How would you rate yourself as a fishermen ????
1 I know nothin
2 Newby
3 Bad
4 Ok
5 Not bad
6 Good
7 Great
8 I got talents
9 Pro
10 Unbeatable
If you pick 1 too bad 4 u
If you pick 10 I want proof
Also why do you think this ?
Thx guys 8)
10....................... on some days I like to think. ;D
Im reality, in between a 6 and 7. I am really trying to master reading electronics this summer. I feel that I am a really good spring fishermen, but in the past summers I have not done so well. I can go out and catch fish, just not any with any size on a consistent basis. The past month and a half I have really started to learn to locate bigger fish in the summer time pattern on the lakes I fish locally. I am trying to prepare myself to enter the tourney scene once I graduate from college next year. Whether I can apply that to other lakes is yet to be seen. If I can................I would boost myself up to a 7.
I'm going to have to give myself a 5. I'm really praticing alot and working on finding a good summer pattern and mastering it, i'm getting ready to purchase my first real bass boat, I currently have a 16' jon boat w/ a 15 horse yamaha on it now. It's great but I want something a little bigger.
im a 5 for almost the same reason as fishinfool. i have a johnboat and am looking for a reasonably priced bass boat. i fish small lakes and ponds mostly and have pretty good success and ive been getting out to bigger lakes alot more with people i know that have boats and have done ok but not great so thats why i rate myself a 5
Probably about like KU-between 6 and 7, although that might be a bit of a stretch ;D
what, 11?
a solid 7.15
still an ounce shy,hehe
3 hahah Only cause ive never really gotten to Bass fish much cause my dad is one that likes to bluegill and catfish .. Ive only cought a few fish while fishing on lakes... most of the bass i ahve cought where cought in ponds and its easy to catch them in ponds i think since u can walk almsot all the way arouynd most of them and fish basically every structure.... but fishing the lake is difficult cause theres lots of structures to fish and ive never been able to find where the fish stay.......
so ill say 3-4
i'm gonna say 4. I just got a 14 foot jon boat and havent taken it out yet so i mostly fish small ponds and lakes from the bank. I've never used a depth finder or caught nice fish from big lakes,..i'm just getting into this. Locating bass is the next step that i want to take because so far i have concentrated on how to use diff. lures.
mgton,....GET IN THAT BOAT!!!
You don't know what you are missing, a whole new world is available to you. Even the small ponds you fish from shore can have hidden treasures just out of casts reach. GET OUT THERE!!!
6-7, i think i would be better if i had a good close place to fish and a bass rig.
I am a 1 I know nothing
id say 4 or 5 cuz im not the greatest but i am good at times
I'll put myself at a 6. I need to learn and build up my finnese fishing skills in more than one finnese technique.
A 6 or 7 some days a 6 some days a 7.
I will say a 7, fortunately I live 3 blocks from a lake where I have taught myself every technique and trick I can learn about bass fishing. Hopefully after I get a boat the rating will rise a couple notches.
I think I'm a 5, and just lack a little time on the water from being a 6. On my best days, I'm probably an 8, and I still definately have days where I'm struggling to be a 1!
I would put myself as a 6, if i had a real bass boat i would be teeny bit better like a 6.3 . For everybody we can be 10 at times and we can all be 1 at times, thats how bass fishin is. I just need to learn more smallmouth fishing techniques and more finesse techniques, also learn to fish on big reseviors 3,000 acres plus, This summer i am going try and keep the "Bubba Bassin" to a small time segment on the water.
Oh the glory of bassfishing. I have days where im a 10 then I'll have a week to a month where i'm a 1 or a 2. Everyonr in there life time with have that time when they are a 10. Everything just clicks. Then everyone will have the days when they are a 1. Can't cast get snagged all day if one bites you miss or loose it.
But the best rating I can give myself is the compliments or the comments recieved from peers, partners and competitiors on that day. Always try to get better and maybe one day I'll be told i'm a 10 just keep working harder after being called a 10
BTW 6 on a regluar basis I hate deep clear lakes.
Ad infinitum ! and with attitude. ;D Sometimes I amaze myself on how good I am .
Probably a 5-6. I don't have a boat and don't really know crap about them and that's why. If I had a boat I think I could be really dangerous on big lakes.
8. Why be modest ;D
Somewhere between a 5 and 6 and just when I think I might be a 7 the fish show me that a 4 might be in my future. I can catch fish everytime I go out but catching the big ones everytime is a different story.
7-8 But I grew up on the water so I better be that good
Probably a 6-7 as well. There are still some techniques I could improve on. I do consistently catch fish, but also struggle for limits. So that is about right.
