I'm back from my 2 weeks leave and missin home again already. My new baby is beautiful and healthy, but I do have one bad thing to report about my leave. My wife had the good sense to store all of my gear at my friend's house (he's in my unit and here with me). His wife had gone to Ohio so all of my stuff was locked in their garage and I didn't get to hit the lake even once!!! I think she did it on purpose but she says otherwise. Oh well, guess I'll have to wait another year. At least I got 2weeks away from this place with the family. I'll make another slide show to post on here with both of my daughters when I finally get back (and get my gear outta that garage).
I just left FOB Warhorse and Baquoba with the cav a few weeks ago. I know how it feels man. I had a son over leave. Talk about a really crappy feeling. Keep your chin up and your head down. Be careful over there. You're in my thoughts and prayers man. Take it easy and shoot them in the face.
I wish you all the best!
2 in the chest, 1 in the head, Merry Christmas & May God Bless
Stay safe, congrats on your daughter and
Be safe and we hope and all the guys can return home, soon.
Send us those pics when you get a chance.
Merry Christmas and God Bless.
Take care Joey Keep your head down. Marry Christmas Bud
Congratulations on your new arrival.
Stay safe and God Bless,
I am sending you a PM
I know the feeling man! After having my son I knew it was time for me to say goodbye to the Army life. I wouldnt be able to tell my little man goodbye again, so now I'm back in Ohio hoping I dont get a phone call from IRR call-ups to head back out! Keep at it man, and I promise I wont catch your fish.
Glad you got to make it home. Where's that garage? I can go over and keep an eye on that stuff for ya. ;D ;D Just kidding. Keep your head down, and your powder dry!
Congrats and come home safe. Merry Christmas
merry christams.God bless you and your family.you are a true hero and my family and i thank you for your service!!!
Keep your head down and you hopes high
Merry Christams
Be safe! so you may get back to your new one. Congrats!
Hey bassin',
Sorry to hear they're sending you back this close to christmas. Congrats on your son, keep him in your heart, it will give you the strength you'll need over there. Just think about when you get to teach him how to rip some lips. God Bless you and the other soldiers over there. You guys are true fighters and real heros. Merry Christmas to you and yours and everyone else over in the desert this Christmas season.
Where are you over there? I have a little brother at FOB Kalsu.
Marry Christmas and congradulations.we are praying for you.
Congrats on the new arrival. Keep your head down and have a Merry Christmas
thank you. i dont care what the stoopid politicians and hippies say i just wanted to say i support U.S. troops no matter what or where.
Congratulations and Merry Christmas to you. Stay safe and come home soon. My son spent 16 months over there as an MP HumVee turret gunner providing convoy protection and I was a nervous wreck the whole time he was gone. Much worse on me than than the 3 tours in 'Nam I did way back when:o( ALL of you brave young men are in my/our prayers!
Be safe and when things get tough, remember your family and bass fishing. The two things that help me get through tough times and always give you a warm feeling inside. By the way...THANKS, I know you guys don't hear that enough, but all of us appreciate what you and your buddies do for us.
Stay low and come home safe!!!
Happy holidays to your family and Congrats on the new arrival.
Hunker down
i like to say thanks to all who has or is serving. i hope all our troops make it back home safely.
Thanks for all you do and be safe over there :)
Joey,congrats to you and your family!
Stay safe over there.I'm sure your gonna be fine.Bring yourself back home.When you get back all you gotta do is get to Ky.Lake!
Bud and CJ will take care of you!
God Bless You! Chris