I can think of 3 in the hands fly fishing, one in the web between my fingers. I had a crankbait in my palm once and another bass lure in my thumb.
Luckily, only ever caught a hook deep when I was fly fishing. Those little hooks are easy to pop out.
Watched a buddy bury a 4/0 gammy EWG into the joint of his thumb. To this day, I can remember the sickening sound of it popping back out and how he immediately turned whiter than any person I have ever seen. LOL
A few in the hands, but the worse was a 3/8oz chatterbait to the left side of my chin. Was completely buried so we couldn't get it out, a scalpel and 6 stitches later I was fixed again.
If your talking about in your skin like past the barb, then 0 but I haven't been fishing too long and I know its coming. Seems kind of unavoidable.
Scariest time I've had yet is when a friend of mine cocked back to cast a big plastic worm.....I was on the other end of the boat facing the opposite direction when i felt something cold and damp in the bend of my arm (opposite side of your elbow).....about the time i looked down at it he launched it and about a 2/0 hook dug into the soft and tender skin in that area....didn't go very deep but i thought i was gonna have to hit the hospital up.....i pulled it out and kept casting!! HAHAHA
Only once in the back of the elbow. Luckily it didn't go very deep.
Once, in the meaty part of my hand where the palm and thumb meet.
Oh yeah, I forgot that I caught a buddy's popper in the back of my leg....BOTH trebles!! hahahaha
Reading this thread makes me squirm a little. But that also makes me think about how unpleasant it might be for the fish.
Georgeeyew, big difference is the fish have no pain receptors.
Actual for mine it really did not hurt until after the numbing agent they used before cutting the hook out wore off. But they gave me some happy pills which quickly took care of that.
Too many to count. The worst was last summer, when I skin hooked a fish on a High Power Herring. Fish spit the hook, and the bait came flying back at me. I though it missed me, but when I looked down, you guessed it - two points of the Owner ST-41 were buried in the side of my calf. I was alone, and nearly passed out getting it out, but dressed the would, and kept fishing.
I've done it several times the worse was when I stepped on a lure with treble hooks and 2 barbs went straight into my foot I was alone in a conoe. I had to use the line trick and rip them straight out.
Crashed on my bike and got a treble buried from a zara spook in the side of my thigh this time I poked the barb thruough and cut it off. The worst part was the hook went through my shorts and boxers then into my leg.
Fishing partner got his rattle trap snagged on some grass went to yank it out came flying back and caught me in the arm we where in the same canoe couldnt avoid it ended up poking the barb through and cutting it off.
3 times past the barb. Treble in the thumb joint, emergency room, discomfort wasn't too bad but the 5 hour wait was. Small sabiki hook on the under my thumbnail, wiggled it loose. Treble thru my calf from a poppa dog, never felt it enter and couldn't image where it landed until I looked down at my leg. Pushed it thru with no problem but I couldn't press it down or cut the barb, luckily a guy came by and he was able to press the barb, it backed right out, I wasn't hurt.
I used to brag that in 25 years of fishing I had never been stuck past the barb.........I almost didn't get those words out of my mouth the last time I said it before it happened. Since then, 3 times. Once in the meaty part of my palm with a treble hook, ouch. Once in the forearm with a drop shot hook, ouch. And one I do not wish on my worst enemy, a treble hook...............under my thumb nail, double ouch.
I counted the fish I caught, and I counted the fish that clients caught, but I never counted the times I was hooked. I did have a staunch rule: If a client hooked me they walked from wherever we were at the moment. Never did get hooked by a client, but my 7 year old grand daughter hooked me and claimed she had the biggest catch of the day.
Not once... my streak continues! However, I have hooked other people. I was 13 years old and I was at our cabin up in northern mn with my family. See my family is really into snorkeling and my uncle decided to go out for a quick afternoon snorkel session (which obviously I had no idea was happening). Ten minutes after he got into the water and was diving for rocks I strolled down to the lake and started casting a deep diving crank. All of a sudden I feel the biggest strike (or so I thought) of my life. I mean this fish was huge, had to be at least 200 lbs. I fought it for what seemed like forever. Much to my dismay I see a snorkel tube slowly coming out of the water. I see my uncle holding his ear and sure enough, my lure attached to that ear. I had absolutely no idea he was even in the water because he must have dove down about the time I got to the lake and started casting. Any ways, the barb went clean though his ear and now I am laughed at every time I pick up a fishing pole.
