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What Has Bass Fishing Done For You? 2024

fishing user avatarDavePNW reply : 

For me bass fishing is something that I try to do every day. Although I'm new to bass fishing I feel it has already impacted my life (and my wallet) hugely. I don't make much money so the money I've spent so far has been a stretch haha. Being out on the water is a therapy like no other. Whether you're having a crazy day and slayin 'em or getting skunked, nothing beats that feeling. I can't recall a better time than a good day on the water with good friends. I'm not big into the party scene of college so bass fishing gives me something to research with my nights and keep me away from the wrong crowds. I couldn't be more appreciative of how well this community accepts new faces and how easily members become a part of the family. I've poured hours and hours into this sport and I don't regret a second of it. Bass fishing has helped me to become patient, to enjoy the experience not just the end product, and countless other things. I love this sport and I look forward to getting better and better. I hope to someday be able to give back to bass fishing because it has done so much for me.

fishing user avatarBrent Christian reply : 

I agree 100%, I can honestly say bass fishing has kept me from getting introuble. I myself am only 22 years old, many of nights I was invited to parties and I was either on the water, or getting some rest to head out early that morning. On the lake is the best place to clear your thoughts and have a good peaceful time, all your worries seem to just go away for the time your on the water!

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 

I think the question should be what has'nt it done?

Everything you said is true, there is no better way to release nor any better way to get yourself frustrated, bass fishing is a mindset in all aspects of the game, the rubix cube does not even come close, well, with the exception of both being a puzzle.

It's everything rolled into one big ball, there is nothing like finally unloading your boat, putting on the PFD and heading out to your first spot, the first time your boat is on plane for the first time of the new season, the first fish, all of these feelings are renewed every trip on the water, and so is the soul renewed each and every time as well.

The friendships we make, the chats we have, the arguements we discuss, are all parts of growing into better well rounded fishermen and women, but the end result is always the same, we learn something from someone that will help us all to become better, better anglers and better people.

Some good comes from the net, such as this place, it's home to a lot of us, it's freedom to express some of our emotions from a not so good day on the water and having someone make your day with a responce that gives you a new outlook for the next trip out, being able to come back and share your results from what you have learned and finding that this community supports you with your new skills or helps you dissect the faults and try again.

Fishing has done a lot of things for a lot of people, for a lot of us, our church is being on the water at sunrise on Sunday mornings or any morning for that matter, looking at what we have to enjoy for the short time we are here, closing your eyes for a brief moment and giving thanks just before that first cast, it's watching your children catch their first fish and feeling the same emotions they are at that moment, only to realise that moment never really leaves you, it's realising the bond of family becomes much stronger when connections like these are made and wishing these moments will last forever.

I can't say that fishing to catch fish has been as big of a success as I want it to be, but fishing in and of itself has been a blessing.

Good luck and be safe !!!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

The last three threads have been very insightful. Bass fishing to me is an outlet. It grounds me in so many different levels. What amazes me about bass fishing is the fact that you meet someone and once you find out they bass fish you click almost right away.I guess that's why I enjoy this site so much.

fishing user avatarfishking247 reply : 

i am 22 and fishing in general has made me a good person. i appreciate things more then most people my age. i have also met some great people. i will be fishing the rest of my life and cannot imagine my life without it.

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 

It allows me to forget about most problems for the time I'm occupied so it keeps me sane in rough times......there's many more benefits but this one comes to mind first.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Too many Very Beneficial Aspects of the sport to list.

On a side note, Fishing has Reduced my income potential some what.



fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

A philosophical question. Excellent!

I was away from fishing for several years after my brother was killed in an accident. He was my fishing partner and best friend, and I was lost for a while without him. It took me a while to find my passion for fishing again, but thanks to a great wife and good friends I finally found my way back to the water. When I did it was like coming home. My wife has become a very good bass angler and as good a fishing partner as I could hope for, with benefits that are beyond the scope of this discussion. :eyebrows:

On the water I can talk about the verities and vagaries of life, or nothing at all. There is a spiritual element for me as well that is also beyond the scope of this discussion. While I can not begin to put into words all that fishing means to me, I do know that without it I am not complete.

I would be remiss if I did not mention the role this site has played in me finding my way back to fishing. It was not long after getting back into fishing that I found my way here. I was encouraged and welcomed by folks who have become freinds though we have never met. Thanks guys.

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

I think this question has been asked by all of us at one point or another and each time, I find nothing but more positives for my general state of being! Some of the things that immediately come to mind are patience, grounding, calm, the list goes on! Fellowship on the water and friendly competition keep me coming back. Like Nitro said, it's my church on Sunday! A chance to reflect, be introspective. I learn a lot about myself when I fish! I think if I wasn't able to "wet a line" from time to time after having the ability and opportunity to do so, the life I have now would be worthless! We are all truly blessed to be able to enjoy what we do with fishing and the happiness it brings we should embrace every moment we have on the water!

Not a sermon, just a thought!!

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

I, too, was one of those "geeks" who broke out my rod and reel on a Friday evening rather than hit the bars. My dorm actually had a lake behind it. How cool is that?!

