch more fish when wearing the pink ones for what it's worth.

Hmmmmm.....I bet you're as cute as a bunny too..........

By the way...Forecast is getting better and better.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Don't get the regular golf gloves. The ones I have are rain gloves which are a little thicker than the thin leather or fake leather gloves. And, be sure to get them for both hands. Golf gloves are sold as singles.

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

I just got an e-mail that notified me that my son's hockey team will be starting tomorrow morning instead of tonight. Guess who'll be a rink rat dad? Sorry guys, I have no political spin up my sleeve when it comes to hockey. :angry:

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 
  On 10/28/2011 at 8:39 AM, tate said:

Forecast is calling for low 70's.

Where you guys going fishing? Florida?

fishing user avatarJones508 reply : 

So do we have enough non boaters? I'm still in regardless, it might be my last chance to fish this year. I could ask my friend if he wants to go but I can't promise you anything. Unless 2 boaters wanted to pair up then maybe we'd be all set?

Anybody else? Don't be shy :)

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 

Golf gloves are sold as singles.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

It's get together eve. Have you all been good little children? Dress warmly.

The next get together will probably be called "The Icebreaker".

Jigfishn, we'll miss you, but we understand that family obligations come first.

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

I went to a second interview, came home and switched my line out, organized my tackle and put everything in my truck, ready to go...then I checked my e-mail and got the bad news...LOL

Good luck out there guys!

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 
  On 10/29/2011 at 4:07 AM, tate said:

I asked a friend I fish with a couple days ago .... he said yes last night .... I told him so sorry as Rhino's friend Joe was going to join so no extra seat ..... now with Jiggy out I just called him back so I would like to give him a chance to respond by lets say 7:30. No worries

@deaknh we be fishing in Woooster .... Lake Quinsig Worecester. How about you join us sometime? .... I know licenses is an issue but I would like to hit a NH lake/river or perhaps you come South and join us on a Ma lake/river.


Tate, I would love to, probably next spring. We have some nice lakes up here I could show you guys.

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

Derrick, you should try and make some of these next year. You'd have some fun for sure! Out of state license are pretty friendly (I think it was $10 more than in-state this year) compared to, say Maine which was like $80 for out of state.

I know Rhino originally set this up as an Eastern MA thing, but you're in like Windham/Derry, which is an extension of Eastern MA, besides, we can smell your Derry Air...;)

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Set up for convenience. Anyone is welcome in state, or out of state.

fishing user avatarfreebie reply : 

how was fishing today? pretty cold down here on the south shore. I'm hoping monday is better so I can try to get out for a little bit in the canoe locally.

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 

Let me see if I can get this right....5 Guys.....3 Boats.....8 Bass.....11 Perch.....1Crappie,,,,,! Pickerel.....41 deg air.....53 deg water......Uncounted Rowing Crews.....4 hours.....Nice finish.....Good year.....Thanks Guys.....



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