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Who Is Done Fishing for the Year? 2024

fishing user avatarBrett's_daddy reply : 

I know where I live up North in Vermont I'm done for the season. I winterized my boat Wednesday as it was 53 degrees and according to the forecast that's the last 50 degree day we'll have til Spring. It snowed last night and has been blustery and cold today with occasional flurries and a temp hovering around 35 degrees for a high, lows in the 20's tonight and tomorrow will struggle to see 29 degrees as a high and all next week looks like temps in the mid 30's for highs and mid 20's for lows and snow showers almost every day sometimes an occasional mix of snow/rain. I know down in the dirty South you guys fish 365 but those of us who live up North don't have that luxury :others-153:.

fishing user avatarGundog reply : 

We got our first taste of snow in the form of flurries today so even if I hadn't called it a season a month ago, I would now. So long 2018 fishing season and good riddance. You were full of rain and wind and high, muddy water and you won't be missed by me. Hope 2019 is better. 

fishing user avatarKsam1234 reply : 

@Gundog we got about a foot of snow today with crazy high winds ! High of 30 and low of 27 tonight .. we are done for the season in Ny as far as I’m concerned also.  Can’t wsit for spring now ! Ugh I hate this.. just 5 more months , just 5 more months 

fishing user avatarWay north bass guy reply : 

2” of snow here last night, with high winds all day. I was gonna chase some whitetails today but decided to do some stuff around the house instead ( like install snow tires ????). Gonna be in the woods tomorrow though. Our forecast is for snow and below freezing all week here, between working and deer hunting next week, I’m still gonna wait and see what the long range forecast is looking like after next weekend, but it’s looking more and more like I’m gonna be putting my boat to bed as well. Usually my boat’s not put away until December, as the bass and pike fishing can be really good right up till freeze up, but I’m not a fan of trailering in snow so we’ll see what happens. 

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

Was 20* this morning. Skim ice on the ponds

fishing user avatarLog Catcher reply : 

I am done for the year. We have had the type of conditions here Gundog was talking about. This has been my worst year of fishing in close to 40 years. I also had to have an unexpected knee surgery at the end of July which took me off the water for a while. Next year has to be better I hope. 

fishing user avatarNYWayfarer reply : 

First snow of the season in the northern capital region of NY yesterday. Made the drive home real fun. Coated the lawn with the white stuff. Today the sun melted most of it but we are having gale force winds today and tomorrow. 


Monday I have off and the forecast is calm winds and high near 40. Going to try the river to see if I can get anything before taking the old man out for Veterans Day lunch to thank him for his service.


If I don’t get anything I am going to hang it up for 2018. 


fishing user avatarwebertime reply : 

I'm going out on Champlain Monday...

fishing user avatarLionHeart reply : 

Went fishing today.  High was 49 degrees.  Figure I'll still make a few more trips.

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

I'm probably done . Winterizing the boat next week . I can still fish small a conservation lake as   long as I get a warm day with little wind .

fishing user avatarEGbassing reply : 

If your lakes are iced you should try ice fishing.

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 11/11/2018 at 9:02 AM, EGbassing said:

If your lakes are iced you should try ice fishing.

I’m no expert but I believe you have to wait a while before it’s safe to walk on 

fishing user avatarJ.Vincent reply : 

We have been seeing 25-35 degrees at night ; and it's going to be 19 on Tuesday. So today on Nov10, I decided to put up 90% of all my gear , cleaned what needed to be cleaned and made sure all my Planos were tidy and reorganized. But I'm probably going to keep 2 cold weather setups prepped in case the weather warms up ; last year I fished until the end of November and then again twice in mid February when we were lucky enough to receive unseasonable weather. So I'm praying to God for a warm Michigan winter !

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Snow here for the last two days and and more expected everyday until mid week.

I'm done fishing but it appears the dog sled season may be starting early this year.

So I've got that going for me . . 

You're right, it's not the same.

But it's something.

Guess I'll try to remember the good times.






fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Not quite yet. Front with snow in tonight. Each one takes us down another notch.

fishing user avatarNittyGrittyBoy reply : 

Not me current temp @9:15pm is 55°, planning on a trip Tuesday after work to a local deep Clearwater pond!!


