I thought this one would be interesting... I broke off an 11 pounder on a jig.
I suppose you mean what would we estimate is the biggest fish we've lost? Since I was unable to weigh these fish, I can't really say. And I've lost some before they even broke the surface.
QuoteI suppose you mean what would we estimate is the biggest fish we've lost? Since I was unable to weigh these fish, I can't really say. And I've lost some before they even broke the surface.
Very true!!!!!!! ;D ;D Probably a 15 lber. ;D
Really though ... I had a day this summer (best overall day ever) where I caught a few 4's and a couple in the 5 lbs range. Then I had "the one" that broke the surface not 10 ft from the boat for the first time and she was significantly bigger than the others I had caught that day. I can still vividly remember her huge bulging bug eyes as she threw my jig right back in my face. An honest guess would be between 7 and 8 lbs, but as always the ones that got away are always bigger.
To make things worse I had the whole outing on video tape (including the big momma throwing my bait right by the boat) before I knocked the camera out of the boat in 30 ft. + of water.
I would guess 8-10lber. Lake fork texas on a water dog.
The way the fish took my lure in about 3' of water and took me down to the bottom of 15' and I couldn't pull off the bottom my quess it was a monster a conservative guess would be 30lbs+ the thing bit my line off down there. I was fishing for Bass at Black Lake, NY, using 12lb test co-poly, 6' med action rod and a DD Pointer 100 it was the first time that lure had seen water and it was the last time I saw it. Black Lake is known for toothy critters including Gar Pike.
I was given a Christmas Tree ornament this year that says "What most increases the size of a fish is almost being caught" Last year, during a tournament, I hooked into one that was probably 5-6 lbs. and had him to the boat. My partner grabbed the net and just as he started to lift, the fish jumped and landed back in the water. He made a run and pulled off -- he wasn't a monster, but he certainly hurt the most.
August 9th 2004 Lake Murray OK, approx 2:30pm Carolina Rigged rootbeer green/black flake baby brush hog. Hung the largest smallie in my short life to date. Got her to the boat...no net of course, and eased her along side (she was wore out from the 2-3 min fight). Belly grabbed her and with no trouble eased her into the boat. At that moment she gave it one last barrage of head slinging and tail flippin'. Threw the hook (which ended up sunk about an inch into my hand), and went head first back into the depths just slow enough to let me watch her laugh as I grimaced at the pain coming from my left palm (thank you owner for the very sharp hooks). Before she escaped I made a mental note of her length as she bounced off the boat...from my front windsheild screw to the cleat on the bow....a little over 25in. How big? Dont want to lie, but thats a big brown fish!!! My wife just started laughin' at me to add insult to (literally) injury. Never have caught another fish from that spot, but I give it a few minutes everytime I make it to Lake Murray. I have lost more than my share of decent fish in tourneys, as well as fun fishin' but none hurt...and literally hurt like that one.
Not mine, but a friend at where else (?) Lake Fork about 10 years ago. He had caught a 10.88# a couple of years before and this fish was much bigger. He launched a jig n pig as we were leaving an area, felt a tap, and crossed her eyes. Got the fish about half way back to the boat, she rolled, and then spit the jig back at him. The mouth was huge, but the thing I can still remember today was the size of her eyes. I swear they were the size of a fifty cent piece.
The biggest fish I've ever lost that I got a clear look at... I'd put her right at about 15 lbs. I was swimbaiting on a crisp February morning and she hit HARD, one of those bone-jarring bites. I survived the first 3 jumps but on the 4th jump right out of net range the 1/0 Gamakatsu trebles just couldn't hold up and that bait when wizzing by my head! She sat there wallowing for a few more seconds before she realized she was unhooked, those were the longest seconds of my life! All in all I've lost 5 or 6 fish between 13 and 15 lbs. Lost another girl that I couldn't control on 25 lb line but she may have just been a tempermental double digit, not necessarily a high teen and I never got to see her. Those fish still haunt me but hey, that's how we learn!
