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Why Are People So Inconsiderate 2025

fishing user avatarABW reply : 

I was bank fishing at our local park's pond earlier today. Today, there was a boat out on the water with 2 guys. They were pitching towards the bank, moving their way down to where I was fishing. When they finally reached the water where I was, I had already caught a fish and was releasing it. About 10 feet out, they decide to cut me off and continue to fish right in front of me. I couldn't even believe my eyes! Is there some unwritten rule that says boats have priority over bank fisherman, or is it just me? This has happened multiple times with different people in my days of fishing there.

fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 

Its everywhere not just fish. I had to drive down the middle of both lanes earlier to keep jerks from flying up and forcing their way over in a line of traffic a mile long.

fishing user avatarABW reply : 
  On 4/20/2014 at 9:15 AM, jhoffman said:

Its everywhere not just fish. I had to drive down the middle of both lanes earlier to keep jerks from flying up and forcing their way over in a line of traffic a mile long.

I didn't even see those guys catch any fish today. I caught 6. Karma is real, I guess

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Yeah, it isn't just bank fishing where this happens, it's out on the water whether in a kayak, a float tube, a bass boat or whatever. There are inconsiderate jerks everywhere, sad to say.


My wife has me muzzled (for the most part). Wants me to keep my cool and move on, just in case good 'ol Jerk-o-Saurus is packing. No reason to rile the doofus. Move one, live another day, LOL.


Now the fact my wife doesn't fish with me is another matter. She appears in my head when these things happens and reminds me whatever is at stake isn't worth it. Sure does irritate the fire outta me, though (the jerky attitudes, that is, not my wife!! :smiley:)

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 

It's everywhere.  Jet skiers, air boaters, bass boaters, crotch rocket riders, water skiers, bicyclists on the road and everywhere you are at all times.  Out of 10 people, 1 is a jerk, 8 are morons, and the other one is you.  All that matters is how you respond to the other 9.

fishing user avatargulfcaptain reply : 

Agreed, it's everywhere.  I don't see it as an issue with the older generations.  I'm 41 but grew up respecting the others around me.  When I was young I was lucky to have some great mentors and give others a wide birth while bank fishing or even if when I was running charter boats.  Now, it seems the younger "me" generation doesn't seem to have the same respect although there are exceptions.  Happened to have this conversation yesterday with a fellow fisherman who witnessed a group of kids(older teens) who watched him catch 3 fish and kept easing up.  When he happened to pick a male off a bed he was fishing one of the kids quickly made a cast to the bed he was fishing to try and attempt to catch the female that was still there.  His words weren't edited as he told them exactly how it was(he didn't have a wife to remind him not to).  I ask nicely when someone crowds me unless I already know you.  If you want to come up and ask a question, cool, but don't just start throwing and casting to where I'm fishing.  Of course, most of the ones that do that have a hard time catching fish anyways so Karma has a way of taking care of that.  I'm glad I'm raising my son with better manners then that and when he fishes with me I make sure he gives other fisherman space to enjoy themselves.

fishing user avatarRF813 reply : 

A glimmer of hope for you may be in this story. Fishing a new place today standing on the shore we saw a kayaker doing his thing down the bank. As we moved from our spot I hadn't seen him in a while, so I figured he had moved on while I wasn't looking.  As we come around a bend in the path, and FINALLY find an opening suitable for fishing, who was sitting there but the guy in the kayak. He was barely 15 feet offshore. Greaaat.....Come all this way and this guy is parked in the only accessible spot.   I asked him if he had any luck, exchanged a few pleasantries, and then he said, "hey why don't you guys take this spot, I can fish from anywhere", and he moved on.  I was really impressed, and there are some good people out there....Or maybe I was just lucky.  :)

fishing user avatarJust Fish Michael reply : 

Not a rule... it's called common courtesy and respect.   The majority of people I encounter (fishing and elsewhere) don't have it.  My belief... treat others the same way you want them to treat you.   Unfortunately many think they are entitled to everything.  I won't go any further than that.

fishing user avatarABW reply : 
  On 4/20/2014 at 9:36 AM, gulfcaptain said:

