This can be anything bass fishing related.
I guess my favorite part would be when I pitch to a target and I feel that heavy THUMP!
I love it when I set the hook and the rod loads up heavy & I know the fight is on! That's my favorite thing!
I love flying across the lake & the sound a 2 stroke makes
I love fishing in grass & kicking bass's @$$
Good idea for a thread, FiveBassLimit. I'll bet there'll be a plethora of answers to this question. If I think about it too much, it can become difficult to answer. I love it when I feel that thump as you say. I love it when the rod loads up and the fight is on as Ronnie stated. I love lipping that nice bass and admiring its beauty. And at all times, but especially when the action is slow, I love to sit back and admire the beauty of the outdoors. There's nothing like losing yourself on a big lake and catching bass.
Hanging out in creation and enjoying it all. I also like laying a cast in an impossible spot and feeling a Bass you just knew was there blast your bait!!!!!!!!!!
The anticipation. Like when you know you're in the right spot and you've got the right bait and you're just waiting for that big one to hit.
And another favorite part is when you beat your buddy for that day. ;D ;D ;D
The jump....Most bass i've caught has jumped...for some reason it excites me.
Like today,one nailed my rooster tail right by shore,completely shot straight up caught my spinner just before my retreive in.Barely hooked him as i lifted my rod to me it fell off and landed on the shallow part of the bank stood there for a minute and swam was like it was laughing at me.
I like the purity of the competition. It's just me vs. the bass. If I am successful I feel very satisfied. If I fail I have no one to blame but myself.
I love the cool spring mornings and the muggy sumer days. I love the time I get to spend fishing watching nature and enjoying the day. I love how fishing is a stress relief and i enjoy the time I get to spend out on the water. There realy isnt anything i dont love about bass fishing but above all I really love getting bass thumb.
I love all the things everone who has posted before me said. But most of all I love release of the Bass. If I am able to hold in my hand and realease the Bass then I have enjoied and captured in my memorry all the wonderful things everone else has posted in this thread.
Just getting away from everything.
The peace & tranquility as a full moon rises on the horizon broken only by the lonesome cry of a whip-o-will.
The smell of bacon mingled with that of a wood burning fire place drifting gently on a summer breeze.
The rush you get when you set hook only to have it set hook back followed the sound of your reel's drag slipping.
I love the hunt. The planning the purchasing and then when the stars and the moons line up and a plan comes together, the thump, thump, thump, the slide of the line, the load up and then the big jerk over the shoulder. Then as Kelley put it the release to start the whole process all over again. Ain't nothing better than that.
And Its even better when your "bass catching!"
Being on the water. The rush of the air hitting my face as I skim across the lake. The reflection of a beautiful sunset on still water. The splash of a bass on a still summer morning. REALIZING THAT A BASS IS SWIMMING SLOWLY AWAY WITH MY SLIDER LURE!
I like the sunrise and sunset while fishing. It only lasts for a few minutes but to me there is something magical about this time when your heading out with anticipation of the day or heading in dog-tired counting the hours until the next trip.
QuoteJust getting away from everything.
Getting up at 3:30 am, the ride to the tournament, when they call my number,
getting to my hole and catching a five bass limit real quick and then just mess
around the rest of the day looking Big Mama's. Priceless
1. Catching.
2. Peeing off the side of the boat. ;D ;D ;D
Quality time with my wife - enjoying all of God's creation- - - the sound of a biggun hitting my topwater lure after the sun is down and there is not enough light to see the lure!
my least favorite - sound from the back seat " honey, I've just hung a stump with my favorite deep diving crank" !
Larry G
I love it when my heart races when I feel that bump bump 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
I think the best part is when you stick a bass and you feel your rod load up and you know it's a big one, once I get them in the boat it feels the same as, just after I shoot a deer with my bow!!
When I quit getting this feeling I'll quit fishing!!
Just the thrill of being in the outdoors.
The anticipation. I love those times that I just KNOW there is a fish where my lure is, and my nerves are almost sizzling, waiting for that moment that I move the lure just right and the battle begins. The satisfaction. When I am holding the fish, admiring it, and proud of myself for figuring out where it was, and what it would take to make it bite, and knowing that I have beaten him. But above all else is just the time I spent on the water, enjoying nature.
for me it is just the fact that i am fishing..enjoying the outdoors.
So many things, but I think the best is when I set the hook and the bass shoots left or right and jumps three feet out of the water...........What a rush!!!
I love teaching.
Helping someone finally hook up with a certain style bait they were having trouble with or a certain type of presentation can be gratifying when they leave the lake with a confidence they never had.
This especially applies to kids.
Turning someone on to the sport for the first time is great. You can tell when someone is truly "bitten" by the bug and you know you just instilled in that person the love for something as gratifying as fishing.
Just about everything but I really love being on the water when dawn is breaking and the bass are hitting topwater.