My condolences to you folks who have to wait till spring 2019...


fishing user avatargreentrout reply : 

can still fish off and on till jan. here-- will get some cold nights and days...mixed in with some weather in the couple of wks. some days forecast low 70's...state record caught in dec. on a rattlin' rogue...2nd. best in jan. ...


good fishing...








fishing user avatarBigAngus752 reply : 

Yup.  Unseasonably cold in central Illinois.  Water temps are already at 50 or below and there are several nights this week down into the teens.  Ridiculous for this time of year.  Really shortened the fishing season.  Winterizing the boat and putting together a shore fishing bag just in case a good day pops up.  



fishing user avatarEGbassing reply : 
  On 11/11/2018 at 9:52 AM, TnRiver46 said:

I’m no expert but I believe you have to wait a while before it’s safe to walk on 

I meant sometime this winter, although I would guess that it's almost cold enough for that in Vermont.

fishing user avatarMIbassyaker reply : 

Weather and work conspired to make 10/14 my last day actually on the water, and that likely won't happen again until April at the earliest. I can occasionally find an hour here or there to walk the riverbank (or gravel pits, where there's open water) from shore but I only rarely catch something over the winter doing that. And I hate ice fishing. So for all practical purposes, yeah, I'm done. 

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

The best time to catch big bass in South Florida is the Winter and early Spring. This is usually the time I catch the most big bass so you best believe I am going to have a good time catching bass this winter.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I'll probably keep at it for a bit :)


Snowed 3" Thursday while I was out, put 47 fish in the boat.

Image may contain: Clayton Westgate, outdoor, nature and waterImage may contain: outdoor and water

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Remember living in Oregon and driving through the snow to fish for steelhead....was awesome.  So peaceful and quiet.  Had to be careful but was oh so wonderful with good friends.

Now...Tennessee...not to often does it snow...does get cold and sometimes ice....upside....these bass out here chomp in the cold weather.  

Yesterday had the son and grandson out...temps were in 30's and low 40's most of day.  Fishing in morning was amazing so called them to come out if not doing anything. soon as they got there the fish just about stopped biting and jumping.  But then the ol cold sun was showing on bluebird sky's.  But did manage a dozen or so whites and a couple largemouth when they arrived.  Grandson was curled on floor playing most of day and eating boat snacks.  Nice day.  Lots of cloths.

fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 

From Md - lower NY we get to fish year round. Except for maybe a couple of weeks in January and February when the water gets hard. Every year is different of course, but lately, it's been easier to winter fish. Pike, pickerel and catfish are quite active as well during the colder months. On really cold winters, we'll head south for a couple of weeks when we get a chance. I would love to be closer to, and fish places like Michigan, Minnesota, Ontario or Upstate NY, but the shorter seasons and cold winters are a bit much.

fishing user avatarBrett's_daddy reply : 
  On 11/11/2018 at 11:50 AM, EGbassing said:

I meant sometime this winter, although I would guess that it's almost cold enough for that in Vermont.

Not quite yet but soon! Need 4" of ice to safely walk on but for me I need more than that to feel safe.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Friday night we had a dusting of snow, and record low temps.  I can usually get out on the water until the first part of December, but we'll see what happens.

fishing user avatarohboyitsrobby reply : 

No worries bout not being able to fish year round in arkansas. It does get miserable cold to fish but still doable if you just get out. Most of the 20+ lb stringers here are caught January through March. I have a small river in my backyard also which helps. So even when I don't wanna take the boat I can always go drag a jig for a while and catch a couple 

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

Here in WNY, I'm done.


I had a tournament planned for today, but with the snow/cold/wind the last few days I had to cancel it. I don't/didn't want guys having a disaster on an ice/snow covered launch ramp in the dark this morning, and was not going to buy salt/sand out of my pocket just to get one more day in for the select few die-hards that would have shown up.


It's not unusual for me to be done around now...but it is a tad earlier than most years, as I usually call it quit's around Thanksgiving. With the terrible,gloomy weather and not great fishing we have had for the last 3-4 weeks, I really didn't need any extra prodding to pull the plug. Being it was a really late start this spring (last weekend of April before we were ice free) it seemed like a short season. Even more so since we seemed to "skip" seasons multiple times this year. In the spring we went from ice out to post spawn in about 3 weeks, all but bypassing the pre-spawn period which seemed to last for about 10 days this spring instead of the usual 6 weeks, and then we went from late summer to winter, and had again about a 10 day window of "fall" fishing. As a bonus though, mid-june through early October was about as good a time period as I could have hoped for. A few short lull's in the action, but most tournaments this year I was catching 16-18lbs without having to grind for it, and slapped three 20lb bags on the scales on the really good days.

fishing user avatardiehardbassfishing reply : 

Retired for the year now. Kept getting skunked - last 3 outings using cranks. Wed was 50 degrees and nice for a few hours. Couldn't help but to try once more. But change-up to ribbon tail worm.


