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Who's Your Daddy? 2024

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

Seeing as we are sharing about our Mentors, Why not share who's your daddy. 

What's the one thing that always kicks your butt when it comes to bass fishing? Work? Family? Other commitments? Or is it something fishing related like cold fronts, crystal clear water, fluctuating water, etc?.

For me, it's lack of current.  When the power plant lakes by me either shut down their operation, or just quit pumping I have such a difficult time putting together a pattern that I've all but abandoned them for more distant water.

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

Family commitments.The wife had surgery. I have a 10 year old daughter. My presence is required at a weeding rehearsal and wedding next weekend.


I'd like to fish at least once a week. Sometimes I only get 2 days a month.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

One of the larger lakes in my local area is known to have decent population of fish and does get a fair amount of fishing pressure.


Except for very early & very late in the season it is Skunk City for me.  I have tried so many different patterns unsuccessfully over the past several years especially during the summer months that I don't ever go there any more - even at night (which says something - bad too)


We've nick named it The Dead Sea.



fishing user avatarSmokinal reply : 

I'm not stepping on a soap box here but I'm very involved with my family. We have 2 boys and I've always played ball, soccer, football and everything else with them. Very involved in their schoolwork, their interests etc... I also like to give Mama her free time break as well (she is back part-time college student) so all this limits me to fishing every other Sunday. I sure would like to get out more but you gotta have your priorities.

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 

Not the best at catching fish in gin clear water. Commitments are crazy now, I mentioned in another forum being a full time student athlete and holding two jobs can get hectic. I'm at school at 5 every morning so I can put 5,000 yards in the pool, and then go to school, then plug in another 10,000 in the pool after. I leave at 5:30, work at my jobs until 10. Sleep, repeat. I still try to get out on the bank at least once a week, sometimes twice depending on if I have to work on Saturday, or if there is a meet that weekend. Its a lot, but I try and make it work. On Sundays I fish and spend the day relaxing. I always try and take time for Sunday rest, swim meets being the exception. Right now its Summer so no school, but still pulling two-a-days in the pool and working both jobs. I hope I don't sound like I'm bragging. I'm sure everyone is dealing with 10,000 different commitments as well, that's just life these days.

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 7/18/2015 at 11:15 PM, A-Jay said:

One of the larger lakes in my local area is known to have decent population of fish and does get a fair amount of fishing pressure.


Except for very early & very late in the season it is Skunk City for me.  I have tried so many different patterns unsuccessfully over the past several years especially during the summer months that I don't ever go there any more - even at night (which says something - bad too)


We've nick named it The Dead Sea.



Places like that are bad for your confidence. I'll throw the whole tackle box at those places. I'll try new techniques I've never used there. Then after maybe three bad trips I'm done.

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 7/18/2015 at 11:27 PM, HoosierHawgs said:

Not the best at catching fish in gin clear water. Commitments are crazy now, I mentioned in another forum being a full time student athlete and holding two jobs can get hectic. I'm at school at 5 every morning so I can put 5,000 yards in the pool, and then go to school, then plug in another 10,000 in the pool after. I leave at 5:30, work at my jobs until 10. Sleep, repeat. I still try to get out on the bank at least once a week, sometimes twice depending on if I have to work on Saturday, or if there is a meet that weekend. Its a lot, but I try and make it work. On Sundays I fish and spend the day relaxing. I always try and take time for Sunday rest, swim meets being the exception. Right now its Summer so no school, but still pulling two-a-days in the pool and working both jobs. I hope I don't sound like I'm bragging. I'm sure everyone is dealing with 10,000 different commitments as well, that's just life these days.

Man, You need to get your priorities straight! Just kidding. I long for the days when I was young. I could go from dawn to dusk 7 days a week. You can still go when most of us old geysers would rather just relax.

fishing user avatarCeeJay reply : 

For me it's health, I suppose.  I've been dealing with chronic illness since before I first started fishing almost 20 years ago. 

It has cost me a few years of fishing, but I don't care anymore and will fish as much as I can. 

My routine right now is at the river by 5am, back home by 9am every other day if weather permits. 

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

For me it its family commitments. Weather?? Yeah... weather can play a role on that particular day. Other than that I deal with the conditions that are presented to me on that day. My fishing days are very few and very far between. I have learned to role with the punches or else I can't fish. 

fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

Family, work, and keeping up with the house.  In that order.......

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 
  On 7/18/2015 at 11:32 PM, the reel ess said:

Man, You need to get your priorities straight! Just kidding. I long for the days when I was young. I could go from dawn to dusk 7 days a week. You can still go when most of us old geysers would rather just relax.