Every fish I loose was a potential world record... jk 8-)
Fishing a local Monday night tournament a few years ago, throwing a storm wiggle wart in prespawn and I catch a 5 lb'er. Very next cast I throw in the same spot and it feels like a concrete block has attatched itself to my crankbait. I get this fish up to the boat and it is probably a 15 - 20 lb.......catfish. I reached down and my line broke (b/c of the clippers that i cut the line with).. 8-) I thought i had a monster, and me and the old lady were going sizzler.
That counts as a lost fish, doesn't it?
I don't know?? I lost it.
QuoteI don't know?? I lost it.Ronnie
Hey Ronnie,that's why they call them fish storys lol
Tell it any way you want
I think it was 30lbs in a tree. LOL
OK more like 10lbs.
Its a tie between 2 of them. The first was with a buddy. I was working a scum frog over some slop and stopped it in ioen water to remove a tangle in my line after about 30 seconds, i twitch it again and the lure is engulfed. I fight the fish for a little bit, and about 10 feet from shore, it jumps. And this fish is 6 lbs. My neighbor was with me, and he can attest to that, seeing he has a 6 lb. bass hanging on his wall. Anyways, it was the first jump, and it threw the lure. The next was on the same body of water. I was fishing a super fluke for the first time ever, and i was loving it. Every couple of casts, i hooked into a bass. I already broke one off on the hookset because it was in scum, and i caught about 10 fish without re-tying. I put a fresh bait on, and casted way out into an opening in the slop. I worked it a little, and sploosh! The fish was on. This is the most memorable battle with a bass i have had. That is because it would pull line out, and jump all the time ( 4 times if i remember correctly). It never tired!! I fought it for about 2 minutes and it ran into the thick weeds and broke me off!! Another 6 lb. fish gone. The weird thing is, story number one happened on a saturday, and number 2 was on a sunday, during the same weekend.
a year and a half ago at lake Dixon I got broke off by I fish I could not turn. the fish jumped like a dolfin and I got a good look at it. It was at least 20lbs and very well could have been that 25lber.
Now that's a WR fish story that might actually be believeable.
QuoteI don't know?? I lost it.
You beat me to it Ronnie. ;D
Loomis GLX w/ stella $900
Stren 10 lb test $ 8
Fishing hat $ 14
Putting a weight on the one that got away...........PRICELESS
The biggest fish I ever lost is one I never saw, and it put me out of business for the rest of the day. I was fishing for red snapper with a spinning reel and 20 lb line. Whatever it was that hit the hook never slowed down. Despite the fact that I had my drag cinched pretty tight, turning him was out of the question, and he was taking line so fast that I couldn't get to the drag to set it tighter. Well, that fish ended up swimming around with about 150 yds of mono hanging out of its mouth and I ended up with an empty spool. I had only the one rod, so I got to watch my friends fish for the rest of the day.
QuoteLoomis GLX w/ stella $900Stren 10 lb test $ 8
Fishing hat $ 14
Putting a weight on the one that got away...........PRICELESS
Russ, you're being way too humble!
What about that Giant Bluefin Tuna in the half-ton range?
Well, this is quite the timely thread--mine was yesterday (Sunday) ;D and it was a muskie! There's a lake here in northern Virginia that happens to be one of the few bodies of water in VA that the state game & fish dept. manages for trophy muskies. Well I wasn't musky hunting, I was bass fishing. I'd been throwing a 1/2 oz. black/blue jig-n-chunk for about 2 hours without a nibble. I finally felt a hit (a nice one too) and set the hook into what felt like a whale. After about 35 seconds of drag (and boat) pulling, and no sign of the fish, I was beginning to really wonder just what was on the end of my line. At about the minute mark, this thing finally came up, about 5 feet from the boat. Right then my jig simply slipped out of its mouth. I have no idea how to estimate the weight of a muskie, but it looked like somewhere around the 40" range or so in length. By far the biggest fish I've ever had on hook.
