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How do you qualify someone as a great bass fisherman? 2024

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

I thought of this after reading Paul's quote recently and it got me thinking.  Am I a good stick?  

I hope he doesn't mind me quoting him.  No offense meant.

Paul wrote:  "i would 10-1 rather fish a lake that is pressured by 50 novices than i would one that is pressured by 25 "sticks".  

There are many aspects of a bass fisherman that some may qualify a bass fisherman as being good or not.  When you show up at a lake, do you see others and try to figure out if they will out fish you or not, even if its not a tournament?  There are some that can pound their home lake and get skunked on unfamiliar water.  

Some that come to mind are:

-Standing up and fishing

-Having a sponsor

-type of boat, aluminum or fiberglass

-expensive gear or lures

-winning a local tournament or placing in a larger one

-smack talk or just confident

Obviously there is no right or wrong answer or any definite way to gauge it.  I am just interested in your views on what you use as a guide to whether someone is "good or not".  Of course we all love to fish and have respect for one another.

fishing user avatarBass Dude reply : 

The people I think are good sticks do the following:

Do they catch a 20 pound bag when everyone else is getting 15?

Do they get a limit when everyone else is not?

Do they always come to the dock with fish in all whether conditions?Can they catch fish on any kind of bite (ie jig bite, crank bite etc)---one trick ponies are not considered "sticks" IMO.

One of my biggest criteria that you touched on...Can they do all the above in any body of water.  I don't think it shows as much talent if an angler is fishing the same lake for 20 years and can only get 'em in that body of water.  I think anybody on this forum can be consistant if they fish the same body of water for a long period of time.

I would like to add that most of the great fisherman I know are not tournament fisherman.  I don't gauge how good someone is simply by tournament results.

I don't know if you were just talking bass, but another gauge I use for a true FISHERMAN is how well they do on all species.  I could beat some of my friends bass fishing, but I have a couple friends that can catch anything that swims at any time.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

It's the angler who can consistently catch quantities of quality bass under a variety of adverse conditions.

Any body can be good on any body of water under fair conditions but let the conditions turn south and see how good you are on your home lake.

fishing user avatarEastTexasBassin reply : 
It's the angler who can consistently catch quantities of quality bass under a variety of adverse conditions.

Any body can be good on any body of water under fair conditions but let the conditions turn south and see how good you are on your home lake.

Hard to describe it any better than that.  Consistent performance in a variety of conditions.  

I really don't care how much your boat, reels, or tackle costs or how many sponsors you have.  If I can catch fish when you can't, I consider myself a better angler.

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

More specifically, "do you judge bass fisherman based on what you see" as to whether they are good or not

fishing user avatarBranuss04 reply : 
It's the angler who can consistently catch quantities of quality bass under a variety of adverse conditions.

Any body can be good on any body of water under fair conditions but let the conditions turn south and see how good you are on your home lake.

BINGO!!! Couldn't put it any better!

More specifically, "do you judge bass fisherman based on what you see" as to whether they are good or not

NO!!! There are plenty of sucky people out there driving a Ranger and throwing everything on G-Loomis/Calais Combos.  But on the other end of this, there are some REALLY good sticks driving Crappy 18ft Deep V "Sea Nymph's" or 14ft john boats.  I don't make any assumptions until I know them.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
More specifically, "do you judge bass fisherman based on what you see" as to whether they are good or not


I know some guys with $50,000 bass boats, decks covered with Shimano Calais/G. Loomis rods and wear all the high dollar tournament clothes; I also know some guys with dilapidated ole Jon boats with 9.8 Mercs, 1970s Abu Garcia/Lighting rods and wear cutoffs with tee ***.

Both will whip our butts ;)

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
It's the angler who can consistently catch quantities of quality bass under a variety of adverse conditions.

Any body can be good on any body of water under fair conditions but let the conditions turn south and see how good you are on your home lake.


fishing user avatartallydude reply : 
It's the angler who can consistently catch quantities of quality bass under a variety of adverse conditions.

Any body can be good on any body of water under fair conditions but let the conditions turn south and see how good you are on your home lake.


fishing user avatarCWB reply : 

Also agree with Catt.