I'd say a solid 6.During certain times,I might even go up a notch to a 7.I've been bassin' on and off for 30 years.I have a decent bassboat to fish out of with the electronics.The problem with me is that I do it only for fun.I have no illusions of being a tournament angler.Although I can worm,crankbait,jig, etc.I just like fishing lowlight situations with topwaters,jerkbaits,and spinnerbaits.
If you asked me this 15 yrs ago when I was fishing the back waters of the Ohio River in Indiana, I would have said solid 7. Now that I live in Virginia and am fishing mainly a mountain lake reservoir, I would say 5, maybe, on a consistant basis, but getting better. This is why I have so much respect for the pro guys. I think it is incredibly difficult to go to different lakes, with different climates and water and catch fish consistently. But there is one thing for sure, I am a very determined person and once I make my mind up to do something, then fish lookout. Always striving for that 10.
Not to be a doubting Thomas but I think most of you guys....even without knowing you, have rated yourself way too high. If 9 is a Pro, a 7 or 8 is just about right there. Let's be serious for a little while. I don't put much stock into the word Pro, but I've met very few fishermen who were really amazing at what they did. Maybe we have a board full of them here, but again I doubt it.
How do you prove it? I've fished about 80 tournaments with the past 6 years, I've won 45 outright and finished in the top 3 in about 70. I'd say that is consistant but I'll be the first to tell you that these are club events. In the grand scheme of things....who cares. What does it all mean? Maybe I have a knack for it but how can you really judge how good you are? Go to the Classic? I know there are non Pro's who can and would beat the snot out of guys like Ike, Van Dam etc. They just have no drive to compete like that.
Simply put, I have confidence that I can catch fish just about anywhere in any situation but as far as rating myself overall......I'm not sure that there is a consistant number. I know that on a cloudy day like today, I can go to my favorite lake and catch 3lb and 4lb bass on a jig and pig until my arm falls off. I know alot of guys who have come with me and can't do that. This is all relative. It is good to have confidence but not an ego.
My rating: Confident but not arrogant! I can't put a number on that.
T-R said-"Walk softly but carry a big stick". He obviously meant a 7ft heavy action Kistler Helium LTA. I followed his advice and I've done well with it.
as a fisherman - 7
as a bass fisherman - 4
between a 4 and a 5 ;D
I'd say 6....but I have my days where I start to wonder if I'm a 1
I agree with that earthworm. Maybe I did rate to high but like you said, how can one really rate fishing skills? I don't believe in the word "pro" either, it's a joke imo.
On some days it seems like you can do nothing wrong but on others, you likely would have been better off sleeping in. It is all about consistency in my book.
There is NO QUESTION that I am without a doubt firmly placed somewhere in the middle of or just between a SOLID, and I'm talkin' SOLID one or a witnessed by my 4lb bucketmouth that I caught in April and the skunking I have taken the last 4 or 5 outings.
I'd say I'm a 5, but I usually do better than the other amateurs fishing nearby. I have to stay away from the pros, I'd be so embarassed I'd never fish again.
On both local clubs that I fished, (one just twenty members, the other 125), I won angler of the year each of the four years that I competed. Mark me down as a 10. Then I moved up to regional and national events, and I immediately realized that I was a middle of the road angler compared with the real pro's. Move me down to a 5.
I fish the co-angler side of FLW and truthfully, I think I could have outfished about 1/2 of the 22 pro's I've been with these last 2 years. Even so, that's not saying I could go make a living at it. Most guys on the tours are losing money even if they do make it to an occasional championship. Some of the very best anglers on a particular lake don't stray too far from it, so when you fish against them in regional events, they are tougher to beat than the touring pro's especially in a one day event. So, overall, I'm talented about half the time.
saltwater Im a 9.5
catfishing Im a 7
and bass Im a 5 and moving up.
if i can find them i'll catch'em, thats why i fish with a partner
My wife says I'm a 10, but I don't think I'm that good looking!!! LOL!!!
OOOOH, you mean fishing skills.
I catch fish every time I go out, most are 1 1/2 to
3 lbs.
I haven't landed anything over 4 1/2 lbs.
I'd say maybe a 3.
But not satisfied with that and I'm shooting for a 10.
I've got natural talents.The problem is somedays I figure out how to use them and some days I do not.
I'd have to honestly give myself a 4 to a 5. Since I started fishing the clearer, cooler lakes of Northern California, it is a bit more frustrating. for me. (Vs the dingier waters of Indiana)
Also, the last couple of years I have gone out and purchased more different types of lures, rods, reels, etc. I catch myself second guessing myself quite often. I love to fish, especially for the relaxation and the serenity of the water.....but I need to get more focused when I am out there. Frankly, I seem to like to fish by meself more and more. I am too nice of a host when I take others. Hope that makes sense.
