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Do You Truly Believe In Your Goals 2024

fishing user avatarCDMeyer reply : 

I recently just finished a class on goal setting and making a "Game plan for life".....The main point was you cannot let anyone tell you you cannot do something, and to just believe.

I dream of being a pro bass angler and I truly believe I will through God and hard work.

So I have a question how many of you want to be pro bass anglers (Yes/no) and the do you believe you will (Yes/No)  

Answer just yes/no for both like this; YES, YES

Then below explain your answer, but for the top just put yes/no

Thanks for the responses 

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

No, I don´t want to be a pro bass angler, I am a Veterinary Surgeon because that´s what I wanted to be all my life. Fishing is my passion, not my job.

fishing user avatarfrantzracing0 reply : 

first answer is a yes and a no for me, second answer is a no.


Sure it would be great to be a pro angler in some aspects, but I would hate the day that my passion and hobby becomes a stressful job where there is no guarantee of a pay check


I will never have the chance or be good enough to go pro hahaha

fishing user avatarslimshad reply : 

No, No

Too much time away from home.  I don't see how a guy with a family can do it.  I think I could handle the fishing part, but the time spent doing it would do me in.  I will stick to the small local derbys. 

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

No, no.

Its always fun to do a tourney ever now and then and try your best but I dont think id like having to do them for a living...

fishing user avatarNathanW reply : 



There are many sacrifices I would have to make to persue that path. I have a career, wife, kids, house, retirment, childrens college accounts, etc. and all the responsibilities that go along with it.


You cannot expect to become a pro unless you are able to fish every day. Not 2 or three times a week. Every day or pretty close to it.


If I was on my own I would take a crack at it. But pursueing this path now would be increadibly selfish.


Read Jay Yelas's book and pay close attention to how many Derby's he fished every year while he was trying to make it. Something like 35+ a year. (I am lucky if I can fish two a year.) This is how much you need to plan on fishing. Jay was/is an extremly hard worker but was also fortunate that have financial backing from his parents, not many parents are willing to support this dream but they bought him his first boat.

fishing user avatarScott F reply : 

No, no.

It's hard to imagine a career I'd like less than being a pro angler. Getting to fish all the time sounds good, but I fish to relieve stress. The stress of having to put fish in the boat enough to win enough money to pay back your sponsors, to feed your family and stay on the road is more than I could handle. There are so few guys like KVD who make a good living fishing. Turning fishing into a stress filled job would ruin something I currently enjoy. No thanks.

fishing user avatarNathanW reply : 

I am intrigued by your plan?? Find an in state college that has a good fishing team, then move somewhere with a longer season after college? something like that?

fishing user avatarCDMeyer reply : 

I am talking with a few colleges about fishing, Dallas Baptist and Campbellsville.  They are a ways away from where I live but, I think that making teh move to these colleges would greatly help my fishing ability and help make me a better angler (leading to a professional career) 

I hope people do not think that I believe this will be all easy, as I know it will be extremely hard 

fishing user avatarB@ssCrzy reply : 

No, No....Although I earned $60 for a big bass pot.  So now that I have been payed for fishing does that make me a professional?  :laugh5:   Ok, all joking I would not want to be a professional angler if that means on the tournament trail 10 months out of the year.  Life is not just about doing something that you are passionate about, it is also about doing it with people that you love and cherish.  Spending that much time on the road away from my family is not worth it and would end up being too lonely and empty in the end.  Caught my PB largemouth early in the spring by myself fishing.  It was great, but I noticed that I have many more memorable catches.  The only difference is that the ones I remember more are the ones that I caught when I was fishing with someone that I care about.  My avatar is a great example.  I will remember that for a long time. 

fishing user avatarstarcraft1 reply : 

Like any pro sport, the odds are against you. Pick a career fist. You might want to get into the fish field such as a fish biologist, or something along those lines. This will give you something to fall back on.

Like a lot of guys here, I've fished a lot of derbies & tournaments in the last 40+ yrs. but also had family, career, ect. to think of.

Look deeper into your dream and find out the cons along with the pros and start doing the wieghing out.  I can reminder Skeet Reese sleeping in his worn out car and hitching a ride with anyone who'd take him out. It's a tough road to hold in the begainning and still takes a resume' to make it into the bigs. Also a lot of $$$$. Lastest. I heard was over $100,000 for one yr. on the Elite tour. Another thing to think about. Sponsors are'nt going to sink a lot of money into a "newbie" or also ran. You've got to prove yourself first. Build your resume' first, then talk to sponsors. Don't exspect a "full ride" right out the gate. Most likely your recieve a discount on tackle, and if your lucky, some of your entry paid.

Good luck in your dream.

fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 

I don't see how answering no, leads to a need for an answer to the second question. I guess I could accidentally enter a qualifying tournnament, and win it before realizing my mistake?...

fishing user avatarRF813 reply : 

No.  I have the job I want and have worked very hard for. If fishing were my job, I don't think I would appreciate it as much when I can get out.  It's such a departure from my work week, I need it to stay that way.