Probably about an 9lber on Kentucky Lake fishing laydowns down a straight bank on a white spinnerbait. I was only using 15 lb test line and when I went to get the net and accidentally pointed my rod at him and pop my line broke.Since then in stuff like I use 17 or 20 pound test line unless I am in superclear water which I am not normally in.
I've hooked and lost two that sure looked 10+,but who knows for sure.One threw an Original Rapala floater that narrowly missed my ear.Last year I hooked another big 'un on a clear Tiny Torpedo.She broke that one off,but gave me back my lure a few moments later,shaking that big,ole head and loosing the bait.
big eye tuna that the mate said could of easily been 325 if not more. got right to the back of the boat and the line snapped.
mine was definitely at least a 40-50lb largemouth! It was so big it fin probably weighed at least 5 pounds!
I don't think I've had very many fish in a fight and lost them (knocks on wood) but the ones I have lost were probably a couple pounds at best.
When I was stationed at Ft Gordon, GA I slid my 12ft jon boat into a swamp in the middle of post. Ft Gordon is pretty big and it is closed to public fishing. So this place hadn't been fished in years. I tied on a fluke and started tossing it around. I made a cast towards a beaver hut and started working it down one of the ditches that the beaver use to get into their hut. All of a sudden out of the dark swampy water this huge bass came up and grabbed the Fluke. After a couple of runs the drag on my cheep spinning reel locked up and the line broke. That is when I decided that I will never fish with a low quality reel again.
If I caught the FISH in the first place I could answer this
The biggest fish I lost was a 30+ lb striper. Hooked it on a hair raiser, fought it for several minutes and right at the boat before she was in the net she came loose. She just hung there for a few seconds, I fell down and tried to lip her but she started to swim away. My fingers ran down her tail as she swam off. Nothing I could do.
My dad lost a MASSIVE fish down in Brazil. If it was a peacock it was world record material. That fish spooled my dad like there was no tomorrow. Nothing he could have done to slow it down. We never got a look at it but let me tell you - the image of it will stay in my mind for the rest of my life.
well if you mean Largemouth Bass, I have lost 3 or 4 that were in the 15 to 18 lb range. One of those was a fish that was actually landed by two different friends (long story, but lots of solid back ground evidence on that fish) It weighed 18.0 when my first buddy caught it, and 17.2 for the second buddy. Weighed on a certified scale both times.
However, with that said, I landed my PB of 18.4....... So I think I can honestly say, that I have never lost one bigger than I have actually caught.
Now, as far as "biggest fish lost" of any species..... well, check this out;
Two years ago I caught an 82", 165 lb Sturgeon, and a 100" 300 lb Sturgeon about 3 weeks apart. (so I know what fish like this feel like). However, between those two catches, I hooked one that swam around for half an hour with "me attached to it", and I could never get it to come up a foot off of the bottom in 45 ft of water ! It litterally pulled my little aluminum boat backwards, against current, until it actually started dragging my 15 lb anchor up river ! If you were wondering how the fish was able to put SOOO much pressure on me, I was using 80 lb braided main line, with a rediculously tight drag. After half an hour, the hook ripped out :-(
My guess ? 300 to 500 lbs.
Anyway, I still think I'd have landed it, if it hadn't come unbuttoned !
Fear NO fish ! :-)
Funny you ask. I lost my biggest fish this past weekend. Bass that is. I don't know how big it was (obviously) but it would have been my biggest probably. Just needs to be 8.
I grabbed the line. DARNIT I GRABBED THE LINE!!!!!!!!!!!
Shoot me before Denny Brauer does...
Fish does it again...another Cali story...Let's hear it guys, who will top that?
Man, until recently I had no idea sturgen got that big. I didn't know they were jumpers either...I guess I didn't know anything about them, hun?
That is sooooooooo cool!
