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What's your least favorite technique? 2024

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

I don't mean your least productive, although that may well be the case with most.

Mine is the dropshot. It's not that I don't have confidence in this method. It's just that I find it the most boring way to fish. I'd almost rather watch the grass grow than fish a dropshot rig.



fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

That is a tough one.  It would be between a carolina rig or spoons.

both work good and have thier place but I hate, absolutely hate fishing them.

fishing user avatarThefishy1 reply : 

ditto to the C-Rig because its just such a drag

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

My least favorite is probably the C-rig, which I avoid like the plague.

About 30 years ago I fished carolina-rigs to death, probably before they had a name.

I used them in the ocean for striped bass with 1 and 2 oz egg sinkers.

I'd imagine I'm just plain sick of rigging all those swivels and leaders, though they certainly have their place.


fishing user avatarFIN-S-R reply : 

flippin' shallow cover- Cant stand it...give me finicky fish in forty foot suspendin' anytime, but please no flippin'

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Spinner baits( never use them)  and C rig which I use if Im catching a lot and start seeing what else will work that I dont normally use  You need too much patience with c rigging and I dont have that much :-?

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

spinnerbaits and crankbaits for me.  Years ago I enjoyed both but got burned out on them...

I'll still fish them if I "have to" but only then.

fishing user avatarRiskKid. reply : 

C-rig, just feel intimidated by it so it's not really my least favorite, just have not really given it a chance.

I think I will give it a go next would be a great member challenge for me.

fishing user avatarbow3022 reply : 

Any plastic that i have to attach a weight to it. And crankbaits.

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 



fishing user avatarMichael H reply : 

I absolutly hate fishing drop shots and jigging spoons they are way to boring.

fishing user avatareulerentinc reply : 

Ditto on both the C-rig and Drop shot!! >:(

fishing user avatarInfidel. reply : 

I may sound like a dork but I don't think that there are any techniques that I don't like.  If I had to pick one out I would say ripping a jerkbait.  I love twitching but I don't like to rip em.  

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 


      You don't like flippin shallow cover ? !!! Shame on you.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 


Fer sure I'll fish em.  But I would rather be fishing something else.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Fer sure I'll fish em.  But I would rather be fishing something else.

I thought I was alone! I can't stand them either, but they sure catch fish.

fishing user avatarMurray reply : 

i have a love hate relationship with the senko. i love it if its what i hypothesize as being the most productive bait. but i hate it when its my last resort bait.

fishing user avatarFishin Phil reply : 

It's gotta be live bait and float.  To dang boring, and virtually no challenge.  I don't even know if it is recognised as a serious technique.  Maybe big shiners down south, but not in Jersey.

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

Hands down its the C-rig for me!

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

C rig. cheap lures  :(

fishing user avatarWhiteMike1018 reply : 

drop shotting hands down  >:(

fishing user avatarIneedAnewScreenName-3275 reply : 

Any type of finesse fishing!!

Love to flip!!

fishing user avatarsodaksker reply : 

Deep cranking.  Seems to where me out and not a lot of huge success there.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

I hate anything that wont catch me fish....and I only seem to catch fish with my confidence techniques.

Therefore, I would say jigs, which I am working on. Crankbaits, which I need to force myself to work on, and any type of finesse fishing. I know these are big fish catchers for a lot of guys, but I haven't given them the time to develop properly. That should all change in a few months....


fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

I am not a fan of the dropshot or the c-rig. I just think I haven't been in a situation for the dropshot to really shine yet, but both rigs are extremely boring rigs to me. Painfully slow fishing it seems to me most of the time.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

