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Texas or wacky ?? 2024

fishing user avatarwaraw reply : 


What about your hhok when you fish with a worm ? Do you have more bites with the texas riging or the wacky ??

I prefer the wacky but i need to have a more objective opinion...  :-/

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

waraw, Welcome to the site. I don't know if you have had the chance to read the many articles we have on this site. Let me give you a place to begin that might answer many of your questions better than some of us can. Here is the link.

fishing user avatarwaraw reply : 

Thank's for your help but i don't find article that explain than one of the both techniques is more efficient. I just wanted to know if the members of this site have more strike on a wacky worm or on a weightless texas worm. May be my english is not enough good... ::)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

OK, I see the problem. The articles cover how to rig and fish them, and that's great information. I don't think one is consistently better than the other. It depends on mood of the bass. I'd much rather be reeling a T-rigged worm, and that catches a lot of bass, but sometimes a whacky worm is the only thing they will bite, wanting it super slow & easy to eat. I'll keep one tied on for follow-up casting when bass break off from taking a faster bait. If they slap at a buzzbait in one general spot I'm likely to pop a whacky worm in there and let it drop. Use both every time you go fishing. Whenever the bite is generally slow I'll whack them or drop shot the bass with a french fry worm.


fishing user avatarHandy reply : 

This is the exact question I have been wanting to ask. I have both rigged and ready to fly, but I use the wacky more and catch more on it. I have only caught one on the t-rig. I have even caught crappie on a wacky rigged senko. I also know that on a wacky with a o-ring the senko will last a long time, I still have one from last season from wacky wormin. The one largemouth I did catch on a t-rig destroyed the senko enough that I can't t-rig it. Might be able to wacky it yet though. As I watch the fall on both rigs the wacky bends into a flat "U" and the t-rig is quite flat(more horizontal). I still throw a t-rig once in a while but I often succumb to wanting to catch somthing and throw on the wacky rig. Don't know if I helped or if I just rambled on.


fishing user avatarruss0101 reply : 

i fish it t-rigged 90% of the time... and i dont fish it weightless. I'll put a 1/8oz bullet weight and work it's speed by what the bass bite. First I'll start off swimming it, then i'll slow it down to just a few twitches (I'm not talkin about senkos here)

as for senkos, i TR them too, and i dont use a weight. I just let it drop and then twitch it after the 1st min, usually while i throw this one out, i'll grab my weighted worm and cast right out beside my weightless senko and swim it back. i use the twitchin bar on the dawia viento to pick up any slack line in between casts, and to also check for resistance. I can't make myself sit there and just wait for something to bite.

as far as wacky rigging - i cant tell you too much here about it simply because i havent given it time. i do use a #3 circle hook. I'll find the seam of the worm, go in and go about 3/4 of the way through. Then i just throw it out, wait a min or so and if no bites, twitch it a bit and pick up my other rod while keeping an eye on that line. I use Hi Vis so i can keep a constant eye on it incase they pick it up and run.... i keep the rod between my legs (not the best wording) but with my Kistler Helium rod i can detect just about any bites when coupled with fluorocarbon line

fishing user avatardirectlink reply : 

I like to texas rig better than wacky.  I don't see much of a difference, just that texas is more weedless.  IMO i don't think it matters too much, just your prefference.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I like T-rigging it,pegged and pitched into wood and grass cover.I've never given the wacky rig a proper chance.I wonder how it'd do on the end of a C-rig? It's already C-rig,deep diver,and pitchin' heavy cover time down here in MS.That usually doesn't really take over until late July.The temp here 2 days ago was 99 degrees.It already feels like August.

fishing user avatarwacky rig reply : 

A weightless T-rig will certainly catch plenty of fish, but I perfer a wacky_rig. The best way which I have found  is to work it is  as a search bait. I do this by casting the bait into bassy-looking spots, let it fall to the bottom, wait 10 seconds, reel it in and cast to the next spot. 90% of the hits come on the fall or the touchdown anyway. I always use an attratant  in garlic or crawfish. This rig will catch fish 12 months out of the year in nearly every condition.

fishing user avatarwaraw reply : 

Thanks for your answer,

I asked this question because in France we have not big lakes with largemouthbass, we have only some small river and the fish use to be caught. The wacky seems to be a finesse method which works better for us... May be because of the new presentation, my be the wacky give more vibrations or can works more slowly...

fishing user avatarRedtail reply : 

Great Question Waraw - I also wondered about that.  I'm a die hard T-Rigger, but after reading this, I'm gonna give the wacky style a better chance.  Like Rogue, I haven't given it much of a chance because the T-Rig has been very successful for me.

Low Budget Hooker might come down my way on Friday and I will give it a chance.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

[move]WACKY WACKY WACKY[/move]

When you wacky rig a senko,

both ends shake

Much better hook up ratio, hook is exposed

Hook is exposed,more vulnerable to snag

Redtail- Looking good. Be prepared to stand by your words ;)

I think this may be a good venue for an *** ($.o5ea) vs. a GYBC ($.70ea) showdown. I've never even seen a picture of your lake, that should make it more than fair.

fishing user avatarBrian_Reeves reply : 

He's not even there yet and he's already talking smack ;D  He's practicing for Charlie moore.  

