Some people argue about listening to music why fishing, what's your opinion on it. Will that effect you catching any fish?
It breaks my focus and concentration. So for me yes it does. As for others I don't know. Plus part of the reason I fish is to get away from everything except for me nature and the occasional other fisherman that wanders by.
I don't listen to anything while I'm fishing. Sometimes I wish I had headphones to block out jet skis!
a large part of why I am out there is to listen to nothing more than the world around me.
I agree with McA. What I want to hear are the noises of nature from the lake. Many times I have heard a fish jump or swirl and sooner or later caught that fish or one very close to the noise maker.
I can't stand it when people have music blaring, drives me insane. I fish with a guy that's constantly missing fish because he's paying too close attention to his iPod.
On 1/19/2012 at 5:22 AM, J Francho said:I don't listen to anything while I'm fishing. Sometimes I wish I had headphones to block out jet skis!
I wish I had a rocket launcher to block out the jet skis!!!
I don't mind it so much when my family is out fishing with me because I know the chances of me catching anything are slim to none, it never fails they are laughing it up or slamming the compartment doors.
The laughing it up is great but the slamming of the compartment doors... I really have to grit my teeth!!!
Not while fishing, but I DO want to put a stereo in my boat. Sometimes I'll take a trip to a lake and just drive around, mapping, marking, watching sonar, etc.
I'll play music.
If you bring your family with you, it's nice to have some music available.
I like to fish alone many times for the same reasons I don't listen to music.
When i in a tourney I usually don't, but with the wife and the young en I do. But as far as the fish goes does the fish pay attention to the sound waves?
Not music, but sometimes I'll bring a radio to listen to the Cardinal game.
I built a stereo system into my boat, but I very rarely use it when I'm om the water. Like most of u guys I use my boat to get away from everyday noise pollution. I also listen constantly for fish hitting the surface, movement in cover, or anything else that generally indicates they're fish nearby. I'll turn on a favorite song or radio station while I'm eating lunch and just drifting along, but when it comes time to get back to business I go back to listening to the water. I think I use the boat stereo mostly when its in the driveway and I'm either cleaning or working on it.
Silence is golden.
To me, music relieves stress. Fishing does the same thing. I personally like to listen to Pandora via my phone...I just have it laying on the jon boat seat beside me. It's not loud at all just background music. To me it's even more relaxing.
Different stokes for different folks!
I like it quiet when fishing.
I also believe that if the sound producing machine touches any part of the boat it can send vibrations into the water and disturb the fish.
I am also attention deficit and anything around me can break my concentration so I like it nice and quiet.
In general: Freshwater, no. Saltwater, yes.
It has moreso to do with styles and techniques, but nobody can deny me that listening to Reggae while reeling in a sailfish deep sea fishing is about perfect.
I am usually out early around 5 or so I just like to listen to nature wake up untill the jet skis and water skiers come out then It's time for tunes. I find fish really like an x rap worked to master of puppets
Everyone is missing my point lol. I don't listen to it while fishing in a tournament. Rarely listen to it at all, but I always here people arguing whether or not it effects the bite? There's nothing better to me than bein on the lake with just the sounds of the great outdoors.
I like it quite too, maybe on the way back to the ramp or dock I might put on some CCR.
The noise, most defiantly can scare fish away...too much vibration can send them swimming away.
im not sure if music affects the bite while fishing or not. never listened to music while fishing on a boat.
but fishing from a dock i have seen times where the bite changed when the type of music changed. i like to fish with live bait at night off the dock at my uncles house on smith mountain lake, play music, and get drunk lol. listening to classic rock the bite is good to great, when i turn to rap/rnb the bite seems to die, switch back to classic rock and it picks back up. my favorite thing is saturday nights 10-12 when Dee Sniders House Of Hair comes on the radio, love that 80s hair metal, and it seems like i always catch a nice fish when HOH is on the radio. the music isnt usually too loud unless its an awesome song ill crank it up for that.
On 1/19/2012 at 9:55 AM, kms399 said:I am usually out early around 5 or so I just like to listen to nature wake up untill the jet skis and water skiers come out then It's time for tunes. I find fish really like an x rap worked to master of puppets
Who knew fish loved old school metallica.....
I would listen to anything to keep the jet skiers away..... I liked the rocket launcher idea.
