I met Joe through this forum and he has never joined. He is a great guy and is about to become a daddy for the second time . I know he learns a lot from this forum and has a big passion for bass fishing. He told me the only reason he has not joined is that he just hasn't got around to it yet. So let's all encourage him to sign up. He has a lot of information that he can share on this site. By the way, he might need a few suggestions for names, but maybe not. Come on in Joe, the waters fine
8-) :
Get him in front of a computer and tell him you won't take over the trolling motor next time till he joins. It's painless and as for a name? How about just JOE.
come on joe, you know you want to!
Round Tuit Joe. Come on, Joe. Join the forum. I need all the help I can get.
Joe, Move toward the light..... join the forum..... It's excellent reading when feeding at 2 am. Baby and bottle in one hand mouse in the other.
Come on Joe. Ya gatta do it. 8-)
You know you want to. 8-)
Well Mike I guess this is just the little push I needed. Thanks for the encouragement guys, good to finally be an official member of this site.
lavelanet- "Excellent reading when feeding at 2am, baby and bottle in one hand mouse in the other". Nice! Like the way you think.
Welcome aboard. This site has more information available to users than any B.A.S.S. membership ever could offer.
WAY TO GO JOE!!! Welcome to the site.
Welcome to the forum Joe!
nice work needemp!
Welcome, Joe. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Well its about time. Welcome Joe. We are sure glad to have ya.
Welcome aboard!
Welcome aboard
Welcome to the forum Joe! I can tell you first hand that you won't find a better group of guys anywhere on the net. I have NEVER had such support and good advice on any sport ever! These guys are all top notch.
If you hang around here long enough, you see that really quickly and become an addict like the rest of us.
Hey Joe. I finally caught ya. You fought harder than most bass we catch. ;D
Yeah sure....this is a nice group of "guys". What am I chopped liver?!? Geeze!
thists a graet sight. with lots of good advice and great people
Way to go Joe!Don't forget to share your knowledge with all of us.
QuoteYeah sure....this is a nice group of "guys". What am I chopped liver?!? Geeze!
Somehow I just KNEW you'd catch that!
Welcome aboard Joe!
Nice work JOE! WELCOME!
Hey, ya know, I may not contrubute much, but I try to stay on top of things 8-)