I also love a good plastic worm bite.
The beauty of Mother Nature.
Those who do not venture onto the waters of our great country have no idea of the beauty and serenity of their surroundings.
It is wonderful to be able to have the time to go out and just look all around you when you go fishing and see the wonderment of our world.
And of course, don't forget the thrill of dumping that nice bass on the floor of your boat, too. ;D
The OCD is fixin' to kick in ! Everything from joining this forum, shopping for baits, rigging up for the next day, getting up that morning, being on the lake, wondering what I did wrong to thinking FINALLY, I got it right ;D...
As Ever,
Getting away from everything. On the water its me, a rod, water and the fish. No worries or concerns, no stress, and no WORK!
QuoteEverything.And Its even better when your "bass catching!"
What Matt said.
The challange : finding them and making them bite.
But that's true for every species I fish for.
Just being outdoors.
I must say, yesterday when I took my boat out for the first time my 5" dinger landed half on and half off a pad and right at impact the water just exploded and the bass just destroyed it. The fish was only a pound and a half but man was that awesome. This kind of stuff keeps me going.
i love the fight from the first thump to when you see that first flash of silver or the accosional tail walk.and then there is the reward of pulling the fish that you caught up out of the water
but more importantly its all about being with nature and getting to interact with it first hand
Makng the perfect cast into a tight spot and being rewarded with a monster fish.
All of it....mostly knowing that I'm fortunate enough to have the good health to be able to go out and enjoy the outdoors and all that it entails.....then there is the anticipation of the next outing and the hope of landing that new PB.
Lots of things, but the firsts things that come to mind
1) Being on the lake on an EARLY summer morning and watching nature "wake up" for the day. Fog coming off the lake just adds to the effect.
2) Getting prepared the night before
3) The anticipation on the drive to the lake
4) Being on the lake in the middle of the night and it's so silent it's loud. Sounds crazy unless you have experienced it. My fishing buddy knows what I am talking about so I know I am not completely nuts.
5) The hunt. Putting a pattern together.
After throwing a swimbait for 6 hours and not getting bit, getting such a solid strike that you have already set the hook before you realize you got bit, then experiencing the most exhilirating 20 seconds that you can have outside of the bedroom
QuoteGood idea for a thread, FiveBassLimit. I'll bet there'll be a plethora of answers to this question. If I think about it too much, it can become difficult to answer. I love it when I feel that thump as you say. I love it when the rod loads up and the fight is on as Ronnie stated. I love lipping that nice bass and admiring its beauty. And at all times, but especially when the action is slow, I love to sit back and admire the beauty of the outdoors. There's nothing like losing yourself on a big lake and catching bass.
I couldn't agree more. There's nothing like getting lost out there. 8-)
hmm a few things come to mind...
when im fishing a frog in some really mucky stuff and all of a sudden i see the muck do a V from about 5 feet away and then just explode on it.
when my son hooks up with something decent (hes 4) it is always exciting
when im having a very tough day and then figure something out that puts some nice fish in the boat it is always a great feeling.
I think for me its the Friendships you build. I love the morning breakfast table before the tournament. The companionship. sipping coffee and talkin poop about the butt kickin your about to deliver (whether you do or not). Then its the convoy to the lake, still dark outside. Saddling up at the ramp and the sun is just breaking. You can barely see, but you can smell the boats engines. Then the green flag and its game on. For me if I do well and fish are caught its icing on the cake, if not, its still heaven.....
Everything is the best about fishing. Being on a quiet lake a daybreak with the fog lifting. Gobblers gobbling on the nearby moutain. Flipping a jig into the weeds, then your drag starts going zing zing zing zing zing. The anticipation. I know what you mean KU_Bassmaster, about being on the lake in the middle of the night, it's awesome. The sound of a Jitterbug in the complete darkness, then a big THWOMP. I think bass fishing is the funnest and most relaxing sport. And it is rewarding.
I like the strike, loading your rod and knowing you have a big fish.
I like to have the fish, particularly smallmouth, coming up and out of the water.
But what really trips my trigger is having a big 'ole brown fish strip off about fifty yards of line against drag!
QuoteI like the strike, loading your rod and knowing you have a big fish.
Forgetting everything and just thinking about that lunker out there waiting for my bait.
Nothing eases my mind better than Bass fishing.
No matter what is troubling me on any given day, put me out on the water, and the cares melt away.
After that I like achieving my goal for that day.
Sometimes, especially on particularly balmy days, I just want to get out, catch a couple and enjoy the day.
Other days I want to catch them on a particular bait.
Others. I really target bigger fish,
and so it goes.
Quote2. Peeing off the side of the boat.
Standing up Mike ?
First, I tip-my-hat to Fivebasslimit for launching a great thread!
I have to tell you fellows, reading through the replies to this thread was very fulfilling.
It's plain to see that the members of our forum have their hearts in the right place,
and have a true love of Mother Nature, the outdoors, the quarry and the all best parts of bass fishing.