Pertaining to the fish. I think it depends on the amount of vibration being put out by said radio. If you think about it a speaker situated to where its back is facing a hollow part of hull then the vibration given off would be substantially more, than say walking from bow to stern. My belief is that the speakers even turned down to a low volume in a setting as described above would still amplify and cause vibration, much as subwoofers do when installed in a enclosed box. So I would think if your fishing along a bank then leave it off. If fishing open water you would probably be ok with it on.
If your not blasting the music or pushing allot of bass there is probably more disturbance in the water than what your music is adding. But im with most of these guys, i love the sound of the outdoors.
Like so many things that do not have a definitive answer......
Music may not turn the bite off, but it sure as heck isn't going to turn the bite on.
It can't help, and can only hurt.
You guys crack me up you should come to Smith Mountain Lake. Quiet whats thats...... with all the d**n ski boats, jet skies, dock parties, para sailing, tsunami size wakes, and screaming. You feel more like your in Charlotte Motor Speedway at the Coke Cola 600 rather than having a day on the lake..... I could pull a 8X10 floater behind the boat with a live band on it and the fish wouldn't notice LOL
Thanks everyone for the responses, the lake I fish which is Yatesville lake in ky is a big party lake always jet skis, boats ripping and roaring all around ya. I still don't know how it would effect the bite, I would say its all about the situation.
On 1/19/2012 at 7:06 AM, Daniel My Brother said:Not music, but sometimes I'll bring a radio to listen to the Cardinal game.
^^ This! I never listen to the radio when I'm bass fishing, but when I'm soaking bait for catfish, I'll often have the radio on, always on a baseball game. GO CARDS!
On 1/19/2012 at 11:34 AM, vapredhunter said:You guys crack me up you should come to Smith Mountain Lake. Quiet whats thats...... with all the d**n ski boats, jet skies, dock parties, para sailing, tsunami size wakes, and screaming. You feel more like your in Charlotte Motor Speedway at the Coke Cola 600 rather than having a day on the lake..... I could pull a 8X10 floater behind the boat with a live band on it and the fish wouldn't notice LOL
seriously though. SML is a high traffic lake. sometimes there are so many boats, jet skis, etc out on the lake and the water looks like its boiling when the wakes from all different directions meet each other. and many boaters ride around blasting music all day. it can get pretty rough at times though.
overall though, i think it would be different on different lakes. i imagine fish on some lakes get conditioned to things fish on other lakes may not have to deal with too often if ever at all...
If you are an elite angler like me, you time your hook set to the beat.
I'll bring headphones at times but usually it's to talk hands free if i get a call
Thanks everyone
no music. i'm there to "get in tune" with nature and all the surroundings. when i bank fish, there is nothing better than just me...nature...and hopefully fish.
Sometimes. Usually not because i also enjoy the simple sounds of nature. Fishing is an escape for me from the busyness of everyday life. If im with friends and they aren't bitting worth a S#@$ then ill put on some music. I don't think that music negatively affects fishing in the sense that the fish are spooked by the music, but it could draw you attention away from the lure if you let it.
Definitely a fish attractant...
On the Tennessee River the Big Momma Brownfish prefer Haggard to Jones,
but Toby drives the girls crazy! I prefer Patsy Kline, Jennifer Nettles, Teri Clark,
Sarah Evans, Miranda Lanbert and Carrie Underwood. Turn it up and play it loud!
On 1/20/2012 at 7:52 PM, roadwarrior said:Definitely a fish attractant...
On the Tennessee River the Big Momma Brownfish prefer Haggard to Jones,
but Toby drives the girls crazy! I prefer Patsy Kline, Jennifer Nettles, Teri Clark,
Sarah Evans, Miranda Lanbert and Carrie Underwood. Turn it up and play it loud!
Jennifer Nettles, drooooooling. LOL. I guess I am the minority. If I am with my brother or father, never once in 30 years. If I have the wife and kids out, yes, everytime. If I am with buddies, not usually as we are talking crap back and forth. By myself....the mp3 player has the country music rolling, but I use earphones.
I was prefishing with my partner one day who has a stereo system in the boat. We decided to turn it on for the heck of it. We've actually done is several times since then and have done really well. We joke and say its a poor mans hydrowave lol. I don't think I'd do it while flippin, but I now have no problem with turnin it on while deep crankin lol
I wouldn't do this any time, but its just another way to goof off and have a good time for us.
