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Question about the Fork Trip 2024

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey when we get down there ( we meaning us Yankees) what will the bass be doin? Will they be spawing, pre or post spawn? What are the chances of a good top water bite goin on?

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Pre-spawn. Topwater really depends on the weather, but that's probably NOT going to be the best option.

Tom Redington says all you need to bring that time of year are Rat-L-Traps, spinnerbaits, jerkbaits and jigs. I will DEFINITELY be fishing soft plastics. Depending on the weather and fishing success, live bait (shinners and crawdads) is another option. Notably, Tom did NOT suggest crankbaits or topwater, but I'm sure we will have plenty of guys giving them a shot.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

This same week last yr, there were all 3 stages going on, hence the reason we initially chose that week.  Didn't matter though, the weather had everything on "hold", regardless of what stage they were in.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

You can bet Im goin spend some time shiner fishing Mostly Ill probsblly stick with plastics. But I would love to see a psycho hit on a spittin Image

fishing user avatarKeithscatch reply : 

Muddy Man or anyone else who is going to use Shiners. Be a little descreet about it down there. Unlike Florida, folks out there don't look kindly to Shiner fisherman. So while eating at local diners and such I wouldn't brag about catching fish on Shiners much  ;D

I was never into bait fishing while living there mostly because of the mindset around there about bait fishing. I personally don't have a problem fishing with them but never did when I was there. However, if you are going to do allot of bait fishing then you might want to buy some Waterdogs. They account for some monster bass out there each year especially in the spring.

Also, topwater will absolutely work out there. My favorite in that lake is a Devils Horse in frog pattern orange belly. Basically anything with an orange belly works. Fish bedding will knock the living tar out of those baits. One time I remember way back in the back of Birch Creek where I was fishing bedding fish with these lures in the grass, they were literally knocking the lure 2 feet into the air running over to where it landed and smacked it again. It was AWESOME. Best topwater action I have ever had. I literally thought I was Peacock bass fishing.

Just thought I would offer my 2 cents.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Thanks Keith When I lived in New Orleans we made a few trips to Texas (Rayburn) and Florida(Okee) and in Louisiana Bayous and used shiners all the time, what fun. You know I dont give a rip what anyone has to say this is my trip and Im gonna enjoy it to the Max. I may never get an oppurtuinty like this again so if its legal and thats how I fish everyone else can do their thing and Ill do mine ;)

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Muddy- I think we all share the same views here.

Be it live bait fishing or WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO,'s YOUR vacation.

We all will be living life minute to minute, doing exactly what we want, how we want, at that precise minute!

At least I will be.......:) and you're welcome to join me,lol

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

And i promise to refrain from Brooklyn Trolling Thats when you make figure 8 patterns and toss M-80's overboard. I bet they would frown on that in Texas

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I missed Kieths post earlier but he brings up a very valid point.

When I was at Lake fork marina, they have a tank with a 12 lbr in it and there were shiners in there for him so I asked the old guy at the counter, "Hey, Ya know where we could grab some of those shiners?"

His reply was "even if I did, I wouldn't tell ya"

I was blown away, so much for southern hospitality, and from a tourist based business owner!!

I kindly put the 4 shirts, visor and hat I was gonna buy down on the closest thing and looked straight at him and said "that's about the most ignorant thing I've ever heard,....Eric, let's go."

Evidentally, they think the LM bass virus a few years back was caused from somthing introduced through the live bait. (which would only reflect poorly on the status of baitshop owners water)(LANE-Hook 'em up!!)

But get this.

You can buy crappie shiners, (small ones) just about anywhere (what about the virus???) so it leaves me to believe that although they want you to come down and spend your money, they don't want you getting one of their 14 pounders all on your own.

This was why I couldn't find shiners anywhere. Lane assures us that they are there and not just the mini ones.

Honestly, after last year, if I have issues getting bait this year, I'll be going to another state for some fishing next year. I love Fork but I want to be somewhere that is willing to cater to what I want out of a vacation and there are lots of places out there, with business owners and residents, that are just fine with that.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

Honestly, after last year, if I have issues getting bait this year, I'll be going to another state for some fishing next year. I love Fork but I want to be somewhere that is willing to cater to what I want out of a vacation and there are lots of places out there, with business owners and residents, that are just fine with that.

