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Dixon info and my $.02 2024

fishing user avatarVermonster reply : 

Okay. I know I am new here, so I don't know if anyone will really read this, but since I live 4 miles from the lake, and love to fish, I felt compelled to write about it........

First of all, some info. Dixon Lake holds 3 of the top 13 Bass EVER certified. San Diego holds a fourth, from Miramar lake. One of the reasons they grow so well here is that the lakes are stocked with trout for winter fishing, so alot of nice rainbows end up as bass bait.... ;D Also, the fishing pressure is relatively low. Not all, but most of the lakes here are only open 3 or 4 days a week, and some are closed for months at a time. Here is an article from a couple of years ago, it mentions some of the Dixon fish.....


21.70-pounder fourth-biggest in record book

By Ed Zieralski


June 1, 2003 Link to the news article.

ESCONDIDO Jed Dickerson of Carlsbad made bass-fishing history yesterday morning by catching a huge bass at tiny Dixon Lake.

Dickerson, a 30-year-old fanatical big-bass fisherman, caught and released a 21.70-pound largemouth bass, the fourth-heaviest on record in the world, third-largest in the state and heaviest ever in San Diego County's rich bass-fishing history.

It knocked off San Diegan Dave Zimmmerlee's 20.94-pounder that he caught at Miramar in June 1973, a record that endured nearly 30 years. And it was just over a half a pound from matching the heaviest bass ever caught, the famous 22.25-pounder caught by George Perry at Montgomery Lake (Ga.) on June 2, 1932, almost 71 years ago to the day of Dickerson's epic catch.

Also, if approved by the International Game Fish Association, Dickerson's catch will set the IGFA's line-class world record for a largemouth caught on 20-pound test line, now a 19-pounder caught by Dan Kadota in 1989 at Castaic.

"I'll tell you, it's just awesome, but to be honest, it all hasn't sunk in yet," Dickerson said. "I'm a laid-back guy, and the thing is, I know there are bigger bass in this lake. We're after a bigger one."

It was typical for a big-bass fisherman to want more. Dickerson was surrounded by his big-bass-chasing buddies, all regulars at Dixon.

There was Mac Weakley, who landed a 19-pound, 7-ounce bass nearly two weeks ago at Dixon. That bass now ranks 13th in the world.

Weakley, who works with Dickerson as a banker for a corporation that funds card rooms, was fishing a couple of hundred yards away with another member of the group, Mike Winn. They witnessed Dickerson's catch.

And, of course, there was Mike Long, the Poway angler who has caught more giant largemouth bass than any other angler in the country.

"I've already gotten calls about this bass from fishermen at the Delta," Long said. "When there's a catch like this, it's like lightning striking in the bass world."

Before yesterday, Long had held the Dixon Lake record with a 20.75-pounder he caught in April 2001. It's now ninth on the all-time, world-record bass list.


All of this banter makes me want to ask this question..... Would any of you want to catch a world record if you are going to go through all this crap??????? It seems that everyone in this country has turned into a doubting thomas if it wasn't them catching it, or if they were not there to see it. That seems to go for everything. I remember a guy in Michigan shot what could be a World Recordx whitetail, but due to the fact he hunts alone and is a secluded person, everyone said it was a sham. Maybe sometimes things end up being a scam, but no-one gives it a chance. Everyone immediately gave this guy crap and seemed to believe they would have handled the situation differently. I know the record is 70+ years old, and it's the holy grail of records, but why can't it be broken????

It's sad to see those of us that consider ourselves true sportsman do nothing more than tear a guy down. "Oh, I'd have done this", or "Oh, I'd have done that".  Heck, all I know is that I'd have soiled myself, then if I didn't die, probably spend an hour figuring out what in the world to do..... Yes, it's probably going to be DQ'd, but so what. The guy caught a friggen unbelievable bass that would probably eat most of our personal best bass. He's caught some very big ones in the past.

