Hey everyone I fish a few ponds where there are numerous pairs of red-wing blackbirds and they dive-bomb me as soon as I get near where their babies are, which happens to be all of the best pitching spots (Next to reeds). Anyone have any ideas of getting these annoying things to ignore me?
Find a hat that looks like a hawk?
Never mess with a momma and her babies while in the wild kingdom.
You need a boom stick!!!
Play checkers for the next two weeks. They should be gone by then. Don't forget that YOU are the intruder in this case.
Well if you really wanna stop em, id suggest a teniss racket strung with wire but if you wanna play nice id say just leave em alone
While the Army of Darkness reference is downright hilarious, I would agree with FishinDaddy and say that you need to keep in mind that you are the intruder.
Have you ever caught a fish and had someone walk right up beside you and start fishing? Did it bother you? Now imagine a mother with her young. It's just their instinct. Not many actions will deter thousands of generations of this pure instinct.
That said, they should be gone soon. Best to just make nice and respect the momma till then.
Buy a boat
dress like a scarecrow.
Set the trees on fire...
Haha thanks for the suggestions and the laughs guys I'll just deal with it. They haven't been touching me, they just scare the crap outta me when they fly a foot from my head.
If they do touch you, you need to report them to the authorities.
AHAHA!!! I literally just lost my breath from that.On 5/29/2013 at 9:21 AM, slonezp said:If they do touch you, you need to report them to the authorities.
Shoot em with a sling shot very silent so harm use small rocks. My grandpa shoots the Canadian geese around the 1 acre lake with one keep shooting and they'll leave in harmed
one problem, they're protected. Nobody likes a hefty fine.On 5/29/2013 at 10:54 AM, YakenMax said:Shoot em with a sling shot very silent so harm use small rocks. My grandpa shoots the Canadian geese around the 1 acre lake with one keep shooting and they'll leave in harmed
If your the wing they will shake it off its like being shot with a low low low powered bb gun
No wait just throw sticks at them
Attempting to hurt them is just plain dumb in my opinion. Just find a new spot or put up with them until they leave.
I think you should join the sierra club.
Try talking to them.
Just leave them alone, as one already said they will be gone soon enough, they are not doing something for fun, they are there with reason, life and spreading there genetics.. Just be lucky its not a bear..
You need a mediator, see if there is a coon, skunk or owl that can help.
I'd relocate their nest, but you'll need body armor while you do it.
Have your own children and bring them with you.
At that point you will be so distracted by your own children that the birds will not be a bother. Kind of a long term plan but 100% guaranteed to work.
Foot away from your head....simple solution called a tennis racket...work on your back hand.
Same thing happened to my buddy made my day hahah
On 5/30/2013 at 5:49 AM, MCS said:Foot away from your head....simple solution called a tennis racket...work on your back hand.
I agree great idea. Haha
On 5/29/2013 at 10:34 PM, aavery2 said:You need a mediator, see if there is a coon, skunk or owl that can help.
I'd stay away from the skunk. They can't be trusted. I've had good luck with the owl. Tell him I sent you.