I hope you don't judge the entire state on this.  Even if you were rubbed the wrong way at Fork, there are a bunch of good places to come in Texas.  

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Y'all could come on down to the big pond   8-)

I could find you a minnow or two   ;)

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

No Flechero, but after the Ritchie White incident, and then that shiner one, I would feel better giving my money to people who actually wanted us there.

I certainly didn't mean for my Fork experience to be a reflection on many of my great Texan amigos, not at all.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

It's fun to go to different places.

Tell you the truth I've got quite a hankerin' to fish with some of the Georgia boys.

Varner with Randall, dog and SuperSenkokid. Also would like to drop by Lightinrod to say "hey" and fish a few ponds.

I can't imagine finding the money to do that untill maybe this time next year. But half the fun of dreaming about a fishing trip is dreaming about a fishing trip. ;)

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
No Flechero, but after the Ritchie White incident, and then that shiner one, I would feel better giving my money to people who actually wanted us there.

What's the Ritchie White incident? Sorry if this has been beaten to death before...


fishing user avatarBassinfreak2 reply : 

Hey Who is Ritchie White and what incident are you talking about Russ? Just trying to see what to look out for when we get there.

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

Question answered...


fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

In short, we had him reserved.  He is one of the best sight fisherman around.  When the time came, sight fishing was a wash.  Ritchie insisted on sight fishing in the 1 cove it was do-able in which required us to call the rental people and try and get them to us to tow our boat to another place and put in over there (would have taken a minumum of 1/2 the time we had him booked for).  I said I would much rather he just take us fishing deeper for some of the fish the other guides are putting people on as very few people were catching this particular week, without assistance.

He wouldn't.

I was floored.  It's just not common in the guide industry for the guide to refuse the request of the customer.

I didn't go.  Was a huge downer, worst aspect of the whole trip by far.  I was disgusted.

Ritchie White came on the board and after a huge discussion, a written apology was posted and we called it a truce.  So with that said, I'll end this here.

fishing user avatarBassChaser57 reply : 

The guides there only use artificials so when someone catches a monster on live bait--it makes them look less necessary. Water dogs are VERY expensive  ($4 apiece) but they will catch lots of flathead catfish and some nice bass too.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Gotcha. Being relatively new here, I wasnt aware that you had those issues last year. Sorry for the bad experience, look at it this get another shot to erase all the bad crap in just a few short months!!!


fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

There are far more places to buy live shiners and minnows than there are that don't sell them.


fishing user avatarBassinfreak2 reply : 

Thanks for filling us newbies in. Sorry to hear about that. It does sound like you and Mr White have made your peace and that is good to hear. From what I have seen in your videos you do just fine without a guide.

Here's hoping for a much better trip this time around!!  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Shiner fishing is florida Fishing.

It's like peanut butter and jelly,

or meatballs and spaghetti,

or coffee and cream

or biscuits and gravy

or muddyman and  

Y'all come on down. Hear?

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

like spinning gear and clear water  ::)

Seriously though, flechero is right, I can't let one negative experience deter me, that's why I'm going back, besides,......who could hate Texas?  

Honestly, Texas has brought a few friends in the last year that I'll keep for many years to come.  The Lone Star has given me far more good than bad.



fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

I am proud I was born in Texas.  ;)


fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Ronnie, any family still down there?  Nearby?

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 
Ronnie, any family still down there?  Nearby?

My family on both sides are from San Angelo,  (central west Texas). Myself & my  4 brothers and sisters were all born there. My family moved to Louisiana when I was a baby. Louisiana really was the 'Sportsman's Paradise' back in those days. I still have a few aunts, uncles and cousins in the area. One of the cool things about Texas is, you can drive 1000 miles in one direction and never leave the state. So it's quite a long way from Lake Fork. But after living literally all over the country, I still consider Texas my home state.



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