I say, It's a hell of a fish, and I am in awe......... 8-)

Also, I have no connection to this man in any way. Never met him, and to tell you the truth, in 10 years living out here, I haven't bass fished. I used to live in Vermont and fished for bass all the time, but not since moving here. Maybe I need to start..... ;D

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Welcome aboard Vermonster!

Yes, you should take up bass fishing again. I hear there are some good bass in Southern California.

fishing user avatarVermonster reply : 

Thanks for the welcome.  Nice avatar, by the way.  I used to fish the smaller mouth version in Vermont.  Best was only a 3-pounder, but caught many, many small ones over my years.....

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

I'm wowed by the toad, she is an ultimate she-pig.   I don't call my self a record chaser, love to pursue big bass.    I can assure you, if I caught one, I have semstress measuring tape with me, numbers to marinas and know where certified scales can be had at 2am in the morning.

If I saw the hawg and they did, I would NOT be using a bait that had a stinger hook that might cost me a possible record.  Sight fishing!!!!!!

If that fish was caught from the deep, it would count, but sight fishing and snagging are un-sportsman like as defined by the rules.

The majority of the forum, I think, can't believe a WR chaser would not be more prepared for this feat, thus the skeptics.   I'm not skeptic that he caught a huge fish, just can't believe he took that approach.

A treble hook used for sight fishing during a tourney or while pursuing a record is a bad tactic in my book.    The chance for a foul hook is lurking.   And according to the press releases, thats all they do, search for WR class bass.

Just my .02.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

The majority of the forum, I think, can't believe a WR chaser would not be more prepared for this feat, thus the skeptics. I'm not skeptic that he caught a huge fish, just can't believe he took that approach.

VTster-I hear you about the doubting thomas syndrome but there is no other group of people ready and willing to accept a wr than the guys here. But as stated in the quote above, these were WR CHASERS. I, personally, chase only big bass but don't ever plan on seeing any kind of recoord but even at that, even I know the basic things to do to eliminate the doubters,i.e, state scale, measuring tape, pics, Autopsy even, if necessary.

If I were a WR chaser, and caught one, I would put an aerated cooler in my car and drive straight to Pompano Beach , Fla and drop the fish in the IGFA's lap, never mind not even bring it to a scale or wrap a tape around it.

Oh yeah,.....

[move]WELCOME TO THE FORUM!![/move]

fishing user avatarVermonster reply : 

Good points, but I'm curious. If they caught it in the mouth, with a treble hook, is that illegal, or just "unsportsmanlike" and something you wouldn't personally do???? I'm not directing it at you, but in general. Serious question. In my opinion, if it's legal, it's their choice how they pursue it. Just like if they want to keep and eat a couple of fish a month. I personally love bass, and have eaten my fair share. I believe that it is good for the ecosystem, as long as they are not overfished. But it's legal, and my personal view. Other views may differ, but can we fault someone for doing something well within the law?????

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Two reports, one was sight fishing with a swimbait, and I find that bogus or hard to believe.

On the westernbass *.   A witness said he saw him catch it with a white jig, and I find that bogus.    

The treble hook was outside the mouth, when sight fishing, its illegal to see the fish and foul hook it, snagging as its called.

A white jig with a treble hook?????????    Details are sketchy if you see my view.

Sight fishing with a bass on the nest with a large swimbait as one reported, and a white jig with a stinger hook, a treble.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

The "doubt" is why this PARTICULAR fisherman would NOT BE PREPARED to DOCUMENT a WORLD RECORD.

Mac Weakley didn't "get lucky" while he was fishing for trout with corn on a treble hook!

We will know much more over the next several days, but I don't doubt the bass is the same bass that has been caught before or that it is, in fact, the largest bass EVER caught. The controversy is "Why is there a controversy?" This was not Mac Weakley's first rodeo.

fishing user avatarVermonster reply : 
Two reports, one was sight fishing with a swimbait, and I find that bogus or hard to believe.