Agreed, it's everywhere.  I don't see it as an issue with the older generations.  I'm 41 but grew up respecting the others around me.  When I was young I was lucky to have some great mentors and give others a wide birth while bank fishing or even if when I was running charter boats.  Now, it seems the younger "me" generation doesn't seem to have the same respect although there are exceptions.  Happened to have this conversation yesterday with a fellow fisherman who witnessed a group of kids(older teens) who watched him catch 3 fish and kept easing up.  When he happened to pick a male off a bed he was fishing one of the kids quickly made a cast to the bed he was fishing to try and attempt to catch the female that was still there.  His words weren't edited as he told them exactly how it was(he didn't have a wife to remind him not to).  I ask nicely when someone crowds me unless I already know you.  If you want to come up and ask a question, cool, but don't just start throwing and casting to where I'm fishing.  Of course, most of the ones that do that have a hard time catching fish anyways so Karma has a way of taking care of that.  I'm glad I'm raising my son with better manners then that and when he fishes with me I make sure he gives other fisherman space to enjoy themselves.

I am only 15 years old, and our generation is getting a bad reputation because of the things that some of the people do, such as what those teens did in your story.

fishing user avatargulfcaptain reply : 
  On 4/20/2014 at 9:49 AM, alee17 said:

I am only 15 years old, and our generation is getting a bad reputation because of the things that some of the people do, such as what those teens did in your story.

As stated, there are exceptions, and just because you're a young angler it doesn't give anyone older the right to blow you off and not show you the same courtesy.  I have no problem with younger respectful anglers coming up and asking questions or watching to see what I'm doing and learning as I did growing up.  There are a lot of good kids fishing around where I live, but there are a few bad apples as well.  And some adults have egos where they can't stand to see a younger angler(kid) out fish them. Keep doing what you're doing and keep getting better fishing and respecting others as you grow.  Respect will follow as you get older.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

1/2 oz the back of the head! ;)

fishing user avatarZB85 reply : 

i was bank fishing last year and a family of 6 was walking down the bank and they seen me catch a fish and they seriously parked right where i was fishing. 3 on one side of me and 3 on the other.

fishing user avatarlivetofish28 reply : 
  On 4/20/2014 at 10:56 AM, Catt said:

1/2 oz the back of the head! ;)

Amen lol an ounce and a half tungsten weight on a carolina rig is a good option too

Tight lines


fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

Just an fyi...zipper merging reduces lengths of backed up traffic and wait times. Unfortunately most people aren't aware. If you are blocking the other lane, it's you who is being inconsiderate to everyone (I use to do it btw).

As for fishing...Some people just aren't aware. Although last year I had 3 people in a small boat motor past me and my dad as we worked a bank so they could beat us to a good pocket. They only spent a few minutes there and left and we proceeded to catch a couple. Getting mad at someone fishing your hole is never as bad as you make it out to be unless they are using dynamite.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Boaters have priority they paid more for their equipment lol

fishing user avatarHeavyFisher reply : 

I've had that happen to dude, what I do is I take my swim bait setup and cast it as hard as I can towards their boat. They get the hint and move away, retarded that I have to go to those lengths though. Oh and if they don't move on the first cast I intentionally with make sure I hit their boat the second cast. I warn you though be prepared for some confrontation if you go that far.

fishing user avatarKnightiac reply : 

Honestly, if it were me and I was on a bite, I would get very mad. I would probably cast uncomfortably close to their boat until they get the point.


Regardless, I am always on the bank and I only fish private neighborhood ponds at this point. I fish for relaxation and usually that involves quiet and being by myself or a buddy. 

fishing user avatargulfcaptain reply : 

Yep, I can see it on Judge Judy, the lawsuit from the swimbait being stuck in someone and the e/r visit that incurred(or the rattle trap).  Then the counter suit for the $50 swimbait that he cut off and you want returned or replaced.  Remember, yes we are all responsible for our actions, but this post was made by a 15yr old up and coming angler and do we really want to lead him to those kind of drastic actions?  I know we all vent our frustrations, I used to send surface irons fishing off the coast when I ran boats. If I could hit you then you were too close.  Never solved anything except upset the people fishing there as well as them threatening to call the Coast Guard for trying to intentionally hit or injure them.  So I am as guilty as the rest.  But I have become wiser the older I become and a calm response or comment to make them aware of their rudeness works well except for the 1 jerk out of 10. The other 8 seem to get it.  But yes, my temper has shown itself before but I try hard now not to let it.  Idling past someone that raced you down the back to cut you off and just looking at them or throttling up just as you pass them(just so you don't wake them I have some respect) seems to work well.  But a simple "hey do you mind giving me a little space" seems to work 90% of the time.

fishing user avatarBigKev77 reply : 

I used to get bent out of shape over that stuff and I have had a few yelling matches on the water. Now days I just let it go. There are some real morons out there but I am not going to let them make me one too.