I really love music but nature and fishing usually rule out music for me when on the water. I don't want any other sounds other than the sounds of nature in most fishing situations, though highly pressured lakes can be pretty busy and loud but that is something I can't control. My favorite music requires intense listening anyway and would interfere with my concentration, as it is not based on simple hooks and melodies like most mainstream music. There is music I like that makes for good background listening which would probably work for me when fishing, because it doesn't require the mind to be involved. However, most of the time I prefer to keep my music and fishing separate so that each receives the full attention needed.
On 1/20/2012 at 7:52 PM, roadwarrior said:Definitely a fish attractant...
On the Tennessee River the Big Momma Brownfish prefer Haggard to Jones,
but Toby drives the girls crazy! I prefer Patsy Kline, Jennifer Nettles, Teri Clark,
Sarah Evans, Miranda Lanbert and Carrie Underwood. Turn it up and play it loud!
So how do you hear your partner in the back end of the boat yell for you to get the net ?
early in the morning i like it quiet, and i love to watch and hear the world wake up. Later on in the day i turn on the radio and enjoy every minute. In the spring i usually have the camo and shotgun in the boat as it is turkey season, so i am listening for a each his own that is what makes this country great.
On 1/21/2012 at 9:11 AM, flippin and pitchin said:So how do you hear your partner in the back end of the boat yell for you to get the net ?
I'm in the back, he has to get the net!
Now to mention it haggard and Jones do get a better bite lol
I never listen to music or the radio when fishing. I'm sure it keeps me more alert since I don't.
Bass in mid Michigan prefer Rush or Metallica....
On 1/21/2012 at 10:17 PM, bman310 said:I never listen to music or the radio when fishing. I'm sure it keeps me more alert since I don't.
How alert do you think you need to be?
I think relaxed is a better concept. I'm just fishing for fun.
Hey Brent, first off, In-Fishermen did a study which showed that medium to high frequency sounds "above the water" (such as talking, a radio, or even screaming) had little to no effect on the fish.
Low frequency sounds had some effect. But the sounds that traveled underwater, and spooked fish the most, were bumps and bangs in the bottom of a boat. Which is why 1) I try really hard not to bump or bang my boat, and curse myself when I do, and 2) yet another reason why I always fish by myself.
Now personally, I LOVE music. I often like it loud, and I like a LOT of deep bass.... precisely the stuff that might scare fish. So, I crank the $#&% out of my 1500 watt stereo system all the way to the lake, and again, all the way home. But ANY music, at any volume.... even on a little rinky-dink radio, would absolutely drive me crazy when I'm fishing ! That's when I want peace and solitude.
Then again, sometimes I will see / hear one of those big, awesome stereo systems on a ski boat, and to be quite honest, it's usually the drunk idiots screaming and hollering + the boat wakes, that bother me more than the stereo..... especially if it's a really nice stereo
Whenever I hear Toby or Haggard across the lake, or any other music, I always get these visions of a couple of good ole boys casting beer bottles out with their Alabama Rigs. Seriously, use headsets or leave it at home.
On 1/24/2012 at 9:44 AM, roadwarrior said:Really?
How alert do you think you need to be?
I think relaxed is a better concept. I'm just fishing for fun.
i agree with this. i fish for fun and enjoyment, and a little music adds to that sometimes. it doesnt have to be music blaring and blasting, just loud enough to hear it and be able to talk over it if youre with a fishing partner.
to me saying music distracts your fishing is like saying you cant walk and chew gum at the same time. its one thing if you just prefer to hear nature and your surroundings, thats cool too. but i dont see how music can be so distracting that you cant feel a bite or set a hook or even, god forbid...think?
On 1/24/2012 at 9:44 AM, roadwarrior said:Really?
How alert do you think you need to be?
I think relaxed is a better concept. I'm just fishing for fun.
I totally agree that fishing is relaxing and fun, but my fishing situation is much different than yours. I guess I should have explained why I mentioned "alert" so you wouldn't have called me out.
My fishing time is very limited so I normally start fishing an hour or so before sunrise and only stay for a few hours. The lake I normally fish at is a Los Angeles city lake and it just happens to have a fairly high crime rate. There is problem with drug dealers, assaults, and robberies. I don't fish the lake in fear, but I just like to be aware of my surroundings.
On 1/24/2012 at 10:58 PM, bman310 said:RW,
I totally agree that fishing is relaxing and fun, but my fishing situation is much different than yours. I guess I should have explained why I mentioned "alert" so you wouldn't have called me out.
