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POLL-Berkeley Gulp Ad 2024

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

In reference toTHIS recent post

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Like I said in the other thread.  I thought it was funny.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

I'm in the other camp-not funny. Thanks for starting the poll LBH. It will be interesting...

fishing user avatarbassmasta7 reply : 

I voted neither because i was not offended but i just didnt think it was funny. It was like a bombed joke.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Not offensive - Not funny - Nothing

I feel that the commercial is just plain stupid.

There are far more clever ways to be funny.

PS: When I seen those hideous shapes, I went "GULP"! ;D


fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 

I don't like the commercial but I'm not offended.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I voted neither.I wasn't offended,and it wasn't funny.I guess I thought it was really dumb.

fishing user avatardirectlink reply : 

I also voted humorous.  It wasn't hilarious or anything, but the first time I saw it, it kinda made me laugh.  I do think that Gulp! needs a new commercial though, it's getting old.

fishing user avatarspotaholic reply : 

I tell you what is more offensive than this ad is the fact that we have made fishing more about sponsors and marketing than about the fishing. It is dipping into the young culture. They are great at telling you about thier sponsors but most have no clue how to FISH.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

It does not offend me, nor amuse me........ I just find it stupid.

fishing user avatarDR_Bass reply : 

I just think that they need a new commercial......

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Frankly, I found it kinda humorous.  The older I get the less serious I tend to take things.  There are many commercials on TV that humorous, but have no effect on me with me buying the product or not.  

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


With very few exceptions, I don't fish Berkley products and don't ever read their ads. I have seen this series, but would have never given them a second thought if this thread hadn't come up (I must have missed the original).

Avid mentioned Gangster that's offensive. I've only heard bits and pieces, I can't understand a thing they say, I guess I'm not fluent in whatever language they speak. Erectile dysfunction? Yeah, I really like those commercials, too, especially when I'm watching a football game with my teenage daughter and her boyfriend!

I guess the dumbing down of today's humor or the numbing effects of all the crap on television has caused me just to ignore or block out these types of displays. I'm not mad, I don't care. Berkley didn't have me to lose as a customer, but I won't be jumping on board anytime soon, either.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Same here.  When Berkley power worms came out, I was a pure addict.  Then the putty for trout.  That was the last time I bought a Berkely product.  There are some products under the Pure Fishing umbrella that I use but as for Berkely, I wasn't their customer to lose either so it's doesn't matter.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Theres over 200 channels out their that are more offensive, vulgar, racist, and shouldn't be seen by youth viewers.

TV Soap operas, jean commercials, cologne commercials, videos of all sorts deem more press than a fishing Ad.

Too funny!!!!!!!     If my child was to stumble on to something, I only hope it is a fishing AD or outdoor show and not an MTV house party show, or WWE bras and panties match, or soap operas and the usual day time bed room scene.

With my child watching Saturday Morning Bass Center, I know thats the worst she'll see,  and compared to regular programming, and prime time, thats as close to "Romper Room as it gets anymore"   Just My .02

fishing user avatarNick_Barr reply : 

The First Time I saw it I laughed, a pretty clever Idea on their part. now its just annoying. seeing a half naked Ike and skeet

Plus I never was a berkely customer.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Matt Fly,

Man, we're on the same page on this one. I flipped through Bassmaster to take another look at the ad. Yeah, it sucks, but so what? It's not nearly as bad as that series Calvin Klein ran with models who looked like they had been hooked on heroin for ten years. There are a zillion other examples of poor taste, but I just don't think it's worth our time to get all jazzed up over "soft sleeze". Plus, as others have said, the Berkley ad is just plain stupid and we all know, there's no shortage of stupid.

fishing user avatarikebass15 reply : 

I voted offensive. Anybody who thinks it is funny has some serious problems. What is this world comming to? In a few years that same ad will be in there with out the bass in front of them.

fishing user avatarsodaksker reply : 

I voted offended, but more specifically I was insulted.  Why would they "berkely" market to a segment that in my estimation, is comprised of 90% or more a male market.  Do they think we are a bunch of "gay"  fishermen.  Go sell Brokeback mountain somewhere else.  I despise those adds and tunr the channel anytime it comes on.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 
I voted offensive. Anybody who thinks it is funny has some serious problems. What is this world comming to? In a few years that same ad will be in there with out the bass in front of them.