It doesn't hurt to have the expensive rig, $400.00 rod and reel outfits, $20.00 baits but it's experience and adaptability and the ability to utilize both that separate good from great. One of my Idols who has been mentioned here before is Buck Perry. He would take his 14 ft rowboat with 10 hp. motor and one rod out trolling structure and embarrass everyone else out there. That's greatness.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Gear helps but the pus is where it 's always been ---> behind the rod handle.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
How do you qualify someone as a great bass fisherman?
Usually its results.  But in a sense, that really only qualifies a good fisherman, with some exceptions.  If they do something that advances the sport in some way, I'd bump it to "Great."
fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

For me it's a guy like Fish_Chris:

Big fish; a variety of species; numerous locals.

The only thing that bothers me is living in California.

It's kinda like cheating!


fishing user avatarpaul. reply : 

i also view consistency and adaptability as the big keys to determine how "good" a fisherman is over the long haul.  but i guess i just don't have as much of a "big picture" view of it as some of y'all do.  i have always kind of gone by the philosophy that a fisherman is only as good as his last trip.   all of us, regardless of our knowledge, skill, experience, or lack thereof, are sometimes good fishermen.  sometimes we are just o.k.  sometimes we suck.  

your next state record could be caught by a highly skilled and experienced guy with thousands and thousands of dollars worth of gear and sponsors.  it could also be caught be an 11 year old kid with a 20 dollar combo using a nightcrawler or a minnow.  perhaps this is what we call luck.  or perhaps it just comes down to who was a better fisherman that day. ;)

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

In order to qualify someone as a great fisherman, the qualifier has to be better than those he/she qualifies.

fishing user avatarBassinBoy reply : 
another gauge I use for a true FISHERMAN is how well they do on all species. I could beat some of my friends bass fishing, but I have a couple friends that can catch anything that swims at any time.

For a lot of guys, including me, have never even fished for other species so this doesn't come into play for a lot of anglers.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Knows a few bodies and types of water and can successfully find and catch decent fish on them

Passes it forward; Helping fellas that need a break and kids get into the sport

"Spends more time when he has a friend in the boat, on the friend catching fish than himself

When you fish with him: Keeps politics and self righteous religious stuff and the bible on shore; That's not what I am out there for

Knows how to constantly learn a new trick and teach a new tricks

Practices good sportmans ethics: Leaves other fisherman alone

                                               Does not litter

                                               If he takes a fish Home; it must be within the leagal bag limit and must be eaten,

fishing user avatarIdahoLunkerHunter reply : 

A great bass fisherman in my mind are determined by two aspects:

1. What have you done for the sport. Do you go out of your way to help those not aware and help them define and improve their tactics and strategies. If someone you know or not know by that matter is having a tough time do you go out of your way to help them out?

I think someone that goes out of their way to help someone out in any matter, take a friends kid fishing, someone at the dock is having trouble catch fish, etc...

2. If you can go to any body of water and catch fish with different surroundings, strategies, and water water conditions.

I think I would more lean toward the helping other people out with your knowledge is more important.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

See: Burley

fishing user avatardonbeatya reply : 

I would have to say someone who has a vast knowledge of bassin not nessecarily someone who can be succesfull wherever they go. for instance im in the army and stationed in ft bliss texas and there is no good bassin around here i only have one local pond that ive managed to be succesfull in. I dont own a top dollar boat with all the gagets. but if i had a john boat and a lake map i believe i could be succesfull knowing that i understand bass transitions, seasonall patterns, habitats and so on. Now im not saying that id get there and just slam them but id feel comfortable being on a new body of water.

fishing user avatar-HAWK- reply : 
It's the angler who can consistently catch quantities of quality bass under a variety of adverse conditions.

Any body can be good on any body of water under fair conditions but let the conditions turn south and see how good you are on your home lake.

That pretty much sums it up. I cant think of a better explanation.

fishing user avatarTucson reply : 

If you latch onto a big bass and pass the rod over to your kid or mom to land it, you're a pretty great fisherman.

fishing user avatarMd reply : 

In my mind, a great fisherman catches fish consistently no matter the season, weather, fishing pressure or any other conditions that may be involved. Some of us are lucky enough to fish with someone like this often, and be able to pick his brain and learn something on every trip.

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

A great bass fisherman is that guy that you can go fishing with and have a great time doing so! You can laugh, have fun ranking on each other and catch a few bass as well. What more could you ask?

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 
A great bass fisherman is that guy that you can go fishing with and have a great time doing so! You can laugh, have fun ranking on each other and catch a few bass as well. What more could you ask?