On the westernbass *. A witness said he saw him catch it with a white jig, and I find that bogus.

The treble hook was outside the mouth, when sight fishing, its illegal to see the fish and foul hook it, snagging as its called.

A white jig with a treble hook????????? Details are sketchy if you see my view.

Sight fishing with a bass on the nest with a large swimbait as one reported, and a white jig with a stinger hook, a treble.

Sorry Matt, but just because you don't do it that way, doesn't mean others can't.  Here is an excerpt from the article above, a little later in the article, that I didn't post....


It was what bass anglers call a "sight fish," in that Dickerson saw it and then fished for it. Some sight fishermen spend unbelievable amounts of time for one "sight" fish. Dickerson, whose previous best bass was a 151/2-pounder at Dixon, said he toyed with this one for 45 minutes before enticing it to bite the 8-inch Mission Fish, a plastic trout imitation swimbait. He horsed it to the boat in less than a minute, he said.

fishing user avatarVermonster reply : 

It's a method out here that has been used with success before......

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

I lived in San Dog for 14 yrs, its not my first rodeo either.   But witnesses say they saw him catch the bass on a white jig.    

Either one is fine, by law, sight fishing, when you can see the fish, its is against the law to hook the fish outside the mouth, hence snagging.

IGFA says, you can't have a treble attached that is bigger than a size ?  Not sure on the size.   This hook had been reported to be over the legal limit.

Also, it matters to how the stinger is positioned, fixed or free moving.

If its my sole goal to put one of these toads in the record books, these guys know the rules better than most, or should as much press as they get.

Why use something that could deem the fish illegal?  

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

In my opinion if the guy used a hook and a weight and snatched a fish that is snagging. If I have a spinnerbait with 12 trailer hooks attached or a jig with a stinger hook attached to a small length of braid that is not snagging. I think what they are talking about when referring to snagging is to use a bare hook with the intentions of just foul hooking a fish. Granted I don't know where the fish was hooked outside of the mouth but I do know that I hook many fish outside of the mouth and none where snagged. If it was a swim bait some do have a belly hook that can find its way outside of the mouth when a fish is hooked. If the fish was snagged in the tail or back and if there is no doubt what his intentions where based upon where it was snagged then flame on.  ;)

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

It will be nice to see an article or interview that gets the info from him, not someone who saw it from shore or another boat.  I know it SEEMS like the details don't add up but I think all the info we have at this point is from "witnesses" and that is not always reliable.

I just hate to see the guy torched for no good reason.  If it turns out bad, you'll have the rest of your life to torch him... but to light him up based on the conflicting reports we have right now is just plain wrong.

fishing user avatarVermonster reply : 

Another serious question.... Where does it say he was using a treble or trailer hooks????  I have only seen one article saying "swimbait", and one saying "white jig".  If you have a link to an article that tells what he caught it with, could you post it, por favor....

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

Sight fishing with swimbaits = Mattlures Bluegill

Why does this seem so far fetched? I'm not saying the fish was caught on a swimbait or jig. I don't know what it was caught on. I know as much as everyone here.

It could be that he was throwing a swimbait and a jig. Someone happened to see him throwing a swimbait 10 minutes before the catch so they say it was caught on a swimbait. But in reality he switched to the jig 5 minutes before the catch.

Again, I don't know how the whole thing went down. But this seems like a very possible senerio to me.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

to me, this just reinforces why any claim to a world record must include the actual fish.  No. Pictures will not suffice, nor will measurements, nor will testimonials.  The only way to shut everyone up and  is to kill the fish quickly and humanely. Put it on ice. Then let everyone with authority, that is the state and the IGFA examine and certify it.  Then have it skin mounted so people can see the actual fish, not a plastic replica.