Easy there young fella. I voted offensive, and e-mailed the companies with my thoughts on the matter. I agree that the future of advertising and entertainment is a serious concern, but saying someone has serious problems because they have a different view is not the way to make a difference. I like your passion, but we need show respect for others if they are to hear what we have to say.

fishing user avatarReplica. reply : 

I wish you had the option "Stupid" in your poll question.  That was the first thing I thought when I seen the ad.  The only berkley products I use are power worms and grubs.  I have never used Gulp and do not plan on using it.  For every person that likes Gulp at least 2 or 3 dislike it.  And a couple of naked men are not going to change my mind.  If Salma Hayek was in the ad naked, I might change my mind.  Am I a hipacrite?  Absolutely.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 
If Salma Hayek was in the ad naked, I might change my mind. Am I a hipacrite? Absolutely.

And honest!!! ;D ;D ;)

I thought it was humorous the first few times I saw it (I guess I have serious issues) and now I think it's getting old and stupid. Do I think it's offensive ... absilutely not. What's the difference between that and going to the pool/beach and seeing some guy wearing a speedo.

fishing user avatarlogger reply : 

I agree stupid commercial.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

My sentiments are similar to Sodaksker. Angling is enjoyed by males and females alike,

but it is clearly a male-oriented sport. If Berkley were smart, they would have produced

that same commercial using Bass Pros from the "female circuit". I'll bet that fewer males

would be offended by that same commercial. After all, it is not images of the human body

that corrupt youth, that's more the work of gansta rap mentality, the drug cult and violence.

I also share the same sentiments as K-Mac. We need to give the opinion of others

maximal latitude, something I've struggled with for most of my life.

If you have ever changed your mind about "anything", then you can appreciate the wisdom

of tolerating the opinion of others.


fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Personally, the commercial did nothing for me, not really funny, mostly dumb.

Maybe the commercial is supposed to be appealing to the "otherside" of 90%, ie....wives and girl friends.

And its okay to make Broke Back jokes or mention them so our kids can come ask us what thats suppose to mean. Kids are on this forum also!!!!!!!!

Do I email you or your wive for the complaint department. You might say I took it out of context, and I might say the same about Gulp, I mean did you see 100% of their bodies nude, or are you just assuming?

Sorry guys, practice what your preaching. Whether on a forum or TV, its in the public spotlight and you don't like going natural, and I don't want to explain Broke Back to a 9yr old .

Just my .02

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

My answer was neither, but with caveats.  What has always offended me regarding commercials like this is that it is an insult to my intelligence.  It's the same with movies.  If a sexual scene doesn't add to the story line in a movie, it doesn't need to be there.  It is just gratuitous.  I'm sure all of us like sex as much as the next guy, but there is a time and a place for it to be exposed.  

The ad in BasssMaster didn't bother me that much, but I have to ask, "Does Berkley think I'm stupid enough to buy their product because of this ad?"  Are they targeting women or those with "alternative lifesyles", and if so, do they think women are so shallow they will buy their product due to this ad?  Also, is this something I want my kids to see?  It's not showing anything, but what message does it send to them about what is acceptable standards of conduct?

fishing user avatarsodaksker reply : 


Point taken.

fishing user avatar-Drums- reply : 
If Salma Hayek was in the ad naked, I might change my mind.


Salma Hayek is good for my soul.

fishing user avatarTop reply : 

I think some folks need to take a deep breath and then have a root beer or cream soda or something...