That did the trick. Just wanted last outing to end with a catch. Especially nice since this season I really put a lot of work into soft plastics t-rig fishing.



fishing user avatarNittyGrittyBoy reply : 

@greentrout good article, 17lb bass on a shaky head in December... That's what drives us to keep going back!

fishing user avatargreentrout reply : 
  On 11/11/2018 at 11:33 PM, NittyGrittyBoy said:

@greentrout good article, 17lb bass on a shaky head in December... That's what drives us to keep going back!

in mississippi no less...going tomorrow high 65...this time of yr. no boaters and I could be the only one out there it...


good fishing...

fishing user avatarYakalong reply : 

boat was put up a couple of weeks ago, so now it crappie fishing from the docks for me

fishing user avatarSC53 reply : 

Not trying to put salt in any wounds guys but it’s just starting to change down here. From now until April/May will be our best time. Will have to fish around the cold fronts as FL largemouth get lockjaw for a few days after every front but then it’ll heat up fast. I’ll be targeting sunshine’s/hybrids from mid December until end of February any time a front comes through as they seem to like it cold. 

Summer is when I take a break from chasing them. 

fishing user avatarDogBone_384 reply : 

Not done yet. Set out to catch a Massachusetts fish in open water every month this year.  I need only December.

fishing user avatarBurke reply : 

I'm done for the year - bank fisher :) 


This year has been one of the most difficult for me, but I have caught my personal best at the lake that I tend to fish at 6.71lbs. 



fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 
  On 11/11/2018 at 10:35 PM, ohboyitsrobby said:

No worries bout not being able to fish year round in arkansas. It does get miserable cold to fish but still doable if you just get out. Most of the 20+ lb stringers here are caught January through March. I have a small river in my backyard also which helps. So even when I don't wanna take the boat I can always go drag a jig for a while and catch a couple 

Miserable cold?

If you have open water in January that is nowhere near miserable cold. If we don't have 18" of ice in January, its been unseasonably warm.

fishing user avatarjbmaine reply : 

We're done. Can't wait for next year.

fishing user avatargimruis reply : 

Miserably cold in Arkansas?  That's laughable.


Skim ice here in MN the last few days.  Single digit lows in some areas.  I winterized my boat and put it in storage a couple weeks ago.  That and its hunting season now so the fishing off-season has begun.  And don't even try to get me started on ice fishing.  Its only a matter of time before some moron tries to sneak out there and risk his life to drink beer.

fishing user avatarohboyitsrobby reply : 

I couldn't live up there. That's too cold. I'm extremely cold natured so anything under 40 is brutal cold to me. Lol. Last year the river behind my house did ice over enough for me to walk halfway across. Which was a first

fishing user avatarKDW96 reply : 

I guess im done. Had knee surgery on 11-5. Its the size of a grapfruit now. But i put it off as long as i could so i could fish :).

fishing user avatarGundog reply : 
  On 11/12/2018 at 9:36 AM, KDW96 said:

I guess im done. Had knee surgery on 11-5. Its the size of a grapfruit now. But i put it off as long as i could so i could fish :).

Hope you have a quick, trouble-free recovery. 

fishing user avatarKoz reply : 

It was 62 with a light breeze today. Perfect weather to be outside with a light flannel shirt and jeans. Finally, a nice change from all the heat and humidity. We're in for a decent stretch of weather with daytime temps in the mid 60's and nighttime temps in the low 50's.


The bass are just starting to get active again so we should see some decent fishing through mid December. Then things slow down for a while and pick up again in March.

fishing user avatarschplurg reply : 

Done fishing? I just started fishing this year, I'm not taking a break until at least 2031. I will fish all year any time I can. I'm in Cali - one thing the state is still good for.

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 

Wrong thread

fishing user avatarJLindsey reply : 

I’m not done fishing, but it looks like I may be done catching. It’s been sloooooow here in northeast PA. I saw a bass today — does that count?

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 11/13/2018 at 6:24 AM, JLindsey said:

I’m not done fishing, but it looks like I may be done catching. It’s been sloooooow here in northeast PA. I saw a bass today — does that count?