Anything I might've added has already been said, so instead, I think I'll just read over the replies once more 8-)
Mother Nature has away of restoring the Soul, and the pursuit of bass is icing on the Cake.
I believe there was a time, long before KFC and Shimano when our ancestors relished a rabbit on Monday and some bass on Tuesday to sustain them and family. Now to cook wild caught fish over a campfire, miles from civilization brings a realization that man does not rule nature but is mearly a participant. This is the only way I'll eat a bass, but prefer trout. Everyone must experience this reflective solitude of nature.
Now to catch a Bass, even within the sound of the train whistle, briefly triggers an awakening of this primordial gene, and as I slip him into the waters to await "the next round" I whisper, "Thanks for the memories. CB
I love the time I get to spend with my 15 year old son. This is true quality time. Even if he does try to fish the front of the boat with me. He tangles all of my rods and gets in my way constantly. Luckily he isn't as accurate with his casting as I am so I always hit the sweet spots before he does. We get to discuss alot and have a great time.
Just this past Saturday morning, as I went to step onto the bow of the boat, he pulled the boat back and out of my path...... luckily the water was about 69.7 degees. I went butt over tea kettle into the water. Luckily for him he was about 50 feet away before he stopped! he has now told everyone in Central Texas this story. I went and changed in the truck and he tried again and got it. We had a good day fishing. Strange but true.
I also love nature and surface feeding fish, but I hope that all my life I will get to fish with my son. I hope that he lives near by when he gets older and that we always have the bond that we do.
That small still voice that says, look around, I created of this just for your enjoyment
The quiet solitude, the smell of anise on my fingertips, and the zing of my drag as a fish strips line. And, if they're not biting in the summertime, a quick dip to cool off.
Lately it's been finding all the tackle I've lost in the past two years
It is just too cool to tell your buddy....see that log over there, there is a fish in there, I make the pitch and bam! I called the shot! 8-)
I love being on the water right when it starts getting light in the morning,and the bass start hitting the top.Throw that topwater bait and wait for that first bass of the day.
my favorite part of bass fishing is the surprise of a bass hitting my line while im carnking a rattle trap threw the water and then i just feel everything stop for that one second, and it feels like everything around you stops with it, then the fish starts fighting like crazy. ;D
I like yelling at my dad to get the camera!!! ;D
That sound of fishing line cutting through the water like a knife through hot butter.
Reading this thread has been quite enjoyable. Whoever said man has detached himself from Nature has never met a bass fisherman.
Kudos to you, Fivebass.
Just being able to relax and enjoy the outdoors. Nothing beats the feeling of the warm sun on a cool spring or fall day. It is like being in another world where I can leave my worries behind. Ten hours on a lake always seem to fly by way too soon.
getting away from the hustle and bustle of the neighboorhoods
9even if they are only a couple yards away llol ;D)
and the feeling of having a big bass on
the best feeling is landing a huge bass and watching it swim off to be caught another day.
I really love the sound of a motor getting up on plane. That loud rouring sound. It's just awesome.
My other favorite part is when you first hook a fish and it's a good one, it makes that initial surge from the shock of the hookset and your rod really strains but you have no idea how good it is.
I like reading all the little clues about where they should be, then finding them there.
OK, I'll be the guy to say it,....SHOWIN' OFF!!
*Like being Glenn and hitting a 9 in front of a bunch of the boys.
*Like today when I was describing how it would go down and then casting and making it happen exactly as you called it,....repeatedly
*Like being Fluke and being able to tell your friend who is working and just called you on the cell that you've got 30+ fish in the boat, they're feeding on a stable supply of bait and he's in the right spot at the right time.
*Like being Fishchris on the ride home with digi pics just waiting to be shown in "My Tournament"
*Like being Senko77 and not just showing up to play but winning,....often
*Like being Triton21 and having a beautiful 9 w/ a great story that you just yanked from the livewell to show everyone back at camp
*Like Randall or Jim B. or George W or Tom R., putting a customer on a fish of a lifetime
I love the taste of bass, fried. Bass eggs taste much like caviar too. j/k.
Getting away from the Rat Race plain and simple.
To me, the favorite part is the whole experience. From the time I get up on Saturday mornings, anticipating the day. Loading the boat up, getting everything ready. Even the drive is a good experience usually 1 1/2 to 2 hrs. Then getting on
the water and trying to put all the knowledge and experience to work. Really exciting when what I've learned from reading and just fishing, starts paying off. So for me its the whole day, nothing on my mind but fishing before, during and after. I love being able to tell my wife and kids the experinces I had on the water. Its really cool when my 24 yr old son can join me.
Also, during the week, getting things ready for the next trip. I try to take a few moments after each trip and ask myself, "What did I learn today?"
Fishing to me has become addictive. I need it every week.
What have I created?? ;D