Great way of putting it! My description was of the fellas i fish with the most; Sharkbite,Zel,my buddy Steve and the other 1/2 of 2 Mooks in a Boat>>Bruce. The hours spent with these fellas are always great.

I have also had the pleasure of fishing with Long Mike, and will be repeating that this Summer along with Ghoti and Risk Kid: leaving the BS on shore and enoying the day, who could ask for more!

fishing user avatarrfunfarm reply : 

The one's that TEACH the youth to fish.The next generation are the key to our sport. ALL 13 grandchildren received a rod & reel at birth BEFORE leaving the hospital. Their parents had better follow through or I'll cut them out of the will. ;D ;D

fishing user avatarSuskyDude reply : 
More specifically, "do you judge bass fisherman based on what you see" as to whether they are good or not

I got 'ya!  ;) I've never judged by boats. Or by standing or sitting. There's a alot of old guys who can't stand in their rickety jon boats, but will happily give you a clinic while sitting.

I do sometimes judge whether they are a "good stick" by wayching where they fish, or more often by what they don't fish and just wade/float on by.

fishing user avatarBass-1 reply : 


       anyone who loves the sport and will take the time to show it to someone who has never done it. Taking someone fishing and teaching them the fine points of top waters to jigs is a way to look at that person as a great bass fisherman. Someone who goes out and catches a pile of fish IS NOT a great fisherman, it's the person who teaches HOW and WHY they catch these fish that are great.  

fishing user avatarSin_City702 reply : 
The people I think are good sticks do the following:

Do they catch a 20 pound bag when everyone else is getting 15?

Do they get a limit when everyone else is not?

Do they always come to the dock with fish in all whether conditions?Can they catch fish on any kind of bite (ie jig bite, crank bite etc)---one trick ponies are not considered "sticks" IMO.

One of my biggest criteria that you touched on...Can they do all the above in any body of water. I don't think it shows as much talent if an angler is fishing the same lake for 20 years and can only get 'em in that body of water. I think anybody on this forum can be consistant if they fish the same body of water for a long period of time.

I would like to add that most of the great fisherman I know are not tournament fisherman. I don't gauge how good someone is simply by tournament results.

I don't know if you were just talking bass, but another gauge I use for a true FISHERMAN is how well they do on all species. I could beat some of my friends bass fishing, but I have a couple friends that can catch anything that swims at any time.

I have to disagree with you. I know a ton of local teams that fish the same lakes over and over and still finish out of the money.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

The LAST thing that makes me think some one is  a great fisherman is his gear. In fact around here some of the best guys are hard to pick out of a crowd.

Great fisherman to me are the ones who can move from body of water to body of water, under any conditions, any time of the year and fish consistantly where ever they go. They are the guys who get the most out of any situation and don't make excuses why they didn't catch fish. Versitilty is a big key in this, they don't force something that worked here or there last year/week/yesterday. Confidence is a big thing too, the best guys just know they will catch them, it's not a cocky thing either, but rather an understated ability to be read and react to current conditions. If it means running all over the lake junk fishing they can do it, or if it mean milking a spot for all it's worth for 8 hours they do it. They don't always have to win, or be near the top, but these guys always seem to have limits of quality fish no matter what, and at the end of the season have cashed there fair share of checks. In my infancy in tournament fishing, the guys in the top 1/3 of field are usually always there, and the guys in the bottom 1/3 are always there. The guys in the middle can go either way, but it seems every year some one in the middle of the pack starts to "get it" and becomes a top tier guy.  

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

I disagree with a lot of you guys. IMO A nice guy is not  a great bass fisherman. A great frend, father, partner, role model, ambassador, etc does not qualify sombody as a great bass fisherma. Neither does being able to catch multiple species. Those qualities make somebody a great person and being able to catch differnt types of fish makes them a great fisherman but to be a great BASS fisherman you have to be near the top of what you do. If your a tournament guy then you need to win or consistantly finish towards the top. If your a trophy hunter then you need to consistantly catch them. I think to be a great bass fisherman, you need to be great at what you do. If all you do is fish from a john boat and cacth and keep a limit every time then you would be great at that. consistancy and results classify you as great.

Muhamed Ali is considered one of the greatest of all times, but he was not liked back then. OJ Simpson was a GREAT back I dont think anybody thinks he is a good person

fishing user avatarmrbassky reply : 
I thought of this after reading Paul's quote recently and it got me thinking. Am I a good stick?