I was fishing a cut in a rock dike where water would surge through. It was a little wider than a boat so it is pretty much a spot for one boat to fish. I am parked on it catching pretty good numbers and a flat bottom pulls up. I figure I have had some fun no big deal if they come up and catch a few. Next thing I know they pull up and start throwing a casting net right in the middle of the break. They had a kid with them so I just said you are lucky you have the kid or I would be in that boat with you. They looked at me like they had no idea why I would be upset about the situation. Ya see, they are morons. Had the kid not been there I would have been one too. Glad I can keep my hat on these days.

fishing user avatarBruce424 reply : 

boaters sometimes...a lot of the time annoy me to. they fish where ever they want to even if your obviously fishing the area. trolling down the bank. hey if you see someone fishing an area first, lift your line out of the water and skip the 30 yards they are fishing then continue! how hard is that...its actually easier.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I've experienced about every scenario, whether I'm fishing from boat or shore.  Most inconsiderate boaters are going to be in your area just so long, best course of action is just to wait them out.  Casting something at them is act of a fool, all you have done is taken yourself down to their level.  In the event of an accident or injury you are liable, why take the chance.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

You have two choices:


1.  Have a big rock with you and when this happens take the rock and throw it high into the air where you were fishing and walk away.


2.  Just laugh and walk away and find another spot.


These two options do not exclude mooning the suckers right before you go.

fishing user avatarFishes in trees reply : 

I've been that guy you're talking about - here's my perspective.  I'm going down the shore line, pitching at shoreline cover.   Trolling motor is down, depth finder is on, I'm looking at that and also looking for stumps and stuff immediately in front of me so I don't smack into them. For the most part, I'm just looking at shore line cover, where am I going to pitch at next, other than that I'm chilling, not really looking at anything.  Then, all of a sudden, darn, there's somebody fishing from the bank.  Didn't see them - sorry, pitch was already in motion before I noticed you.  Sorry - unfortunate side effect of being focused on your fishing.  I'm not going out of my way to be a jerk, but I'm not looking all around to check everything out prior to every case either.


   I don't know what I'd say to the shore bound angler other than - oops, sorry.  If the shore angler really wanted to be noticed, he'd have on hip boots and be out from the bank a couple of feet or so, make an effort to be easier to see and get better casting angles as well.   No need to throw a rock or anything over a simple lapse in  concentration.  Don't be a hater just because I got a boat and you don't.  If you are fishing public waters, sooner or later lines are going to get crossed - just chill.


Maybe go the extra mile and find more private waters where you can bank fish and not run into jerks like me, I don't know.


I do know that when I launch my boat on public waters, I don't own the water, I'm just using it.  I know that the same thing applies for a bank fisherman. Just because there are mobility issues doesn't mean that he "owns" the particular spaces he's fishing.  I really hope that somewhere there is a happy medium here,  Bank fishermen don't need to be bouncing lures off of boats or boaters when they get too close.    Basically that is assault and that ain't good.


Why don't you just chill and we will all try to get along.  My point here is that what you might think is inconsiderate, might just be a case of a guy spacing out a little bit while he's fishing.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

I agree with SirSnook. Arguing with a fool will only make you act like one, and casting a rattle trap or anything else at someone because they somehow offended you may get you locked up or worse. Internet bravado is fine-we all like to think we are the baddest guys out there-we aren't and life is too short...


I also agree with Fishes in trees that sometimes the act you think is directed at you is simply not. I am careful not to interfere with bank fishermen, but like he said sometimes it is simply being focused elsewhere. 