Bass Fishing - 8 fished 200 days a year + since i was 5 yrs old so i better be good lol i catch fish almost every trip but i might be lower if i fished different lakes but ive got my lake down pat
When I was up north guideing on the river I think I was about an 8, but I moved down here, got a new bass boat and live on the lake and fish almost everyday. The problem is I can't catch fish now and I am probably a 1...""HELP"" LOL
I really feel like im a really solid 6 probly higher but definetly atleast a six and I agree with earthworm that way to many people over rate them selves and that it is about consistancy i feel im a good fisherman bc i catch good fish many different ways in many different conditions I know what to use when and that is what obviously makes me consistant and a solid fisherman once I get a better boat I think my rating could increase
i would have to say, from the bank i'm a 4. i seem to have trouble, but i am peristent. from a boat (which i dont have :-[), i'd have to say 6. i seem to catch em everytime i go out on one (friends). so i guess, i would say, it's hard to judge if you dont have a boat yourself.
5, with my moments at both ends. I do have to say that I can usually get at least one to bite every time.
After reading earthworms post, I have re-thought this and he is absolutely right. Changing my rank to a 6.
uh.......9......i caught a 13 1/2 bass on a crankbit...and it was a luck craft so yeah im a .....9
We'll see,...Sun, 3am, be ready!
Lookin' forward to learnin' from a 9!!!
Senko and Low Budgit
Let us know how this turns out. Are any of you 9 or 10's in central Florida, I could use some learn'n
I am not trying to insult anyone but nobody who fish's one lake/pond, with the same people, with no competitive experience should claim greatness in the sport.
When I was a kid, I shot hoops in my driveway all the time. I really was the greatest basketball player in the (MY) world. When it came time for tryouts I found out that other kids were thinking/doing the same things as me and some of them were a lot closer to greatness than I was. Like shooting hoops as a kid I used to think I was a 7 or 8 fisherman while fishing my home lake with the same friends over and over. When I decided to prove it against other fisherman on other lakes the result was very similar to my basketball tryouts.
Start fishing tournaments if you want to claim greatness, you may find out you're just and average Joe in the Bass fishing world. There are hundreds of thousands of dedicated Bass fisherman out there using the same baits, same lakes, same everything as you and I. What makes us different? I don't think you can actually say you are good until you have seen good and measured yourself up to it.
I have measured good and I am not quite there. I am only a 2 or 4. For now!
well put
I would relate my fishing skills to my golf skills.
When I first began playing golf, I practiced during the week and took lessons, lots of lessons. My goal was to become a bogey golfer. Bogey golf is basically 90, that puts you in the .05 of ALL golfers. If you can play bogey, you can play with anyone and everybody will have fun. You make a few good shots and, most importantly, you won't hold anyone up.
Now, shooting 90 will not win any club tournaments and if you play with "good" golfers, you won't be winning any rounds, but you might win some money!
So, that's how I feel about my fishing. I would feel comfortable fishing with just about anyone. I can fish most techniques adequately, even the ones I don't like. Occasionally I catch some great fish (like making a great golf shot). I sometimes fish with guys that are tremendous fishermen, guides on their own water. That can be humbling.
I guess I consider myself a bogey fisherman.
Sponsors say I'm a 9 son says I'm a 10
.......but I say it varies from 4 to 8. :-/
I think I'll listen to my son! ;D
I'll go with a better than nine
Done it all. Did freshwater tournaments for many years. Got bored and now do saltwater. Much more fun and a lot heavier fish.
34 lb codfish
Winter "layover" Stripers
My biggest striper @ 43 lbs
A (est) 80 lb blueshark
alloymiken, stripers and sharks dont count. ;D
Quotealloymiken, stripers and sharks dont count. ;D
:-/ :-/ :-/
Why not? Stripers ARE bass.
alloymiken, if I could just catch a largemouth about half the size of that striper I would have a world record on my hands, then I will be rating myself right up there with the PROS !! The thing that gets me about pro bass fishing is anybody can do as long as you have a fat checkbook. There is really no set way to qualify to be a pro, just show up with your money(lots of it) and fish.All other pro sports involve a lot of other levels to make it to the top level.There are a lot of PROS out there who cant fish at all but are on the tour because they can afford to be(especially FLW) and one day will get lucky enough to catch some fish and get a sponsor. I really shouldnt complain though cause if I had the cash I would be out there too, and I sure dont rank myself as a pro. ;D
Quotealloymiken, if I could just catch a largemouth about half the size of that striper I would have a world record on my hands, then I will be rating myself right up there with the PROS !! The thing that gets me about pro bass fishing is anybody can do as long as you have a fat checkbook. There is really no set way to qualify to be a pro, just show up with your money(lots of it) and fish.All other pro sports involve a lot of other levels to make it to the top level.There are a lot of PROS out there who cant fish at all but are on the tour because they can afford to be(especially FLW) and one day will get lucky enough to catch some fish and get a sponsor. I really shouldnt complain though cause if I had the cash I would be out there too, and I sure dont rank myself as a pro. ;D
I wanted to try the pro circuit earlier in my life. But now I'm going to be 50, and can't keep up with the young bucks any longer. Hence my need to find "stupid" fish in the ocean.