Numerous times! I remember one good one, the hooks were in the Fish, Carpet and me!!! Plus I was alone lmao! I learned my lesson, when I throw trebled baits I use a lip grip and pliers most of the time to unhook. Unless there big I don't even touch them. I think everyone should have a pair of cutters that will cut thru hooks and split rings in case of emergencies when alone.
I had a friend tossing a small crankbait and he caught me right behind the ear kinda where your hairline is. I thought it was going to be a hospital trip but luckily it wasn't. I was scared for a sec though.
About 10 or so, 3 really memorable ones, 7/0 on 4 oz salt water jig in the dominant hand pinky that I had to push through, cut and back out was fun. Tiny Torpedo in the cheek before piercings were hip, and 2 original rap trebles in the back of the hand, right between the fingers took a while to get out (wish I was ambidextrous). Went back to fishing after of course.
I took my mom out last year to "bass" fish for the first time during the spawn and we were slaying 2-5lbers all day. She started getting excited and wasnt paying attention on the boat, cranked the rod back to cast, and buried a hook right into the back of my head in the follow through. I was freaking ticked. I got a tad nasty but it was just in the moment and she was so scared and didnt know what to say. I apologized for my words later lol. Luckily the hook hit my head sideways in the skull so it was just barely in the skin. No blood.
Oh and once I stepped on a crank bait and got a hook in my heel. Told my buddy to put everything back where it goes and dont leave ANYTHING out. It came out with minimal pain since the heel it pretty resilient. Last time was a friend went to cast and smashed my leg with the bait. Thankfully I was wearing jeans.
Out of the three times they were at the fault of somebody else.
Once, i was reeling in a spinnerbait up quickly to make another cast, had a bass hit and gave it a yank. Didn't get a good hook set and the lure came flying at me. Put my arm in front of my face and the trailer hook stuck into my elbow. Luckily the barb wasn't it!
Never had a barb in me though, knock on wood...
once, dropped the bass on to my legs in the conoe with the lure still in its mouth... It was flailing while the lure was in my leg lol...
I was disippointed I had to stop fishing...
I've only had to go once to the ER to get a hook removed, but I have stuck myself more times than I can think of.
Ive been lucky other than poking a finger when removing a hook ive never had any crazy hook up with body parts. However, on two separate occasions, i have missed on setting the hook while flipping at least an ounce weight. One occasion i chipped the paint on my boat just below my feet and the other time, i took a tungsten weight to the face/sunglasses.
Same lure, tiny torepedo, two different occasions, both past the barb. First time, tying the lure on, tightening the knot with the tag end in my teeth, main line snaps and I pull the bait right into my upper lip! Not all the way thru into my mouth but just in between all the way to the bend. Ended up just yanking it out. No blood, no swelling, went fishing!
Second time, dusk, cast ended up with the lure stuck on a weed. Couple flagarant, temper tantrum pulls later, weed lets go and the sound of that bait is true to its name, prop spinning, whirring, not sure how its going to hit me so I try to cover my face and bam, feel it hi me in the fore arm but not hit the deck. Sure enough, impailed to the bend of the trebby! Thought I had the point and barb pushed thru, cut it and loose the cut piece of the hook lost in my arm! Finally got it out about 45 mins later. Needless to say I'm a bit phobic about torpedoes now!!
Hooks have gotten me the most in fly fishing. You reach down to pick up a fish and that little #20 lets loose and right into the hand.
never really deep or past the barb. aside from occasionally getting jabbed by a hookpoint, which im sure all of has done, i did get a crank bait stuck in my leg once. i was casting to the bank and went too far and got caught in a tree limb. a few easy yanks didnt do anything, my uncle was like ill drive over there and we can get it, i was being hardheaded though and was like "no, just watch out" gave a hard yank and the crankbait comes flying back at me like 300mph and then just stops, i dont hear it hit anything, next thing i know i feel a stinging in my leg. look down and a strike king 6XD is stuck in my shirt, jeans and leg with the front treble, and the rear treble is stuck through my shirt and in the back pocket of my jeans. first thing i did was cut the line to rid myself of the rod and reel being attached. then i went to work with the needle nose pliers. had to get the front one out first since that was in my leg. got it out because it wasnt that deep, but it was a little tricky because i was pulling against the rear treble hooked in my back pocket. got it out of my skin and just ripped it out of my shirt and jeans wit the pliers, then went to rip the back hook out and it didnt want to come, eventually i broke off the treble and got it out, reached in my back pocket and pulled the hook point out. it was getting dark out and i didnt feel like putting a new hook on. what sucked was it was the only bait i had in that color and my only 6XD at the time, and thats what was working for me as i boated a few bass earlier on it. next closest thing i had was a chrome and black Red Eye Shad. i tied that on. well, i was using a two piece rod and a few casts later, for the first time ever, a 2 piece rod flew apart on me while casting, not wanting my rod to get caught in the submerged trees i started reeling it in fast. while im doing so my uncle says dont catch no fish like that, sure enough i get it in and theres a 12 inch striper hooked on my r.e.s. So i get the fish in the boat and he has all three points of one of the trebles hooked in his mouth and they did not want to come out, ended up breaking his jaw, i felt bad about it as it was a floater when i finally got the hook out and put the fish back. called it a night after that, my uncle finally put me on some decent fishing from his boat and i was a comedy of errors all evening...