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

It goes both ways....................I fish a creek in my boat (not a giant bass boat, but a small aluminum boat) that has a lot of bank access and can be crowded sometimes. As I approach a spot where people are bank fishing,I stop fishing, I wait for them to reel in, ask how/where they want me to go by so as not to disturb them, and always go by on the TM or just drift by as quiet as I can be.............most people are fine, small talk, a nod or a wave and I am my way, out of there way. But at least once a year there is a couple of d-bags who think they own the place and there are "issues".............but I am a big boy, and have handled them accordingly.

fishing user avatarCrappiebasser reply : 

A few years ago a local fisherman got locked up for blocking a public ramp. He dumped a 30 yd dump truck full of rock and dirt on the ramp so the boaters that were out could not pull them out. It turns out he had several runs ins with tourney anglers that day and he blocked the ramp an hour before weigh in with the tourney director watching.

fishing user avatarABW reply : 

I actually just decided to wait until they passed before casting again. I'm pretty sure my parents knew one of the guys that was fishing anyway, because I recognized him but didn't know his name. Thanks for all the stories lol

fishing user avatarpaangler13 reply : 

I too, am a big boy, and I think that saves a lot of drama! 


Respect is the bottom line.  If I am in the boat I go around, try to stay outside of casting range. I have had people "sneak up" on me though, and I  adjust accordingly. 



fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 4/20/2014 at 10:56 AM, Catt said:

1/2 oz the back of the head! ;)

Lol....that's mean, but I like it.


fishing user avatarABW reply : 
  On 4/20/2014 at 5:51 PM, Fishes in trees said:

I've been that guy you're talking about - here's my perspective.  I'm going down the shore line, pitching at shoreline cover.   Trolling motor is down, depth finder is on, I'm looking at that and also looking for stumps and stuff immediately in front of me so I don't smack into them. For the most part, I'm just looking at shore line cover, where am I going to pitch at next, other than that I'm chilling, not really looking at anything.  Then, all of a sudden, darn, there's somebody fishing from the bank.  Didn't see them - sorry, pitch was already in motion before I noticed you.  Sorry - unfortunate side effect of being focused on your fishing.  I'm not going out of my way to be a jerk, but I'm not looking all around to check everything out prior to every case either.


   I don't know what I'd say to the shore bound angler other than - oops, sorry.  If the shore angler really wanted to be noticed, he'd have on hip boots and be out from the bank a couple of feet or so, make an effort to be easier to see and get better casting angles as well.   No need to throw a rock or anything over a simple lapse in  concentration.  Don't be a hater just because I got a boat and you don't.  If you are fishing public waters, sooner or later lines are going to get crossed - just chill.


Maybe go the extra mile and find more private waters where you can bank fish and not run into jerks like me, I don't know.


I do know that when I launch my boat on public waters, I don't own the water, I'm just using it.  I know that the same thing applies for a bank fisherman. Just because there are mobility issues doesn't mean that he "owns" the particular spaces he's fishing.  I really hope that somewhere there is a happy medium here,  Bank fishermen don't need to be bouncing lures off of boats or boaters when they get too close.    Basically that is assault and that ain't good.


Why don't you just chill and we will all try to get along.  My point here is that what you might think is inconsiderate, might just be a case of a guy spacing out a little bit while he's fishing.

The thing is, these guys were trolling down the bank for about 20 yards until they got to me. Surely, they had to have seen me. There was nothing around me to block their view of me. I was out in the open, no trees or nothing. The bank goes in a straight line also. So I don't see why they never noticed me fishing. After they passed me, they asked me if I was catching anything. LOL.

fishing user avatarFAIRBURN reply :  alee17

                You caught fish they didnt.Keep fishing your game and dont let boaters push you out.Keep fishin your bank let them

               pass.Dont say a thing just smile and keep catching them.

fishing user avataraceman387 reply : 
  On 4/20/2014 at 5:10 PM, Sam said:

You have two choices:


1.  Have a big rock with you and when this happens take the rock and throw it high into the air where you were fishing and walk away.


2.  Just laugh and walk away and find another spot.


These two options do not exclude mooning the suckers right before you go.

I like Sam's rock idea. I am going to have to try this the next time to avoid a verbal confrontation,be silent and lob a big rock and then move on. :smiley:

fishing user avatar5fishlimit reply : 
  On 4/20/2014 at 10:56 AM, Catt said:

1/2 oz the back of the head! ;)

I was going to say a 3/4oz rattle trap.

I like the way you think!

fishing user avatarBrian6428 reply : 

This happens to me a lot, too. When my brother and I fish from our dock, boats would come up and pitch on the dock we were fishing, and cast all around us. Then when they got stuck on the dock they would ask us to get them off! Now whenever a boat gets close, whichever of us has on a heavier lure makes a long cast in their direction. Never too close to their boat, but close enough to mark our territory. It normally works.