Very true, I can regenerate pretty quickly. I'm guessing I'll miss that in the future!

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

Work is the big one. I still manage to get out, though. 

fishing user avatarAdamsEye reply : 

Family, a 2 and 1/2 year old boy, and a new born boy. Then there is work, which only makes me want to spend time with my family more then go fishing. Lately I have been at a point where I don't sleep much, but I can make up for that when I die.


It's hard to leave momma and the baby at home and go fishing, but she allowed me to go once since my son was born. Once my baby get into a decent nights sleep habit, I will start heading out in the AM for a few hours while everyone is sleeping! No quilt to carry then!


Fish on!

fishing user avatarCeeJay reply : 
  On 7/19/2015 at 2:25 AM, AdamsEye said:

Family, a 2 and 1/2 year old boy, and a new born boy. Then there is work, which only makes me want to spend time with my family more then go fishing. Lately I have been at a point where I don't sleep much, but I can make up for that when I die.


It's hard to leave momma and the baby at home and go fishing, but she allowed me to go once since my son was born. Once my baby get into a decent nights sleep habit, I will start heading out in the AM for a few hours while everyone is sleeping! No quilt to carry then!


Fish on!


Yeah very early morning is the perfect time for me as well.   Everyone's still in dream land and we can cast our lines in a peaceful setting :)

I love fishing early, such a great escape and does wonders for health as well.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

My only commitment is to go fishing, and I do it every day year round.  I'm not bothered by the heat and humidity but the summertime gnats are a deterrent.  This year is bad, last year wasn't so I did more bass fishing then.  I do have some spots I go to that are fairly void of them little critters, that's where I do my peacock fishing in the summer.   I have a strong distaste fishing the summertime muck and high weeds in the canals here, I fish winter for my big bass.


Nothing could be truer than this Florida adage, when the bass turn off the snook turn on and vice versa.  Year round I have a good bite to after.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

The Tennessee River impoundments are all about current. No current = no fishies.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

This year I have been pretty lucky. I have been able to get out on the water at least once a week since March.

fishing user avatarCatch 22 reply : 

Current is virtually everything in certain waters. River impoundments I used to frequent  would shut down fish wise on the weekends to save water for generation  during the weekdays. Sat & Sun minimum flow, marginal catching. 

Monday current is ripping ,fish are biting=====and I`m back at work :cry4:


fishing user avatarRMcDuffee726 reply : 

College...What's fishing?

fishing user avatarwhitwolf reply : 

At the moment It's been working on the farmhouse me and my wife purchased a month ago. It seems everytime I make plans to fish I see something else(for Instance, the need to run a line under the house for the ice maker, It's currently running along the baseboard) that needs attention. I don't stress about it but I did think the other day that It's been over a month since I wet a line. I plan to go tomorrow, we shall see. :)

fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 

Me and my hard head

For the last couple of weeks I've been doing pretty good, worm fishing my milk run of brushpiles in the broiling sun. But today we had NE winds 5-10 and clouds. It felt great but my brush pile fish were gone.

Did I try anything else? No, I forced it on 'em. 2 fish and a thousand casts.

Whatta clown.

fishing user avatarWeld's Largemouth reply : 

lack of fishing spots...

fishing user avatarJrob78 reply : 

100°+ temps do me in.

fishing user avatarsouthernson1989 reply : 

I wish I could say work but since I was laid off when my store closed its hard to even get to the local park let alone take the boat out so my problem is a lack of money. I've been promised a spot at the local foundry so hopefully that will soon change and I'll be making more money than I ever have before.

fishing user avatarM_Fochler reply : 

I am very lucky in the fact that my father's house house has a small lake right out the back door. I am luckier in the regard that we have a great boat to fish out of (1989 Lund Pro-V with a 90hp Yama). The thing that bothers me though is the politics of this lake are not at all centered around fishing. Few people that have property on the lake fish so they just don't understand the common courtesy things like we all do. People will drive really close by you when you are fishing blowing up your spot. Also they put weed killer in the lake and I don't know but the bite seems off for a while after that. Also my biggest pet peeve is when the lake freezes over many people walk on and keep every bass they catch. It's a sad scene when you go fishing in the morning and find 20 frozen heads left by people from the day before. I'm not trying to say my way is the only way to enjoy the water but mutual respect goes a long way.  

fishing user avatarspencer12 reply : 

Fishing pressure and heat. For the most part I have a good amount of time to fish, but most of the lakes I fish get hammered to death and the summer heat here in the south can kill the bite quickly.


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