My fishing time is very limited so I normally start fishing an hour or so before sunrise and only stay for a few hours. The lake I normally fish at is a Los Angeles city lake and it just happens to have a fairly high crime rate. There is problem with drug dealers, assaults, and robberies. I don't fish the lake in fear, but I just like to be aware of my surroundings.
Music would just let them know where to find ya lol Smart move!
Quoteto me saying music distracts your fishing is like saying you cant walk and chew gum at the same time.
Well, it's quite obvious that you haven't dealt with a lifetime of AADD (Adult Attention Deficit Disorder), because if you had, you would know that it is exactly like what you described.
That said, I think I've had enough fishing successes to prove that AADD is not a deal-breaker.... at least with catching big fish.
BTW, I think your post "could be taken" as a slam, to anybody with AADD. But I understand that people almost always look at things from their own personal perspective (human nature). To a "normal" person, AADD must seem totally weird, stupid, goofy, etc.
I'm not offended though. I've spent a life time dealing with people who "just have no idea what it's like".
I also dont mind the music if its not to loud. one thing i cant stand is if someone is talking about there problems , Like im a shrink. DUDE...I'm OUT HERE TO RELAX!!!.....You want to talk fishing thats one thing , but i dont need to know your problems. I have my own.
On 1/25/2012 at 2:07 AM, Fish Chris said:Redearth
Well, it's quite obvious that you haven't dealt with a lifetime of AADD (Adult Attention Deficit Disorder), because if you had, you would know that it is exactly like what you described.
That said, I think I've had enough fishing successes to prove that AADD is not a deal-breaker.... at least with catching big fish.
BTW, I think your post "could be taken" as a slam, to anybody with AADD. But I understand that people almost always look at things from their own personal perspective (human nature). To a "normal" person, AADD must seem totally weird, stupid, goofy, etc.
I'm not offended though. I've spent a life time dealing with people who "just have no idea what it's like".
Yes his reply was a little over the top! I
On 1/24/2012 at 9:56 PM, Red Earth said:i agree with this. i fish for fun and enjoyment, and a little music adds to that sometimes. it doesnt have to be music blaring and blasting, just loud enough to hear it and be able to talk over it if youre with a fishing partner.
to me saying music distracts your fishing is like saying you cant walk and chew gum at the same time. its one thing if you just prefer to hear nature and your surroundings, thats cool too. but i dont see how music can be so distracting that you cant feel a bite or set a hook or even, god forbid...think?
Red, Your comments are a bit over the top, don't u....think?
I prefer the sound of nature to the radio/music
It is a nice escape and the lack of noise adds to the experience
On 1/25/2012 at 2:07 AM, Fish Chris said:Redearth
Well, it's quite obvious that you haven't dealt with a lifetime of AADD (Adult Attention Deficit Disorder), because if you had, you would know that it is exactly like what you described.
That said, I think I've had enough fishing successes to prove that AADD is not a deal-breaker.... at least with catching big fish.
BTW, I think your post "could be taken" as a slam, to anybody with AADD. But I understand that people almost always look at things from their own personal perspective (human nature). To a "normal" person, AADD must seem totally weird, stupid, goofy, etc.
I'm not offended though. I've spent a life time dealing with people who "just have no idea what it's like".
well, i certainly didnt mean it as a slap or a shot at anyone or to offend anyone. i never took things like disorders people may have into consideration when making my post.
i have been viewing this thread with the thought everyone was basing their responses on personal preference for the most part, i never took outliers into consideration like someone having a disorder; or someone fishing in a public city park where music could bother others or possibly endanger you.
so yeah, i was ignorant to other peoples situations, but i didnt intend to throw shots or possibly offend anyone. i guess you could say i was generalizing the question without factoring in anyones personal situation.
then again, how am i supposed to consider ones situation without even knowing it exists? i would have to know details about everyone and add a caveat for them and thats not going to happen...or i am just putting my foot in my mouth again by saying that?
On 1/25/2012 at 3:47 AM, bman310 said:Yes his reply was a little over the top! I
Red, Your comments are a bit over the top, don't u....think?
while i didnt intend to offend anyone, i dont think my comments were over the top. see explanation above. i said what i said and i'll stand by it on the basis that people understand i wasnt taking every individuals personal situations into account, situations i didnt even know of or consider to begin with.
my basic point is, i bass fish by feel and by sight, my hearing has nothing to do with it and therefore music does not affect my fishing in any way, just as chewing gum doesnt affect my walking in any way. im not going to miss fish because a little twisted sister or quiet riot is on in the background...
not durring tourneys but quite often when "fun" fishing. they seem to prefer Chris Leduex and the oak ridge boys up here in west michigan
No I don't, and I don't want to listen to yours, so try to keep it down.