That said, there are a ton of nice boaters. Most go around the dock or go around our boat when we're anchored. One asked if I needed any help when I had to go swimming to free a swim bait. I try to do my part when I boat, too. I once unsnagged a cat fisherman by taking his line and pulling from behind (I saw he was stuck and asked if he wanted help). I've never seen an old man so happy before!

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Unsportsmanlike like behavior has always need a problem and isn't going to change. Be a good sportsman and lead by example in lieu of reacting with anger.

When I was younger there were fewer anglers on the water, still enough to have bad morons to deal with.

Giving others anglers space to fish is common sense, what that space is has shrunk over the years and common sense is disappearing. When I see someone approaching into my space I make a long cast in that direction, letting the other angler know I am fishing the area. If the angler continues getting closer my reaction is talking to them asking that they give space to fish pleasantly instead of bouncing a lure off their boat, been there done that and it only escalates into an argument or worse.

Be a good sportsman and enjoy your time on the water and ignore the morons.

Happy Easter.


fishing user avatarlong island basser reply : 

I blame their parents, if they are idiots most likely the parents are also.

We need to exterminate these people from society imo

I would stop fishing 100 ft before you, pass on the other side 100 ft and then start fishing again.

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 

Not going to get into WHY our society is the way they are. That would be me touching on two forbidden subjects for this forum.

I will say that I agree with everyone, it is everywhere in almost every aspect of our lives. A lot of people are more respectful than we give them credit for, but they do get caught up and lose sight sometimes. A lot of times in the orginal posters case, he could have just said something to the guys and they probably would have apologized and moved on.

Ive had the urge to launch a Zara Spook at people before but it is better simply to turn the other cheek if you are not prepared to respectfully and gently tell them that they are out of line and in the OPs case " hey guys, you cut me off....I'm fishing here... But yall can come back to this spot when I move".

Rant over.

fishing user avatarApacheGuns515 reply : 

I dont understand why boaters fish the "bank" spots when there are people around. You have a boat...go fish where they can't reach from the shore...


I've been bank fishing my whole life and just recently got a bass hunter boat so I know where the bank spots are at all of the lakes around here. 


The fish love the spots that are accessible from the shore and I fish them when nobody else is around. When people arrive to fish from the shore I take my boat and go elsewhere. 


I have noticed that many boaters seem to think that common courtesy goes out the window once they are on the water. Nobody would walk down the shore casting their line right next to other people so why do it from a boat? 


Many boaters do try to hog the entire lake just because they have the mobility to fish anywhere they want. I've been the victim of arrogant boaters before and I will never act that way. I'll never forget the day I was fishing in a remote spot that takes a real 4x4 truck to get through and a decent pair of hiking boots. I get set up there and a boat just decides he was going to literally pull right up to my spot and cast. Pulls out 2 bass then tries to spark up a conversation with me as if what he did was totally acceptable. 


Some people are just ignorant. 

fishing user avatarBassguytom reply : 

It does happen everywhere, my wife cuts me off and starts yapping, my wife's mother cuts me off, my wife's friends cut me off. I usually get sick of it a go fishing. I always will motor around bank fisherman but see it happen all the time. Some people like recreational kayakers don't know any better because they don't fish but some do. If someone is fishing the bank that is their spot and I have 2 motors on my boat so I never have a hard time finding another spot.

fishing user avatarOntarioFishingGuy reply : 

There have been so many times when i am fishing in a canoe, and some hothead with a 21 foot bass boat comes blazing past me and almost swamps my canoe. Oh well...

fishing user avatarfish365 reply : 

Fished a submerged island in a tourney last weekend 30 feet off the buoy marker that marked the upstream end of it and as i'm casting on it cranking off the side into deeper water, a pontoon infested with local shallow gene pool offspring motors between my boat and buoy marker right over top of where i was casting. Ahh, spring.

fishing user avatarTorqueConverter reply : 

It's possible the boater didn't know that you were fishing down the shoreline.  Where I fish I never see bass anglers roaming the shoreline casting baits.  If someone is bank fishing they they are stationary and fishing a bobber and worm going after whatever bites.  Even if people are fishing artificial lures in a mobile and aggressive bass angler type manner, how are we on boats supposed to know which direction you are heading?  If we're both going the same direction along the bank am I expected to stay behind you?  If I pass and get ahead to give you some distance, am I cutting you off?  Am I supposed to treat bank anglers like some kind of two legged land boat?

fishing user avatarblongfishing reply : 