I tell you I am the MOST over protective Father of 2 daughters you have EVER seen... TRUST ME.. I AM.. hahahaha anyways here is how I look at it...

from birth to 7 the kids are young enough to see stuff like that ad and not understand it.. and if they do ask you can deflect with that is two guys being silly trying to sell something.. and leave it at that... THEN after they go to school... do you REALLY think that what is on that AD will effect them more than the kindergarten kid calling the teacher a *****? IT HAPPENS!!! How about when you go to Burger King and the 4 teenage boys are 10 feet way trying to be a "gangsta" and saying MFing this and MFing that every other word out of their mouth... THAT happens too... Do I think the ad is cool? *shrug* its advertising... its about Gulp being "natural" not about sex... SHEESH!!! Try to stop being so close minded... heck my daugher came home and was talking about BOB... and when I looked at her.. she explained to me what it means... talk about SHOCKED... she is 13... so no matter how much we shelter our kids.. I would rather them learn it at home than on the streets... so no an AD in a magazine doesn't upset me.. the other stuff does

just my .02c worth


fishing user avatargoldenmonkey reply : 

doesnt bother me, its more of a dumb ad than offensive.

now if it was two naked chicks out there on a boat I might consider their products the next time I go to bass pro shops :)

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 
its advertising... its about Gulp being "natural" not about sex... SHEESH!!!

Exactly!!!! At no time does that ad say anything about sex.  We are the ones that automatically relate an assumed naked body to sex.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
its advertising... its about Gulp being "natural" not about sex... SHEESH!!!

Exactly!!!! At no time does that ad say anything about sex.  We are the ones that automatically relate an assumed naked body to sex.

I agree with KU_B and SFC_AL.  I don't see anything sexual in this ad.  As I said in an earlier post, though, companies who use inferred nudity, inferred sex, etc.  assume that we are idots and that this is going to sell some of us on their products.  There are much worse things that our children see and hear.  Fortunately my daughters are 20 and 17 so this isn't a big deal.  (Funny, though, I worry about them now more than ever.)

SFC_AL said:

Try to stop being so close minded

SFC_AL, I think alot of the guys who don't like this aren't necessarily close-minded.  There are guys on this site who are old enough to have seen the desensitization of our population to many things that were once offensive, but are now accepted.  People can dislike something and still defend your right to say it and do it.  That is called freedom.  For instance, I don't like the degrading manner in which women are described in gangsta rap, but I defend the artist's right to produce what they wish.  I just don't have to listen to it or buy it.  It isn't close-minded to say I don't like it, just as it isn't close-minded if someone tells me they don't like my boat or the music I listen to.  It becomes close-minded when you prohibit someone from doing something.  I'm sure there are things you don't like.  Does that make you close-minded?  It's a preference, not a closed mind.  

fishing user avatarShad_Master reply : 

I wonder why more people are upset about this commercial than they are about that annoying Evinrude commercial where the guy's clothes fly off and he is wearing a pink thong?  Could it be Ike?  It couldn't be Skeet.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 


I only have one daughter who is grown with 3 kids of her own now, but can relate to the "over-protecting" thing. When she started dating I always told any young man who came to pick her up that when she was with him I held him responsible for everything that happened to her. It was fun to see how they reacted and it made the point. With your military background you'll be even more intimidating than I was. Maybe you can wear a side arm when they show up... ;)Good luck with that. BTW I'm as clueless as you were about the "BOB" thing. I guess I must be getting old.

Now as far as the ad is concerned, whether or not it is about sex really isn't the point as far as I'm concerned. I just think it is completely inappropriate. I agree that we are exposed to things all the time that are offensive. Some of those things we have control of, others we don't. I once confronted a table full of teenage boys MFing at the table next to me and my family. I was completely out-gunned but they shut up. My point is, sometimes we can make a difference if we are willing to take a stand.

As to being "close minded," I'm not sure what that means. If that means that after thinking something through, I have to come to same conclusion as someone else then I am guilty as charged. I mean no disrespect to you or anyone else, just my opinion.


fishing user avatarpapa smurf reply : 

I think Berkley should have put a coulple of guys that look like Denny Brauer in the commercial.  Now that would have been funny.  

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

For the sake of full disclosuer, here is the e-mail I just recieved from Berkley. I still find the ad offensive, but their response certainly is not.