As for "Game Planning for life", there are so many twists and turns, ups and downs, I guess it's good to have a plan, but be flexible enough to adapt when your "Plan" goes off course.

fishing user avatarFish Murderer 71 reply : 

Faith of a Mustard seed, brother, and the mountain will obey your commands.  In other words, if you believe, your problems are and will always be insignificant.  Focus and discipline, sprinkled with some good fortune and you can accomplish any dream.   I live by the mantra of " You fail only when you stop trying!"  Be willing to face the consequences of every decision you make, whether good or bad and aim to be the best you can be at any given moment and circumstance, and you'll go far  

fishing user avatarFish Murderer 71 reply : 

NO!  I don't want to have to sell fishing stuff to make a 100k a year!

fishing user avatarCDMeyer reply : 
  On 6/6/2014 at 2:43 AM, starcraft1 said:

Like any pro sport, the odds are against you. Pick a career fist. You might want to get into the fish field such as a fish biologist, or something along those lines. This will give you something to fall back on.

Like a lot of guys here, I've fished a lot of derbies & tournaments in the last 40+ yrs. but also had family, career, ect. to think of.

Look deeper into your dream and find out the cons along with the pros and start doing the wieghing out.  I can reminder Skeet Reese sleeping in his worn out car and hitching a ride with anyone who'd take him out. It's a tough road to hold in the begainning and still takes a resume' to make it into the bigs. Also a lot of $$$$. Lastest. I heard was over $100,000 for one yr. on the Elite tour. Another thing to think about. Sponsors are'nt going to sink a lot of money into a "newbie" or also ran. You've got to prove yourself first. Build your resume' first, then talk to sponsors. Don't exspect a "full ride" right out the gate. Most likely your recieve a discount on tackle, and if your lucky, some of your entry paid.

Good luck in your dream.

Thank you for the advice, I plan  on studying a something in the lines of fisheries biology

fishing user avatarCDMeyer reply : 
  On 6/6/2014 at 3:15 AM, Fish Murderer 71 said:

Faith of a Mustard seed, brother, and the mountain will obey your commands.  In other words, if you believe, your problems are and will always be insignificant.  Focus and discipline, sprinkled with some good fortune and you can accomplish any dream.   I live by the mantra of " You fail only when you stop trying!"  Be willing to face the consequences of every decision you make, whether good or bad and aim to be the best you can be at any given moment and circumstance, and you'll go far  

That is really motivational, thanks bud

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Becoming a Pro Angler aint that difficult...supporting a family on what you'll make starting out is.

Not wanting to get in trouble with Glenn but if you being a Pro Angler is not God's will for your life he aint gonna bless it.

fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 
  On 6/6/2014 at 10:01 AM, Catt said:

Not wanting to get in trouble with Glenn but if you being a Pro Angler is not God's will for your life he aint gonna bless it.


Its almost time for another demerit point...


-A priest knows one of his altar boys is a big boxing fan, so when one of his parishioners offers him a pair of tickets to an upcoming fight, he eagerly accepts them. Once there both are delighted by the fact that they are ring side. As the first undercard is about to begin, one of the fighters kneels facing the corner directly above them and crosses himself. The altar boy asks "Father, what does it mean when he does that?". The priest responds "Not a d**n thing if he can't fight"...

fishing user avatarHeavyFisher reply : 

No, because fishing is a passion of mine. I would never want to feel pressured to pull in fish to pay my bills. Second question YES, I am the best fisherman I know in person and I believe if I entered tournaments I would win. 

fishing user avatarFL Bass Abducter reply : 

If your parents have the money to buy you a boat, truck, entry fees, ect ect ect, I say go for it. Then when you figure out that you're not gonna make it, fall in love with a girl who derails your game plan, or mom and dad put the kabosh on financing your "dream", you can go to school and then get a job or start a business like the rest of us.


Take it from someone who used to fish for money(guide), nothing will ruin your lifelong passion for fishing quicker than trying to make money at it. Sorry to be so blunt.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

Live your dreams, otherwise you will be working to make someone else live theirs.

fishing user avatarsparky241 reply : 
  On 6/6/2014 at 1:38 AM, NathanW said:


There are many sacrifices I would have to make to persue that path. I have a career, wife, kids, house, retirment, childrens college accounts, etc. and all the responsibilities that go along with it.

You cannot expect to become a pro unless you are able to fish every day. Not 2 or three times a week. Every day or pretty close to it.

If I was on my own I would take a crack at it. But pursueing this path now would be increadibly selfish.

. He nailed my answer, everything but the college fund anyway, I would essentially have to walk away from everything to do it
fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

The current "pros" took the risks, accomplished the goals, and have the dream. I'm sure if they disliked their current lifestyle they would quit. I'm not advocating that everyone that dreams big to go pro will get there, but the big name guys today started with a dream. They wanted it, they sacrificed, they worked, and they made it. If you want to work at fast food and flip burgers there are steps to take. If you want to practice neurological surgery there are steps to take. Pro fishing is no different. Even the stay at home mom is a sacrifice. So keep in mind the steps. Is it easy? No. Is it possible? Yes. Lastly, always remember that a completed journey starts with one step.

fishing user avatarSudburyBasser reply : 

No, No.


I always dreamed of being middle management for a federal government agency and I've achieved that dream. :eyebrows:


Seriously though, while I fish club tournaments I could never imagine myself doing it on a professional level. The huge concessions you have to make to that life alone puts me off let alone the ongoing financial insecurity. It also strikes me the quickest way to not like something is to make it your profession.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

No, No.  One of the reasons I go fishing is for relaxation. 


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