Glad I saw this post. The other day I was fishing out for fun and I finish fishing some docks and I pull out about 8-10 docks away from these guys and I'm minding my own buisness and they circle back around and say "let us right here. We are fishing a tournament and desperate to catch some fish." So I move to the next dock over and they start to leave and say " Well I guess you caught that one" then drive off like maniacs!!

fishing user avatarcollards reply : 

I mostly fish banks that have few people. I have fished larger lakes where I see what people are talking about. I come for peace so why fight them. When I fish smaller lakes/large ponds, people often let their dog (they are to be leased) jump in where you are fishing and swim. They do this several times. Once a lady got in the water not 5 feet from me to train her dog how to swim.


This happens all over as I see able bodied people leave shopping carts all the time in handicapped spaces. It is a sense of entitlement or they are just too lazy. They know what they are doing, but they just don't care or have any respect for others. I am handicapped and walk with a very pronounced limp. In the grocery, many quickly run with their cart to cut in front of me for the checkout. It is often less than five feet from the check-out and they see me heading for the line.


I go fishing for relaxation so I guess one day I will have to build my own pond and stock it. I am getting ready to retire and have been searching for a house with a pond that is easy to access. I am centering in on a couple  and I have just 802 days left.

fishing user avatarwicknilly reply : 
  On 4/21/2014 at 2:01 AM, long island basser said:

I blame their parents, if they are idiots most likely the parents are also.

We need to exterminate these people from society imo

I would stop fishing 100 ft before you, pass on the other side 100 ft and then start fishing again.

Retroactive abortion??  Sounds good to me :)

fishing user avatarChance_Taker4 reply : 
  On 4/20/2014 at 9:31 AM, FishinDaddy said:

It's everywhere.  Jet skiers, air boaters, bass boaters, crotch rocket riders, water skiers, bicyclists on the road and everywhere you are at all times.  Out of 10 people, 1 is a jerk, 8 are morons, and the other one is you.  All that matters is how you respond to the other 9.

I have to disagree to some extent and take offense. I am a Sport Bike (crotch rocket) rider. And I can say that when I'm on it they four wheel drivers are the inconsiderate ones. I have been in more close calls from drivers "not seeing me" or totally disregarded that fact I have a right to the road as well. Motorcyclists get a bad wrap for following the laws made for us. Yes motorcyclists have there own laws (allowed to ride through red lights, split lanes when traffic is backed up, ride past cars to the front of the line on a red light), and these laws are what drivers complain about riders.  


Now back to the topic. I am a bank fisherman as well. And almost every time a boater sees me having success they swoop in and take the spot from me.

fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 

Nah, I too had a sportbike until two years ago. Thats not what people complain about.


They complain about things like...


Lane Splitting at WARP speed

Riding wheelies on the freeway in traffic

Coming past your house at mach 3

Blocking all the lanes so you and your buddies can ride in a pack

Modding your exhaust so you can have the loudest bike in town


I never once had a problem in the 18000 miles I put on my last bike because there is a time and place for everything.

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 

I have had some experience with this as I am sure most fishermen have. Always better to just say something nicely to start and not get unnecessarily fired up. But if it ever gets to that point, don't do anything that you'll get in trouble for (like throwing baits at a boat or a person).


One time while fishing a tournament we had a boat come right up next to us (a non-tournament boat) and then pull in front of us and proceed to fish the shoreline we were currently moving down. We asked nicely and the person just used an expletive our way. Fired up the outboard and went as close as possible and washed the boat nicely. Probably wouldn't do that now, but at least it is something no one can prove that you did. You don't want to beat up a boat with sinkers or hit a person.

fishing user avatarChance_Taker4 reply : 
  On 4/22/2014 at 12:57 AM, imanidiot777 said:

I have had some experience with this as I am sure most fishermen have. Always better to just say something nicely to start and not get unnecessarily fired up. But if it ever gets to that point, don't do anything that you'll get in trouble for (like throwing baits at a boat or a person).


One time while fishing a tournament we had a boat come right up next to us (a non-tournament boat) and then pull in front of us and proceed to fish the shoreline we were currently moving down. We asked nicely and the person just used an expletive our way. Fired up the outboard and went as close as possible and washed the boat nicely. Probably wouldn't do that now, but at least it is something no one can prove that you did. You don't want to beat up a boat with sinkers or hit a person.