To me this is just common sense.  I understand the importance of catch and release but keeping one fish every 75 years or so should be acceptable.

fishing user avatarBAMA_BASS reply : 

This site said it was only 20 lbs

But still that is a big bass and most of us will never evan see a bass that big.

fishing user avatarVermonster reply : 

Look at the date on the article. It's from the last 20 pounder that was caught there, in 2003.....

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Only 25 % of hooked swimbait fish are landed.    Do I need to elaborate on why I wouldn't chase a world record bass with a swim bait on the nest.  Thats me, not Mike of Jed, but the fact is swimbaits are easily thrown, thus the horsing method to land them.

fishing user avatarernel reply : 
Sight fishing with swimbaits = Mattlures Bluegill

If I am fishing bedding bass then I will definatly throw a bluegill swimbait. Simple fact is that bass hate bluegills during the nesting phase. They eat eggs and fry as just about everyone knows. I may not hook up with the bass with the swimbait, but it will chase the lure and become so mad it has to bite something,  makeing the catch with a jig or tube easier. The swimbait ticks 'em off and the smaller lure hooks 'em up.

All this specululation will get you nowhere. There are plenty of reasons for either or to have happened. If you just wait a little while, then it will come to light in the end. So relax, go fishing, don't get so worked up over something that we were not a part of.

fishing user avatarHookhead reply : 

If I were to guess what happened at Dixon I'd say they happened upon her and her nest and tried like hell to catch her.  They probably tried everything in their box, she's big (still alive) for a reason right?  After a few hours or so they were probably dying to see just how much that fat girl weighed so he rigged his smallest heavest bait, a jig, with an oversized treble with the intention of snagging her.  After finding out she was a WR he realized he couldn't do anything but put her back and try to catch her legally.  I'm just guessign here but I can see why he did what he did.  He probably thought it wouldn't get around until he pulled her out of the water and realized she was huge.  Having witnesses doesn't help, especially when intentionally snagging a fish.  Curiosity got the best of him in a moment of weakness.  

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Matt_Fly,I have read 3-4 articles about it and been in on a few different discussions in different forums and I have seen no mention of a treble or stinger hook anywhere.Just curious how all that got dragged into the debate.

As far as I can tell,(from various articles),he just had a white jig,the fish nosed down on it,he thought the fish had it and he set the hook........hooking the fish in the side.

I'd like to read the stinger/treble hook info,wherever it was that you found it.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

My initial findings came from a web site in Cali, The URL was edited as you can see after 3pm to another article that I hadn't seen.

These are inital reports from that site.  Can't copy and paste the person(s)

Here are the facts of what is currently known according to Lake Dixon staffer Tony Smock

The fish weighed was cuaght by the duo of Mac Wheatley and Jed Dickerson - familiar names at this lake - and went over 24 pounds.

Based upon the markings, the fish was the same one caught a few years back by both Long and Dickerson. THat's the good news.

The downside here is that the fish went for a swimbait, pulled up short, and ended up getting snagged when the hook was set. As such, I don't think it will officially count.

According to SMock, the fish was weighed, photographed, and videotaped. Look for more news and clearer facts to follow in the coming days.

Congrats guys - I'm just sorry she did'nt eat the swimbait.

Next one--------------------------------------------------

That won't keep it from being an official record. You cannot INTENTIONALLY foul hook a fish. But just as with tournament rules, foul hooking a fish due to the fish's bad aim is perfectly fine.

The issue if its a swimbait will be the hook system hes using...theres a fine line between a legal and illegal swimbait and as I understand it, most swimbaits with stinger hooks are illegal.

Next one------------------------------------------------------------------

...I would have to agree with Hutch on this one. While foul hooking a fish would not render it an illegal catch, snagging it certainly would - accidental or otherwise.

I am sure that we will hear A LOT more about this incredible catch, but based on the extremely brief details provided by Hutch, it sounds to me as though this big fish was a bedding fish and that it charged the bait, but did not eat it entirely and got snagged in the process. (How many times has that happened to all of us?). This is entirely speculation on my part, mind you.

