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who would you fish with on this forum?? 2024

fishing user avatarblanked reply : 

if you could fly or drive anywhere to fish a week with from this forum who would it be with and why?

two people come to my mind

one is mattfly cause he is so knowledgable about Texas bass and I am new to Texas.

the other is roadwarrior cause fishing the rivers in Tennessee would be a totally new experince for me.  

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

I think I would like to fish with Mattlures because of his knowledge of swimbaits and deep water fishing.

My second pick would be LBH because we would have a blast and get in a bunch o' trouble.


fishing user avatarCJ reply : 

I would like to fish with everybody on the forum but if I was to pick only one it would be Rolo.He would probally throw me out of the boat because I would ask to many questions.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I don't think I've been on the forum long enough to choose, though I've been perusing this site for almost a year.  I think I could learn alot from Rolo and Raul.   I would love to fish Kentucky lake and learn it so CJBasswacker would be the man for that, though I would need at least a month to learn a small portion of this monster lake.  OachitaBassangler, Jim, impresses me with his knowledge and I would love to fish some of the Arkansas lakes with him.  Then there's MattFly in Texas, roadwarrior in Tennessee, and I think fishing with any of the moderators would be a fun, learning experience.  

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

I'd like to fish with anybody that has a stocked pond with good numbers of BIG bass in it.....and I'd like to fish with Matt of mattlures out in Cali,I think you know why.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Funny you mention that, because I have often asked myself that same question.  There are a bunch of guys who seem like really good guys and I would enjoy fishing with.  Glenn, LBH, Chris and Roadwarrior are the first who come to mind.  But I think Lightning Rod would be a great guy to fish with for me.  For those of you who have never enjoyed an acquaintance with a true Southern Gentleman, the experience is unbeatable.  It's like moving back in time.  It's not just the patriotism and Chrisitan devotion to humility and good works. It's not just the impeccable manners. It's being a gentleman in the truest sense of the word.  Straightforward honesty, stalwart character, and a devotion to what is good and decent in this world.  All this without a whimper or a whine.

I know this will embarrass you Dan, but your unique integrity deserves recognition.

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 

id like to fish with cjbasswacker seems like wed have a lota fun together   and sam  so we can talk local sports

fishing user avatarRedtail reply : 

If you ever get the chance to fish with LB Hooker - Do it!

That man can fish - great guy and one Funny Dude!

Not only that, he makes movies of the trip.

fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 

LBH since he and I catch basically the same size bass and he knows so much to teach me.

Rolo and Raul since they could teach me so much.

Avid since I would love to fish in florida for the big fishies..

Matt from Mattlures to teach me swimbaits and deeper fishing.

Glenn or Roadwarrior because of everything they know in the fishing industry and all.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

Sorethumb.He's a geat bassman,he likes to pitch and flip,and he's my brother-in-law so I've known him for 26 years.

fishing user avatarj-bass reply : 

I'd find it a fine privilege to throw lines with any of you guys (or gals depending on the situtation).  I don't think I could pick out just one.  Crappy part is being sequestered out here in the middle of BFE probably never getting a chance to do that.  Who knows, maybe one day.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Wow, that's a tough one.

I would fish with pretty much anyone that wants to. Yup,...everyone (not at once though, too much pressure,lol)

I would start with this group








Tom Redington

George Welcome










Chevy (if no fishing available,...dinner would be fine) :)




capt cali



t mike


and on and on and on

Can't believe noone mentioned "Chevy"  :)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

LBH if you fished with every one to quote a great fishing movie


fishing user avatarRedtail reply : 

The other two I would like to fish with is "Hawg Hunter" in Iowa - that man posts some awesome looking fish on a regular basis!

The other would be RW because he obviously knows how to catch em up and I would love to get some of those smallies!

fishing user avatarSal329 reply : 

Anyone on here I would love to fish with. I think I could learn from everyone here and have a great time.

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 
Funny you mention that, because I have often asked myself that same question. There are a bunch of guys who seem like really good guys and I would enjoy fishing with. Glenn, LBH, Chris and Roadwarrior are the first who come to mind. But I think Lightning Rod would be a great guy to fish with for me. For those of you who have never enjoyed an acquaintance with a true Southern Gentleman, the experience is unbeatable. It's like moving back in time. It's not just the patriotism and Chrisitan devotion to humility and good works. It's not just the impeccable manners. It's being a gentleman in the truest sense of the word. Straightforward honesty, stalwart character, and a devotion to what is good and decent in this world. All this without a whimper or a whine.

I know this will embarrass you Dan, but your unique integrity deserves recognition.