This is gonna sound crazy.With all of the various ways to fish plastics,my least favorite is an old standby.I LOVE fishing drop shot rigs,C-rigs,flipping/pitching tubes and creature baits,Senkos,and the split shot rig.The old time favorite that I USED to rely on and caught a ton of bass on,now bores me to death.The Texas rigged worm.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I'm surprised the amount of c-rig responses. I thought it was just me.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Flipping, but dropshotting is a very close second. I rarely (never) do either. However, if I were a tournament fisherman, I think I might spend 75% of my time fishing those techniques! It seems to me that nothing is more productive than a dropshot rig for catching small fish quickly. Flipping has nothing to do with the way I like to fish, but again, VERY productive.

fishing user avatarHillbilly_Hooker reply : 

I'll add my vote to hating the C-rig.  I don't know how to do it effectively and I hate it enough not to want to learn.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 


fishing user avatarLrgMouthCatcha reply : 

Add another one to the C-rig crew... i just haven't got the confidence in it yet. Maybe one day

fishing user avatardink reply : 

I say the dropshot simply because I lean towards big baits 80% of the time.  

I am amazed at the amount of C Rig responses.  I was not a fan of it either..... until I was showed how and where to fish it correctly and efficiently.  It is now always at arm's length.

As with a number of finesse presentations (weightless Senko included), I have little confidence in something that I can barely feel.  That being said, I also do not own a spinning combo set up for bass fishing.  Also, many of the lakes that I frequent are more on the stained side rather than clear.  I will figure it out someday... but I won't like it! ;D ;D  

fishing user avatarThe Duke reply : 

Loading the boat.  

fishing user avatarFisherman reply : 

Drop shot; simply because I don't own a boat, mostly fishing on the bank.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Fishing a spoon vertical that doesn't require any movement.    I like spoon bites that requires some kind of action to get bit.      Can be boring and cold, but effective.


fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

Crankbaits and Senkos. I still fish them because they work but, I just don't like to. A dropshot is right up there as well. I would have to say my no. one is a crankbait though. I am a jig,worm or spinnerbait kind of guy.

fishing user avatarbass_101 reply : 

This is a hard one... probly as a general bait the crankbait or jerkbait simply because i've never taken time to use them.  i am 50/50 when it comes to the c-rig.  

fishing user avatarBassKing813 reply : 

Carolina rig. I absolutely hate it.

fishing user avatarGot Bass? reply : 


fishing user avatarjomatty reply : 

im a little surprised at the disdane for c rigs just because of how effective they can be.  sure its not as much fun as other techniques but i cant dislike something that can be that effective.

for me it would probally have to be spooning. i keep trying to get into it but am having a hard time.    

fishing user avataredbassmaster reply : 

Probably my least favorite technique is holding a 5" senko in my teeth and dipping my head in the pond and waiting for a bite. Last saturday I nearly drowned.

fishing user avatarScroGG ToGG reply : 
ditto to the C-Rig because its just such a drag

haha funny and true at the same time.

fishing user avatarMillerman reply : 

Well....least favorite technique would be anything over 12 ft deep, don't matter what lure or technique.

AS for the c-rig, I absolutely despised it until last July. I fished a Stren Series Tourney and both of my partners threw it in at certian times.  So, I thought I should learn how to use it. Honestly, I fished it from August through october and found it to be very productive at specific locations and times. IT for sure has it's place. It would even out produce my previously favorite techniques in the certians locations.  It is now a mainstay. For those that don;t believe, try it more than once and you will be a believer too!

fishing user avatarOkeechobee_Cracker reply : 

It would Def have to be the CrankBait :o

fishing user avataramesl reply : 

I would say dead sticking a soft plastic worm. It works, but painfully slow

fishing user avatarRanger_man reply : 


fishing user avatarpete s reply : 

any technigue or bait that i have been throwing for the last few hours that is not productive. and, my new favorite technique or bait is the one my kid(who just started fishing) just threw in and caught a large bass with. im going to try to figure why the bass struck that bait. (size,color,brand,type,size line,type of line,type of structure,weather,or technique) moral of the story, none should be your favorite. you have to be adaptable to ever changing mood and unpredictability of the beast we chase. if we can do that,we will all be better fishermen. you can have favorites,but you have to be adaptable;or you can be waxed by the 6 yr old kid in the back of the boat. or worst yet,everyone in the tournament will load the boat with the technique that you refuse to use.

fishing user avatareastkybass reply : 

My least fav is probally drop shotting.  I haven't used it much and just not very confident in it.