Chris! You never told me you lost a bigger one. That's awesome! I've got to hook one of those things some time. BTW, talked to IGFA and you're all clear with the braid, that just applies to the line classes.
QuoteWell, this is quite the timely thread--mine was yesterday (Sunday) ;D and it was a muskie! There's a lake here in northern Virginia that happens to be one of the few bodies of water in VA that the state game & fish dept. manages for trophy muskies. Well I wasn't musky hunting, I was bass fishing. I'd been throwing a 1/2 oz. black/blue jig-n-chunk for about 2 hours without a nibble. I finally felt a hit (a nice one too) and set the hook into what felt like a whale. After about 35 seconds of drag (and boat) pulling, and no sign of the fish, I was beginning to really wonder just what was on the end of my line. At about the minute mark, this thing finally came up, about 5 feet from the boat. Right then my jig simply slipped out of its mouth. I have no idea how to estimate the weight of a muskie, but it looked like somewhere around the 40" range or so in length. By far the biggest fish I've ever had on hook.
Hey were you fishing burke lake? I know that place has some muskie.
Rolo- I didn't lose that one, we were forced to put the boots to her and that straightened the hook
More like letting it go,lol
My buddy had a slob on at the same time and our fish were heading right for each other. No choice, he hadn't ever landed one yet. He had honors and right of way as far as I'm concerned.
FC- Are you using saltwater boat rods fishing for 500+ lb fish? If so, I got somthing you might like. 80lb class stand up, short stroker-bent butt. It's the last tuna rod I have left and it needs a home. Do you ever fight them w/ stand up gear?
Quote80lb class stand up, short stroker-bent butt. It's the last tuna rod I have left and it needs a home.
80lb-class stroker!! Oh Man, if I was still running offshore I'd be drooling on the deck
Chris, since you're not interested in the fly-gaff, I'm sure Russ will throw in a shoulder-harness and gimbal-belt ;D
Is this a trick question?? Beacuse the fish I lost with a witness on the boat was much smaller than the one I lost when I was all alone.
;D ;D ;D
I was fishing a t-rigged finesse worm in the weeds last year with light tackle, and when he hit I thought I had a 7 or 8 pound bass on. Turns out it was a muskie about as long as my leg. He came up out of the water like a missle and when I pointed the rod at him and gave him slack, he slung that poor plastic worm a good 50 feet.
The biggest fish I've lost was a smallmouth, hooked of the coast of Cozumel, trolling a magnum Spook, at 22 MPh on a 3wt fly rod. I'd guess it was between 38 and 42 pounds.
15lb 8oz bass. I was fishing shallow muddy water with shallow cranks hitting stumps that were just inches under the water when I saw a flash just under the surface I thought was a carp. Looked back to where it was and saw a huge bass swim up over the stump and just sit there. It was spawning on top of the stump. Fished for it for around four hours with a jig and I finally decided to throw a suspending rattle trap at it since thats what it flashed at the first time. Hit the stump and let it suspend just over the stump and I saw a big mouth open and close so I set the hook. Fish ran right at the boat which was just a few feet away from the stump. When it got to the side of the boat it jumped one time and the hook tore out of the mouth of the fish. It was almost dark so I left and came back the next day looking for the fish. Theres an older guy on the bank in a chair with a big grin on his face who after watching me circle the stump for a while tells me that the fish is gone but I can see a photo of it in the park office. He had seen me lose the fish and came back early the next morning and caught it. Weighed 15.8 lbs and was caught with a little red and white bobber, Zebco 33 combo, and a crappie minnow. He actually released the fish and showed me photos later of about five other fish he had caught over ten pounds on minnows out of the lake fishing from the bank in his lawn chair. At least somebody else caught it so I knew how big it was or I might be telling this story about a 20-25lb bass that got off. ;D I did have a much bigger fish that I caught that sort of got away. This past June I hooked and landed a World Record size mudfish on a DT-10 crankbait I had no idea what the world record was (I had heard stories of fifty pounders) so I was on the front deck of the boat weighing the fish (between 23-24 lbs) when it jumped off the hook on the scale flopped around and went back in the water. About a month later I am reading a magazine and see the new GA record for a mudfish is only nine or ten pounds. Mine was more than double that size and I let it get away and never once tried to stop it from getting back into the water. I looked up the WR to see how close I was to it and found out that I would have blown the record away by a few pounds. Not that I want to be called the mudfish king but still might have been cool to have a WR fish.
