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Your Fishing Partner Bothers You When...... 2024

fishing user avatarRyneB reply : 

I was just wondering if anyone has a fishing buddy or buddies that do something minor or major that gets under your skin? I have a buddy who keeps his baitcaster close to free spool and backlashes every 20 casts or so. He casts further than me a lot, but hes always picking out backlashes. Whenever i ask him why he doesnt tighten up the brakes he says it is because he can cast farther than me. Id rather keep my line in the water than picking out backlashes. It really bothers me when were on his boat instead of mine because instead of keeping the boat in position with the trolling motor, hes too busy picking out his "professional overrun."

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 

I have a really good friend that won't stay still long enough to fish a spot, we generally cruise right through or around a good location, he ALWAYS ends up with more fish than me when he does this.

I asked him why he won't slow down and give me a little time to work a spot, his reply...that way you can't beat ME on MY dumb is that ?

I would take a C-Rig and just drag it around with a lizard or something but I would not have as much fun fishing with him anymore.

fishing user avatartugsandpulls reply : 

when i go fishing with my buddy we shore fish ( no boat ) but we always split up quite a ways so it dont reallly bug eachother

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

My dad is constantly checking the drag on his spinning reels. So every half hour or so I'll hear a spinning reel give drag in the back of the boat and turn around to see if he needs help with the fish I think he's just hooked just to find out he's checking his drag again, drives me crazy.

fishing user avatarZoff reply : 

I have a CLOSE family member (so it's hard to say no) that believes that $29.99 is too much to pay for a rod/reel combo, South Bend line does not need to be changed regularly (just when you don't have enough on the reel to cast), and the beetle spin is sufficient for everything up to largemouth. So he ends up with stuff that can't handle the day and ends up having to use one of mine. I bought two cheap Diawa Samurai combos I bring when he goes so he leaves my "good stuff" unmolested. Is that wrong of me to feel that way?

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

Good stories. My fishing buddy talks way too much, makes everything a contest, but only when he's winning, can't tie a knot and keep the boat in position, casts over my line on purpose, and has been known to try to dump me in the lake.

I can't wait 'til we go fishing again.

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 

Before this gets too far along, I'd like to be the first to say that I'm thankful that my fishing partners DO NOT post here!

fishing user avatarIma Bass Ninja reply : 

One if my buddies insist on casting towards the front of the boat when he's on the back deck of my boat. Bout every 5 min I'll have a lure zinging past my ear. Usually my reply is " the back of the boat is the other way". So far I haven't got hit but if I ever do things are gonna get ugly.

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

My primary fishing buddy has been generous, sharing locations, techniquies, positions the boat when I back seat to give me casting opporunities, answers any questions about his retrieves or presentations, rolls down the window when he passes gas and has a great sense of humor. If he would just let me fish without those little booties that cover my shoes to keep his carpet perfect, he would be without a flaw.

fishing user avatarscrutch reply : 

One of my buddies talks way too much, especially when I'm sight fishing and trying to concentrate, or when we're in a spot that any noise could spook fish! I like to talk, but I hate it when someone just yaks and yaks about nothing. Irritating.

fishing user avatarpsuangler91 reply : 
  On 3/2/2012 at 6:44 AM, Zoff12 said:

I have a CLOSE family member (so it's hard to say no) that believes that $29.99 is too much to pay for a rod/reel combo, South Bend line does not need to be changed regularly (just when you don't have enough on the reel to cast), and the beetle spin is sufficient for everything up to largemouth. So he ends up with stuff that can't handle the day and ends up having to use one of mine. I bought two cheap Diawa Samurai combos I bring when he goes so he leaves my "good stuff" unmolested. Is that wrong of me to feel that way?

No way! if someone's too cheap to buy quality equipment that's their problem. Obviously you're going to be a nice guy and let him borrow your stuff since he's family but that doesn't mean you can't be a little annoyed by it!