I second that Avid! Dan is one of the nicest gentlemen we have on this forum. I am not a picky guy...I would fish with anybody in the ranks of our fine membership...newbies and veterans alike. I have a lot I could learn from the veterans...and maybe a little thing or two I might be able to teach the newbies.  

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

I have thought about this for awhile.   It comes down to places I've wanted to go, species sought after, and the individuals that are in those areas.

First off, I'm going to Mexico to do some fishing with Raul if he'd have me.

Would love to tie into some smallmouth fishing with RW.

Any of the Georgia boys sounds like a good trip, Ryan, Randall, Triton Mike.

The rest would just be fun meeting and doing what we like to do, fish.

Would love to fish with Marcia Rubin.   Too many interesting characters on this forum to mention all.     KU, Darren, Rebbasser, Avid, Nick Barr.

fishing user avatarmwhitworth25 reply : 

former member splatbaseball51 lol

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

I've had the privilage to fish with tuxdad, mjhutch1116, jake and basschamp35 already and had a blast with all of them!

My feelings pretty much echo LBH's. Who would I fish with? Anyone on the boards! Like I've said before, this is the best site on the net with a great bunch of anglers!

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 
Can't believe no one mentioned "Chevy"

My first thought was Chevy.

Now if I had to pick someone else. That would be very difficult to do. There are so many people here I would like to fish with, really everyone.

Overall would be Raul. Why I've known him the longest and he has great fishing stories whether good or bad.

Some others

Roadwarrior (if the fish weren't bitting the budweiser would be)

LBH (yeah, we would end up getting in trouble some how)

Triton Mike (very good fisherman)

Rolo (multi species knowledge)

The list continues on and on.

fishing user avatarmudcatwilly reply : 

Avid, because he has given me some very good tips and Roadwarrior, because he has also given me good tips and also mentioned that he and his fishing buddies are loud and drink beer.

fishing user avatarBiglouie reply : 

It would be hard to pick one.  I'd like to fish with Roadwarrior cause he fishes the river for smallies, as I do here in Wisconsin.  I think I would learn some techniques/presentations I could bring back to my home waters.

fishing user avatarikebass15 reply : 

I would probally fish with Mattfly and Rattlinrouge or LBH. why? because we (Mattfly & Rattlinrouge. I don't know about LBH) share just about the same political veiws and I agree with just about every thing that they say. And also I know Mattfly lives near Lake Fork and I've always wanted to go to Fork. LBH is sooooooo funny!! I would really like to get to know him.

fishing user avatarZebco202 reply : 

I'll fish with anyone, but I'd love to share a boat with

Avid and Rolo to start with 'cause I'm sure I could learn a thing or two in an afternoon with those guys.

Road Warrior and Glenn because I always enjoy reading their post.

Anybody who post under the name Low Budget Hooker's can't be all that bad, so he'd make the short list as well.

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

There are so many to choose from I will just pick one. That would probably be Fish Chris.

It would be cool to take a road trip across the country just to fish in different states with a bunch of different people ( members). An excuse to fish and meet new people...sounds like a plan to me. 8-)

fishing user avatarDR_Bass reply : 

I would love to fish with Avid in Flordia he seems to have plenty of knowledge and I think I could learn from the experience.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I would have to say I would like to fish with LBH, he and I are both from the north, and he's darn funny.

Also would like to fish with lightningrod, he's a super nice guy, who much like me enjoys the small boat/small water bassin.

Last but not least, Rattlinrouge, also been plenty nice to me and others here, and he's from down south, probably could teach this yankee a thing or two about them southern moss backs.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

I started listing names and quickly came to the conclusion that there are way too many to list. I don't know who I would pick if I had to choose just one. I wish I could fish with all y'all.

fishing user avatarMadhouse27 reply : 

Man, how could you possibly choose between this great group of guys (and ladies). I'd gladly share a boat with any one of you. Because Largemouth fishing is the weak part of my game I'd definately have to head south and then maybe work my way out west. What an awesome reality show it would make travelling around the country playing connect the dots with members. Fishing each one's home waters, having some fun and teaching the viewers a thing or two about bass fishing and sportsmanship. Someone get ESPN on the phone....I've got to pitch a new show to them.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
Can't believe noone mentioned "Chevy"  

And step on your toes???

NEVER   8-) :-*

fishing user avatarLightninrod reply : 

Man, with my short-term memory loss, I'd forget to name everyone :-?  We could all learn something from each other.  We all have our strengths and weaknesses.  Never having fished a tourny, I'd need a lot of help. :-[  I could take some pics though ;D.

