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You can learn a lot from a dummy. 2024

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

There is a tournament fishermen I chat with often on the net that we spend time bouncing ideas off of each other about bass fishing. Sometimes we give each other input on what we should do in up and coming tournaments and such. One tournament he had and he said he didn't know what to do. So I gave him the "just do it" talk and some pointers I'll be darned if he didn't win. He had a tournament not long ago and we where looking at maps trying to figure out where to go and what to do. I went through my tackle box and mailed him a selection of lures that I thought would win the tournament. Well,  second place had 9 lbs something and the guy won the tournament with 18lbs something and big bass. He said all his keepers but one was caught on my lures and he caught one keeper on a worm. He said that his draw partner offered to buy one of my Bill Norman lures that I painted for 15 bucks. On this site myself and others try hard to teach you something new. We try to help you become a better bass angler. You need to understand that for years anglers kinda kept information to themselves. If you knew a lot about bass fishing you didn't tell anyone. They never really took time to teach the next generation of anglers. The other side is if they did teach anything it was generic answers without details. I post a lot on this site because I hope that I can help you become a better bass fishermen. I hope that you can take something out of it that brings you to the next level or maybe helps you catch a few more fish. I hope I make a difference for the next generation. Thats why I do it. So I hope you learned a lot from this dummy ;D

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I'm on the same level as Chris but a little different.  I really enjoy turning people on to fishing who had no idea.  I've found the best way is to bring someone bluefishing.  The schools of bluefish ball up bait and then the whole lot rises to the surface and the feed is on.  It's actually loud when bluefish are boiling and it's a "no miss", viscious, topwater bite.   I've had people on my boat whose mouth's dropped open when they saw what goes on in the bay that's right in their backyard.  Great way to get someone interested.

Another aspect is kids.  Glenn put me in touch w/ the folks from C.A.S.T.     I am starting a committee to organize one of these events for the kids in the orphanage on my route(ups)

Very satisfying spreading the word, spreading the knowledge, and just giving someone a taste of somthing I pull so much of my enjoyment from.......F I S H I N G!!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Chris, you're no dummy. Your posts are detailed and specific. I certainly appreciate your insight and have learned much from your wealth of knowledge. I always thought you and Glenn were partners on this site, you both contribute so much.

Kudos to you, and kudos to Glenn. We all appreciate what you bring to this forum.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

look who's talking!  

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Not because you 're not here to brag on how much you know about bass fishing Chris, you 're here in the the good spirit of sharing your knowledge with the rest of us, that speaks very well on the kind of person you are, you 're knowledgeable and generous, two things that are not common, I applaud that.

I 'm not a pro, nor pretend to be one, I don 't fish tournaments because I can 't do it, my job is a 6 day job and I can 't spare 4 days to fish one, I fish for the pleasure of being there doing nothing except doing what I like, but I know that what I know can be useful to somebody one day. Nobody taught me how to fish, neither my dad nor my grandpa were fishermen, I learned by reading and by trial and error, everything I know is based in observation, practice and mistakes, beign a veterinarian helps, it gives you a different level of knowledge that is useful.

Keep up the good work.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

First of all, thanks to all of you for the help that you have given me the last few months. Chris is rite. It is our willingness to freely give information to the next generation of anglers that insures the future of the sport we love. I don't know alot but what I do know is never going to be a secret. (Untill tournament day.)  ;D

fishing user avatarbassackwards reply : 

thank god y'all share what you know with me.  I would be takin dynamite out to the lake, and that would ruin your fishin too.  lol

I can't begin to explain to y'all how much I appreciate and applaud the vast amount of knowledge you all share with us.

fishing user avatarHamlet reply : 
You need to understand that for years anglers kinda kept information to themselves. If you knew a lot about bass fishing you didn't tell anyone. They never really took time to teach the next generation of anglers. The other side is if they did teach anything it was generic answers without details. I post a lot on this site because I hope that I can help you become a better bass fishermen. I hope that you can take something out of it that brings you to the next level or maybe helps you catch a few more fish.

Theres no question that I would have given up on fishing if it wasn't for this site. You can only catch so many fish with a spinnerbait and I wouldn't know how to fish most lures without some shared knowledge from this site.


fishing user avatarSENKOSAM reply : 

The one good thing about fishing clubs is fishing with partners with all kinds of experience. Even if the master only two or three lures, there's always something to take away when you see them catch fish. You might not fish them as often or the same way, but you know how deep  and where they caught fish and how active the fish were when the bite was on.

Lurkers and contributors alike. take something away from active fishing sites such as this one. The more ideas put out there, the better, because you never know when the light bulb above your head will light up and introduce you to another facet of bass fishing.

fishing user avatarWormy reply : 

I would like to thank Glenn, Chris, Roadwarrior and LowBudgetHooker for all their contributions. I read a lot more than I post here and almost all of their advice is good solid recommendations that I try to use when I go fishing and want to try something new. For goodness sakes, if it weren't for these guys, I would have never known how to fish a fluke and man does that thing work... Kudos to all of you who are willing to share your experiences and techniques.

fishing user avatarPhishn_Phool reply : 

I also would like to thank all you guys..If you get anything from what I write, thien I am giving to the next generation as most of you guys are young enough to be my kids or grand kids  ::)

