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? AboutTaking Dogs Fishing 2024

fishing user avatarbulldawg reply : 

Anybody take their dogs fishing with them? Since I just got my first boat I will be spending A LOT of time on the lake. I have 3 labs 1 which I know for sure will be fine, 1 I am not sure about and 1 that has bad arthritis. Any tips on getting them in the boat, keeping them in the boat or making them sit still when underway? My female I think is going to become my fishing buddy in a hurry. The boy is the one I am worried about since he has a mind of his own.

fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 

I have a dog I take canoeing and kayaking from time to time, but not fishing. I'm too focused while fishing to have to deal with it. When we started taking the dog in the canoe, someone would sit with her in the middle of the canoe and hold onto her collar just in case. She grew to love it, though, and now is the first one in the canoe whenever I put it in the water. She knows exactly where she's supposed to sit. (That's her waiting to shove off in my avatar.)

I would imagine that labs will be tough because they are such water dogs it might be difficult keeping them out of the water where you're trying to fish. The arthritic one might be easiest because less likely to jump in. The frisky one will take some training.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Welcome aboard!

The dogs will be fine as long as you don't plan to do any casting, use lures with hooks or catch any fish.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

I would recommend against taking all three at the same time by yourself. For starters, buy them all dog life jackets just in case. You can also buy a dog ladder, like duck hunters use, in case one of them decides to take a swim. It will be much easier than leaning over the side of a boat attempting to hoist 75-100lbs of wet dog back in with you.

I would spend a good bit of time with them w/o fishing, see how they respond to commands while on the water, and then use your own judgement as to which dogs, if any, will behave well enough for you to fish.

Welcome aboard.


fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Only one way to find out.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Yea just put a bag over her head so you dont have to look at her all day

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Welcome Aboard!

I use to take my old coon hound fishing with me when I went from the bank. I have never had a dog in the boat though.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Better not taking them to fish with you. My friend Juan Jose had the idea of taking his Labrador fishing with him, I told him not to do so.

Well, the trip ended up in in the afternoon in my clinic with a crankbait attached to it 's tongue and lip. Fortunately Juan Jose had the bright idea to muzzle it which didn 't worsen the damage inflicted by the hooks.

I hate being right.

fishing user avatarbulldawg reply : 

Guess I'll take a couple of test runs before I make it a regular thing. Thanks for the welcome.

fishing user avatarPeter E. reply : 

I have a mutt i took with me when I fish on my family property. He would sit fine as long as need be and will get out to do his business, then wait on a cypress base for me to pull up and let him in. Last year he was hit by a car, and I paid $500 to get him fixed. The rocking of the boat now hurts his back legs where he got hit, so now he will follow me up and down the creek. He knows not to go in the water when I'm fishing, and does not let me out of his sight. Best 500 dollars I ever spent!

fishing user avatarTurtle. reply : 

I would say it depends on the dog,I take one of mine out in the canoe with me often.He loves it,and does fine,seems to know when i'm fishing.The other one,forget about it

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

I see lots of dogs going out in boats. The only problem that I have noted is some are extremely noisy, barking at everything, and I have seen a few getting stuck with lures left laying about on the decks.

fishing user avatarfishbear reply : 

I used to have a golden retriever that went with me in my boat fishing out west.  Didnt matter if it was for trout, salmon, steelhead, whatever.  Bear, layed in the bottom of the boat on a cushion, occassionaly would get up and walk over to investigate what I was doing, then go back and lay down.  Now, when a flopping 40 lb. salmon came in the boat he would get a little excited, but it was manageable.  It is how the dog is trained.  If the dog is trained properly then it will be no problem.  If not, you will have your hands full... at least you do not have to worry about salmon poisoning if they grab a fish.. unless you are going salmon fishing that is...

fishing user avatarflyphisher # reply : 

My lab gets bored in the boat and gives me the look too much ;D

I think she likes it though, unless its really hot. Summer time is too hot for a dog in a boat.

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

Absolutely take your dog fishing. My dog licks every fish I catch before I put them back and he is a pleasure to have along. He loves the junk food I take with me and he thinks I must be something else to be able to catch those fish. Other than the couple of times a day he jumps in to chase the occasional beaver or go to the shore to chase a mink and gets back in the boat and stinks like wet dog he is great. I have had many fond moments with the old mutt in the boat. He is your best friend, right? So, take him.

fishing user avatarCraw reply : 

I've got a Jack Russell that's less than a year old and I take him all the time. He absolutely loves to go. I believe he thinks I must be going fishing every time I leave the house. I'll let him eat an occasional redeye and sometimes I'll hunt up a crawdad for him(eats them to). He sure makes a mess in the boat with those things but it's okay, keeps him entertained.

I also have a Lab but he's to rowdy in the boat. I've taken him before but he doesn't like to sit still for any length of time. If he sees water, he's swimming! It's my own fault for not training him. If you take the right approach, you can teach a dog to do(or not to do) nearly anything. Good luck!

fishing user avatarRose_Jackets67 reply : 

I take my standard schnauzer out with me whenever I fish by myself. He is very well trained though, but it seems like he gets bored unless I'm really on the trolling motor moving around. I think it's important for me to take a break every hour or so and let the dog out of the boat (either in the water or on shore) to stretch his legs and explore a little bit.