Count it!!!!

fishing user avatarvolzfan59 reply : 

I hate to say it, but I think I'm done. Other than one light action and one ultra light action spinning set up, I've stripped all my reels. We've got a lot going on between now and Christmas, I may hit some creeks and ponds near the house if time permits.

fishing user avatarNYWayfarer reply : 

November 5th was the last time I caught a Bass. I went fishing yesterday and didn't get a bite.


It snowed overnight and this morning so I am hanging it up for the year. looking forward to the 2019 fishing season.

fishing user avatarMr. Aquarium reply : 

i live in MA, I'm never done maybe between skim ice and ice out time. That's if we get locked up, hoping we don't. I enjoy winter bass! I also enjoy panfishing in the winter! I never stop.  I do a lot more trout and salmon fishing in the colder water as well.  Theres always fish to be caught, just need to know where and how.

fishing user avatarMr. Aquarium reply : 
  On 11/12/2018 at 2:19 AM, DogBone_384 said:

Not done yet. Set out to catch a Massachusetts fish in open water every month this year.  I need only December.

lets fish in the yaks this december. i get out that fish

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I switch species, and fish for winter steelhead.



fishing user avatarTeam9nine reply : 
  On 11/11/2018 at 7:40 AM, Brett's_daddy said:

Who is done fishing for the year?

Central Indiana, but we're never done for the year completely. Have caught bass in open water every month this year, including Jan and Feb., and see no issue getting fish in December.


When the ponds freeze, we move to the reservoirs.


When the reservoirs freeze, we move to the rivers.


If the rivers freeze, we move to the warm water discharges.


By then, it's prespawn again????????

fishing user avatarDogBone_384 reply : 
  On 11/15/2018 at 2:44 AM, Mr. Aquarium said:

lets fish in the yaks this december. i get out that fish

I'll be in Dennis Port November 30th until December 3rd....  And will DEFINITELY  have one of my 'yaks with me.  I'm thinking Flax in Nickerson State Park.  It's small and deep.  I caught a nice Rainbow a couple weeks ago while Smallie hunting....  Odds will be in our favor.

  On 11/15/2018 at 4:30 AM, Team9nine said:

and see no issue getting fish in December.

Zoinks !?!?!?!?!?!?!?  

fishing user avatarWVU-SCPA reply : 

Patiently waiting for the draw down of a lake 5 minutes from work,  but the non stop rain has kept it bank full.  Once that occurs I'll hunt toothy critters a few days a week over lunch. 


Calling for the first snowfall of the year today.  As long as it stays as snow and not freezing rain, a jerkbait is going for a swim in the winter wonderland.  



fishing user avatarMr. Aquarium reply : 
  On 11/15/2018 at 9:22 AM, DogBone_384 said:

I'll be in Dennis Port November 30th until December 3rd....  And will DEFINITELY  have one of my 'yaks with me.  I'm thinking Flax in Nickerson State Park.  It's small and deep.  I caught a nice Rainbow a couple weeks ago while Smallie hunting....  Odds will be in our favor.

Zoinks !?!?!?!?!?!?!?  

 lets go hit bucks!!!!!!  got a few others i want to check out in that area!!

  On 11/15/2018 at 3:38 AM, J Francho said:

I switch species, and fish for winter steelhead.



hell ya dude! ill be up that way tomorrow. CANT WAIT!!!

fishing user avatarGundog reply : 


Time to take the old girl home. 5 months till I can take her out again. 

fishing user avatarChance_Taker4 reply : 

NW Ohio and I am done with bass. Boat is still ready to go because I have been on Erie for the last few weeks catching Walleye and Yellow Perch to stock the freezer for the winter. But the boat will be winterized in the next couple weeks.

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 11/15/2018 at 10:15 PM, Gundog said:


Time to take the old girl home. 5 months till I can take her out again. 

Sad face. Pennsylvania sure looks a lot like East Tennessee. Same mountains just colder I guess 

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 
  On 11/13/2018 at 6:24 AM, JLindsey said:

I’m not done fishing, but it looks like I may be done catching. It’s been sloooooow here in northeast PA. I saw a bass today — does that count?

Musky fisherman always count follows so go for it. 

fishing user avatarJLindsey reply : 
  On 11/13/2018 at 6:24 AM, JLindsey said:

I’m not done fishing, but it looks like I may be done catching. It’s been sloooooow here in northeast PA. I saw a bass today — does that count?

Spoke too soon. ???? 



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