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GA fishermen catches two teen bass in a week and breaks two records 2024

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

Move over Mike Long we may have a new king of trophy bass fishing. Georgia Outdoor News reported this month that a Georgia fishermen and lure maker had broken two lake records and caught two teen fish in a week. The article got me excited when I first heard of it. It had to be true since the fish was weighed on a certified scale and GON was making a full page article about it. Saw the article and something wasn't just right. The photos just didn't look that big. I wasn't going to call the guy a liar but then someone found his MySpace page and sent it to me. Look at the Video here of him releasing the 14lb fish. Here is a photo of the 16lb fish. His MySpace page is an advertisement for his homemade bait. Wonder if his two lake records will stand and he will be left on the GA biggest bass of all time list. ::) Make me wonder how many fish are listed on lists of this type that are not even close but because there was a witness and a certified scale they were put down.


fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

Here is his Myspace page.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

I hate stuff like this. It cheapens catches like your 15 by making them seem easier. Doesnt look 14 to me, but the link for myspace didnt work.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 


His "16.2" is a little over 27" long. My 13-1 which was a freaking football was 27" and his "16.2" is a thin fish, i caught a 27" fish that was skinny and weighed less than 10. There is no way that fish weighs 16. I would imagine he dropped a couple rocks in there.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Looks like a bunch of   to me.

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

His fish is not that long. Look at the mouth of the fish and its open and not at the end of the tape. 24-25 at the most.


fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

look in his myspace photos, they've got it taped

also the "14" is listed at 24X18. what a crock!

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

oops now i see what you are saying.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I don't know how long the fish are but they are definitely way short on girth. I hope the truth comes out.  I honestly don't see how these claims can survive scrutiny.

fishing user avatarMasshole Mike reply : 

I can smell that BS all the way up here in MA.... :-?

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

His fish catching almost maked up for his need for Hooked on Phonics, I can no read a his myspace page.

And he is either full of it and knew what he was doing, or was too stupid to realize the truth. This just ticks me off. Where are the photoshop guys?

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

There is 4 inches missing from the middle of that tape measure

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

yeah, looks like some exaggeration going on

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

Whatever.  The guy is a tool.  I have a policy of never ?ing when someone says they weighed their fish, but i've never seen anyone  double what the fish actually weighed.  I'm recinding that policy.

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

He has decided to take most of the photos off of his myspace page now that he has been exposed. Guess I ticked him off.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Oh Randall, you big meanie!!!

mattm, LMAO!

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

And you started off your thread so serious, I am feeling some kinda way now

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

ROFLMAO!!!! "Raymond is tired of stupid people"

This is too funny. In his profile pic, if that fish is 16 pounds, then his nipples are HUGE! :D

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 

Did he kill the fish?

fishing user avatarFR0G reply : 

If thats a 14lb, then my I must have caught alot of 20 pounders! haha.

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

He has set his page now to private and sent me a few messages. He seems a little ticked off. Here is the photo that was published so you all can see it since you can't access his page anymore.


fishing user avatarFR0G reply : 
look in his myspace photos, they've got it taped

also the "14" is listed at 24X18. what a crock!

25x18 only comes out to be a 9.3 lber with the formula.

fishing user avatarBranuss04 reply : 

I'm probably one of the reasons his profile is set to private.  He tried adding me on myspace and I tore him a new one after looking at his pics.  The pic of him with the fish on the table and his two fists in it's mouth killed me.

It's "Snapper G" visits Myspace.*****

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Yeah and the BR calculator is pretty high by every known fish i have ever put in.

My 27 X 22 fish that went 13lbs-1oz comes out at 15.72lbs  :o

I need to stop using a scale!LOL

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

ya, it looks suspect to me too.  A few pictures NEVER pass muster when it comes to "records".  This is why you REALLY need to dot your I's and cross your T's when it comes to breaking records.  If there's any way to cast doubts, it will be made.  Video of the catch and weighing it are a must.

Here's more suggestions:

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

This is his reply to me.

well since you know everything there is about bass fishing, i guess George Perry did not catch the world record bass in a beaver pond either did he, and i never said it was caught in the back of a creek channel i said off of sandy beach and the other at yellow jacket shoals, i will not give the dead direct spot out, that is my secert and i will go back and catch bigger fish, and i will call you to come verify it, if that makes you happier bassmaster sir. sorry you feel the way that you do, but pictures shows different things, i have already received a call form John Fox he has seen all measurement and photos and he says its larger than i reported, he contacted me about the fish. he is making the replicas for me so he has seen every single picture way more than you have been able to steal, and there were caught on a plug i designed and produced. i am not mad at you i know what i have done. i have many witnesses and photos and gon did call all of my witnesses and the people that weighed it and verified my story before it was printed. thank you and if you have anything else to say why don't you contact me yourself on myspace, i know you know how to find it. watch it slander is against the law, since you know so much about the law too. and by the way its not illegal to put the fish in a private pond as long as it is caught legally. I have told the DNR, and GON, the local newspaper and john fox, that i released the fish into a private pond, and it is legal. what is your beef with me and my fish, jealously or what?

