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Did your boat ever get hit fishing 2024

fishing user avatarSpankey reply : 

Happened to my yesterday while bass fishing. Was having a great day until this happened. 

I'm insured and have my act together. Other boater maybe not. Gunnel damage. I can still get out to fish but I guess repairs and settling will be a hastle. 

Probably should let my insurance run with the whole thing. 

Just curious if anyone had their day ruined with a similar incident. 

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Was it another fisherman? I saw a boat run into another during tournament launch once. I've had mine bumped by guys following me on the water, but never run into hard enough to do damage, that sucks.

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Actually had another boat "in a marina" the morning of a tourney put there boat up over the back of my boat and right behind my seat!!!!  Was a little unsettling ....did set the tone for the day.


fishing user avatarSpankey reply : 

It was a guy motoring to a fishing spot but appears that it must not trim out well because his bow was high as heck. Sight issue. 

Thought it at first was a guy coming to ask me how the fishing was going. Would have lied and said it sucked but I was straightening up my deck, really ready to quit for the morning. Than that quickly I realized he wasn't coming to BS. 

Sort of sucks my boat is pretty cherry shape for being a few years old. 

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 

Never been hit but, I was out with my youngest daughter when I dropped a rod overboard, I immediately started pulling everything out of my pockets and along with the rod, so too were my keys, I threw a marker out and my friend brought me his underwater camera to see if we could find them.

My daughter, who was 12 at the time, was on the back, my friends boat and my boat were roughly 15 feet apart, I was looking through the camera while my buddy worked the lens and along came this Tahoe not quite on plane right between us, almost threw my daughter overboard and flooded both of our boats.

It ended not so pretty, if the captain wasn't a woman I would have most likely gone a different route, that didn't stop me from speaking my mind and calling the authorities however.

She didn't even get a ticket out of the deal.

Glad to hear everyone was ok though, hope everything works out for you!!!

fishing user avatarRick Howard reply : 

Never been hit but came close a few years ago.  Lady driving the boat was watching the water skier and not where she was going.  We were one step from jumping ship when she finally heeded the advice of the skier to "move the f over".  Stayed in the boat but still had wet pants.

fishing user avatarCarolinaBoy4Life reply : 

Never been hit but just a few weeks back had a close call. Was on Randleman lake here in NC a few weeks ago and was running from one of the back creeks back towards the marina and the other side of the lake. We come around a bend and a boat is coming toward us from the other side of the lake. Now we could clearly see him, but he wasn't paying much attention evidently. Its fairly narrow in that area of the lake so we move over to the other side. This guy still not paying attention jumps over to that side all the while scanning the edges of the lake and not looking where he is going. In my head I was literally thinking this guy should not own a boat let alone drive one. Only about 150 yards out did he finally see us and turned real quick to avoid paths. It was a hair raiser for sure

fishing user avatarSpankey reply : 

In all seriousness I thought I was at least I was going to get hurt. I really thought that other boats hull was going over or on my deck. 

Hey aluminum, rubber and paint. It can be fixed. But now that I'm not hurt or killed. I'm pi$$ed. Dudes like that shouldn't even be out on the water. If you can't see over your bow. I was like a setting duck. I'm not under power to avoid anything. 

fishing user avatarcrazyjoeclemens reply : 

I'm glad to hear no one was injured.  Boating accidents are no joke, and I think a lot more needs to be done to promote safe boat operating.  My home lake is way overcrowded.  You almost have to keep your head on a swivel at all times.  Usually the fishing crowd is pretty good about operating their boats safely, but the powerboat/ski boat drivers are pretty sketchy.  I've never been hit, but they come too close for comfort with irritating regularity.  That's one of the main reasons I bought a bigger boat - yet I've still had the deck swamped a couple times by idiots riding around with the nose of the boat up in the air.  Anyway, I'd probably hand it all over to my insurance company and let them deal with it.  I figure that's exactly the sort of thing I'm paying them to do - not to mention, they're better equipped to get some money out of the guy that hit you (or his insurance company).  Good luck!

fishing user avatarCrappiebasser reply : 

I was hit by 2 kids on a jet ski. The kids were banged up but ok. I wasn't hurt. I ended up with bad cracks and spidering on my Ranger. Marine police had to tie the ski to his boat to stop it from sinking. The boy's dad paid all the repairs without questions.

fishing user avatar"hamma" reply : 

Im glad no one got hurt. and hope all turns out well for you.