Thank you for contacting us regarding our recent Berkley Gulp! advertising. Please be aware that we respect your opinions and that we are sorry the ad offended you. Certainly that was not our intent. Rather, we were trying to explain to anglers, in a lighthearted way, that our new Gulp! product is made of all-natural material, unlike all the other plastic soft baits on the market today.


Your friends at Berkley

Berkley Customer Service

1900 18th St

Spirit Lake, IA 51360


fishing user avatarBrian_Reeves reply : 

The offensive part of the commercial is that they are trying to sell GULP!  I hate GULP!

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

It is good to see so many parents concerned on what their child is seeing.     I would also agree that we can't shield our kids from other "playground kids" who have witnessed a little bit of everything.    With that being said, the morals our kids value are learned and demonstrated at home which should enforce right from wrong.

Being a parent in the 80's and up sure changed from what my parents concerns were about.     Good luck, and I can see from the type of members we have, there are some good parenting and supervision going on in America still.



fishing user avatarjb_from_texas reply : 

I didnt find it offensive or really that funny.  BUT, it shows the slippery slope we are on as a society.  This commercial doesnt bother some, maybe not most folks, but what is next?

I'm not that old but i bet they were having the same conversations about similar things, generations before us/me. Now those "offensive" things then seem quite innocent now.

I know, I sound like an old fart, but it really is numbing our kid's morals.

fishing user avatarTop reply : 

thank to everyone for being CIVIL about this discussion.. does the heart good to see....

OK maybe "close minded" was a poor way to word it... all I mean is some folks get things stuck in their craw and that is how it is.. no matter what you say or how you try to explain it to them with reason that is the way it is... period end of conversation :)   thats all I intended to say... and y'all are right... freedom to express ones self IS a wonderful thing... and I will defend to my death that right... :)  while lets hope it doesn't come to that though...  :o

ANYWAYS hahahaha another thing to note... ever notice how every generation they say BACK WHEN I WAS A KID... and THIS COUNTRY IS GOING TO HELL IN A HANDBASKET... :) its true think about it hahahaha its just human nature...

with us its Back when I went to Basic.. hahahahahaha

hope this clears a few of my comments up


fishing user avatarMHH reply : 

It didn't really offend me, but if I had kids watching with me it might be a different story.  I agree wtih the slippery slope argument, but the question becomes at what point to you start to slide down the hill?

fishing user avatarAM reply : 

here we go walking the fine line of political corectness on this board again. let me remind those of you that are offended that IT IS ONLY A F^#%^&* COMERCIAL . If you don't like it don't watch it. really insignificant in the midst of things. but an interesting poll none the less.

fishing user avatarValen reply : 

The commercial is not offensive, it's humans in thier natural state...not even showing the so called "offensive parts."  Parents should teach thier kids that nudity is not a big deal and is natural instead of saying "Nudity is bad, nudity leads to sex which is also bad."  Instead of teaching kids the differences these days it seems parents are more inclined to just label something as inappropriate or bad and move on, while the kids still are curious about the matter and go learn it on thier own with skewed views.

For the people that mentioned gangsta rap corrupting thier youth I can't help but laugh.  I've listened to "gangsta" (lol since when is all rap gangsta rap?) rap since I was 10 years old and was taught the difference between MUSIC aka ENTERTAINMENT and real life.  Just because someone raps about crack cocaine doesn't mean I am gonna go try it, why not you ask? because I knew better and knew it was just lyrics in a song that mean absolutely nothing.  It's up to parents to teach thier kids stuff like this because rap is here to stay and you can't force your children to listen to certain kinds of music, music is one of those things everyone has a different opinion on.  Tell your kids that these guys are just saying these things because it's what sells, they are entertainers just like any other musician and are doing it to make a living and make money, not to corrupt your youth or to get them to do drugs and join gangs.

Sorry but I get irritated when parents put the blame on outside influences corrupting thier children when it's the parents job to teach them right from wrong in the first place.  These are just my opinions, if I offended anyone (which seems pretty easy to do lately seeing as people blow things way out of proportion) I apologize.

fishing user avatarjanalon reply : 

The add is for the WBT, get it?

I hear no one complaning about the girl that has been aged in the swimsuit, she is showing a lot more than the gulp add.