Who is John Fox? I found a guide named John Fox that claims to have caught numerous fish in the upper teens. Like 18 and 19 lbs. Anybody know him?

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Apparently the guy doesn't know the definition of "slander".  ::)

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Tell him to sign up on BR and post his side of the story.. :) ;D

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 
Tell him to sign up on BR and post his side of the story.. :) ;D
I did just to be fair.
fishing user avatarSDoolittle reply : 

Regardless of the size, I have a hard time believing that fish lived to be released in a pond. That picture looks like it was taken in a bathroom. Was he keeping it alive in the tub? I tried that once when I was a kid and the fish went belly up pretty quick.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Ignore this mook, he already has been given too much play. I guess that fish did not like hagin out in the toliet bowl!

I am sure Captin John Fox , from Florida , dispatched a verification team the minute this guy called him,

Hey RW, Where's Irene

fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 

What? A dishonest fisherman?

Who would have thought.....


fishing user avatarfrogtog reply : 
This is his reply to me.

well since you know everything there is about bass fishing, i guess George Perry did not catch the world record bass in a beaver pond either did he, and i never said it was caught in the back of a creek channel i said off of sandy beach and the other at yellow jacket shoals, i will not give the dead direct spot out, that is my secert and i will go back and catch bigger fish, and i will call you to come verify it, if that makes you happier bassmaster sir. sorry you feel the way that you do, but pictures shows different things, i have already received a call form John Fox he has seen all measurement and photos and he says its larger than i reported, he contacted me about the fish. he is making the replicas for me so he has seen every single picture way more than you have been able to steal, and there were caught on a plug i designed and produced. i am not mad at you i know what i have done. i have many witnesses and photos and gon did call all of my witnesses and the people that weighed it and verified my story before it was printed. thank you and if you have anything else to say why don't you contact me yourself on myspace, i know you know how to find it. watch it slander is against the law, since you know so much about the law too. and by the way its not illegal to put the fish in a private pond as long as it is caught legally. I have told the DNR, and GON, the local newspaper and john fox, that i released the fish into a private pond, and it is legal. what is your beef with me and my fish, jealously or what?

Who is John Fox? I found a guide named John Fox that claims to have caught numerous fish in the upper teens. Like 18 and 19 lbs. Anybody know him?

I have met John Fox on many occasions fishing the Stick Marsh and Private Pitts and I have seen some of the Big Bass he and his clients have caught and released. I don't know his life history but I have always found him to be truthful in what he has told me. I'm not saying that his mouth is a prayer book but I have seen while fishing on the Marsh some of the big fish he has pulled in. I have also seen some George Welcome has pulled in also. How about some input George.

fishing user avatarBranuss04 reply : 

Now you guys have "Gon did" it.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 


fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

That's just wrong. ;D

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Dude that bass aint even 8 lbs  ;)

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Sometimes ludicrous tales travel through this media and this certainly seems to be one of those tales.

"Who is John Fox? I found a guide named John Fox that claims to have caught numerous fish in the upper teens. Like 18 and 19 lbs. Anybody know him?"

Mr. Fox presently has at least 6 world record bass pending. These and other dubious claims have been pending for the last 15-20 years. This fishing world of ours is actually quite small and there are very few within the industry that don't know about Mr. Fox's stretchable veracity when it comes to claims about bass.

The film for the Incredible Walking Worm was shot at the Stick Marsh. You might ask what was the name of the lead fisherman: Mr. John Fox. Other than that he's a great guy.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
Tell him to sign up on BR and post his side of the story.. :) ;D
I did just to be fair.

Randall, I know sometimes it's best to let things go, but in this case I think if I were in your shoes I would send him your many pictures of the hogs you've caught.  Jealous indeed!!!  Your hogs make this fish look like a "tournament fish" in comparison.  

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

I think Flech should send him a picture of the 8lber he caught recently.  I would put money that that fish is bigger than either of this shaved chest poser's fish.