Ive never been "hit" but when i first started boating in my little 8" basshunter, on a small local lake I was out early one summer am and was crossing the lake when this well known lakefront homeowner (yahoo) towing a skier was watching the skier and not where he was going,.. heading straight towards me,.. I had all my safety gear in a dry box, by the time i got my airhorn out he was no more than 50 feet away when i blasted it, by the time he realized his stupidity he was about 20 feet away and swerved just missing my basshunter by about 2 feet, his wake filled my boat and almost sank me but I had the drybox open, so i dumped it and started bailing like all heck with it to keep from sinking. The skier dropped his towline so he didnt decapitate me with it, and when "captain crunch" came back to pick up the skier, he graciously waived. Which ticked me off even more,.. so I reciprocated with a certain one fingered wave of my own and a few choice words, he didnt reply as I was twice his size and thought better of it. so i ended the conversation with hearty,.. " I know where your dock is, and next time your towing a skier, and i dont see a spotter on your boat?, im gunna pay you a well needed visit!" with,... a few,.. "well deserved select words" added in there,.. which,.. i choose,... to leave out at this moment.  He nodded in agreement as I believe he knew better than to extend the conversation any further. From then on i always saw him with a spotter on his boat, and I waive occasionally to him to keep him in a reminded state of my due diligence. You cant mistake my basshunter so he knows exactly who I am. sometimes he waives back, sometimes he doesnt. I believe our agreement still stands,

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 6/27/2016 at 9:55 PM, crazyjoeclemens said:

I'm glad to hear no one was injured.  Boating accidents are no joke, and I think a lot more needs to be done to promote safe boat operating.  My home lake is way overcrowded.  You almost have to keep your head on a swivel at all times.  Usually the fishing crowd is pretty good about operating their boats safely, but the powerboat/ski boat drivers are pretty sketchy.  I've never been hit, but they come too close for comfort with irritating regularity.  That's one of the main reasons I bought a bigger boat - yet I've still had the deck swamped a couple times by idiots riding around with the nose of the boat up in the air.  Anyway, I'd probably hand it all over to my insurance company and let them deal with it.  I figure that's exactly the sort of thing I'm paying them to do - not to mention, they're better equipped to get some money out of the guy that hit you (or his insurance company).  Good luck!

~ ^^^^^^^^^ ~

Glad you're OK. 

 THIS !   You paid them to handle this if & when it happened.  Well it happened. 

Stay on them to Do Their Job.

Best of Luck to you.


fishing user avatarScarborough817 reply : 

my lake is small i've never had this issue luckily just glad everyone is ok. just curious in the states do you have to have a license to drive a boat?

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

No , but I almost hit another  boat . I was watching the Herons in the tees , a pleasure boat  slowed  in front of me and was heading to bank  . When I looked forward had him dead in my sights .  It can happen quickly .  

fishing user avatarGundog reply : 

Most of my problems on the water were related to jet ski operators. I was fishing a cove off the main lake at Beltzville Lake and a kid on a jet ski did donuts around my little jon boat. Also had one that kept buzzing by my canoe on the same lake. Seemed like he was trying to see how close he could get to my boat or maybe swamp me. Not sure but wish I had a longer paddle that day. In PA if you were born on or after Jan. 1, 1982 and you are operating a boat w/ a motor greater than 25 hp you need a boating safety education certificate. Also if you are operating a personal watercraft you need one. Doesn't seem to stop the idiots.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

man that's crazy, glad you're alright though!

fishing user avatarOCdockskipper reply : 

Glad to hear you weren't hurt.