Thats an easy one, as the fish still haunts me!
I was fishing on a lake that doesn't get a lot of pressure called Sleepy Hollow in NY. I hooked a nice largemouth on a crankbait. It jumped 3 times and the last time let me have my crankbait back. The fish was easily 6 1/2 lbs. I have since caught bigger, but that one still bothers me.
To make matters worse a man and 2 boys stood on a dock and watched the whole thing.
QuoteI don't know?? I lost it
What was always my question . How do you know if you lost it???????????
Here's a shot of mine, hook came out and dove in after him. He managed to wiggle free
Freshwater - Lake Gaston, May, 2006 - Took the Carolina Rig lizzard and never looked back. I have no idea what it was but it is still swimming with my lizzard.
Saltwater - Growing up in South Louisiana - saltwater fish in Gulf took live croaker and just kept going, headed to South America. Happend many times and I have no idea what type of fish they were.
Saltwater - Before the hurricane took Buckroe Beach Pier, I hooked something that decided it wanted to visit friends and family in deeper water and all I could do was hold on until the line broke.
Sorry, but I have no idea of the types or size of these fish, other than the Lake Gaston fish must have been the biggest bass in the lake!!!!!! ;D
gaston is definetly a nice lake! I love it there. Fish there every other weekend. Do you have a place there or just go there to fish?
in the ever glades 5 years ago with a snoopy/walmart pole using a shiner , i got a 15 pound large mouth , got it to shore and it broke my reel , rod , and line i first thought i caught a gator....
lol thats a great pic cart. The biggest fish ive ever lost was right at the shore, broke my cheap $20 rod and reel combo to peices. Shes was about 4 lbs maybe a heavy 3lbs but she looked great huge mouth but short fat body. went to lip her and she did i nice liitle head shake and broke my line than i backed up and fell up a on the sidewalk ;D In the past o would have been mad but i just had to laugh it off cause she gave a great fight and gave me real good confidence in dual toned senko's
I honestly havent lost a fish larger than 5 or 6 pounds. I've become pretty good at concentrating super hard when I fish, and usually go 5 - 10 trips before loosing even a single fish. I fish alot of deeper water, and when the fish arent as pressured, they tend to hold on longer.
biggest bass i ever lost was about a 4 to 4 1/2 pound smallie me and my friend were fishing a 13 foot drop off in heavy current felt something huge hit my crankbait set the hook fish jumped clear out of the water thrashing around all over the place, it was huge but my friend was too busy looking at my fish that he forgot to reel in his line the fish got tangled in his line and eventually just got free
but the biggest fish i ever lost was a 25-30 pound pike i was fishing top waters for pike the fish just slammed it but as i set the hook i accdentally hit the line realse on my baitcaster and bam fish gone
Seen, 7-9 pound range.
Unseen, 22lbs. 6oz. Hey, we all have to dream a little.
Don't know exact weights, but positive they were ALL bigger than my PB at the time.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
My wife managed to break off what looked like a 10 to 15# Red Drum at the boat. I bought a net the next day. My buddy and I had a King Mackeral come loose just as I went to gaff him. It would have went 30 plus #'s. I once reeled in the head of a Mahi Mahi (dolphin) that weighed 10 #'s. A Baracuda took the rest of him from me. >
Big T
The biggest I ever lost was exactly 12.6 lbs. I know because it had scales.