                                CPR ;D

fishing user avatarYankee_lake reply : 

i got heavy into bass fishing this year and well just now i tried thinking where i would be without this site... I would have no idea what a senko is or even how to rig one if it wasnt for this site lol. so thanks every1

fishing user avatarMax-in-Mn reply : 

I would just like to thank ya'll for helping me clean out my wallet within 3 weeks of being here ;) Seriously though, Chris gave me like a 3 paragraph reply on my very first post here. Needless to say it was a very warm welcome and I felt "at home" amongst fellow fisher people. And I agree with L-B-H, getting someone into fishing at a young age is the best way to get them hooked for life.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

(this site has cost me a couple bucks too!)


fishing user avatarChris reply : 

You still can learn a lot from this dummy ;) This is a thanks to all that spend the time to post here thanks ;D You are why this forum is the best!

fishing user avatarjusttrying reply : 

i don't want to sound "gushy" or appear to be one of those, "yeah, me too!" posters; but there is no way that i can let this thread end without adding my thanks.

i am, today, a better fisherman today, than i was when i joined this forum.    as alluded to in one of previous posts, bass fishermen are usually very "tight lipped" when it comes to their fishing secrets. this site, however, i've found not only knowledgable fishermen, but knowledgable fishermen Willing to Share their Secrets!

so, not only am i learning about types of baits, etc., i'm also learning the correct way to fish them to Catch More Fish!

so, what else could you ask of a site?  ...good comradrie, loads of info, and Excuses to Buy more Stuff!'s Great! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

fishing user avatarbillybass reply : 

 When I joined my first club back in the mid 80's we had an older gentleman that tended to win much more than he lost. This guy was so into making sure everyone caught fish that during the winter months he would hold bass class at his house on Wed. evenings. He had all the In-Fisherman and Glen Lau (sp) video's, styrofoam layered mock ups of some of the lakes we fished, and gave presentations on how different lures enticed fish during the different seasons. I owe 99% of what I know about bass fishing to this guy.

 So needless to say, now I do all I can to teach the beginners, like I was, all I can about the sport. We don't need ESPN and Basmaster's to grow the sport for us, we can do it all on our own!

fishing user avatarPanamoka_Bassin reply : 

And now I'll have to chime in here...

Though I've only been here a few weeks, I can't believe how much information I've found.  I thought I was a fairly decent fisherman before I joined, but now I know I am a better fisherman for all I've learned.  Not only do you guys offer up great tips, tactics, and techniques, but any questions that arise are answered promptly and without prejudice.  What a wonderful attitude to have.

Myself, I spent the better part of the last 20 years salt water fishing, big fish and small, and let me tell you how tight lipped other salt fishermen can be.  Not only do those guys not share any info, lots of times they'll give out misinformation to intentionally keep you away from any fish.  Until I found this site, I thought it would be the same with fresh water.  What a treat to find out that this is not the case!

Thanks for all you guys do, not only Chris, LBH, RoadWarrior, and Glenn, but all the members here who are eager to help at any time.  Let's keep up the great attitude here, and may the fish be with us!

fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 

After finding this site it has become my go to fishing site. It's simple all of you are great at sharing your knowledge in a caring respectful way. The format of the site is perfect. I know this site costs and I for one am more than willing to help. Perhaps with bumper stickers etc. we can help those that have helped us. Such an undertaking costs a lot in time and effort and is only possible through the character of those that operate and moderate this site. I honor your commitment and applaud your efforts to spread your knowledge!

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

When I first joined this forum,I thought I was a pretty fair fisherman,and in my narrow sphere of baits and techniques I guess I was.After being exposed to so many other ways to catch a bass,I now know just how limited my knowledge was.I've learned a lot of new(for me)ways to go about catching Mr.LM.Thanks to all of you talented anglers out there who graciously shared their knowledge.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

This thread is so groovy.  Far out man, I mean it's like a Love in........peace  8)

fishing user avatarRebbasser reply : 

I love to teach people about fishing.  If I can help somebody out it makes my day.  I also learn a lot in the process.

Regarding this site-I've learned a lot, and even got a new fishing buddy.  This past Saturday I spent the morning fishing with Flyrod, and we had a great time-I think the final count was 14 in the boat.  Nothing big, but great to get out on the water.  I never would have gotten acquainted with him otherwise.

fishing user avatarBASSMAN1301599783 reply : 

Thanks to everyone on this site that shares their knowledge with guys like me. I'm not so sure I contribute that much but I am very glad all of you guys do. I hope someday ill have enough know-how about this great sport/lifestyle to be able to help people like y'all have helped me.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey i said it before in my favorite fishin partner thread/post You cant keep what u have unless you give it away Turning someone on to fishing does both the other guy a you a world of good that you may not even understand what it means to the person you just helped

That being said I am humbled and grateful to you guys who keep the info flowing and share the joy of this sport

This goes out to all except that darn BAIT MONKEY BAD MONKEY :o

fishing user avatarIllinoisBasser reply : 

This is the first site i check when i get home. Not the email or anything else. This a well run site,with lots of friendly folks.i think it is safe to say that i am a better fisherman because of this site. Keep up the good work guys.

fishing user avatarphisher_d reply : 

I have learned so much from these forums. My sincere thanks go out to everyone who contributes and helps make me a better fisherman every day :)


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