With the cold months settling in, I sometimes wish I hadn't put so many eggs into one basket but I don't know quite what I would do if I didn't fish (and a man can only afford so many hobbies). There are so many facets to fishing. It's simultaneously relaxing and perplexing. It leaves you shaking your head in frustration one day (or moment) and shaking all over with excitement the next. I've aquired sun burns, wind burns, mosquito bites, stinging nettle rash, and near frostbite. I have more lures than I really know what to do with but next week or next month, I'll undoubtedly buy some more. I've fished in ponds surrounded by suburbia and I've been shrouded in fog so thick it bordered on mystical. I've gotten up early, I've stayed out late. I've cursed the wind and praised God. I've marveled at the sheer brazenness of 4 inch bass caught on 5 inch Rapala's. And, hopefully, I'll be doing it for another 40 years!

fishing user avatarzip pow reply : 

It helped me become better friends with with father and my son three generations in the boat almost every time its in the water. I'm most thankful of that.

fishing user avatarjignfule reply : 

Different benefits for different people. I love fishing, it helps me relax and gives me something to look forward to that I enjoy. But I have an associate who I spoke with the other day with a serious mental illness. He told me "fishing has saved my life"

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

Not so philosophical for me. It allows me to catch bass---that's it. If I didn't go fishing I wouldn't catch any fish,

Same thing with other sports/hobbies. I wanted to hit golf balls, sooooo, I used to play golf a lot.

fishing user avatarCaptain Shane Procell reply : 

Bass fishing has been good to me. This space is too small to write out has bass fishing has positively altered my life.

fishing user avatarrobdob reply : 
  On 11/29/2012 at 9:03 PM, BassinLou said:

The last three threads have been very insightful. Bass fishing to me is an outlet. It grounds me in so many different levels. What amazes me about bass fishing is the fact that you meet someone and once you find out they bass fish you click almost right away.I guess that's why I enjoy this site so much.

I have found this to be true also. a lot of people enjoy doing a lot of things but when someone enjoys bass fishing it is almost always their absolute favorite thing. i met a guy at my new job and once he found out i bass fish and go to tournaments we started talking all the time.. he fished the ranger millenium tournament which was the first million dollar purse tourney ever... in fact he was the leader after day 2 in that. ever since we've become pretty good friends. i've been trying to talk him into going to a local buddy tournament with me

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

To me it is a way to scratch my competitive itch without involving anyone else, especially since I injured my back in college and haven't played basketball competitively since that first year on the team.

I also enjoy getting outside and not having any distractions other than wondering how far I will paddle, what patterns to try, will that huge bass I saw but never caught decide to make my day etc....

I have a lot of hobbies but I love fishing and the challenges it brings no matter what species I am targeting that particular day....

fishing user avatarol'crickety reply : 

My job puts me in front of oodles of people. Fishing puts me in front of trees and reeds and fish. It's the rebalancing.

fishing user avatarNot_Here reply : 

gives me seasonal depression since i can't punch through the ice with a tungsten...

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Growing up in Detroit I lived with in minutes of Canada, fished both the American and Canadian waters on Lake St Clair and Erie for LMB and smallies since I was about 5. Moving to Florida full time 10 years ago I decided to do something I couldn't do in Michigan, inshore saltwater fishing, but I still fish for bass too. It isn't the species that I'm hunting, it's the act of fishing that I love. I fish at least 330 days a year, probably more.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

How 'bout new friends?

I have fished with a dozen or more BR members here in the Memphis area alone.

Many more on the RoadTrips plus another 30-40 guys that have attended, but I

have not fished with. In addition to people I have met here on the site, all of my

"best friends" are fishermen.


fishing user avatarthehooligan reply : 

Its a stress reliever, anytime i head to the water im instantly in a better mood. Motorcycles are the same for me. Once im geared up and out on the country roads its just you and the bike.

Since i was a kid i was always into solo sports, skateboarding, bmx. I like sports where the only competition is yourself, but you can share it with friends. I have a few buddies i fish with and its always a good day even if we get the skunk, we always have a great conversation.

I thank god everyday for fishing, its been a great way to recover from cancer. Its a chance to get outside and challenge myself and be one with nature.

fishing user avatarwademaster1 reply : 

Cost me a lot of cash!

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Fishing is my way to relax after working all week. I would also say that it has brought me closer to my Dad.

fishing user avatarClint C. reply : 

Takes my mind off of every day stresses and since I broke my neck that's a huge plus. Plus when I start tournaments it will give me something to be competitive in again. Before I got hurt I raced motocross and loved the challenge and competing.

It has also brought me a lot closer with my parents. Since my dad retired he has a nice hobby now! My mom loves it also so it kind of brought us all together more.

fishing user avatarBassAssassin726 reply : 

Bass fishing has done a lot for me. It helped save m life from addiction. 2 years ago I was completelyy addicted to painkillers, got up to Oxycontin before I quit. It was onlyy a matter of time before heroin came. So I went to a doctor and he helped me witth a medication that killed withdraw. Still my mind was a mess. Fishing helped me clear my mind, think about all the crappy things I did o friends and family just for a fix, and put the pieces back together in my head. It helped me to realise I'm not a terrible person, I just made a mistake and went down a bad road. We all make mistakes. It just really helped me mentally. Besides that bass fishing has taght me patience, something I had none of before I started fishing.

fishing user avatarSudburyBasser reply : 

I'm in a management capacity and there is more than I wish to deal with at work. After a week of dealing with demands from above and below me, all I want is a few hours on a lake. Don't care if I catch a damned thing, just so long as I have a cigar and a line in the water. What does it do for me? Keep me sane. Give me a few laughs. Empty my wallet.

Wouldn't trade it for anything.


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