Never been hit, but had a near miss on the current lake I live on.  It is a smaller, electric only lake where most of the boats are 16-20 ft Duffy party boats and I fish out of a 10 ft. Pond Prowler.  Last summer, I decided to give night fishing a shot and left the dock at midnight.  I had set up front & rear running lights, and set off to my first spot.  No one else was on the lake and as I cruised up to my destination, I fired out my Jitterbug towards the shore.  I began reeling it in & thought "That gurgling sure sounds louder at night".  I paused the retrieve, however the gurgling continued.  As I sat puzzled for a second, something caught my eye to the right & I tried to focus in the dark.  I suddenly realized that a party boat with no running lights was coming full speed perpendicular to me, between the front end of my boat (where I was seated) and the shore.  I quickly hit reverse on my trolling motor while simultaneously cranking in the Jitterbug as fast as I could.  I heard the lure clank off the front of the boat as it passed about 10 feet in front of me, but I was too stunned to say anything to the driver as he zipped by.  I did hear some giggling, my guess it was a couple of kids who were joyriding in their parents boat.  I couldn't see the name of the boat and chasing them down didn't enter my head until they had gone around the corner.

I was jumpy the rest of the night...

fishing user avatarSpankey reply : 

The insurance company was pretty cool  they took all the preliminary stuff yesterday. Than one of their dudes will handle it. I'll hear from him. 

Have the call into PA boat commission. Regional guy turned it over to local officer the way I understand it. 

State angency so I don't expect them to be jack rabbit fast. I realize they are understaffed and funded I guess but I expect some type of reply. These issues are serious. And guys like us who take boating and bass fishing serious should not be hampered by idiots powering water craft not operation properly and uneducated operators. Fn morons.

I'll feel a lot better when I talk to waterway officer and have some type of report in my hand. 

I'll be able to chase those smallies around. Structurally I look to be ok. I'm a mechanic welder and electrician so I have a pretty good eye. I'm anal as heck about my stuff though. My boat is cherry and as comfortable as fishing out of my living room. It will be fixed to 100% to my satisfaction. I don't care if they have to send it back to the factory and have to replace the whole funnel. I don't think there is anyone in my area that even works in boat repairs. 

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

Glad you weren't hurt.  Boats and gear can be replaced.  People (you) can't. Was out for the first (and only) time with a friend and my girlfriend at night. We had running lights on and were idling back up into the bay where the ramp/dock was to call it a night.  There was a VERY bright light on a restroom facility near the ramp parking lot and, apparently, it "masked" my night vision for other lights because as we approached, another idling boat had to swerve to miss us.  Also, my friend (a rather big fella) who was in the front must have blocked its running lights from my view.  It would have been nothing more than an embarassing bump but that was enough to rattle me.  Earlier on I had asked my friend to help spot for me and afterwards I asked him if he had seen the boat beforehand.  He said yes.  I asked him why he didn't tell me.  He said he HAD.  He must have whispered it because I hadn't the least clue until the other boat swerved. He's a very soft spoken person but THEN was NOT the time to be soft spoken.  YELL IT OUT, MAN, YELL IT OUT!!!!  Anyway, it wasn't his fault (the fault always goes to to the operator) but the whole experience reinforced the idea/belief that one has to be VERY careful in the dark-and at all times.

fishing user avatarMosster47 reply : 

I hate boating in summer. I never go over 40 and I make a point to stay as far away as I can from ski boats and trout trollers. 

fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 

I dont remember ever having a close call like that while in a boat but I did get nearly run over by a ski boat when I was 17 in the home lake.I was wade fishing and making my way out to the island(the water is only 5-6 feet deep where I was) I had just passed the dock where the boat was and heard it crank up.I froze because I was kind of in the middle and no where to go.(The end of the island is maybe 70 feet from this dock).So he guns the motor and goes by maybe 5 feet away.He missed with the boat but had the tow rope out.I could hear it coming before I saw it.I realized it was going to get me.I only had a split second to think and shifted my rod and bait bag into my right hand( no matter what I wasnt going to lose them!)So I put out my left hand defensively and when the rope got close it cut my left pinky finger and I tried to spin out so it would miss but the angle had me.As I spun it got me on the lower back and spun me all the way around, cutting my back open.The handle got me last and it was like being flogged.

The boater, who was around 16, just kept going.I climbed out on the Island and tried to see how bad it was but could only see a moderate amount of blood.So I just fished until lunch then went home and mom put about 20 band aids on it.It was a deep cut though and I should have had stiches but didnt.The scar went all the way across my back just above the hips and was still noticeable 25 years later.I ended up catching 33 bream AFTER the accident!

About a week later I came up on the boater on the Island.He grew up around me but had a different circle of friends.One of my friends was mad about what happenned so he tore down their clubhouse on the island.When I came up on him he immediately apologized so I hesitated then let it go.


fishing user avatarRick Howard reply : 
  On 6/27/2016 at 9:20 PM, Spankey said:

In all seriousness I thought I was at least I was going to get hurt. I really thought that other boats hull was going over or on my deck. 

Hey aluminum, rubber and paint. It can be fixed. But now that I'm not hurt or killed. I'm pi$$ed. Dudes like that shouldn't even be out on the water. If you can't see over your bow. I was like a setting duck. I'm not under power to avoid anything. 

I am glad no one was injured.  Your right though, too many people are behind the wheel of a boat lacking proper knowledge.  I live on the water.  I fish in most of my spare time too.  I see things everyday that bewilder me.  Including bow high half throttle drivers like your offender.  It's not totally their fault though.  The boaters require no training or knowledge to operate them.   I am not advocating everyone take an advanced program and test.  But a boaters course for some basic knowledge and a written test should be mandatory.  Granted it would not solve all issue butI do believe it would enlighten some folks unaware or their wrong doing.

fishing user avatarMaggiesmaster reply : 

A friend of mine tells this story on himself;  knowing him, he would do this.....

He was fishing on the Pearl River and a ski boat with skier was seeing how close they could come to him.  On about the third pass, he puts down his worm rod and picks up his rod with the Zara Spook.  When the skier gets close, he flings the 'spook out, hooks the skier and pulls him in the water.  When the pi**ed off boater comes back to 'friends' boat, 'friend' lays his .357 revolver on the deck and asks "do we have a problem here?". The boater finds a game warden on the lake, who happens to be my friends buddy.  The warden tells the boater to be more careful next time.

fishing user avatarRed Bear reply : 
  On 6/29/2016 at 11:17 AM, Rick Howard said:

But a boaters course for some basic knowledge and a written test should be mandatory. 

it already is in some states, i wonder how often it is enforced though.

fishing user avatareverythingthatswims reply : 

My buddy had a rowing boat with 6 or 8 people in it plow into his trolling motor during a tournament. We never pay attention to them because they are always going up and down the lake and it's not uncommon for them to get close. He said the only reason the whole trolling motor didn't head to the bottom is because it was hanging on by the battery cord. Almost knocked him out of the boat! I think they were in a race at the time but it's pretty surprising that they didn't see his boat.

fishing user avatarSpankey reply : 

I don't really have a big up date but my insurance is on board with everything. Fish and Boat Commission has all their info needed. My biggest issue is someone wanting to do the work. Dealer aint squat, local guys don't seem to know what tig welding is. Need to find the right guy for an estimate than I'll be on the right track. Even if work doesn't get done to fall sometime will be ok. Don't want it to cut into my smallie time too bad.


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