Thank you Avid(and others) for the very kind words and yes, I'm embarassed but I'll get over it :)


fishing user avatar-Drums- reply : 

I've already been able to fish with both flippin4it and alhuff, and both are great guys.

Like others have said already, this is an awesome community, so I'd love to fish with anyone here; but for the purposes of this thread, I'll pick my next top 3:

RoLo - pretty much self-explanatory :) He was really the initial reason I stuck around on this site when I first discovered it back in January when searching for some Orlando bassin' info. I'd love to spend a day on the water with him.

LBH - obviously a seriously skilled angler, and looks like a lot of fun. If he turned the radio up, I guarantee I'd dig whatever the tunes were.

Roadwarrior - oh man, those KILLER smallies! Show me the light! ;D

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

It would probably be easier to say who I wouldn't want to fish with.  Frankly, can't think of who that would be.  SO I guess I would like to fish with everyong on the forum.  


fishing user avatarThe Duke reply : 

Reelady: have you ever listened to someone so enthusiastic? Its contagious & motivating.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I'd want to fish with every member for a very selfish reason. Over the years I've broken in a lot of fishermen and taught them everything I knew, and it never worked out for but a couple to fish enough to teach me something new. That makes every one of them smarter than me because they know all I knew and doubtless by now know lots of things I don't know. So I think it would be a huge learning experience to fish with everyone here at least once, making new friends, then plan on second round fishing with the deep water bassers better than I am. That's how I learned the most, just fishing with someone better. I'd also want to fish the variety of lakes and rivers represented here. Can you imagine how much we'd all have to chat about doing something like that? Alone I won't be able to learn new things nearly as quickly.


fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

I would really like to fish with any wisconsin anglers on here. I think it would be a blast talking packers,beer, and fishing. i might get a change to fish with sfc_al in a few months. But the guy i really want to fish with is hawg hunter. i use to live in iowa and have never seen bass that big in that state. But the guy i really like to fish is a guy thats not even a member of this fourm that i know of. But this rivily gos back ten years. We only get to fish for about a week a year but its still good fishing. He a fensse guy while iam a power guy. He likes the bears while iam packer fan. So you can guess what we talk about. But when were not fishing were all about the packer bear games and whos going to win.

fishing user avatarBassMaster_1 reply : 

roadwarrior.... I live close to great Smallmouth waters (Lake Ontario/Lake Erie) and dont really know much about fishing them.  Just look at his picture, thats why!

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

I would definatly wanna fish with Fly_Rod just for the insane laughing that would go on. 

fishing user avatarHawg_Hunter reply : 
But the guy i really want to fish with is hawg hunter. i use to live in iowa and have never seen bass that big in that state.

C'mon down!

Where did you live in Iowa?


fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

I use to live in allison. I dont know if you know were it is but its about 40 miles North west of waterloo in butler county. I might have to get down there. Some old class mates want to go fishing with me.

fishing user avatarjomatty reply : 

for me it would be ouchitabassangler (jim).  he not only seems to have a great depth of knowledge but also seems to have tons of stories about days gone by and what not.  just seems like a guy who has been fishing for a long time and constantly learning and incorporating new stuff.  at least that is my impression, right or wrong.  frankly there is hardly anyone i would not like to spend a day on the water with.


fishing user avatarSuthernProg reply : 

I'll say Sam cuz he's a pretty cool guy and we're homeys.


fishing user avatarvtbassin reply : 

I would like to fish with any/all of you.  Lets get a big party barge and fish jigs off the sides!! ;D ;D  

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

There is a couple guys that I would want to go with. LRod cause I think we would have fun. Road Warior cause I have never caught a smallie and I would get board catching small ones. Raul cause I think we could get some big fish down there. Fish Chris for sturgeon. Now instead of going with other guys, I would rather they came on my boat. I would just love to take out some realy good Texas sticks and teach them how to fish swimbaits. I would open their eyes and they would have a new respect for the Cali trophy hunters. I also think it would be cool to see the look on the east coast guys when I showed them a 15+lber swimming around.  :o

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
I also think it would be cool to see the look on the east coast guys when I showed them a 15+lber swimming around. :o

As long as I'm catching the largest class fish in the lake, then It doesn't matter what coast I'mon.  Just like if you've never caught a smallie,you would be pretty psyched with a 3lbr.  :) ( I know, I know, more psyched if it weighed 12) :).  

That would be a cool trip.  They should do a show like "wife swap" but call it "home turf" swap.  I could go to Cali and bag a bucketmouth of a lifetime with Matt and then he could come see how to rig a 15 lb fish as bait,lol.