I hope he doesn't mind me quoting him. No offense meant.

Paul wrote: "i would 10-1 rather fish a lake that is pressured by 50 novices than i would one that is pressured by 25 "sticks".

There are many aspects of a bass fisherman that some may qualify a bass fisherman as being good or not. When you show up at a lake, do you see others and try to figure out if they will out fish you or not, even if its not a tournament? There are some that can pound their home lake and get skunked on unfamiliar water.

Some that come to mind are:

-Standing up and fishing

-Having a sponsor

-type of boat, aluminum or fiberglass

-expensive gear or lures

-winning a local tournament or placing in a larger one

-smack talk or just confident

Obviously there is no right or wrong answer or any definite way to gauge it. I am just interested in your views on what you use as a guide to whether someone is "good or not". Of course we all love to fish and have respect for one another.

There are no rules. Some examples

Standing up-Bill Dance

Having sponsors-Just go to a local tournament alot of the best guys dont have sponsors

type of boat-What about the guys on In-fisherman??? for one.

Expensive gear-Not even close how about quality gear??

Winning local tournament-Who hasnt?

Smack talk-Even the pros do beyond being confident. BASS on Wheeler!

Look at the local tournaments over time the best fisherman win alot more than their share not just occasionally. Also dont judge big weights alot of guys are great and just put limits in every tournament and they win the tough ones. You can go by being able to fish different bodies of water to an extent. Being good on all the water you fish is more important. Sponsors are a joke in some cases. You can win one big tournament and get sponsors. Getting a couple free things every year doesnt make you a great fisherman. Truth is there are different levels.

My definitions

Novices-Guys who pick baits and dont know why. Bank beaters 24/7 no exceptions. Your bottom of the pack finishing club guys. Can do well but only at right times on right lakes.

Skilled Amateurs-Your best guys in the clubs. Could compete in small circuits. Good on different lakes different times. Finish in money in some bigger tournaments.

Local sticks-Guys who do great in bigger small circuits. Rarely finish out of money in big local tournaments. Compete in the biggest amateur tournaments and do well.

Just my quick definitions its really a matter of how good you consider good. I have won a small boat. I have won Angler of the Year in my club. I have won lots of small local tournaments in different states. I dont consider myself great. But I know I am better than some guys I met with sponsors and I am not a novice. I dont think you can make everything black and white. Come on over to the grey area theres plenty of room. ;)

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I don't really consciously have distinct criteria for this, but maybe subconsciously I do.  I think Kevin Van Dam is a great bass fisherman for the obvious reasons.  I think our own Fish Chris is a great fisherman too, but they both do different things on the water.  Fish Chris has the ability to find some of the biggest fish on any given body of water.  He may fish all day without a bite to catch that one fish, but compared to most anglers he is extremely successful at this.  Whether one's goal is to catch numbers of solid fish or huge trophies, if he or she achieves that goal consistently on different bodies of water that makes them a great fisherman in my book.

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

A Lot of you set your standards pretty high and a lot of you have a very different sense of what makes someone a great bass fisherman.

The top ones seem to be

-catching big bass consistently

-teaching others

-or simply a passion for the sport

fishing user avatarnoway reply : 

One has to have the best Shimano reels.  The best G. Loomis rods.  The best YoZuri line. The most expensive lures. The best techniques. The most advice and a bunch of posts.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Seems your post was more along the lines of "can one tell a 'stick' by just looking at them."

I've always looked around a water body I'm fishing and made a loose judgment on whether other anglers were "dangerous" or not -that is whether they might stick "my" fish.

It is a loose judgment, and one I realize I more rarely use in my bass fishing. It seems any kid with a spinnerbait, buzzer, topwater, soft plastic, etc., could be "dangerous" on my ponds. In more technical methods, like fly-fishing, or fishing in current, some anglers are much more apt to ***** fish than others. Here experience counts a lot, and luck, much less.

In general, it depends on what the fish are doing (in what ways they are vulnerable) and, in making the call on the angler, I guess appropriate tackle and methods employed, and then, having good tackle, the right gear, quiet confidence (concentration), and well-used and faded vest, rods, hat, can make me think "uh-oh".

That "quiet confidence / concentration" thing can be an "uh-oh" all by itself too. The guys that look like their heads are on swivels I pay little attention to. I just hope they catch SOMETHING!