I am just glad that it was these gentlemen that were involved in the catch. Their personal integrity and credibility would keep them from any funny business. And, as Hutch pointed out, these guys know the ropes and most certainly would have followed the numbers, had it been a clean catch. Photographing and releasing it before it could be examined by DFG officials clearly tells me that they knew that it could not and would not be certified as a legal catch or a new world record. There is no doubt in my mind that they released the fish right away in an attempt to keep it alive, so that it can be legally caught again, thus setting a new world record. My hat is off to these guys.

I respectfully beg to differ with you regarding the use of a stinger (or trap) hook on a swimbait making it an illegal bait. Is this really any different than adding a trailer hook to a spinnerbait or a buzz bait, or adding a Front Runner to a topwater bait? Trap hooks have been around for decades, especially in saltwater. I believe that you will be hard pressed to find a regulation anywhere that prohibits the use of stinger or trap hooks on swimbaits. If using them is illegal, I am as guilty as hell.


Good Fishing!

Ron C

Nexr one-------------------------------------------------

Don't quote me on this but I think it has to do with the size of the treble hook. The rule is there to prevent snagging fish, but some of our swimbait treble hooks may fall into these larger hooks. Maybe Mike Giusti can further elaborate on the stinger hooks issue?

BTW snagged or not, I still want to see the pictures of this toad.

next one-------------------------------

its 100 percent true, my source was steve and dan barnett, who WERE THERE WHEN THE FISH WAS CAUGHT. they even got to touch the fish. the weighing of the fish flashed between 24 pounds and something ounces and 25 pounds. this is a 100% true story EXCEPT, this fish was NOT caught on a swimbait. still waiting on the news report when it comes.

Next one--------------------------------------

its defently a world record fish but i dont think it will stand. story says it was caught on a white jig and foul hooked outside the mouth so i dont think it will fly. just my opinion if i spotted that fish on a bed i would defentily call someone and have them video tape me catching it so their would be no doubts we are talking about a million dollar fish here and i defentily would of found someway to keep that fish alive till dfg could arrive just my thoughts.....

All of these comments were made on the morning of the 20th till around 11am their time which would be around 1pm Tx time.    Some of those guys claimed to be witnesses.    That is why I find it skeptical, swimbait reported by 2 witnesses and the boat rental guy was 50 yards away when caught also.l

fishing user avatarVermonster reply : 
Sight fishing with swimbaits = Mattlures Bluegill

All this specululation will get you nowhere. There are plenty of reasons for either or to have happened. If you just wait a little while, then it will come to light in the end. So relax, go fishing, don't get so worked up over something that we were not a part of.

Best quote I've seen all day.  Wait it out, then we can all join in calling him either a hero or a fraud......

fishing user avatarVermonster reply : 
If I were to guess what happened at Dixon I'd say they happened upon her and her nest and tried like hell to catch her. They probably tried everything in their box, she's big (still alive) for a reason right? After a few hours or so they were probably dying to see just how much that fat girl weighed so he rigged his smallest heavest bait, a jig, with an oversized treble with the intention of snagging her. After finding out she was a WR he realized he couldn't do anything but put her back and try to catch her legally. I'm just guessign here but I can see why he did what he did. He probably thought it wouldn't get around until he pulled her out of the water and realized she was huge. Having witnesses doesn't help, especially when intentionally snagging a fish. Curiosity got the best of him in a moment of weakness.

This whole statement is a reach.  We know nothing about what happened.  

fishing user avatar-hydrillagorilla- reply : 

OK I am getting in on this.

The best article I have read - states he was sight fishing in 12 foot of water (which I think would be most difficult to selectivly to snag in).

Personally I like this guy. He seems pretty stoked to just touch a fish of this magnitude - not to mention he believes it was the same fish his buddy caught in '03 due to the one spot on the hawgs right gill.

None the less - it is one heck of a fish story!



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