Or just sendf the guys to each others lake and see how they do.  That would be cool.  Call it "road trip"

fishing user avatarPond Hopper reply : 

I would have to say HawgHunter because he is the only one I know.  ALthough LBH seems like he would be fun to fish with and I may have to find out some info on his boat.  Darrin is a good guy to fish with and pretty good at opening gates too.  And I have picked up a few pointers from him while he was filming.


fishing user avatarjb_adams reply : 

Well I'm going fishing with a member this Saturday! :D

Granted Jolicious might not be my first choice (nudge, nudge!) but he'll do! ;D (j/k) At least he is local and not very far away. Looks like we might start fishing more often and might learn something from each other.

Now I would love to fish with just about anyone on here but I would say a few names I can remember eaisly and that's KU Bassmaster, Avid, Lightnrod, J-bass, DEFINATELY ouchitabassangler, and Glenn. There are others that I know but I just can't recall right now. If I left your name out, it's only because my memory is horrible! :-[

Now for some reason I come up missing, try looking in the bottom of Beaver Lake! Joe might have thrown me out of the boat for talking too much! :D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

anyone who wants to fish choke canyon, or is seriously into tournaments.

fishing user avatarbait__Monkey reply : 
anyone who wants to fish choke canyon, or is seriously into tournaments.

or anyone that has a boat with the lower end intact,LMAO

Sorry man,...had to go there.  But for the record, that whole trim/skeg thing,.....I had nothing to do with that.

Buy Buy


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

heheh and on top of that, I just finished reglassing the top of my transome because i crunched some glass when i was taking the motor off :(

fishing user avatarbasspro48 reply : 

I'd love to fish with anyone from this board, we could all probably learn a little something from everyone. However, I think a day on the lake with LBH would be pretty schweeeeet. ;)

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

Probably anyone here but with permission it would probably be, not in order, LBH, Muddy_Man, KU_Bassmaster, Ikebass, Abelfisher, and BassPro48(The avatar got me...  ;D). Those are the ones who usually acknowledge my opinions and/or listen to my posts the most. Plus, they all boast good fish records.

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 

I'd like to fish with

Dan-seems like a genuinely nice guy who's been around the fishing block a few times

Rebasser - I don't ever forget people who do nice things for no reason at all

LBH - he has an extreme enthusiasm for fishing and wants to share it with everyone..its contagious

CJBasswhacker - he lives in KY, He sent me 5 jigs in the mail just for a post on the internet, and he fishes KY lake..a place I've never gotten to go.

I know there are many more on this board who could teach me many, many things..and I'd love to fish with just about any one of ya..those just come off the top of my head

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey Trout fisher I thank you But that good fishin boast I catch quite a few bass but they probablly would be considered DINKS but all the other fisermen Most of the bass I catch (from this years log) go to the 2# edge of the scale man AND THANKS FOR TAKIN MY FAVORITE SMILIES OUT FOR A WALK

fishing user avatarMyKeyBe reply : 

That would be a HUGE list for me.

We have how many members? ;)

To name a few in no real order:

Glenn, the_muddy_man, LBH, JT, Cowie (Oh how I want to fish Italy), Marty, RR (Rouge), all the member's from NE Ohio, KU, and there are so many other's that I can not think of right now.

Honestly, I like to fish and would be more than happy to fish with any other member of the BR. ;)

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 
Hey Trout fisher I thank you But that good fishin boast I catch quite a few bass but they probablly would be considered DINKS but all the other fisermen Most of the bass I catch (from this years log) go to the 2# edge of the scale man AND THANKS FOR TAKIN MY FAVORITE SMILIES OUT FOR A WALK

Mmm you're welcome!

Ah, I'm sure between us we could whip up a few keeper bass....

fishing user avatarfishingfrenzy reply : 

I would probably want to fish with Fish Chris, LBH, or Mattlures. LBH if we ever fish together, lets leave NewEngland and hit Cali or another state that we can catch a double-digit bass without it being a new state record ;D

fishing user avatarclooney reply : 

Chris and Earthworm

fishing user avatarJohn J. reply : 

Fishing with anyone would be a rewarding and learning experience for me. Not that I am a rookie or anything, but you would learn something new everytime you go out. And fishing with experts would be a great experience for me.  8-)

fishing user avatarJolicious reply : 

For the record, JB is alvie and well, for now ;D

I'd like to treat Earthworm77 to a fishinf trip down here in Arkansas.

And, until then, JB and I are going to figure out a couple local tournaments to try our partnership skills!

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I would say KU, Senko77, and yes even after our little misunderstanding the one and only LBH.  I would however have to show LBH how we do it down here in Texas.....LAKE FORK!!!  lol  You know what I'm talking about LBH.


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