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 
Well....least favorite technique would be anything over 12 ft deep, don't matter what lure or technique.

I too am a shallow water fisherman :)  So this year I have decided I need to learn to fish deeper water. Like a lot of you I hated the C-rig until I spent some time in MO. Someone showed me how to use it and I could catch fish all day long on zoom lizards. Here in MD I haven't had much use for it until this year. One day I tried fishing deeper water with it but came up empty handed. I ended up flippin jigs and creature baits into shallow cover about 3-4' deep. After breaking off lures on 4 rods I started throwing the c-rig with a 3/4oz sinker into the same places as the other baits. It was not because it is a secret technique or anything I just didn't feel like tying on anymore baits. I started to catch fish on about every cast which amazed me. That sinker couldn't of made any more noise entering into the water but the fish did not care.


fishing user avatarrocknfish9001 reply : 

Almost all hardbaits. I know i can hardly be a fisherman without tossing cranks, topwaters, jerkbaits, and the like. The thing is, i just dont see them nearly as realistic as soft plastics, and i just feel plastics will outfish the fast moving, attention getting hardbaits. Now i KNOW that just isnt always true, and im still not sure why i dont use the cranks more often.

fishing user avatarchs773 reply : 

crank baits but i guess thats because i never use them

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 

Drop Shot.

fishing user avatarSkeeter1 reply : 

For me its a spinnerbait. Dont know why just cant seem to catch fish on one

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

Interesting results so far. Unless I've miscounted, the winners, if that's the correct term are;

C-rig 14 votes

Drop shot 12 votes

and a suprising 11 votes for cranks and jerks. ( I lumped them together as hardbaits)

Spoons and senkos tied for 4th with 4 votes each

finesse got mentioned three times

Spinnerbaits, flippin and plastics in general got two

Jigs, T-rigs and live bait each got a vote

Shows what a diverse bunch we are.

fishing user avatartexasbass1 reply : 

Dragging a worm, whether T rigged or C rigged.  Boring

fishing user avatarhi_steel_basser reply : 

The worst thing about a C-rig is tying it up, spending 2-3 minutes getting everything just so, Then casting it out and immediately hanging up in the only stump in the whole dan lake.  :-/Other than that, it is a very productive technique. I also don't like deep-diving cranks, as I have yet to catch a fish on one in my endless 20 minutes of fishing them. I'll switch to something that I know is pounding the bottom, like a C-rig. To clarify, I won't throw a crankbait in more than 10-15 feet of water. I'll throw a jerkbait anywhere, if the water is clear, and I won't throw a spinnerbait except in gnarly wood that I intend to pitch and flip later.  ;) But for right now, the ultimate dont-go-to rig for me is the drop shot.

fishing user avatarbubbler reply : 

I hate the c-rig because it is so extreemly strange and has a wierd cast.

fishing user avatarFisher of Men reply : 

Agreed with alot of you.  The c-rig is just something I've never had the patience to stick with.  I guess another least favorite would be jig fishing, although I know it is productive.  I've just tried it in some really slow times of the year and lost patience.  Does anyone think I may have a problem with patience? Could it be me. . . never!! ;D

As always (this time of year), these are two of a few things I would like to improve upon during the new year.  I'm also going to try and use jerk baits more.  I've really got into a spinnerbait and soft plastic mode the last couple of years.  

fishing user avatarmudcatwilly reply : 

I hate dropshotting.  It is a lot like bait fishing...boring.

fishing user avatartugabasser reply : 

Deep diving crankbaits. You just cast and reel it challenge. And vertical drop-shot (it's difficult to control your tube and keep the rig where it«s supposed to be  :P)


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