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

I'm always one of the first ones to say that you can't tell weight by a pic, but a 15lber is not going to look like it might only be 6lbs.  Here are a few pics radomly selected just in case anyone is thinking they might be bad pics.


fishing user avatarmattm reply : 



fishing user avatarmattm reply : 



fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

This pic was not randomly selected.  This is the absolute "smallest looking pic of a trophy bass I could find.  This fish went 14lbs 4oz, but doesn't look that big.  It does however look like it could eat this guys utah class trophies.


fishing user avatar-HAWK- reply : 

This guy is a joke.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

mattm, those pictures say it all.  That's a big exclamation point on the argument.

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 

This fish is 27" and only went 8.41 lbs (weighed during ABA tournament on certified scales). It looks about the same size as  the 16 pounder he caught.


fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

Looks bigger to me.  The scales were obviously wrong and you caught a 17lber.  Congratulations.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Either that or Fishin Daddy you have small hands ;D

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

You can tell a lot about a basses weight from a photo, if the picture hasn't been digitally altered. This is one reason why a length to girth formula is important; you can determine the weight within 5% to 10% depending on how the measurements were taken.

This bass is obviously shorter than claimed, measured with the mouth open etc. Using the L x L X G/1200=pounds;

Unknown girth; look at the widest area of the bass dorsal fin to belly;

about 1/4 th the length= girth is 75% of the length, about 1/3rd = 80%, a little less than 1/2 = 100%.

example 27" length with 75% girth, bass weighs 12.3 lbs.

27" bass with 80% girth, bass weighs 13.2 lbs

27" bass with 100% girth, bass weighs 16.4 lbs

The bass in the photo's is skinny or 75% girth at best, therefor 12 lbs at the most. 24" bass with 75% girth weighs about 8.6 lbs.


fishing user avatarMasshole Mike reply : 

What's a "diphit?" :-? ;D

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
What's a "diphit?" :-? ;D

You, minus the sound a snake makes.    ;D

fishing user avatarCaptain Rhino reply : 
This pic was not randomly selected. This is the absolute "smallest looking pic of a trophy bass I could find. This fish went 14lbs 4oz, but doesn't look that big. It does however look like it could eat this guys utah class trophies.

It looks to me like that kid could put his head inside the fish's mouth. Those pictures that the GA "record breaker" put up, have the same shape, but the size comparisons aren't even close.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
I think Flech should send him a picture of the 8lber he caught recently. I would put money that that fish is bigger than either of this shaved chest poser's fish.

Truthfully, it was only 7 but it was still bigger than at least one of the fish I saw pictured.

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

Thats what you end up with when you sub a $ sign for an s to try and get one by BR.  You can't get anything by BR.

The same day I wrote that I also Tried to to put WT + the letter after E.  BR automatically translated that in I don't understand in my post.  I laughed out loud when I saw that.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Now he has a girl holding the fish that is 5'10 to try to show how big the fish is. And once again you can't understand his message and spelled her, here.

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

It looks bigger, but still way short of 10.  Maybe he has some grandkids that could hold the fish.

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

This guy's a total joke and I have no sympathy for him, even in the face of all these negative comments. When you make claims like this, you open yourself up to criticism.

There's no way this guy actually believes the fish are that big - he's trying to deceive people.

On the other hand, the Canadian who some thought broke the smallmouth record, I believe, legitimately thought that he caught a record smallmouth, but was just very, very mistaken.

This joke of a man should crawl into a hole and stay there, as should any media who covered this BS.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I think we should interview him :-? 8-)

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 
I think we should interview him :-? 8-)
You really should you probably would get some great stuff like these replys to me below. He still claims he was telling the truth. I suggested maybe he was just mistaken and might have made an honest mistake but he will not admit the fish aren't the weight he told GON. I told him about the discussion over here so he could post his side.

well when u do something good pepole will try to put u down but both fish are certified they were weighed on certified scales in front of many witenesses they are both in gon mag and i have witnesses to all of it iam 13th and 44th in the state of ga it is not a clame it is fact editors would not but them in the mag if it was not true so u go get one that big and u will see what u have to go trow to certifie them that nothing i was told by many that the 16.2 was bigger by the leath and girth it cameout bigger but i go by scaels .......... sorry u feel that way i have noting to prove but the next one i will have pics on scales what els to prove iam a bass master and will get one bigger next time lol