Anyway, I've casted about 3 times wacky rigged and got mad.  I hauled in a piece of grass, a stick, and a leaf.  I flipped it over to a T-Rig.  I'm gonna try it again and pay more attention to what I'm doing and see what happens.  

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

As Glenn always says,things get lost in the online translation.

I read back and think I came off wrong,lol. Redtail and I aren't like that in the boat. All good times and mini adventures. More so the reason behind me saying that. It is a very Fair venue because it's not me against him ,it's *** vs. Gary (on Gary's home lake. *** has somthing to prove)

That's what I meant ;)

(I have too many yrs behind me to talk smack. I learned my Karma lesson young,lol)

Ainttex- My lake is primarily coontail, rock, asst gravel and mud bottom. Some stand ups but not many. I may grab weeds 5 times in an outting and nothing major. I suppose there are lakes that a wacky rig may be too much of a hassle but I havn't fished one yet. Even Fork. No fish but no weeds either,lol!

For me it's the "vertical" fall that I think works best. Both tips quivering. I will use t-rig on a senko if there are stubborn fish under the pad edges because of it's "slider" type fall but only if I'm out of fat ikas.


fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

I believe the ratio of dinks, small bass, are greater when wacky rigging.    When times are tough, I might go to the wacky rig to get a five fish limit.    I think the Texas rig will put more weight in the boat.



fishing user avatarruss0101 reply : 

i said before i hadn't caught anything wacky rigged -  i was wrong...

on one of those casts where i threw it out and let it sit, i caught was i thought was going to be the biggest fish i had ever caught... i made sure to not let it jump, and it never really tried. actually it never gave much fight.  

i got it up to the boat and it ended up being a snapping turtle which was about 1.5' in diameter. he was genuinely hooked, so i got the ore and was going to get it between the mouth and hook and push it out - well, he decided he was hungry and bit thru that hook and the end of my ore. I guess there is a snapper out there somewhere now with a pierced lip, because the other part of the  hook stayed tied onto my line. And i had to buy another ore.

oh yea, just so you know - those snappers can jump out of the back of your truck, i dont know how, but it happened

fishing user avatarMase31683 reply : 

I feel like I have to choose which one of my kids I like better right now, lol.  I love fishing with worms and I love both these rigs.  I'd say I have had more success with the texas rig, but this is mostly because I've fished more with it.  When I fish the wacky rig, I tell ya those bass seem to love it, and there's just something a lot of fun about catching a bass with a wacky rigged worm.  Sorta gives me the feeling I get catching a fish on a jig, I just love it for whatever reason.  I really feel like both rigs are great and work quite well, and which one I decide to fish just depends on my mood and how the fish are reacting.

fishing user avatarBassKing813 reply : 

I like the t-rig more, but I usually rotate between liking the t-rig the most and the wacky-rig the most.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Matt- All my big fish from senkos came wacky rigged.  But a RI "big fish" may very well be cosidered a dink in your backyard!!


fishing user avatarDR_Bass reply : 

The main thing to me is that you can cover more water with a texas-rig than a wacky, but with a wacky-rig the bait will stay in the strike zone alot longer.  Both have there pros and cons.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Few are probably aware of this, but the wacky-style rig was originally called the "Jersey Rig",

and first appeared...oh I'd say...during the late 1980s. It wasn't until years after its appearance

that I finally mustered the strength to give that silly looking thing a try.

It has now gotten to the point where my wife and I use the wacky-style rig more than the T-rig.

By the way, if you're lure keeps coming back with weeds and sticks, feel free to T-rig

the stick worm, right in the center of the worm and fish it weedless wacky-style.

Both ends will wiggle and you'll hear no complaints from the bass.

While the senkos tend to fall apart with this method, the tiki stick does itself proud.

Because wacky-style worming provides a slow finesse delivery, it's a big bass lure.


fishing user avatarVyron reply : 

Few are probably aware of this, but the wacky-style rig was originally called the "Jersey Rig",

and first appeared...oh I'd say...during the late 1980s. It wasn't until years after its appearance

that I finally mustered the strength to give that silly looking thing a try.

It has now gotten to the point where my wife and I use the wacky-style rig more than the T-rig.

By the way, if you're lure keeps coming back with weeds and sticks, feel free to T-rig

the stick worm, right in the center of the worm and fish it weedless wacky-style.

Both ends will wiggle and you'll hear no complaints from the bass.

While the senkos tend to fall apart with this method, the tiki stick does itself proud.

Because wacky-style worming provides a slow finesse delivery, it's a big bass lure.


Roger can u please post a picture of ur rig?

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

He's saying to t-rig it but instead of entering the hook at the tip to begin it, enter the hook slightly off center so when you are finished rigging,...the hook is embedded evenly in the middle of the worm as opposed to in the first 1/3 of the worm. Like this (pic below) (2 overlapped pics but you get the idea)


fishing user avatarRobDar reply : 

I am a Texas guy...

but have had luck with both...

I think my preference for Texas is more just a familiarity than anything else...

fishing user avatarVyron reply : 

Thanks for taking the time to answer LBH!!!!!

Very interesting.

fishing user avatarRatONaStick reply : 

Roger, LBH Thank You!!!!

This is exactly how I've been rigging my Senko's. I had originally tried this when I was having hookset problems thinking the fish were only grabbing the tail end of the worm.

I've found it works quite well, and have cought numerous fish with it rigged this way. It falls and wiggles at both ends just like when wacky rigged.



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