I unfortunately am guilty of this more often than not. When a boater comes in an fishes the bank I am standing on and trying to take my fish I will ask them to move. If they don't I start fling crankbaits at them. Not smart but I get fired up to quick. I blame my hockey roots for that :grin:

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 
  On 4/21/2014 at 10:32 PM, Chance Brown said:

I have to disagree to some extent and take offense. I am a Sport Bike (crotch rocket) rider. And I can say that when I'm on it they four wheel drivers are the inconsiderate ones. I have been in more close calls from drivers "not seeing me" or totally disregarded that fact I have a right to the road as well. Motorcyclists get a bad wrap for following the laws made for us. Yes motorcyclists have there own laws (allowed to ride through red lights, split lanes when traffic is backed up, ride past cars to the front of the line on a red light), and these laws are what drivers complain about riders.  


Now back to the topic. I am a bank fisherman as well. And almost every time a boater sees me having success they swoop in and take the spot from me.


I have had a motorcycle endorsement for 25 years and in two states and never heard of this.  I would like to see where this is legal.


The AMA doesn't know anything about it.

fishing user avatartholmes reply : 
  On 4/20/2014 at 10:56 AM, Catt said:

1/2 oz the back of the head! ;)

I'm partial to a Little George myself.



fishing user avatareverythingthatswims reply : 

I have found that most of the time people who are fishing too close just don't know any better, and they usually will give me some room if I ask. But my favorite way to avoid crowds is to find some water that is just too hard to access for most people. Stocked trout streams on the other hand are a nightmare! 

fishing user avatarApacheGuns515 reply : 

I do believe that much of it has to do with ignorance rather than outright rudeness. Of course there are some out there who are just plain rude. 


I almost always fish alone and I have had people on a number of occasions simply walk on up and set up shop a few feet next to me. They almost always try to start up a small conversation and I can see that they were just looking for companionship and wanted to fish with somebody. On the number of occasions that it has happened the person usually spent much of their time trying to untangle a reel or something so I could tell most of them were inexperienced and sort of wanted help. 


I don't usually mind. Very rarely am I out actively "hunting" for fish. I just like to go out and fish for the experience so I don't mind when people come up to me and try to get just close enough to where I will say hello. I let a guy reel in a decent sized bass the other day and he was thrilled, said he'd never caught anything larger than a bluegill. 


Ive only actually had 2 or 3 blatantly rude people come up to me and claim I was in their spot and try to fish around me. 9 times out of 10 people just want someone to fish with them. If I don't feel like being bothered I'll simply trek up into the spots that I know casual fishermen won't visit. Or ill just hop on my new little boat that I purposefully equip with only one seat ;)

fishing user avatarChance_Taker4 reply : 
  On 4/22/2014 at 2:46 AM, FishinDaddy said:

I have had a motorcycle endorsement for 25 years and in two states and never heard of this.  I would like to see where this is legal.


The AMA doesn't know anything about it.


The last link is a forum that discusses the law in Ohio. Nothing from the government because it has never been addressed as right or wrong in the state. Police advise not to lane split but you cannot be pulled over or ticketed for it. Top link shows you can run a red light after you stop and the sensors do not pick up on the bike. Passing cars at red lights are discussed in the forum as well. They are all safety precautions to help bikes not get hit while stopped. 


In Ohio we don't have to wear a helmet or eye protection if 18 years or younger, and we can put headphones in to listen to music or GPS.

We also don't need mirrors on our bikes. The laws are a lot like Wisconsin were I got my endorsement and lived for a few years.

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 

Like someone mentioned before sometimes I will not see you on the bank. I am concentrating on the water and not the bank so I may miss you. Since the waters are small we have to share places to fish around here. My rule of thumb is to give anyone on the bank the spot and not to get any closer than 3 full cast lengths. It is easier for me to move to another spot than someone that is shorebound. That being said one lake I fish all the best spots can be hit from the shore so that is where I am going to fish. I cannot remember having a problem with any shore bound bass fishermen? Trout fisherman are so bad I just avoid any place stocked with trout for the first 2 weeks. Other boats are the problem usually and it is more ignorance than anything else.



fishing user avatarporkleaker reply : 

I've never done or seen that here. The last time I pulled up to a couple of shore fishers I was just giving them my extra minnows. Canada, we're friendly :)

fishing user avatarbootytrain reply : 

The reason ****** nozzles keep being ****** nozzles is because people don't put them in check.  I have a saying.. "A punch to the face would solve 90% of the worlds problems" lol.  If they have enough people get in their face when they do something disrespectful, they will get the hint and modify their behavior.

fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

Went out monday. A few trout fishermen on the bank with me. I snagged two of their lines with my crankbait because they toss as far as they can.and.let their line drift away.