I got myself pretty good last fall trying to remove a red eye shad from a dink that decided to start flopping around on me right as I grabbed the treble.
On 3/28/2013 at 10:35 PM, ww2farmer said:I used to brag that in 25 years of fishing I had never been stuck past the barb.........I almost didn't get those words out of my mouth the last time I said it before it happened. Since then, 3 times. Once in the meaty part of my palm with a treble hook, ouch. Once in the forearm with a drop shot hook, ouch. And one I do not wish on my worst enemy, a treble hook...............under my thumb nail, double ouch.
Holy crap ... you sent shivers down my spine with that last one ... OUCH!
I was trying to tie a knot that didn't quite seem to cinch tight when somehow the lure pulled lose from my hand and jammed 2/3 of one of the treble hooks into my hand. One in the index finger and another in my thumb. My fingers were literally glued together by this treble hook. I managed to get it out of my index finger but I think it dug the hook further into my thumb as a result; that required a very expensive trip to the ER. Hook was buried deep into tissue and although they had me numbed up pretty good I can still think back and remember the feeling of flesh moving about when the nurse twisted it out!! Thank GOD that was the only time I had ever stuck myself past the barb. I am extremely careful now to make sure that never happens again.
My son got me between the shoulder blades with a spook. Both sets of trebles. It took three yanks with pliers for him to get them out.
I tend to get them in my hands.. my buddy got me with rattle trap in the back of my head one time...
and for my brother when we were younger took a hook through his eye lid
On the water: Never
For some reason when I'm at home and just moving tackle around I sometimes manage to stick myself. Fortunately never deeply.
0 luckily, other than normal hook pokes
I've buried a barb in myself a half-dozen times with small hooks: #6 trebles and the like. It's really not that bad with these little hooks. I lucked out.
To date, only eight times and only one of those required a trip to the Dr. to remove it. All but one time, I was landing and unhooking someone else's fish. In their excitement, they'd pop their rod tip up, or quickly crank in the slack line that I asked for prior to unhooking the fish. The last time this happened I was six hours from home and didn't want to trust the locals to remove it. I cut the split ring and the other two hooks off and taped the hooked finger to my ring finger and continued fishing for another four hours. Then I drove the six hours home only to find out my Dr. was on vacation and his associate had never removed a barbed hook from someone! I had to retrieve a worm hook from my car to show HER what a barb was. I swore then and there that the next time, if I could get to it, I'd cut it out myself.
I finally learned my lesson, though. Now I net my partner's catch and it's their responsibility to unhook it.
On 3/29/2013 at 10:44 AM, papajoe222 said:To date, only eight times and only one of those required a trip to the Dr. to remove it. All but one time, I was landing and unhooking someone else's fish. In their excitement, they'd pop their rod tip up, or quickly crank in the slack line that I asked for prior to unhooking the fish. The last time this happened I was six hours from home and didn't want to trust the locals to remove it. I cut the split ring and the other two hooks off and taped the hooked finger to my ring finger and continued fishing for another four hours. Then I drove the six hours home only to find out my Dr. was on vacation and his associate had never removed a barbed hook from someone!
I had to retrieve a worm hook from my car to show HER what a barb was. I swore then and there that the next time, if I could get to it, I'd cut it out myself.
I finally learned my lesson, though. Now I net my partner's catch and it's their responsibility to unhook it.
Wow!! Now..fishing for four hours and then driving for six with a hook in your hand...now thats what i call tough! Thats sounds like a minor nightmare tho with the doctor.