I get a little upset when I go on trips with my dad because if the lake has walleye in it we aren't allowed to target bass until we've all caught a limit of walleye. Don't get me wrong I love eating walleye, but trolling over the same spot over and over again makes for a long day.

fishing user avatarGeorgia Jeff reply : 

I fish mostly small rivers (about 30 yards wide). I fish out of the front of the boat, however my partner tries to cast way out in front on me instead of fishing the pocket you can't cast to untill you are past a bush/tree that is hanging in the water. Then I have to turn around and cast to the spot while he throws over and past me. If he would just fish from the middle of the boat and back we could cover water much more efficiently.

fishing user avatarmarinetech reply : 

when he farts and I'm down wind

fishing user avatarjokerjp reply : 

Only two words annoy me when I'm fishing - "HUNG UP!" Believe me I understand the occasional hang up with a lure, but when it's 10 times a trip....I start to question why I didn't just go out solo.

fishing user avatarlmoore reply : 

He bothers me when he outfishes me....not that it's hard, but he nerve of some people! :P

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I like to be very very stealthy when i'm fishing. One guy who i meet at my spots talks out loud and i think its just to scare the fish away.

fishing user avatarriskkid 2 reply : 

When he slams me in the mouth on his back cast with a 1/2 oz Jig and crosses my eyes as he sets the hook. It was an accident but the trip to the ER was no fun. Funny now but not so much at the time.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

When he tries to horse a fish over the side of the boat with 8lb fluoro, even though I have the net in hand,and have always been a decent net man. Especialy when that fish bumps us down to 2nd place ...............HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL.

fishing user avatarHooligan reply : 

Man, you guys are a buncha whiners! I'm never in back whether it's his aricraft carrier or mine, we both fish out of the front. We split everything down the middle, we both know that we can take the kitchen sink, or not enough and the other will support it, or donate baits.

If you're fishing with people that annoy you, you need to find someone else to fish with. I can't say one bad thing about anyone I fish with.

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

^^^I'm pretty sure most of the folks here are just having a little fun at their partner's expense. I know I am. I can say a lot of bad things about the guy I fish with, and he can say even more about me. We've been best friends for 30 years and never stop finding new ways to annoy each other. That's half the fun. I plan on bringing roman candles the next time we go fishing...and no, I'm not kidding.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 
  On 3/2/2012 at 12:10 PM, Daniel My Brother said:

^^^I'm pretty sure most of the folks here are just having a little fun at their partner's expense. I know I am.

Exactly..........., besides when we are not partners, he routinly hands it to me at the scales, so I got to get him any way I can......and I know he lurks here. HAHAHAHA

fishing user avatarHooligan reply : 

I guess I wasn't looking at it that way. I was reading those as serious annoyances. What you both mention above is an entirely different story. I'm in 100% agreement with you that you have to get your licks in when you can, particularly when it's someone you regularly trade wins with, or someone that will outfish you on one body of water, while you'll smack 'em on another.

fishing user avatarZoff reply : 

Well... my main fishing buddy is a different story. I think... in the last month or so... he has given me about 200 bucks worth of plastics, 3 Abu Garcia baitcasting rods and a reel, a Pflueger Trion spinning rod, and a Berkley spinning rod... all new. He gave my Daughter a nice spinning rod/reel combo. I mean... the guy is generous as all get out. To top it all off... he refuses to go out with me fishing if I do not accept his share of the boat expenses. Go figure!?!?!?!

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 
  On 3/2/2012 at 12:55 PM, Zoff12 said:

Well... my main fishing buddy is a different story. I think... in the last month or so... he has given me about 200 bucks worth of plastics, 3 Abu Garcia baitcasting rods and a reel, a Pflueger Trion spinning rod, and a Berkley spinning rod... all new. He gave my Daughter a nice spinning rod/reel combo. I mean... the guy is generous as all get out. To top it all off... he refuses to go out with me fishing if I do not accept his share of the boat expenses. Go figure!?!?!?!

Well if ge ever comes to WNY, give him my phone number LOL.

fishing user avatarSausageFingers reply : 

When they purposely fire a cast across your line or position the boat so that you're left with absolutely nothing.

Another solid one is re-tying but intentionally burying you up agaist the bank or dead water so you can't cast or be effective when you do.

Most of my regular fishing buddies are great to share the water with. Others make outings less enjoyable. Those are the ones that I dont make an effort to go out with.

fishing user avatarbayouXpress reply : 

I have a good fishing buddy that is a speed fisherman that never wants to fish plastics. I refuse to go in his boat. But when he is in my boat he is kinda clumsy and tends to break things. He has stepped on multiple poles, broke cup holders, radio face plate, and he has lost 2 of his rods in the water and has kicked one of mine over but was able to save it.

