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Do you have an objective/goal when fishing? 2024

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

I have an objective when I fish. That objective is to catch at least one fish(dink or not) That way I know that my long drive to the lake wasnt for nothing. I think I can get just as much satisfaction if they are just biting consistently,at least then I know my presentation is working.Anyone else have goals when they fish?

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Other than spring/spawn, my goal is to graph the shad.  

fishing user avatarjayhawkfishin reply : 

My goal is to catch more fish than the other people in the boat and to have the largest.  I am usually succesful in the total but the biggest my dad will get some days.

fishing user avatarCJ reply : 

My goal is to get a limit of keepers every time I go out.No,I don't reach my goal all the time but,I have been reaching my goal more this year than the years past.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

My main goal is to have a good time. If that doesnt happen its not worth going.

fishing user avatarZebco202 reply : 

I agree with Gloomisman, i just want to have a good time.

Sometimes I go and do nothing but work on just one lure or a certain type of presentation.  Other times I go and I'm a little more serious about catching fish.

I just love being on the water and if I've got the company of a good friend that makes it even better.

Catching fish is just a bonus to me.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
My main goal is to have a good time. If that doesnt happen its not worth going.

Gloomisman hit the nail on the head.  Sometimes, rather than fishing for bass, my wife and I will go fishing for crappie.  We'll find an out of the way place and take a picnic lunch with a few beers.  These have been among some of the best trips I've had.  Of course, for most of us, catching some fish makes it more fun.  And since I fish mostly for bass, catching a big bass over 5 lbs, or catching a bunch of 2 - 4 lb'ers rates highly too.  

fishing user avatarVekol reply : 

My goal is to learn something everytime I go out. It doesn't necessarily have to do with catching fish either. Finding some new piece of unusual submerged structure or bottom contour even gets me kind of excited because I figure it will hold bass at some time in the future--even if I don't see them on the graph. Having fun is not really a goal because I always have fun when I'm out fishing--even if something bad happens.

fishing user avatarlangs15 reply : 

uh..leanring something new is always my goal, and cathing alteast one keeper..and then one with that new goal..

fishing user avatarcommish24 reply : 

IMHO......Being on the water, Bass Fishing, finding new structure, trying a new lure, trying an old one, graphing bait balls etc All = RECREATION for me. My goal here in over-crowded California is to make it to the lake and back in one piece. Once there, in my element, the recreation part always takes care of itself.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 


1.  Have fun.

2.  Don't fall out of the boat.

3.  Don't break down on the water.

4.  Don't sink the boat or break the prop.

5.  Catch a variety of fish such as LMB, SMB, pike, bluegills, white perch, catfish and anything that bites.

6.  Take a buddy along and have more fun.

7.  Take a nice lunch and snack and Snickers bars with me and eat like a king.

8.  Don't make a fool of oneself when backing the trailer onto the ramp.

9.  Don't hit any other boat or car when backing trailer onto the ramp.

10.  Enjoy the beautiful outdoors and see nature at its best.

11.  Forget the office and work issues.

12.  Turn off the cell phone.

fishing user avatarNeedemp reply : 

My goal is to first fish tournaments, then win them, then get sponsered, then win a bunch more and then eventually win the angler of the year award... Lets see what happens!!!

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
My main goal is to have a good time. If that doesnt happen its not worth going.

;D 8-) WHAT HE SAID :);)

fishing user avatartennsopher reply : 

I have agood day anytime I get to go fishing.After 40 years of chasing bass,my goals are to understand the fishes environment, and to put the pieces of the puzzle together.I get just as big a thrill putting friends of mine on big fish anymore as I do catching them myself.Enjoy Gods creations and treat them as if you knew He put them there for us.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

My goal is to catch a limit of large bass, and if that doesn't happen, then I won't go.goofy1.gif

All kidding aside, my thirst for knowledge is just as keen as my desire to catch fish.

Call me crazy, but no matter how many fish I might catch, if I didn't learn something new,

I will not feel fulfilled, because I won't know how to repeat that performance the next time.