My younger brother has been known to cut out his own hook
Nine times barb deep or deeper. The two worst were both Muskie fishing. I had a big fish hooked and on her way to the boat, about ten feet from the boat she gave a head shake and a 10" Weagle came screaming at me with all nine points of the 5/0 trebles baring down on me. I turned my head because I thought it was about head level. It wasn't, it got me in the thigh with 5 hook points buried. And I mean BURIED. That one took a hospital trip, after I cut the hooks and tried to push them through. 26 stitches, too.
The next was very similar, was throwing a Sennet CreepTonite and had a fish launch on it pretty close to the boat. I could tell the first time I sent the hook I didn't have her hooked well, so I set the hook again, dislodging the bait and drawing it toward me. This time, however, we were on Lake of The Woods about a two and a half hour run from anywhere that could do anything. Luckily the guy I was fishing with was a dentist, and a freak about first aid kits. He had lidocaine and a scalpel, as well as a staple gun with him so we cut it out there. Four staples in my right calf just below the knee and we were back fishing.
I got smacked in a tournament by my partner one time, buried an owner 4/0 round bend worm hook in my chest after he set the hook on a fish, didn't get the fish and it came back at me. Left that one in for a couple hours because we couldn't bear to go back to the ramp and kill fishing time. Luckily, we didn't because he caught a 4.95 and I caught a 6.55 that put us in 1st after a three day tournament. Had we left we would have been in 7th.
:cry3:When I was about 15yo me and 2 buddies thought it would be a great idea to go fishing in a 12 foot jon. We were all sitting down and me being the youngest I had the best seat (eyes rolling) the middle bench. Did not take long and I realized I had very limited casting opportunities so I got the bright idea to stand up and fish. I wasn't standing more than 5 minutes when I felt something pull on my arm. At the same time my buddy goes oh ship. I look down and I have a treble hook in my bicep close to my elbow. I go to pull it out with my hand and it doesn't come out. By this point I am all amped up and grab a pair of pliers. I start pulling with all my might as the other two guys (if that’s what you want to call them) are about to throw-up. It was not even bloody but my skin did look funny as it stretched. With a grunt and a final pull it popped. Everyone was ready to go I looked at my battle wound and realized there was a funny piece of flesh sticking out. I pulled on it and sure enough I pulled out a tiny blood vessel. It was kind of sick cause when I let it go it slowly went back in my arm. Thought I should get it checked out by a doctor so I did. They tied it with what look like fishing line (ironic) around it to close it up and pushed it back in, then put a Band-Aid on it. Too this day those friends get all upset when I bring it up in conversation. GOOD TIMES
First time I was about 12, we were catfishing on the Iowa river with chicken liver. I had to cast left sidarm under this limb and caught myself in the left earlobe. I felt the hit and followed the line my ear lobe to a big wad of warm stinkin chicken liver. I effin FREAKED! The older guy I was with had to push it thru and cut it off. HURT LIKE HELL!!
Second time was about 10 years ago. A buddy and I were both in the front of the boat. We were casting 1/2 jig and craws. He would leave the jig about 18" from his rod tip. He winged it and stuck it had right in my shoulder blade. Ofcourse he did what any good friend would do and laughed his ass off about it. I yelled at him "yank it out before I get feeling back". He yanked it and out came about a dime size hunk of meat. We continued to fish.
Third time... lets hope it doesn't happen.
Have done it several times in the hand. Rattle traps and spots every time I hear them remind me of the times they've bit me in the hands. Worst was on Clear Lake California. Had a treble in hand and on the other treble the fish was still wiggling. Dannnnnnnnng it hurt....fish didn't make it!!!!
Tight Lines
Three times once in the upper ear past the barb my buddy got excited casting because we were wearing crappie out . He thought I'd be mad And I was laughing so hard I could breathe .Once in the spine when I was four years old hit a limb casting and a safety hook buried up right in my back bone .I remember it hurt bad. Once fly fishing in the neck let my loop get to big and I paid for it.
My little brother's hooked me before, nothing past the barb though.
Once so far......1 treble barb from a BPS Egg wakebait that my mom insisted I went to the hospital for....the novacaine hurt worse wearing off than the hook did coming out. Not fun. Learning how to take a hook out is extremely important.
3 easy steps
Step 1: push the eyelet down against the skin
Step 2: take a tied loop of line and slip it around the bend
Step 3: hold the eyelet down and give the loop a good quick yank, the barb will pop right out.
Slap some neosporin on with a band-aid and go back to fishing.
I have had 2 fish hook me 1 I did my self I also hooked my brother 1 a hot august day temp around 100 and he passed out said the sun go to him lol
same brother when he was probally 12 or so was fishing with our cousin when he hooked him with a crankbait in the chin and lip both hooks buried deep. They had rode there bikes fishing so my brother gos into the casino and asks to use the phone. The lady was like is this an emergency my cousin takes his hand away from his face and says I dont know you tell me.