Let's get over it, bass fishing is not just for us.

Or you.

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 
here we go walking the fine line of political corectness on this board again. let me remind those of you that are offended that IT IS ONLY A F^#%^&* COMERCIAL . If you don't like it don't watch it. really insignificant in the midst of things. but an interesting poll none the less.


Wow tell us how you really feel ;)

fishing user avatarcgs2004 reply : 

I don't see anything offensive in it, like others said, there are hundreds of worse commercials out there.  I thought it was a pretty lame comical ad but I've seen lamer ones, I did think the older guy at the end jigging a bait up and down in a fish tank was pretty funny ;D

fishing user avatarjanalon reply : 

Oh, but they must watch it and make their comments, less their sport stolen from them.

Do you chew?

Goodness no? well you can't fish for bass.

Hmmm, maybe they are holding up snook?

Is it the fish or the men, the add or the mag?

Maybe it is the fact that they are not females?

Well they should be.

Can I get another amen?

Silly males fishing for bass, don't they know this sport belongs to those going to hell in a hand basket!

Ok, I will stop.

fishing user avatarcgs2004 reply : 

I would have enjoyed it more if they used WBT pro's instead ;D

fishing user avatarjanalon reply : 

I would have to agree with you there.

Makes me want to shake.

fishing user avatarPBAngler reply : 

I found it funny at first but it is getting old.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 


I think you make some great points. I believe the idea that nudity and sexuality are two different things is valid. I disagree with the idea that nudity for the the purpose of selling products is acceptable. Your idea that music is just entertaiment makes sense also, but my questions are: Can you listen to music that is graphically sexual, violent, misogynistic, and profane without it effecting you? Does the use of nudity and sexuality in advertising and entertainment have an impact on the mores of our society?

I could not agree more with your statement that it is parents who are responsible for teaching their kids right from wrong. It is not society's job, or entertainers, or sports heros, or government, or even the preacher. It certainly isn't advertisers job to teach our children anything. It is my job, as a parent and grandparent, to protect my children from offensive material in advertising, entertainment, education, or anywhere else, until they are old enough to make up their own minds; on that I think we can agree.

fishing user avatartennsopher reply : 

I voted offensive,naked guys dont make me want to buy bait.Besides,you dont kniow where their hands have been.Even if you were a female,these guys look like they bypassed Ballys on the way to McDonalds.Put the fishing togs back on and appeal to fishermen like you know something about fishing.

fishing user avatargatrboy53 reply : 

what offends me is that i and my family have to be subjected to such.the e-tec commercial offends me the same and my 10 yr. old daughter were watching sat. morning fishing shows and within the morning i had to switch channels because of a e.d. add, the e-tec, and gulp adds.i dont want my daughter subjected to such stuff.corporate america is effectively desensitizing society standards so we accept more and more trash into our lives and into our minds.i dont find it funny, humerous or effective selling tools.i find it degrading to my moreas, as well as offensive to my child >:(

fishing user avatarjanalon reply : 

Changing the channel or flipping the page is a great idea.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

I saw the ad but it didn't  honestly effect me one way or another towards the product.  I use some Berkley product but that ad would do nothing to make me want to try Gulp.

BTW,  in the same vein.  How many thought the Etec ad with the guys clothes all coming off except for the bikini bottom underwear was funny?


That ad was friggin hilarious and quite frankly clever enough to make me remember the Evinrude Etec.  I'm afraid Berkley tried the same thing and fell flat on their face with this one.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

3 pages of discussion hardly deems the commercial a flop.    

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

And THAT'S the long and short of it!

That e-tec commercial. Call me too liberal but my nieces saw that and asked me "Uncle Russ ,did you see that commercial of the guy in the boat...." and we all laughed. They are 16 and 13.

I think even my mom would laugh at that one.

I don't see these as "sex-based" commercials because of the partial nudity. I don't think the marketing arrow is aimed there like a Bacardi commercial or a car commercial but is aimed more at the humor of human nature to be embarresed when naked in public.

Just my .02. which I already gave so I guess that makes it .04. Call it a nickel.


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