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Asking Other Fishermen 2024

fishing user avatarBuffaloBass716 reply : 

When I'm out riding my bike along the river and creek that I normally fish at and see someone that is fishing from shore, I will almost always go up to them and ask them if the caught anything and general conversation. Do you guys ask other fishermen how there doing and what they are using? If the people don't seemed bothered, Ill stay and chat for a few minutes just to talk about local fishing.  Sometimes people will give you valuable information too!

fishing user avatarjaybird71 reply : 

I have on occasion, met some interesting folks too! If I'm the one being asked however, my response depends how ornery I'm feeling. Kind of like being asked for directions...they might end up lost :)

fishing user avatarQUAKEnSHAKE reply : 

I never make first contact go up to some person and ask just not that forward. I will though talk to any that approach me (not often) asking how day is going. Ive noticed that people will actually skip past me like ask person 100' to my left, pass me, then ask person down to my right. Might be cause I wont look at them or acknowledge them going by :) Depending what waters Im at I usually dont get very specific on lure Im tossing. Ill say using lipless crank not say that its 1/2oz RES Chrome Blue. For like wacky senko will say rubber worm hopping off bottom.

fishing user avatarCaylub reply : 

I talk to most people I pass when fishing. The people I see are usually fishing for a different species or using live bait so the conversation is, You doing alright? Catching anything today? Ok see ya later. At this one particular bass pond I go to the bass are very finicky. Whenever I see another fisherman using artificials we will usually troll over to one another and talk about where they are today, what they are biting on and what they aren't.

fishing user avatarKyakR reply : 

I usually wave and ask something general like "how's it going?" if they look in my direction, but not if they're stopped casting ( quiet for fish). I watch body language. Hey! Had great experience meeting another lone female angler. She was shore fishing and lost a lure. Gave her one of mine.......exchanged #'s and may go fishing together. I enjoy it so much when I can fish with somebody more experienced. I'm hungry to learn. It's always worth it to me to be friendly, even if rebuffed  :eyebrows:

fishing user avataraceman387 reply : 

I always stop and chat with other fishermen.I enjoy talking to people almost as much as i do fishing,everybody has a story or stories about their life which i love hearing.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I say hi, as I am passing by. I am usually being approached by people. Sometimes, they scare me when they do that , because I was not expecting it. I get too laser focused in some situations I guess.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

If I see someone fishing I always ask them if they caught anything and what they are using. I have found a few spots this way.

I have been approached by people wanting to spark conversation while I am fishing. The worst is when I don't feel like talking and they want to ask me every question they can possibly think of about fishing. But nothing worse than someone who thinks they know everything about fishing and tells you what you should do or what you aren't doing right lol

fishing user avatarLoop_Dad reply : 

A couple of weeks ago, I was fishing a rock wall from a boat. There was a road on the wall and a lady in the minivan stopped and yelled at me asking how I was doing. I was off probably 30 yards from the water edge, 40 yards from her. It was bit windy too, so talking wasn't easy. I said I got 6 fish. She asked what bait I was using. I didn't mind telling what I caught them on, but I wasn't sure how to answer her because I wasn't sure if she was even a fisherwoman who knows there were more baits than nightcrawlers and minnows. Anyhow I told her that I caught them on several different kind of lures. Later I realized my answer was very vague at best. :)

fishing user avatarCaylub reply : 

There is one honey hole on the hooch where " They aren't biting, we've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at em." is the generic answer you get from everyone because the spot is only big enough for 1 boat to comfortably fish and the fish are usually there.

fishing user avatariabass8 reply : 

The only time I really engage in any in depth fishing conversation or the bite of the day is if somebody /w kids asks me.  i don't even get bothered if the father/son/kids camp on where they saw me caught fish. i get out on the water a lot more than he probably does /w his kids.  However, I cannot stand those ignorant people that motor up next to you in small backwater channels, ask you how the fishing is going and proceed to fish  almost at your same clip on the opposite bank while occasionally trying to engage in conversation. 

fishing user avatarBig Jon reply : 

I'll talk to others that I pass about half the time, as well as if they start up the conversation. I have learned some useful things. That being said, I might see someone else fishing 1 out of 5 times out as no one seems to fish where I do. Most everyone I meet is out walking a dog or something.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I don't make the first contact because I seem to always find the guy that wants to share his life story with me and when I'm fishing I'm not going to sit around and listen to any long stories like that. 

fishing user avatarrockchalk06 reply : 

I kinda stopped making first contact several years ago. My job has made me a grup at times and I go fishing to get away from the crazies.