I fish out of a 14' jon, and the dog gets half the boat to himself, and I've never had a close call with hooks/lures getting near him or sticking him. I'm just extra careful freeing snags.


fishing user avatarPanamoka_Bassin reply : 

I have never been one to take pets on a boat, especially since my cat wants nothing to do with being in a canoe (Trust me, I have the scars to prove it...), but I also don't think that dogs are a good idea on the water.  There is an old fisherman's superstition that bringing a dog on a boat is bad luck.  Is it true?  I dunno, but being a superstitious guy, I'm not one to tempt fate

Hmmm, makes me think about starting a new thread (Look for it in the "Everything Else" forum...)

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

Idon't have a lab, but I do have a cocker spaniel.  I can't wait to take him out on the boat next spring.  I think the dog will be in awe of being out in the boat on the water.  It is a whole new environment to explore.

fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 
I would recommend against taking all three at the same time by yourself. For starters, buy them all dog life jackets just in case. You can also buy a dog ladder, like duck hunters use, in case one of them decides to take a swim. It will be much easier than leaning over the side of a boat attempting to hoist 75-100lbs of wet dog back in with you.

I would spend a good bit of time with them w/o fishing, see how they respond to commands while on the water, and then use your own judgement as to which dogs, if any, will behave well enough for you to fish.

Welcome aboard.


Excellent suggestions SPEEDBEAD! My two toy poodles have life jackets that have a handle on the back of the jacket as well as a leash attachement ring. What type and size of boat are you going to try to take all three dogs out in?


fishing user avatarvaparrothead reply : 

We used a guide in N WI that took his two black labs with us (3 paying customers, the guide and two dogs) in a 20ft jon boat.  Surprized that it wasn't crowded or uncomfortable; the dogs were very well behaved and laid down when we moved the boat.  I'd say give it a try without fishing one time and see how the dogs behave.  Next trip do a little fishing, the next time more and more until they are used to it.

fishing user avatarbulldawg reply : 

I bought an 18 and a half foot aluminum bass boat. Got a picture here ->

I spent some time in the Cabelas in Wheeling not too long ago and am thinking about up at least one life jacket. Wife thinks I am crazy but I should have one then so should my dog. After all animals get tired too. I espcially like the handle. I think we will make a couple of test runs before we make it a regular thing. By the way, if anyone has any info on this particular boat or know some one who does please let me know. I have contacted the manufacture a couple of times and have yet to hear back from them.

fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 
I spent some time in the Cabelas in Wheeling not too long ago and am thinking about up at least one life jacket. Wife thinks I am crazy but I should have one then so should my dog. After all animals get tired too. I espcially like the handle.

I agree Bulldawg. I lived on the gulf coast of Texas for a number of years in one of those houses up on stilts located on canals right on the water. I personally have had to save a chocolate lab from drowning because he could not climb out of the canal and I know of too many dogs that were not so lucky. My dogs are my children and I would no sooner let them on the water without a lifevest than I would one of my grandchildren. The vests are cheap life insurance.


fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

The problem i had with people is that they always brought their dogs to the lake to let them jump around in water.  :(

fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 
The problem i had with people is that they always brought their dogs to the lake to let them jump around in water. :(

Yep, I had a canoe/kayak resort on a river and had the same problem with dogs running loose. Our rule was dogs must be on a leash at all times and under your control at all times. After one warning of a violation, you were subject to being ejected from the resort with NO Refund if you were "to dumb to follow the rules" (my paraphrase now of course). Really, the owners were the problem 99% of the time and not the dogs. We allowed dogs only by prior appointment so controlled the type and number. Untrained dogs are just as annoying but not always as un-mannerly (un-trained) children. I will bet we have all experienced our quite fishing experience shattered by ill mannered teenagers on jet skis, ski boats, and as far as that goes ill mannered adults that motor at speed over your lines, etc.  That is one reason I am glad my lake has 1100 miles of shoreline so I can find a spot away from others bothering me and so I do not interfere with others fishing or "boating" preferences.

Many people today just have not had the benefit of parents that instructed them in looking at a situation and considering how an action they may be considering may negatively impact someone else and that such behavior is not appropriate. Too many only consider what they want to do as if it is their "God given right" and if it bothers some one, else that is their problem. It infuriates them when it happens to them but they just do not seem to connect the dots too "do unto others as you wish them to do unto you."

You may now have the Soapbox.

fishing user avatarLady Bass reply : 

         my dog only goes to the vets and to the groomers once in a while.I can't take him out in public around other people or to a lake..he's out of control and barks at everything he see's in sight..including snow falling he has issues with snow.he is 12 years old and considered a senior citizen according to the vet.we took him to a halloween party at pet smarts one year and we had to leave he upset all the dogs in the store and it was awful.all the dogs wanted to fight with each other.he's better right at home.


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