Saltwater: on the day I decided to get serious about fishing, 5 or 6 years ago, I hooked a porpiose on purpose. That fish was way out off the end of the pier me and a buddy were fishing, hit a piece of cut bait, cane to the surface, rolled, and broke my line.
Freshwater: I have lost several in the 5-lb range. The most memorable was a LMB that hit a rattletrap, and threw it at my head less than 30 feet from the bank. No s***, I had to duck. Another came off a c-rig at the boat, the day I decided to buy a net. Another taught me a lesson about retying, as it broke my line on the hookset. I was bed fishing, had a good day the day before, with ten fish brought in, the biggest being about 8 lbs. But I didn't retie, and the next morning, the first fish of the day,...
QuoteThe biggest I ever lost was exactly 12.6 lbs. I know because it had scales.
Now that right there is funny, I tell ya!
I lost one I guess to be around 7 lbs., or so.
hooked a porpoise? yikes. are you even allowed to do that?
i dont have the stomach for that, maybe i saw flipper too many times or something. that things gonna be trouble on the pier.
guess everyones gonna think im a big softie now. the only dolphins ill be catching will be mahi mahi.
I was in the Florida Keys fishing docks for snook/redfish with a bucktail jig and I was using one of my bass rods which handles the snook and reds pretty well. Anyhow a tarpon that was nearly as long as I am tall grabbed up the bucktail and took off like a raped ape. It ruined my daiwa reel and left me sittin there weak in the knees. Biggest bass I ever lost I estimate around 13 but the cool thing is when that fish threw my bait (culprit jerk worm, red shad color) another bass picked it up and I landed her. She went 10 even. Guess they were schoolies??
QuoteHere's a shot of mine, hook came out and dove in after him. He managed to wiggle free
Ha...that's great. I had a fish like that once while I was noodling, and I never managed to get it in. :
Bass I would have to say over 10, I was fishing a 1/32 oz. jig with a leach on ultra lite tackle with 4 pound test. I felt something pick up the bait and set the hook. thought I missed it and caught a weed or something. While realing in it felt like I had a wet paper bag on the hook, a little heavy but no resistance or fite. Then I saw it and it saw the boat, that 4lb. sang like a bird untill the spool almost was empty, I put a little pressure on the spool to try and slow that fish down and that line snapped like a piece of thread.
Another time, about 25 or so years ago, I was out with my ex in a small rented row boat, at the time i would be wormin and she would mostly bait fish. As the lake had both pike and tiger musky in it, I would always have her keep a perch if she caught one, untill the end of the day. While returning to the boat rental, I would sit at the edge of a weed line in 18' of water and cut a fillet off of that perch and let it sit near the bottom while i fancasted the top of the weed bed. Well, one time while doing this, I noticed the tip of the rod baited with the perch start to twitch just a bit. I watched that rod tip twitch for about 2 or 3 minutes untill I just couldn't stand it any more, picked up the rod and set the hook. Holy Sh!t, It felt like I had hooked a sunken car or some sutch thing, could not budge it a bit. That fish didn't move till it was good and ready, all of a sudden the drag started screaming and it was the begining of a battle that lasted for 1/2 an hour or more, it was a good 10 or so minutes before that fish surfaced and I saw the biggest tiger musky I had ever seen, for the next 20 or so minutes it was give and take as that fish jumped and splashed and soaked us both. At last the fish tired and I got it alongside the boat, I could see that my hook was only in the corner of its mouth and that the flesh was torn around it. The wife is screaming that thing is not coming in the boat and I was telling her the #*@% it isnt. I have no net anywhere big enough to land this thing, so i decided to take off my t shirt and wrap it around my hand and attempt to pick it up by the gills and belly. Any way as I just about finished removing my shirt, I let just a tiny bit of slack in the line and watched that fish slowly swim back toward the bottom. My old lady starts cussing at me and tells me how lucky I am that I didn't get the fish in the boat, did I mention that she is my ex. By measureing where the fish had been at the side of the boat, that fish was 49-50 inches long.