It has been a helluva experience. I am planning on getting my Captains license this fall so I can take out charters of up to 6 people. Just to sort of pay my expenses.
The pro circuit is not easy. I respect everyone that tries whether they succeed or not. It's a beotch.
Good luck in whatever you do. But always remember, if it stops being something different.
alloymiken, where do you live. I'm going south in a couple of weeks and could use some saltwater advice. I want to catch something big(not a shark ;D) preferably with no teeth.
I would have to rate myself on a few levels, here they are.
actual abilities=3
I am fairly new to bass fishing and I have trouble locating them, but I know inside I have the potential to be a good bass fisherman. I have fished trout most of my life and I can honestly say I am good at catching and locating them. I would like to answer this question again next year to see where I have progressed.
roadwarrior i liked your comparsion. wish i could fish as good as i can golf though. born and raised on a golf course and can shoot in the 70's about anywhere on average day. if the draw becomes a hook i will shoot in the low 80's and sometimes i just flat out wish i would have stayed home shooting high 90's.
now my fishing is backwards from what i just said. i can go out and fish about anywhere and catch a bass or two but that dosen't make me good. other days i do better and catch a few. and sometimes it seems like i can't do anything wrong.
60% of the time i am in the spot where i can catch a few "at least 5"
38% of the time i can only manage one or two
2% or less it seems i can't do anything wrong.
Rebbasser needs a good swift kick in the seat of the pants for giving himself such a low rating. I'm a 6-7 easy and all I do is learn from Reb,you seem to have the skills of an 8.
"Start fishing tournaments if you want to claim greatness, you may find out you're just and average Joe"
I'm not trying to debate you but I highly disagree with that. Why? because of the luck aspect. Think about it. There are "pro's" who may win 5 big tourneys in a row and than for the next five years they can't even make top 20. To me I believe it's more of an "understanding" than a skill. Sure you could go "by the book" and use all that techniques and tactics that are proven to work. But beyond that you need an understanding of how fish live day to day and what there world consists of. And over time you just "know" what to throw and when. It's basically like hunting. After many years of experience you gravitate towards the same cover as the animals do without even making a mental note of it, you almost become one in yourself. And the same applies to fishing, imho.
alloymike,..remember when these were just outside of snug harbor?? Those were the days! PS- you have a pm.
"I am planning on getting my Captains license this fall so I can take out charters of up to 6 people. Just to sort of pay my expenses."
If you think the touring "pros" life is tough, wait till you try this one. You are going to need better motivation than paying expenses to be any good at this one.
What's funny about this is, is that I used to rate myself just to kind of gauge where I am to the real good bass fishermen. I'd hear something like Hackney saying, "Well a year ago, I didn't even know what a pattern was," and I would think, "Well I knew what a pattern was and he's on the tour!" So I must be pretty good right? Not necessarily! What you tend to forget is the absolute natural talent these guys have. Patience, determination and focus that is hardly matched. Nowa year or two ago I would have said I was a 6, but now I know I was no where near a 6. As I get better, the more I know how little I know. And I think that's key. Always keep learning. I never want to see my plateau of skill or knowledge.
With this in mind, I'd like to rate myself at a -10. YES, you have seen the first integer.
Quotealloymiken, where do you live. I'm going south in a couple of weeks and could use some saltwater advice. I want to catch something big(not a shark ;D) preferably with no teeth.
I live in RI. :-/
But I have done a lot of fishing in the South. Where are you going?
I have made several trips to the Florida Keys. I love Key West fishing for Tarpon and bonefish. If you want excitement, go Tarpon fishing. If you want real excitement (fly fishing) go bonefishing. Both will give you a woody. lol
Quotealloymike,..remember when these were just outside of snug harbor?? Those were the days! PS- you have a pm.
I don't remember those "days"
I was probably doing the tournament thing back then. I did that for many years and was reasonably successful so I kept at it hoping to make the Classic. But as time went on and all the TV shows were happening, many young "bucks" got really good and it got a lot harder to get a check. When it became more frustrating and less fun, I turned to "stupid" fish in the ocean. lol
My best friend has a 28 foot hydrosport and goes offshore regularly to the edge (80 miles) for these bigguns. It is a real blast.
I would rate myself as a novice fisher. All I have done is freshwater fish for mainly Bass. I would love to go on a deep sea fishing trip with a good guide and or a bass fishing trip with a guide. I don't own a boat aswell. But my father and I are looking into a small pond boat.