well were is mr randall have not herd anything or any body els lets do it a freindly bass tournement iam not afraid of any bass fisher men. lets put ower real skill to work lets wade the flint now no boat no fish finder just true skill me and randall any time are you afraid mr randall. iam not mad all of this just rolls of my back .that would be a real challange me and you anytime right now sounds good. and pepole have put the wroung fish pics on here and were they were relessed i have nothing els to prove. but i would like to challange mr randall to this south 19 going toward butler ga there is a brige there i challange you 8 hours this saterday there.. 7am to 3pm i will be there just let me no i bet u will not this will show true skill ............... no motors no boats no live wells no fish finders true real fishing a freindly day of bass fishing this is the true test. i challanged you i will be there you do not show well that will tell me all i need to know old shcool this will be fun. all have a great day and get the big ones

iam not trying to sell my plug that is aready took care of before this i did not no the 14.6 would be the record in westpoint // but i knew the 16.2 would be in toby peopel has the wroung pics up and tryed to make me look bad ihave caught many fish the ones you see in gon is the fish and they are not the same.i did make a mistake i did not wake the dnr up it was late both times .and i did not get the girth leanth right on the 14.6 but i no what the scales say next time i will get dnr /// but there are pleanty of witness to both bass so do not dog gon out mr baily contacted everyone a man i did not no weighed the 16.2 at toby i have a writen statements from him and statements about the westpoint bass to this is all i have to say do not jump the gun iam haveing reps done i will post them when i get them back and the best there is in the world is doing my reps ..thanks to all even the hateful people god bless

the first pic is not one of this fish no what you are talking about before you talk and i do not care if i sell 1 plug and the other fish is mounted fish some pepole need to go to pearl and get hearing aids i never said the fish were releised in westpoint or tobesakee i said they were relesed you can not tell a live fish from a monted fish the other fish is from years of fishing thanks: u sorry u feel this way but u whant to but you money were your mouth is i will go against u 1on one any time bass heads up

well since you know everything there is about bass fishing, i guess George Perry did not catch the world record bass in a beaver pond either did he, and i never said it was caught in the back of a creek channel i said off of sandy beach and the other at yellow jacket shoals, i will not give the dead direct spot out, that is my secert and i will go back and catch bigger fish, and i will call you to come verify it, if that makes you happier bassmaster sir. sorry you feel the way that you do, but pictures shows different things, i have already received a call form John Fox he has seen all measurement and photos and he says its larger than i reported, he contacted me about the fish. he is making the replicas for me so he has seen every single picture way more than you have been able to steal, and there were caught on a plug i designed and produced. i am not mad at you i know what i have done. i have many witnesses and photos and gon did call all of my witnesses and the people that weighed it and verified my story before it was printed. thank you and if you have anything else to say why don't you contact me yourself on myspace, i know you know how to find it. watch it slander is against the law, since you know so much about the law too. and by the way its not illegal to put the fish in a private pond as long as it is caught legally. I have told the DNR, and GON, the local newspaper and john fox, that i released the fish into a private pond, and it is legal. what is your beef with me and my fish, jealously or what?

fishing user avatarChris at Tech reply : brain hurts from trying to decipher that message...

fishing user avatarbassnleo reply : 

Yeah, that was definately a read, my eyes are crossed.....

Just a question, where are the fish now????

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

Wow......don't let Long Mike see that.  He might have a seizure and die on the spot.

fishing user avatarflyphisher # reply : 

god this is funny....and small fish. pretty obvious he is full of sh&t.

another reason i am glad to be out of the south...but you have these types every where...

yall should go after GON for publishing false least embarrass them for not checking it out better.

after all the stuff they publish especialy on places that cant handle more pressure(not lakes)... and puttin off catchin pellet pigs like they are wild...

my dad still subscribes for hunting reading and sends them to me as a joke out here...after guiding/trapping for Steve Burch and co... I really have no use for any of them for most part...

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

Wow, I'm sorry but I am worried by the educational system of the state of Georgia...

This type of thing sucks. You have people who really don't know what they are doing measuring fish with a bad scale. He may be a good fishermen but he obviously isn't realistic when it comes to guessing weight and he doesn't realize the scale is obviously bad. Even worse is that he has many people who will back him up but who are similarly unknowing on guessing weights of fish.

All you can do is pretty much get angry or just realize that some guy got credit for doing something he didn't do and just know that your fishing experiences have given you the ability to know that the fish was smaller than claimed and just walk away knowing that GON is FOS

Either that or he knows what he is doing and he deserves to by sliced into tiny pieces by braided line.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Well folks, 8 pages about how people don't believe his story.  Not much new is being posted at this point, so unless you have an epiphany, or something completely new and brilliant to add, let's let this thread die.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

This thread has run its course.

Good night Irene.

-Kent a.k.a. roadwarrior

Global Moderator


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