I lost a 9 pouder a summer ago on Ft. Loudon. I was flipping a black/blue baby brushhog between some lay down pine trees and it hit, at first I thought I was hung up until I turned her out of the brushpile. My buddy grabbed the net and jabbed her with it and dislodged my hook, it was undoubtedly the biggest bass I've ever seen. The next week my buddy went back and caught a fish that was 9.2 we assumed it was the same fish. :'(
i lost one on the big o that was 10+. i know it was 10+ because i was going to lip it and bring it in the boat when we seen a dark shadow getting closer to the boat. about the time i relized what it was i jerked my arm back and a gator came about 2-3 foot out of the water and took fish,rod and reel with it. the guide we were with got mad because i let the rod go with and started yelling at me. it turned into a big deal and words went back an forth and it ended the trip. i guess he expected me to fight the gator over a $50-100 rod and reel. doug
The biggest any fish was a gar about 40-45 lbs and biggest bass about 8-9 pounds. :'( :'( :'(
Quotei lost one on the big o that was 10+. i know it was 10+ because i was going to lip it and bring it in the boat when we seen a dark shadow getting closer to the boat. about the time i relized what it was i jerked my arm back and a gator came about 2-3 foot out of the water and took fish,rod and reel with it. the guide we were with got mad because i let the rod go with and started yelling at me. it turned into a big deal and words went back an forth and it ended the trip. i guess he expected me to fight the gator over a $50-100 rod and reel. doug
Don't feel bad I would have done the same thing.
Quotein the ever glades 5 years ago with a snoopy/walmart pole using a shiner , i got a 15 pound large mouth , got it to shore and it broke my reel , rod , and line i first thought i caught a gator....
How can you break all 3?
QuoteQuotein the ever glades 5 years ago with a snoopy/walmart pole using a shiner , i got a 15 pound large mouth , got it to shore and it broke my reel , rod , and line i first thought i caught a gator....How can you break all 3?
i as thinking the same
I lost one well over 10 pounds a few years ago at Millwood Lake in Arkansas on a white fluke. My reel kept messing up and I had to stop and fix it in the middle of a cast. Well, after I got it all straightened out, I picked the rod back up and saw a large bass inhale my fluke. Well, I began pulling it in and it ran around a stump and started thrashing, and needless to say, it came off. :'( That's not a good feeling to have.
and another time, I lost another one at Millwood that was probably between 10 and 12 pounds. I was fishing with my father in a tournament in the early spring when I lost this one. Dad kept having a fish hit at his lizard on the same tree every time we threw at it. Well, I threw past him to follow him up in case it missed his lizard again. Well this worked great, except for the fish making a furious ran at the surface and throwing the hook as our jaws dropped. I have yet to catch a 10 pounder, but I have caught a 9.
I don't know how big this fish was, but I know the little private pond I was fishing had some 10+ and rumor was there were a couple 15+ in there. I saw my dad catch a 6 1/4 on a bream buster when we were bream fishing, cause the bass tried to eat the bream. Anyhows, I was a teenager and threw this floating rattletrap out by the overflow pipe and started cranking. The line got tangled around the rod tip so i paused to untangle it. I get ready to wind again, gave the rod a twitch and see this shadowy blur, set the hook, and SNAP. That fish had to be a monster, cause I used to catfish that reel and know there was at least 14lb test on that reel.
I was just a little kid and was fishing a small river for brook trout with a meeps spinner.
d**n, I said snagged again but all of a sudden the snag startet to move. I finally got the fish
close to me and grabbed the line with my hand to get the fish. Snap!!! I was usig only 4lb. test
and that day I losted my biggest fish up to then. A beautiful Rainbow trout around 6lb. I know it's
not that big but to me it was huge back then.
I never grab the line with my hands again, that's for sure!