The worst thing is he is very generous with the information that you just spent the last 2 weeks and hundreds of dollars in gas to find some fish and will tell anyone and everyone that he sees. And has no shame in asking every single person what they got, what they caught them with, what color, etc. He just has no want to find his own fish. I love the dude, but sometimes I find reasons not to bring him.

Kinda crappy on my part, but I like to fish and relax.

fishing user avatartate reply : 

I bring a brother like friend with me in my boat, he has real crappy gear and no lures so I let him use some of my rod/reels and provide the lures that he should use, I put him in the right spots and help him with the pattern for that day .... so basically full guide service. And then he out fished me and I never hear the end of it.

My wife would answer this with .... "when my fishing partner (me) annoys me when he kneels on and breaks my expensive sunglasses ..... then 10 minutes later he drops my smartphone in the lake!"

fishing user avatarSAC2 reply : 

when getting up at a "decently early time" to fish means 8 in the morning!!! hell ive already milked all the cows and make breakfast by then!

fishing user avatarbrushhoggin reply : 

cant stand it when my buddy makes the first few casts of the day and when he doesn't get bit, "wonders" why they're not biting, before even trying another spot or lure. or if he only catches 10 fish in an 8 hour day he's like, "why'd i take off of work again?"...instead of just enjoying himself and his time off.

fishing user avatarretiredbosn reply : 

Growing up me and my uncle fished alot, I got on his nerves, a lot. He insisted that I would keep the boat straight while going through rapids on the river, I was more interested in casting to the eddies, lol. The time I flipped the boat changed that though, the biggest thing that really got him aggrevated was to cross his line. If he were a member of this site I think he would have a couple of pages about me. It was his and my aunt's influence that has kept me fishing all these years, now when we go, I make sure he gets the good water first, the only thing that bothers me is that now he is always wanting to crappie fish, but I think spending few days crappie fishin when I could be bassin every year is worth it. I guess it's time for me to repay the debt. He is in his 70's now and we get to go a few times every year, BTW I always make sure I cross his line a few times, just to keep him honest, lol.

fishing user avatarredboat reply : 

My fishing buddy I.M. HaungUp does two things that aggrivate me, one minor, one major:

Minor: He is the only person I know who can get hung up on the exact same stump or rock ten or more times in a row;

Major: He calls his girlfriend every two or three minutes on his cell phone, "Hi baby, I LOOOOVVVVEEEE you, kiss kiss, yeah, I cast my bait out but didn't catch anything yet but I haven't reeled it in yet either, kiss, kiss, I LOOOOOVVVVEEEEE you baby, i MIIIISSSSS you SOOOO much, well, I'll call you back as soon as I reel this bait in..."

fishing user avatarjames 14 reply : 

When we're fishing a tourney and he gets a phone call, puts it on speaker-phone and carries on his conversation. I'm usually tempted to kick the trolling motor on high towards the opposite side.

fishing user avatarNCbassmaster4Life reply : 

Just today my buddy goes fishing back home(i'm in another state) he sends me a text and says any idea what to use today and I have no problem telling him in my opinion it's just that he needs to do more homework on the seasonal patterns. He's a really good fisherman, he just needs to learn how to fish all seasons instead of after the spawn.

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 

People who are obliviously to other peoples choice in what they spend their extra cash on (Rods, reels, etc).

People who do not respect others' equipment.

People who constantly move around.

fishing user avatarNILBasser reply : 

I have two pet peeves when my partner and I are tournament fishing.1. He wants to cast past the front of the boat to hit the dock two ahead of where we are now. 2. If I say something he will cast back several docks and almost always get hung up requiring me to turn around, wasting time. Some days I just wanna kick himout of the boat but most days we do great together. Besides, someone has to bring the donuts.

fishing user avatarNCbassmaster4Life reply : 
  On 3/3/2012 at 6:10 AM, NILBasser said:

I have two pet peeves when my partner and I are tournament fishing.1. He wants to cast past the front of the boat to hit the dock two ahead of where we are now. 2. If I say something he will cast back several docks and almost always get hung up requiring me to turn around, wasting time. Some days I just wanna kick himout of the boat but most days we do great together. Besides, someone has to bring the donuts.