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

In general, it depends on what the fish are doing (in what ways they are vulnerable) and, in making the call on the angler, I guess appropriate tackle and methods employed, and then, having good tackle, the right gear, quiet confidence (concentration), and well-used and faded vest, rods, hat, can make me think "uh-oh".

That "quiet confidence / concentration" thing can be an "uh-oh" all by itself too.

This describes what I feel the best.  6am with the boat in the water and 40 other boats waiting for blast off and I look around for the "uh-oh" factor.

Thanks for putting into words

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
Seems your post was more along the lines of "can one tell a 'stick' by just looking at them."

I've always looked around a water body I'm fishing and made a loose judgment on whether other anglers were "dangerous" or not -that is whether they might stick "my" fish.

It is a loose judgment, and one I realize I more rarely use in my bass fishing. It seems any kid with a spinnerbait, buzzer, topwater, soft plastic, etc., could be "dangerous" on my ponds. In more technical methods, like fly-fishing, or fishing in current, some anglers are much more apt to ***** fish than others. Here experience counts a lot, and luck, much less.

In general, it depends on what the fish are doing (in what ways they are vulnerable) and, in making the call on the angler, I guess appropriate tackle and methods employed, and then, having good tackle, the right gear, quiet confidence (concentration), and well-used and faded vest, rods, hat, can make me think "uh-oh".

That "quiet confidence / concentration" thing can be an "uh-oh" all by itself too. The guys that look like their heads are on swivels I pay little attention to. I just hope they catch SOMETHING!

Thanks, Paul.  After reading many of the posts I may have misunderstood the question.  When I arrive at the lake I don't worry about who is a "stick" and who isn't.  I only worry about what I can control.  I haven't really put much thought into gauging a fisherman's ability by his appearance.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
When I arrive at the lake I don't worry about who is a "stick" and who isn't.  I only worry about what I can control.

Me too. But recognizing who might be adding pressure to the fish is part of that. Regardless, if you are versatile, you can often catch some fish behind almost anyone.

In my mind, a great fisherman catches fish consistently no matter the season, weather, fishing pressure or any other conditions that may be involved.

That's quite a standard! Does such a mythical beast really exist? On any/every water?

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
When I arrive at the lake I don't worry about who is a "stick" and who isn't. I only worry about what I can control.

Me too. But recognizing who might be adding pressure to the fish is part of that. Regardless, if you are versatile, you can often catch some fish behind almost anyone.

That's true, Paul.  I just think that in most cases it would be difficult for me to judge if someone is a "stick" without watching them for a period of time.  I could obviously tell if someone is spooking fish in an area through minimal observation of their actions and in the case you mention of someone fishing an area and moving on, I could quickly make the decision whether another bait or tactic should be tried while following behind them.  

I guess it doesn't take much observation to determine if someone isn't the best of bass fishermen as they tend to give that away pretty quickly.  But if they are top-notch, I think that would be more difficult to determine without quite a bit of observation.

fishing user avatarMd reply : 

In my mind, a great fisherman catches fish consistently no matter the season, weather, fishing pressure or any other conditions that may be involved.

That's quite a standard! Does such a mythical beast really exist? On any/every water?

I'm not sure if this "beast" really exists or not...but the question is "great bass fisherman" not "good bass fisherman". There are plenty of good bass fisherman out there. I do strive to be what I "describe" to be a great bass fisherman, as we all do....whether or not it is a reachable goal can be debated. Do greats set goals that are easily attained? ;)

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
I guess it doesn't take much observation to determine if someone isn't the best of bass fishermen as they tend to give that away pretty quickly. But if they are top-notch, I think that would be more difficult to determine without quite a bit of observation.

Very true. I guess my fishing is relatively simple compared to, say, top tournament anglers who travel.



In my mind, a great fisherman catches fish consistently no matter the season, weather, fishing pressure or any other conditions that may be involved.

That's quite a standard! Does such a mythical beast really exist? On any/every water?

I'm not sure if this "beast" really exists or not...but the question is "great bass fisherman" not "good bass fisherman". There are plenty of good bass fisherman out there. I do strive to be what I "describe" to be a great bass fisherman, as we all do....whether or not it is a reachable goal can be debated. Do greats set goals that are easily attained? Wink

Great to set goals. But, I wouldn't want readers to think such a thing is (presently) attainable. Then again, I was also hoping someone might pipe in that meets those criteria. Ike just "failed" in Seattle. But only if an unrealistic goal was expected to be met. I doubt he had a problem with that (didn't throw tantrum or anything).