I do talk with anyone who approach me though. I swear around here though their conversation always ends up telling me about the 15 pound bass they caught yesterday. I had one on Wednesday stop and help me load my boat. Nice old man until he wanted to show me his new red Cajun line. Said it was the line to end all lines. Tried to sell me the line along with just about everything else he had lol

fishing user avatarMissourifishin reply : 

I approach people occasionally. But usually they approach me. I don't mind at all. I actually enjoy it.

fishing user avatarLostinthewoods reply : 

I fish fresh and saltwater off a local bike path. I'm approached quite often. I don't mind chatting at all. Fellow fishermen make for the best conversations and its a great way to get a local fishing report. I find as I fish more frequently that I'm not so shy about approaching others. I love finding out how others are doing, gaining some insight and making new fishing friends!

fishing user avatarhookset on 3 reply : 

With my career for the past couple of decades being in outside sales,It's my job to strike up conversations with prospects or listen to my clients tell me ALL about themselves.

So.... I would say when I'm fishing, I'm pretty much off the grid. No cell phone and frequently at a body of water that is tough to get in and out of. I see a lot more wildlife than people.

fishing user avatarNEjitterbugger reply : 

I definitely start conversation if I have already caught some good fish that day LOL!


ME: "How's it going"


OTHER: "Been a tough day..."


ME: "Ya, I caught a 5 pounder"

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 

I don't go fishing to chat.  I go to fish.  I try to go where no one else is if I can.  I want to plan and think.  I don't even run the radio on the way there as it might interfere with my thoughts.

fishing user avatarderekxec reply : 

i do once in a while if im passing people ill say hows it going anything biting :D if anyone asks me if they are biting or what im using ect i have no problem telling them and showing them where the fish are...there are enough fish in the water for everyone to catch lol...that and i dont really focus much to catch fish 

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I hardly ever see anyone freshwater fishing, my places are a bit private.  Fishing saltwater everyday I'm pretty well known from Hobe Sound to Jap Rock, that's about 60 miles of beaches.  I talk with a lot people but I go with my gut feeling, I can size them up pretty good.  A young kid or an inexperienced fisherman/woman I will always stop and chat.  I'm a pure artificial user, I don't care to talk to any one that has a sabiki or a castnet, pretty much only spinning and fly users.  

fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

I had a guy pull up and ask if he could anchor in the mouth of this creek my buddy and I were fishing. He said he'd only be there for a couple of minutes. Well, we were fishing around the area and I said it would be ok. I should have said no. This guy proceeds to put his boat right over the hole we were fishing and sits there for the next 2-3 hours and every time we'd get close he'd start talking about how many fish he caught with this or that live bait rig. We finally just left and when we came back by to get back to the dock, he was chatting up another boater. Geez, I'm all for saying hi and asking how you're doing but this guy was a bit over the top. And I'll never say yes to him again when he says he'll just be there a minute.


Note: We did catch fish elsewhere so it wasn't that big of a deal. I fish for enjoyment not to get into confrontations.

fishing user avatarrmcguirk reply : 

My main lake is pretty heavily pressured, and it is a regular occurence to have to troll around others who are fishing the same stretch of docks/shoreline (I'll almost always be the one to go around).  I usually will say good morning or whatever's appropriate, and if I get a positive response, I'll usaully ask whether they're having any luck.  Most people are obviously honest, but many try to be cagy.  It cracks me up.  What, from 30 ft away, you don't think I can see what you're throwing, what you have rigged on your deck, and how you're working it?  


Personally, I'm always honest.  If asked, I'll say what worked and the conditions under which it worked.  I've had others do the same for me, and it has saved the day on occasion.  

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 
  On 9/16/2013 at 9:18 AM, NEjitterbugger said:

I definitely start conversation if I have already caught some good fish that day LOL!


ME: "How's it going"


OTHER: "Been a tough day..."


ME: "Ya, I caught a 5 pounder"


I keep the good numbers to myself, don't need others encroaching because they heard a catch ;)

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

Almost everyone we run into is friendly enough to say hi, not much of conversation happens, either person knows they're out there for a reason. Unless it's a friend



Even joggers/bikers/walkers, everyone except PWC guys cause we all know they only see themselves :eh:

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

I will say hi but I don't ask how someone has done or is doing.  Particularly if my day has been rotten.  :  (


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