Yeah that's another one of mine also...the guy in the front of the boat always get's to cast to the tree in the water or stump and the guy in the back has to catch whatever he didn't, rule of thumb I guess.

fishing user avatarVinny Chase reply : 

I only have a few buddies that are really into bass fishing, so when I take a majority of my freinds out a) they catch more than me B) they go through my plastics like there is no tomorrow!

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

The guy who is fishing in the picture at the bottom of the BR Background is my fishing partner. I couldn't ask for a better guy to fish with. We've taught each other so much over the years that many times during the day we will bend down at the same time and pick up a rod with the same bait on it. We share spots. We keep secret spots between us and neither of us are ever late. Sometimes I just wish I would catch more fish than him. lol

fishing user avatarFrog Turds reply : 

an old friend of mine from way back that i don't fish with anymore well, he'd only want to fish for like 4 hours or less. then it was either "i'm hungry"~"its too hot"~"i got sheit to do" "fish aren't poppin" was always something & always was 4hrs or less then the outing was over and heading home. when i go out to fish, i go out to fish the day & leave it open ended, no obligations...

or there were times where he say i'll pick you up at this time or another in the morning then that time passes, try to call & no answer. then he'd either show up waaaaaaaaaay late or a couple times didn't show up at all. so i'd waste hours preparing and waiting before i'd say hell with it & head out myself. thats where i drew the line and cut my losses & friendship. its especially rude & disrespectful to not show up. when i took the time to get up, get all my stuff together, make breakfest & eat so i'm ready at said time knuppel2.gif

fishing user avatarMacTier reply : 

I have a cottage about 120 miles north of Toronto. For many years, I have had two of my closest friends come up for a week of fishing in the early Summer and again in early Fall. I love them like brothers but...

We will head for a favorite spot, one that we have fished many times. I will pull up, turn on the trolling motor, and make my first cast. I look around and both of them have their tackle boxes open, and are discussing what bait to use. By the time I am done fishing the spot, they are ready to make a cast.

Depending on my mood, sometimes I circle around so they can make some casts. Other times I just head for the next spot.

They can't figure out why I catch more fish than they do.

fishing user avatarStinkyBass reply : 

when my fishing buddy doesnt know the water we're fishing and wont use any of my lures. he's too worried about loosing a $9 crank bait instead of trying to bass fish! (if youre not snagging or losing a lure or two, your not bass fishing) i just want him to hook into a beast

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 
  On 3/3/2012 at 11:09 AM, StinkyBass said:

when my fishing buddy doesnt know the water we're fishing and wont use any of my lures. he's too worried about loosing a $9 crank bait instead of trying to bass fish! (if youre not snagging or losing a lure or two, your not bass fishing) i just want him to hook into a beast

That bring up a good phrase I tell my dad everytime he pussifoots around cover.

"If you aint snaggin' , you ain't baggin"

fishing user avatarStinkyBass reply : 
  On 3/3/2012 at 11:13 AM, BASSclary said:

That bring up a good phrase I tell my dad everytime he pussifoots around cover.

"If you aint snaggin' , you ain't baggin"

LOL...i was referring to my dad too! gotta love him though :)

fishing user avatarTRYTOFISH reply : 

all phones in the boat are turned off!

fishing user avatarDiablos reply : 

I have always fished alone then I found a great partner then he got a job far away. :cry4: Now I fish alone again

I am very cynical when it comes to meeting new people so the last place I want to get to know someone is on my boat.

I could never fish tourneys in random pairings.

fishing user avatarSAC2 reply : 

you guys are ruthless!! lol. nah i would do the same thing most of you guys do in the same situation. if one of my buddies is 15 minutes late, i just leave without them. and when i say 15 minutes....i mean my truck is going into drive at 14:59 out of my driveway and if i pass them on the way out its too late!

fishing user avatarRyneB reply : 

I annoy myself sometimes as well. I get flustered easily, whether it be the heat, the wind, the lack of catching good size bass. Sometimes i am my own worst fishing partner. The minute the weather gets hot, i feel like i start fishing really fast and start running and gunning.

fishing user avatarCrankenstein Crony reply : 

It drives me nuts when I fish with 1 of my buddies and he blames his back lash on his bait caster. Sometimes he will back last 3 or 4 reels a night so badly he has to respool them. He firmly believes he has his reels tuned in right and the reels are the problem.... Needless to say I take up stock in the line company he uses.

fishing user avatarcitybassboy reply : 