Maybe my point is (no argument here I hope you understand -not sure how I'm coming off), a lot of fishing is simply out of our control. Recognizing this (being humble) might be part of "greatness".

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

While that beast doesn't exist there are quite a few who come real close, many of whom are not on the Pro trial and some who never fished a tournament and have no intention of ever fishing one. I know some ole boys who hang around the older marinas on Toledo Bend that have names for all their 10+ bass and they even know every underwater stump, log, and limb on the bottom around the structure where she hangs out.

If y'all are ever down around the Bend stop in at Lowe's Creek Marina any morning around 5:30 am, have a cup of coffee, sit back and listen.

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 
A Lot of you set your standards pretty high and a lot of you have a very different sense of what makes someone a great bass fisherman.

The top ones seem to be

-catching big bass consistently

-teaching others

-or simply a passion for the sport

Well, I certainly have a passion for the sport so I guess I'm a great fisherman.  As to whether I'm a consistently successful fisherman, that's a different story. :)

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
While that beast doesn't exist there are quite a few who come real close, many of whom are not on the Pro trial and some who never fished a tournament and have no intention of ever fishing one. I know some ole boys who hang around the older marinas on Toledo Bend that have names for all their 10+ bass and they even know every underwater stump, log, and limb on the bottom around the structure where she hangs out.

If y'all are ever down around the Bend stop in at Lowe's Creek Marina any morning around 5:30 am, have a cup of coffee, sit back and listen.

I draw another good point from Catt's post. Many of us have mentioned that a great fisherman is consistent on any body of water. Maybe that applies to a tournament fisherman but I don't think it applies to everyone. There are old-timers who have spent the time to learn every nook and cranny on their home body of water. Some guys have done this without the benefit of electronics, yet they are killer fishermen on that body of water. Just because they haven't learned another body of water doesn't mean they don't have the ability to do so. If I can go out to my home water and catch a 20lb plus sack almost every day I fish or a huge tropy now and then, chances are I wouldn't have that much of a temptation to learn a number of different lakes.

fishing user avatarPitchinkid reply : 

A great fisherman will and can consistenly catch fish anywhere,anytime,any situation. Always on the water somewhere. Routinley out fishes friends, partners, others on the same water. Embraces every moment hes on the water. Truly loves the hunt of the fish and the success of catching. pretty much KVD and myself. ;D

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Good point, O' Lucid 1.

I have two waters in my traipsing grounds that have given up almost 20# a few times. However one has become exceptionally low in level, and with the wind we have here has become a mud pit the last two years that would have put a serious dent in growth, maybe even caused some mortality. I've written it off for a while.

The other has another issue. It is a bit over fertile, and gets too warm by midsummer (for daytime fishing), and the bass fishing gets really tough and the bass noticeably thin. It's less than a long-shot to give up 20# in mid-summer. I'm better off elsewhere.

Is a great fisherman always defined by his catches? Or does understanding the reasons for poor catches count? Not that I'm vying for such a title! ;D

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I think everything you said is true, Paul.  If one doesn't understand why they didn't catch fish he/she can't make the necessary corrections.  The thing is, by the time I figure it out, conditions have changed and I have to figure it out all over again.   ;)  

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

Another important point is hindsight.

When you get off the water and say "I should of..."

Even if you had a great day you always wonder if could have done better.

Like Paul said "understanding the reasons 'why or why not'"

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
The people I think are good sticks do the following:

Do they catch a 20 pound bag when everyone else is getting 15?

Do they get a limit when everyone else is not?

Do they always come to the dock with fish in all whether conditions?Can they catch fish on any kind of bite (ie jig bite, crank bite etc)---one trick ponies are not considered "sticks" IMO.

Not singling you out BD,just using your reply as an example. Given, this is more of what makes a good TOURNAMENT angler but what about the big picture?


To me, this HAS to be a criteria

fishing user avatarMd reply : 

Maybe my point is (no argument here I hope you understand -not sure how I'm coming off), a lot of fishing is simply out of our control. Recognizing this (being humble) might be part of "greatness".

