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what other sites do u recommend for... 2024

fishing user avatarmaster_baiter reply : 

what other sites do u recommend for a begginer to learn as much as possible?  Just started this summer fishing for bass primarly.  Haven't had good luck yet here in Wisconsin where i live.  So any sites that u have used would be great for me thanks.

fishing user avatarnwgabassmaster reply : 

I am not sure that Glenn would like other sites to be promoted on here.

I also feel that you could get a great deal of knowledge from this website.  It's a great website to learn a lot of things from.

However, in respect to Glenn, if you would like some information from other sites, drop me an e-mail at

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

You have found the right site! Start with the beginner's section and go from there. has more information on this site than you will find anywhere else on the net. Start with the articles in the BassResource Library before spending a lot of time on the forum, but when you have a question, there are some very knowledgable fishermen here with years of experience to provide detailed response.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

No need to go somewhere else, everything you need to know is right here at the "Fishing Articles" section and if there 's something you didn 't understand you can ask in the forums.

fishing user avatarmaster_baiter reply : 

sorry didn't mean any disrespect to the owner of the forum was just typing before i really looked around fully

fishing user avataralbiechaser reply : 

this is one of  the better sites around for info.

plus very nice folks here.

you can try a google search for info also.

best thing for you to do is get out there and fish. try different setups. diff. retrieve. diff. baits,  bass usally feed in the morning early, then around lunch time and then right before dark.

go then. also work on your knots at home. you'll never stop learning about it. kinda like golf, lol

good luck and enjoy the ride

fishing user avatartexasbass1 reply : 

There are a lot of sites available. But as has been stated, this one is by and far the best. As well as being well established. All of us are willing to help out the best we can.

Welcome aboard.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Especially for a beginner. Many of the other forums are very ego-based. THis site, however, is based on knowledge sharing, education,respect for all, and the growth of this sport which essentially means ,....YOU! ;D

Start asking whenever you are ready but I'm sure we all recommend starting with the "Fishing articles" so you can learn at your own pace.

Catch 'em up!

fishing user avatarcrank it reply : 

hey master- baiter this is the best site to find all the info you need but just get out there and fish try different stuff experince is the best teacher and never stop learning hey what part of wisconsin are you from I live here also.

fishing user avatarmaster_baiter reply : 

i live in kenosha county for the past 3 years but grew up in northeren wis by woodruff but up there its all walleye and muskies

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 
you can try a google search for info also.

That's how I found  Haven't looked back since, nor do I visit any other sites.  This place has it all, period!

fishing user avatarcrank it reply : 

yea i live in beloit wi fish alot on the rock river lake delvan and in northern Ill just started bass fishing two years ago I was a big walleye guy and musky guy but just love fishing for bass just wish I could get the bigger ones.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Keep reading, keep casting, and that will inevitably change.

fishing user avatarfatbass reply : 

This is the first site I ever visited when searched for bass fishing and the only site I've visited since.  Its all here.  

Creative handle you got "Master_Baiter"

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

This is the only site I would recomend. It is perfect for the Beginner. There is no way you will be disapointed.

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 

NONE!!!!! This is the only site your ever going to need. It's informative, It's friendly and It's growing FAST. Welcome to the party.


The Pa Angler

fishing user avatarDDbasser reply : 

I have to agree with everyone else.

if you're looking for the best information on the bass species habits, forage or anything else that has to do with bass, you'll find it here.

No need to look else where.

Welcome and glad to have you aboard!!!

fishing user avatarMyKeyBe reply : 


There are no other sites. This is the one and only!

Glenn has done a great job here. THE BEST BASS RESOURCE ON THE NET!

Ask and you shall receive.

You have a question just ask.

No matter how stupid it may seem it will get answered and answered by a bunch of people who know what they are talking about and a few who don't. (Like me :o)

All I know is this:


fishing user avatarSam reply : 

This is the site.

I have been to Woo Daves, Hank Parker, Bassmaster and other bass fishing sites but this one is the best, by far.

The people on this site are top notch.  They will help you with any bass fishing related question.

Just ask the question or do what I do, visit the various posts, read them, copy the ones I need for future reference and save on a Word document, or make notes.

Glen is a super guy to not only set up this site but to manage it.  Thanks Glen.  Keep up the good work.

fishing user avatarbass master reply : 

This page rocks.

fishing user avatarRedtail reply : 

Every time I think I 've seen the most original, bizzare, funny or weird name people pick for this site - another one comes along!  LOL

fishing user avatarJeff_NHBA reply : 

What other sites?  There are other sites? This is the one and only site you'll ever need.

fishing user avatarfishinfool reply : 

I agree with everyone else, this site has it all. Stay here for your best chance at learning.

fishing user avatarhuskertko reply : 

The funny thing is, is that I am like you, a realitve newbie, and i have done searches for other sites and they all had forums or discussion boards, and when this same question is posted on those boards, the resounding answer is this site.  I have seen several people ask this question on other sites and they responses are always a link to the articles and information areas of

Short answer, you found the best one out there.  

I have admit that i still check out the other boards but i have learned more from this one than all the others combined.   The people and the knowledge the people here have and are willing to share is second to none.  The folks are the best, and Glenn does a great job of keeping it all in line.

fishing user avatarfishinfool reply : 

I used to be a member of and actually still am, but I only check out those forums maybe once a week to see everyones pics of their latest catches. This site has been more helpful than any forum, or book that i've read thus far. The only other site I keep up with daily is the SCBASS.NET and SCBASS.COM sites since i'm located in South Carolina those sites keep me posted on latest tournament schedules and ranks/standings of the past tx.

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

stick with this website.  it is the best.  i have learned SO much

fishing user avatarNew Bass Man reply : 

At some point, you'll want to settle down to one or two sources. When you do, this one will be on your short list.

Sometimes, you have to see the other side before you can appreciate what you have.  At some point, you'll reach the conclusion we all reach sooner or later:  We are drowning in information, and starving for knowledge.

So when that happens, it is best to be with people who know the deal.  It's tough sometime to reach out.  But here you can.  I like what ole Mark Twain said.  "It ain't what you don't know that gets you in trouble; its what you know for sure that ain't so".

Better ask somebody.

Just my two cents.

fishing user avatarbassackwards reply : 
At some point, you'll want to settle down to one or two sources. When you do, this one will be on your short list.

that may sum it up...  

also, this site has dozens upon dozens of articles on fishing, from many sources.  I don't know how many sites will have something this site doesn't.. lol

I'm sure there is more out there...  I can't tell you how much more I have improved after reading some articles, asking questions here, and going before (or onto) the water to fish.  then coming back with more questions.

hm..  words aren't complex enough to describe how great this site is.   ;D


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