Am I the inconsiderate one or are they?

Most of them look at me funny when I say I am after bass not trout usually stating "well its too cold for bass"...

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 4/23/2014 at 7:06 PM, Montanaro said:

Most of them look at me funny when I say I am after bass not trout usually stating "well its too cold for bass"...


Make sure to let them know it is never too cold for bass!

fishing user avatarLarry C. reply : 

I'm a respectable fishermen. I would explain nicely I was there first and they are encroaching on my ability to cast. If they are disrespectful ***** I calmly reach into my gear light a Roman Candle and proceed with target practice. I tend to get my area back within minutes. No joke.

fishing user avatarChance_Taker4 reply : 
  On 4/23/2014 at 7:42 PM, Larry C. said:

I'm a respectable fishermen. I would explain nicely I was there first and they are encroaching on my ability to cast. If they are disrespectful ***** I calmly reach into my gear light a Roman Candle and proceed with target practice. I tend to get my area back within minutes. No joke.

That's gotta be the best technique ever to ward of people getting to close!!!

fishing user avatarLarry C. reply : 

Oh yes don't get me wrong it's a last resort after me being very friendly and polite.

Here she is 89 shots.


fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 

People are inconsiderate for the same reason they're disrespectful and obnoxious too...  They were raised like crap by people with no class, they don't care about anybody but themselves and they certainly wouldn't expend any effort to make a positive difference in any capacity.  It's not just limited to the younger generation either- I've come across many an old timer or middle ager that's convinced himself he's the arbiter of the waters/road/whatever your arena and it's more of a toxic air of entitlement that seems to be an ingrained behavior for most.  More and more it seems no matter who you are, you've found a way to convince yourself of just how "right" your way is no matter what you're speaking of.  Empathy, it seems, is a dying paradigm.   



I just try to be the person I wish others would be but won't and try not to even expect the bare basics from anyone- more often than not you'll be disappointed.  I try to be considerate, polite and I don't mind putting in effort to improve a situation even if it wasn't my fault.  There really isn't anything else you CAN do but try to be the best person you can to make up for the d-bags.  They will never not be low lives, and they will never see the world through your eyes or take the time to know the fault in their actions and thought patterns.  

fishing user avatarZeeso reply : 

Was fishing today on a point casting towards shore and making our way slowly around the cove. 2 guys come around the corner. Cut right in front of us and parked the boat to the right of us along the shore where we were heading. We picked up and moved to the next cove. They do it again. We picked up and moved again. 5 min later they come behind us instead of in front of us. I give them a friendly hand gesture and they just kept on moving. One might say it was a good thing they didnt respond. Yeah they might not know they were in the wrong, but I would have loved to make them aware of it.

fishing user avatarphototex reply : 

Try to remember that there are simply a lot of people out there who need full-time proctologists.

fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

If someone is leap frogging you...As long as they aren't spooking bass by being ignorant or's really no big deal. You should be able to pick off bass they missed considering they were in a hurry.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

My buddy just was home from nam. He was the guy they sent into caves with a 45acp because of his size. He wasn't wrapped too tight.

A guy joy riding swung in so close to us fishing from shore so close he cut our lines. My buddy threw a rock while the boat was moving and hit the guy in the head he was that close. He wasn't having a good day.

My buddy was a true friend. While growing up with everyone else using drugs as teenagers he pulled me out of that crowd and we went fishing, I never got into drugs with the rest of the crowd.

He saved me from that. We fished all over the state. Many of my friends died from drugs soon after that. That was in the late 60's.

fishing user avatarCryoglobin reply : 
  On 4/20/2014 at 11:03 AM, livetofish28 said:

Amen lol an ounce and a half tungsten weight on a carolina rig is a good option too

Tight lines


Bingo.  Someone tries that bush league nonsense on me, I will remind them how shore fishermen are terribly inaccurate casters......especially when we have lures covered by brand new trebles.


Or, if I am really irritated, and it isn't a bright day, I will bring out a 2 million candle power Q beam on a 12 volt battery.  


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