My dad hooked me in the top of a head with a big, deep diving crank. The impact of the bait hitting my head was the most painful part.
Hooked myself in the back of the calf with a small rapala floater, pushed the barb through and cut the hook, for sure the most painless one.
Had a fish jump and fire a baby -1 back at me. I put my arm up to block it (I was in a 2 man so no where to run) and buried it in my forearm. Lucky enough the point had gone in and popped out the other side so a quick clip and it was back out.
Was posing for a picture with my PB brown trout with the jerkbait still in it's mouth. It flopped and drove the hook into the side of my index finger. Again I got lucky and she flopped again and ripped the hook back out. It hurt but it was over so fast that it wasn't as bad as having to do it myself.
Worse one was when my dog grabbed my buddies original Rapala when he wasn't paying attention and got a hook in the upper lip. I tried to grab him by the muzzle so he didn't get the rest of the bait in his mouth but he jumped back right when I grabbed him and he stuck me in the back of my index finger with the other hook. I just laid on top of him to hold him down while my buddy clipped the hook that had gone right through my dogs lip. The hook in my finger was all the way to the bend in the hook so I had to make a trip to the ER. Have a 50 pound scared dog attatched to you by a hook is not a good time.
Did anyone see the MLF video of KVD sinking some trebles of a jerk bait into the camera man's forearm?? LOL, that was crazy stuff! If you're gonna get snagged, you might as well get snagged by the best. I throw cranks alot when I'm out on the boat with my kids, and my biggest fear is hooking one of them during a cast. If they hook daddy, that's ok.
When I was about six or so me and dad were in a Jon boat. I was throwing a rattle trap. I got to leaving more and more slack on the end of the line every cast cause I could throw it farther. Stupid me...... I went to cast and the trap hit me in the side of the head. The rear treble went through my ear lobe and the trap pulled my ear around and the front treble stuck n my eyebrow to the bend. I freaked and threw my poll. Dad turned around when I went to squealing. He freaked cause my face was covered in blood. Thought it had went I to my eye. I was crying saying "my poll! My poll!" Him thinking I was upset my poll was in the water " said quit worrying bout your d$&@ poll" lol then he realized it was pulling on the side of my head and pulled it up. He cut the barb off on the ear one. poked the other one on out and cut the barb off. Still laugh today about him freaking out and me "worrying" bout my poll
Also worse then I remember that hurting, and I remember it hurting, when was a teenager me and dad were fishing. He got hung in a willow tree with a jig. He was jerking and it popped loose about the time I turned around. It was flying at my head and I threw my hand up. The lead head smacked me right on the knuckle. Freaking hurt!!!! Thought it broke it. When the swelling finally went down after three or four days it was fine.
2 times in the head...by my Grandma. I don't fish with her without wearing a hat anymore. The kicker was after the first time when we had to cut the torpedo's treble hook with wire cutters, she replaced the hook and got me with the exact same lure 3 months later. Hook me once, shame on you. Hook me twice, I won't tick grandma off again.
Only one time that was serious. I was 8 years old and casting for muskies. At the time the only way I could cast bigger 9"-11" baits was with an overhead cast. I had a 9" Suick on and when I went to cast the lure went straight up in the air and came down on the top of my head. I felt a THUMP and really had no idea what happened. My dad looked over at me (trying not to panic) and grabbed the hook cutters. Luckily I only had one treble that went through my hat and only 1 hook off the treble went past the barb. Needless to say our day trip got cut a few hours short and we made a 30 minute trip to the ER and the doc shot me up with Novocain and ripped it out.
Never past the barb for me. But last summer I was fishing with my buddy. I reared back to launch a spook as far as I could and he got both trebles in the bicep at full speed. Used the line trick to get them out and he just had a few holes in him
5 times
2 required ER visits
I would rather not talk about it. Just joking, but seeing the post brought back painful memories.
first was 20osh inch northern pike. he put the front treble of a husky jerk 14 into my right thumb past the bard, on the next shake he ripped it out...hurt bad
second was a lady fish that ran a zara spook super spook jr into my left middle finger, once again past the barb
third was a 1.5 to 2 lb largemouth that put a lucky craft poimter into my left index finger yep past the barb
I had a real bad run of luck a few years ago and had to get 3 different hooks cut out of me in 6 months. One broke off under the skin while trying to pull it out of my finger, one was right beside my eye and I was scared of blinding myself removing it, but the worst was my nephew hooked the back of my neck with a Ratl Trap during his back swing. It actually caught a nerve. Knock on wood I haven't had one in a while.