You are not coming off as confrontational at all. Anyone that says that they never have days like Ike did would lead me to question their honesty. If you read "A Day on the Lake" you'll see how many of the best pros get humbled quickly as many of us do. That being said, I can personally chose to set goals such as, "I want to improve every time I get out on the water" or I can set my goals so high that they MAY be unreachable (the beast). I feel the later drives me more and actually makes me even more driven when I don't attain them. And I don't have the energy to worry about things that are out my control...I just try to adapt and deal with the moment. By the way Paul, GREAT point about understanding why the bite is off.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Another important point is hindsight.

When you get off the water and say "I should of..."

Gosh yes. We are all better anglers in hindsight. But in my case it doesn't tend to transfer to the next trip out, especially if it's a week away.

But, unless I made some egregious call, I'm always left to wonder if my hindsight was just another idea that might not have panned out. It's like discovering in my journaling that my memory is actually mush and I start re-writing history as soon as I leave the water LOL.

Or, it's the "I wish I had my camera!" syndrome, when you see that huge buck step out along the road as you drive by. But try to actually GET that photo. Or hiking without a shotgun and you're flushing grouse like crazy! But, if you HAD your shotgun how many would you ACTUALLY get a good shot on? Hindsight can just be our ego's, or enthusiasm, talking. Reality is much more challenging.

Decision making, in the moment, is a key attribute. Book learning is very helpful, but experience brings it home and is a much faster responder.

fishing user avatarMd reply : 

Another important point is hindsight.

When you get off the water and say "I should of..."

Gosh yes. We are all better anglers in hindsight. But in my case it doesn't tend to transfer to the next trip out, especially if it's a week away.

But, unless I made some egregious call, I'm always left to wonder if my hindsight was just another idea that might not have panned out. It's like discovering in my journaling that my memory is actually mush and I start re-writing history as soon as I leave the water LOL.

Or, it's the "I wish I had my camera!" syndrome, when you see that huge buck step out along the road as you drive by. But try to actually GET that photo. Or hiking without a shotgun and you're flushing grouse like crazy! But, if you HAD your shotgun how many would you ACTUALLY get a good shot on? Hindsight can just be our ego's, or enthusiasm, talking. Reality is much more challenging.

Decision making, in the moment, is a key attribute. Book learning is very helpful, but experience brings it home and is a much faster responder. seems Rick Clunn goes by the name Paul Roberts around here...hahaha...just kidding! Great stuff as always Paul...keeps me thinking and staying sharp.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Yeah, Rick and I have a lot in common. But he chose bass and I chose creek chubs. I've had to live with that decision. Didn't I already mention humble somewhere?

fishing user avatarIDbasser reply : 

When I think of great fisherman, I think of my uncle who seems to be fishing all the time.  He can consistently catch fish, and is always trying to figure out how to do it better.  Is always trying out new things and tricks to make him better, and most of all, if I am having trouble, I can pick his brain for suggestions.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Why someone did or did not catch are some times never understand; the great anglers accept this fact and instead of focusing on the uncontrollable they instead focus on the controllable. Even a simple Cajun like me understands that focusing on hindsight leads to second guessing and second guessing will kill the best laid plans. Take the positives from your last trip discard the negatives and move forward; in hindsight you will say well what if, the problem with that kind of thinking is there is no way to prove any thing since those conditions may never take place again.

Great anglers never think in the negative ;)

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Taking the positives,negatives and all that is in every bit of information you can use. Negatives can turn into positives when used correctly. To ignore why something didn't work is bound to get you into the same mistake again.

 Fishing in itself is a blessing and if you just deal with positives ( fish catching) you are only dealing with 1/2 the picture.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

OK, first the Twilight Zone theme song...Da-da-da-da Da-da-da-da .... (best I can do)...

There really is no future. There is only the present. The past is a comet trail of historical constraints and something to draw on, but not be stuck in. Living things are pure potential and the "future" is all contingencies.

To put it in fishing terms (from Md's profile -you were on it all along ;) ):

"There's no such thing as luck good or bad. And, there's no such thing as a hot streak or a slump. Every day really every cast is a new experience. Success or failure in the past has nothing to do with the future."-KVD

So, how do you qualify someone as a great bass fisherman?

Lots of history to draw on, raw potential, and staying present. Humble comes with the territory.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Acknowledge what didn't work but do not worry about why it didn't work because those exact set of scenarios may never happen again so how can you figure out the why?

Even what worked this morning may be totally useless this afternoon ;)

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Yea like my left knee, swollen and iced down!


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