Sad but true, while I'm pumping a bass to the boat, I'm already thinking about the next bass.


fishing user avatarruss0101 reply : 

i try to fish almost everyday, weather permitting and family obligations...

i'll usually fish 1 day for play - just to catch something and trying for size

2nd day - new baits and presentations

3rd day - playing again

4-6 day - serious fishing, but more roving over the lake looking for all types of depth changes and structure... i'll also use different lure and make myself fish those - they will be the only lures i'll take with me - plastics, jigs & spinnerbaits, crankbaits, topwaters (this one gets old for an all day extravaganza, but i have found new knowledge)

ill fish all the same places, different days, with different lures at the same times (i keep a log of where i was at what time and the lure being used).. i have finally became confident in deep fishing, well maybe 15 yards off the shoreline - i'm still growing that confidence 2 feet at a time

7th day... i dont fish, i might go out on the boat after church, but its just to use the fish finder and look at all the contours on the bottom.. i finally broke down and drew the lake to scale, i couldnt find one anywhere - but it paid off. i know what to use where and at what time, with the weather conditions listed.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I like to make a game plan of baits,techniques,locations,etc. and see how it goes.I also like to see how well I can improvise if all my planning goes bust.

fishing user avatarThe Duke reply : 

I always try to establish a pattern and/or spots/techniques that will make me successful in a tournament. That is having fun for me. I love the puzzles/mysteries of bass fishing.


fishing user avatarBassKing813 reply : 

My goal is to catch at least one fish and learn from mistakes I made if I didn't catch anything or if I lost a bunch of fish.

fishing user avatarJ@k3 01s3n reply : 

My main objective is to get away from civilization for a while, relax, and enjoy myself. As for a goal, I don't think that short term goals like, I need to catch at least one fish today, are going to do you a lot of good as a fisherman. I like to look at the long term, and just suggest to myself that this summer, or whaterver, I want to be a better such and such fisherman. Mostly, I like to look at the season as a whole with the goal of improving year after year.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Well #1 is to have fun ......... mission accomplished 99.9% of the time

After that I am always trying to learn something new about the lake I am fishing.  I think knowing your lake and catching bass go hand and hand.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

as a few have said, I always have fun, so that is not really a goal for me.

If I'm bass fishing, my goal is pretty much always, to catch one over 10 lbs. Then when I do, I can just kind of skate through the rest of the day, feeling like the pressure is off :-)

If I'm sturgeon fishing with the micro-light gear, I'll shoot for a keeper (46").... with heavy, traditional gear... an oversizer (72" and about 100 lbs).

Channel catfish... 20 plus

Crappie... a bunch of them, with at least a 2.0... but I really want a 3.0 !

Carp..... Just one darn 24 lb'er ! I've caught like 8 over 23, but can't seem to break the 24 lb barrier. A 30 would be really coool !

Striper.... a 31 would break my two way tie of 30 lbs..... but a 40 would be bombastic ! :-)

California Halibut.... 30

In a nutshell, I'm always looking for a new PB, of whatever species I'm fishing for. Individual lake PB's are secondary, but kind of nice too.



fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply :  :) <----------------------------------
fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

I believe in keeping my fishing goals simple. When I go fishing I expect to catch fish. My goal: as many as I can!

fishing user avatarBassMaster_1 reply : 

It use to be just catch atleast one bass, but with more experience this isnt a problem anymore.  Now its just being out there, the water has a way of melting away all lifes problems.  It can also be a great time to go out there and just get some personal time by yourself... usually thats when the fishing is best and no one is around to see it haha!  

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Russ010 said:

i try to fish almost everyday, weather permitting and family obligations...

Russ010, I see in your profile that you are 27 years old.  

You either (A) Have a pond or lake extremely close to your home, (B) Have the most wonderful, understanding wife and/or kids, © Are single,  (D) Have a job that relates to fishing, (E) Are independently wealthy, (F) Are living on the public dole, or (G) Some combination of all of the above.  

. . . . and I'm jealous.  


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