My fishing partner is my dad and he gets me annoyed EVERY time we go fishing! Hes always talking and thinking hes pro when I'm thinking of what to do next or something. I cheer up a little after the trip when we go to McDonalds and I talk about how I caught more and bigger fish than him! LOL

fishing user avatarcitybassboy reply : 
  On 3/2/2012 at 6:44 AM, Zoff12 said:

I have a CLOSE family member (so it's hard to say no) that believes that $29.99 is too much to pay for a rod/reel combo, South Bend line does not need to be changed regularly (just when you don't have enough on the reel to cast), and the beetle spin is sufficient for everything up to largemouth. So he ends up with stuff that can't handle the day and ends up having to use one of mine. I bought two cheap Diawa Samurai combos I bring when he goes so he leaves my "good stuff" unmolested. Is that wrong of me to feel that way?

I feel your exactly right. If he doesn't want to pay more a little quality, then thats his choice. But he is close to you so I can how hard it is to say NO. I have these friends that i used to fish with (thank god its over) and every time they would come and fish on our boat or off a dock or something, instead of fishing, they would pick apart my tackle boxx and inspect everything. They would use and lose my stuff and put backlashes on all of my baitcasters. But i always let them use my stuff cause it was hard to say no.
fishing user avatarPegwedge reply : 
  On 3/4/2012 at 9:36 PM, citybassboy said:

My fishing partner is my dad and he gets me annoyed EVERY time we go fishing! Hes always talking and thinking hes pro when I'm thinking of what to do next or something. I cheer up a little after the trip when we go to McDonalds and I talk about how I caught more and bigger fish than him! LOL

I fish with my dad mostly as well but he's the complete opposite. He's got a severe case of no confidence. He claims he's my-bad luck charm and that I always catch more/better fish when he's not around. Kinda depressing but I make him come fishing with me as often as I can. He's also one that refuses to upgrade his equipment. Still using a Shakespeare spin cast combo he's had since I was a kid that grinds and grinds on the retrieve. But he enjoys using it for some reason so I keep my mouth shut.


fishing user avatarRPnKC reply : 

When he drives the boat over fish so he can beat the bank.

fishing user avatarColton Neal reply : 

Simply crossing my line...

fishing user avatarHandy reply : 

When he wont go fishing with you! My brother just doesnt want to make plans for anything so we only go when it just happens to work out. My other fishin buddy tells me all the time that I wont catch them on that bait! Case in point I went to throw a stanly ribbit toward some weeds and he says I wont catch anything with that and on the first cast got a 14 inch largemouth. I looked at him and he was slackjawed and has since kept those kind of remarks to himself.


fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

My brother is notorious for this, he will loose his only spinner bait then borrow one of mine. after a few hours he usually looses that one grabs another then forgets to give it back at the end of the trip. he always says oh, I owe you a spinnerbait man sorry. I have yet to recieve a lure back from him. on the other hand I do make more money than him, not much but I can afford to buy more where he cant. but still

fishing user avatarwisconsin heat reply : 

my dad isnt a great fisherman he really has no clue what he is doing. i dont like it when he loses my lures. He has and will cast crankbaits to slop on the surface, this wouldnt be too much of an issue, but when we fish from shore and im slowly working my way down a bank with a plastic or something, he cuts in front of me and casts the crank into weeds and pulls in pounds of salad every cast! He just ruins the spots that i was obviously on my way to! I love my dad and am thankful that he got me into fishing when i was younger, but dad you can really tick me off sometimes!

fishing user avatarBasspastor reply : 

I've got a fishing buddy who is tough to deal with in real life as well as in the boat. He thinks he knows it all and is always right. He's outspoken on lots issues and I don't always agree with him. He often is screwing around when I'm ready to go. It drives me nuts to fish with him in my boat because he such an excessive back seat driver. "Move the boat this way, move the boat that way, slow down, speed up, lets try somewhere else". When things don't go right he gets frustrated or angry. He is constantly negative about other people. He always wants to keep the pike we catch and he'll catch panfish for me to clean when I don't want too. (I refuse to clean his pike). He'll get in self in unneeded confrontations with people, sometimes those people are me. Simply put he's a jerk.

So why do I put up with him? Well he's a former Marine and Army National Guard Iraq veteran and I know growing up was tough for him as his Mom died when he was a kid and his father is worse than he his in terms of people to get along with.


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