Had a friend sink a crank deep into the side of my neck on the back cast. I have a few nice scars from the Dr. removing that one. With all of the meaty goodness (carotid, jugular) in the neck I didn't want to risk yanking it out myself. Other than that I've never had one go past the barb. . . yet. . . .
I always wear sunglasses now after seeing a pic on here of a guy with a hook in the eye. . . yikes. . .
My in-law got hook on the back of the head by my cousin rapala lure when we went fishing in a small little raft for 3 it was the most hilarious and painful moment ever.. LOLs!
Most of us wouldn't do it on purpose...
On 3/28/2013 at 10:35 PM, ww2farmer said:And one I do not wish on my worst enemy, a treble hook...............under my thumb nail, double ouch.
I had that happen to me and oh boy does it hurt. I was fishing with my dad and he wanted to yank it out. THIS IS NOT A "YANK IT OUT" OCCASION.
wow.... these posts... I'm going barbless
Took a hook in my neck on a double leader when I was saltwater fishing. Thank god it didn't go past the barb.
nothing freaks me out more then when i get a hook in the thumb/finger with a pike dangling from the bait still...because you know your going to have to endure some thrashes with that hook in there before its over...
I have never gotten one really bad, but this weekend I had a small treble go in the tip of my finger go in to the bend. My buddy snagged a cat with a flicker shad and the pliers were on the other side of the pond. So me being an idiot just tries to grab the hook and get it out but the cat rolled and in it went.
this guy has balls and is crazy!
That video made me sick. What the hell LOL
I've never gotten one stuck in while fishing, but once while sitting on the couch at home I pulled a bait out of my box and it got caught on the box itself and then somehow jumped to the soft flesh on the side of my kneecap and the rear treble went in passed the barb. The front treble then dug into my thumb and this effectively had my hand hooked to my knee. The front treble didn't bury passed the barb so I just backed it out. The rear one had to be rotated to push the tip on through and out so I could cut it off and then pull it out backwards after that.
Then, while fishing, I had a treble bury passed the barb under the skin on the top side of my thumb nail, where the skin meets the nail. I saw it go in and it freaked me out, but it didn't stick. It came right back out without hanging up at all, which is why I say it didn't get stuck. There was no pain or blood.
Once I hooked my brother in the side of the knee with a light wire hook on my ultra light rod. I didn't know it and kept jerking it and pulling, with him squalling like a banshee. I stopped after a second or so when I realized what happened. Somehow it didn't penetrate either.
Then my stepson hooked my wife in the top of the head with a blue fox spinner lure, passed the barb. I wanted to go to the doctor on that one but she insisted I just rip it out. I suggested pushing through and cutting since it didn't look real deep and probably would have been less painful, but she still wanted to just rip it out. So, I grabbed it with pliers and pulled HARD until it popped out. She cried hard, but never made a sound. She didn't want him to hear it and be discouraged with fishing. It turns out he just doesn't like fishing after all though, so it done no good her suffering in silence.
Anyone watch the season premier of River Monsters Sunday? Jeremy Wade got one treble in his thumb and had a piranha hanging off the other end.
I can't believe you started this thread this week.
Tuesday my wife and I went fishing. After about 20 min I got a snag at the shore and we went in to get it. While we were there sort of anchored, I changed some lures and put on a crankbait.
I decided to throw it out one time and since I was in the shore I moved towards the back of the boat where my wife was sitting so i would not hit any branches.
I carefully assessed my launch angle and went for it.
As you have already guessed, I launched it right in to the top of her head. luckily I only sank one hook from each treble into her head. There was so much hair I could not see so I took pliers and took the hooks out the way they went in.
Some will say I should have cut the hook and pushed the hooks forward to avoid backing out the barbs but it was very painful and I did not waste any time.
She was a trooper. She was crying but she sat still while I did my surgery.
Though i've never taken a hook past the barb anywhere, i did take a pectoral fin from a sail cat into the side of my hand. cut the fin off and went inside to clean it and it was gone. so i thought i had bumped it on my leg and came out, nope. 3 days later after a hospital visit(my hand was twice normal size), my hand felt better and started stretchin it. i bent my fingers back and out pops the tip of the fin. grabbed some pliers and ripped out the rest of the 1 1/4" bone from the cat out. It was gross!