Hey all,
you know I was just thinking the other night before I fell asleep and was wondering if this was weird :-/?
How many of you all cast and retreive with the same hand????
What I mean as you throw out(lets say your right hand, I'm right handed)as the bait lands you switch hands and retrieve with your casting hand.. Does this make sense :-??????????
How many of you do this?????? Or am I just a weird one ??
P.s I hope it was ok to put this hear, should be really a poll...lol :-/
Been casting with the right & switching the rod to the left to retrieve for the past 33 years.
This was standard practise before they started making L.H. reels. A lot of the fella's still do this. Nothing unusual.
I've been fishing that way for (GULP) fifty years. Too old to switch now.
I'm left handed so no switching for me!
I am a hand switcher.
I used spinning gear for years and reeled with my left even though I am right handed. The first baitcaster I bought was right handed and I just couldn't get used to switching hands. Now I only use LH baitcasters and many of my fish come when the lure hits the water and I am ready since I don't have to switch.
Another switcher here. Also, hello everyone!
switcher here also but I do two hand cast alot.
Another left hander here so no switching for me to.
I learned on spinning rods, where the handle is standard on the left. Now, I ordered my baitcaster with a LH retrieve. The switching hands doesn't work for me. It always seemed, that when I switched hands, the spool would unwind before I could click it in place.
Ya me too, I switch to reel with my right hand after throwing with it. Whats weird is with a spinning reel however, I reel with my left. I feel very uncordinated when I try to reel a spinning setup with my right hand. I tried a left handed baitcaster once and same thing, felt very awkard. Guess Ill just have to be weird
Powerhand caster here. Cast with the right and crank with the left.
No time lost switching hands.
Welcome To The Forum!
no switching im rightie but crank with left
I switch hands also, tried the left hand reeling but I'm too uncoordinated i guess so i go with what works.
I'm a hand switcher as well. I really wish i wasn't, it'll start to irratate me about 1/2 way through the season and i'll switch the handle to the other side of my spinning reel. I can never quite ajust to it and give up. It's so hard to reel in a good sized fish with the opposite hand. I'm also very concerned the switching is going to cause me to drop my rig off a dock or my boat one day. In addition to Jaysons original question, I'd like to know if anyone has ever corrected this habit? Also, has anyone seen any pro's doing this on television?
good too be back, it's hard reading this forum in the winter. Pretty mild winter in Michigan.
Why "correct" something that needs no correction ?
I"m a switcher too with the bait caster but stay with the same hand with my spinning gear. I need to learn how to cast left handed for these summer time bass and throwing buzzbaits.
switch here. i usually change the handle to the right side for my spinning gear. i have also seen some people hold the spinneng reel upside down. now isnt that wierd
Hey Extreme,
LOL... when I first saw that too, I had to do a double take
But if it works for them, then its all good
No switching here. Rod in my right hand, reel/crank with my left hand.
As a lefty I have had to deal with most things designed and built for righthanders. I bought a book one time that explained all the products out in the world that is made for the majority righthander. It brings a smile on my face to see that finially righthanders need to switch hands. ;D
90% of the time i am a switcher but i have gotten good at casting with my left hand so if i have a gut feeling that im gonna get bit on the first fall then ill cast with my left that way im ready.
i cast with my right and retrieve with my left. every second adds up in a tournie
You're not weird. I cast and reel with the same hand too. Its pretty common if you haven't noticed.
I cast right/reel right with a baitcaster, and cast right, reel left with spinning gear.