Redearth, like I said, I really wasn't offended at all. It just struck me funny to read.... "can't walk and chew gum at the same time" Doh ! That's me ! LOL
On 1/19/2012 at 8:15 AM, jmed999 said:To me, music relieves stress. Fishing does the same thing. I personally like to listen to Pandora via my phone...I just have it laying on the jon boat seat beside me. It's not loud at all just background music. To me it's even more relaxing.
Different stokes for different folks!
I haven't yet taken my Sansa with me fishing, but it sure wouldn't bother me. I love music. I have it playing in the background all day at work. Sometimes I think I don't even hear it when I'm concentrating on a complicated program. Same thing when driving. It's always on.
Back when I had a good stereo, I'd put a CD on after everyone else went to bed, and lay between the speakers vegetating!
Read Earth, I saw nothing 'over the top' in your post. The original post was "Some people argue about listening to music why (while?) fishing, what's your opinion on it. Will that effect you catching any fish?"
I think everyone's answer should be how they 'personally' feel about playing music. I would agree that if you are playing music loud enough to bother other people, then it becomes more than 'personal'. I think their is too much politically correct bull crap today. You can't wipe your butt without wondering if it is going to offend somebody, somewhere.
If I'm fishing with another person, then my first thought is for their comfort. I don't want to do anything that would bother them. I won't even talk if it bothers them. I try to position the boat so they have good targets to cast to (if available), etc.
Fish Chris, I am glad Red Earth's post didn't bother you. I hope mine isn't offensive to you either because it wasn't meant that way. Just like I'm sure Red Earth's post wasn't a slam at any particular group. Hell, I never gave such a thing thought until reading your post. My contention is that maybe you were being a little oversensitive if you thought Red Earth was alluding to anything other than his 'personal' opinion on music for HIM.
Okay, I'm leaving to get my flame retardant coat!
I love music. I have an ipod connection in just about everything i own. Most of my fishing partners enjoy music too.
As others said bright and early I love listening to nature wake up, but after an hour or so its time for the music. No way I can fish 8 hours straight with no music. I would go insane.
I don't think it has any affect on the fish at the volume I listen to while fishing.
On 1/25/2012 at 9:36 AM, VolFan said:No I don't, and I don't want to listen to yours, so try to keep it down.
QuoteI hope mine isn't offensive to you either because it wasn't meant that way. Just like I'm sure Red Earth's post wasn't a slam at any particular group. Hell, I never gave such a thing thought until reading your post
Of course I wasnt offended by your post. I just know a LOT of people would never give such a thing a thought, if it were not ever brought to their attention, so kind of on behalf of ADD people LOL But believe me, ADD is only one of my many issues
OCD is a good one though. It can really help you to catch a bunch of big fish, or lose 105 lbs of fat, and put on 35 lbs of lean muscle... or whatever you get stuck on !
Lol I'm ADD and ADHD.
no music or kids mostly i go fishing to relax and enjoy nature once inawhile ill yell bad words but thats the only noise i make lol
On 1/26/2012 at 1:40 PM, Fish Chris said:OCD is a good one though. It can really help you to catch a bunch of big fish, or lose 105 lbs of fat, and put on 35 lbs of lean muscle... or whatever you get stuck on !
Now I could go for any........or all of those options! Some would say I definite could/should.....lose 50 pounds. Doubt they'd care whether or not I put on muscle, or caught an exorbant nmber of fish, tho.
Hey new2BC, just a little note of experience.....
I was obese for most of the last 20 years, with the exception of the last couple. After losing 80 lbs of fat, but not having any kind of muscle mass underneath it, I looked sickly !
But after working out as hard as this old man can, basically 7 days a week, between cardio and weight training, av. 1hr 30min a day, for going on 2 years now, I look, and feel, like a different person ! I mean, I'm still just as ugly as ever but now I have some real meat to cover my bones
I think I'm looking night and day healthier because of my new muscle mass. Granted, most guys would probably be okay right where I'm at now.... while I feel like I'm about 10% of the way there
...but there goes my OCD again
PS, and a side note to the above, if you work out like this, you get (have?) to eat a lot too !