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terrible service at Strike King 2024

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

On Jan 1st,  ordered a shirt and a sticker from strike king.  After sale was complete I was told I would get an email confirmation...


Was told I could track my order....


Waited till the 10th to send email requesting update.....

email links to a dead account of theirs

Searched web site high and low for any other contact info.

Found buried deep under a title called "plant personel"  

When I check my order on their site, it says I don't have one so I figured I would call the next day and re-place my order,...

till I got home and..

recieved sticker via UPS so, so far I've paid $7 for shipping on a .25cent sticker.

No shirt, no explanation,still no email reply

Called and got no answer in the middle of the day, left message

2 days later, no call back

Now I've always been a big fan of many Strike King products but as many of you know, I'm a bigger fan of being treated like a customer and I don't go for companies that just don't care like this.  I won't be buyiong any other Strike King products for a long time.  

Many will say it's only a shirt but to me it's much much more.  It's bad customer service, and even worse, customer neglect.  I don't even want the shirt now, I'm so friggin' disgusted but have no way of even cancelling the order.

fishing user avatarCephkiller reply : 

I am sure we have all experienced something like this from time to time. I wonder if there is any way we could use the clout provided by the sheer numbers of bass fisherman on this site to garner a little respect? Alienating over 3500 (and counting) fisherman would surely upset a company more than a single disgruntled customer.

Just the rambling thoughts of an amateur activist :)

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Lowbudget , I understand how you feel. I had a somewhat similar experience with Quantum customer service recently. I e-mailed them , wanting to know what the maxium drag setting was on their new PTi spinning reels was. I got a responce from them saying they didn't have the information. I waited a few days and called them ,talked to a customer rep. and she said that never had anybody ask that question before , she couldn't answer the question and had no idea who could. I explained to her that I was considering buying a couple of the reels but needed to know the max. drag setting before I INVESTED 280.00 , but to my chargrin she said she was sorry but she couldn't help me. It might be a decent reel but I have to re-think about buying their products if their customer service dept. is that bad.

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

Hey LBH,

I also feel your pain! I've been dealing with an issue with two different companies (not fishing related so I won't mention the names) for over a month and a half. It really frustrates me as well when I receive poor customer service. Being a supervisor for the service center where I work, I am in the customer service field and have to interface with our customers from time to time. I don't treat our customers that way and will not be treated that way either, its unacceptable (IMO)! If I receive poor service once, I may be hesitant but would probably go back. A second time? They're done with my business forever!!! I know you said you received your sticker (yippee now huh?), I wonder if you called them back, asked to speak with a supervisor (maybe even ask them for their supervisor) if you'd be a little better off. Maybe that's what needs to happen, an escalated issue might open the higher ups eyes and nip any potential widespread problem before it gets that way. You may get your shirt and maybe a refund as well. If you were my customer and that happened I'd be doing something to make you happy again! Just a thought. Hope it helps and good luck!!!!!

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

I have had a great and one not so good customer service experiences in the last month. Both fising related.

First the not so good ........... well maybe it was OK, but not as good as I would have hoped of. I don't know if any of you remember or not, but I made a post about a Team All-Star rod that's guide insert had popped out. I took everybodies advise and and called All-Star (Shakespeare) and asked them to send me the whole tip top guide and I would replace it myself instead of me paying for shipping there along with sending them a $20 check. So I called their customer service line and talked with an absolute idiot. I think he had NO idea what I was even talking about. I think is answer to every question was, "Send it in". I called for three days straight at various times of the day and got the same idiot everytime. After the 3rd time I just started hanging up. Dodgeguy I think it was told me to email them and has had ood service that way. So I did. I got a response the next day and it said my guide was in the mail. This was around Dec. 20 or so. I went out of town for Christmas and New Years and expected the guide to be there by the time I got back. Nope. I just got it late last week.

Now for the GREAT. I emailed Shimano because I saw a hat on their website that I wanted, but I saw no place to order it. They emailed me back that evening and said the hat was on it's way .......... FREE. I know it's not a real big deal to some, but it's a big deal in my book. I was already very fond of Shimano products, but after this I am a Shimano customer for life.

BTW LBH, I know you don't want to hear this, but you need to stock up on Strike King Series 4S crankbaits in Firetiger (13). Those big Fork bass love'em. I think all the bass my dad and I caught over 5 lbs came off this crank including the 10-8. The best part about it is we got them at Cabela's in the clearance bin for $1.19 a piece (as I recall) the night before we left. ;)

fishing user avatarbixbybasspro reply : 

That surprising from someone like Strike King... :-/

fishing user avatarsrv1990 reply : 

LBH, I've been in the customer service business for a medical device/products manufacturer for about 11 years, the last 6 as a supervisor, and you are 100% right... you should not, ever, be treated that way.  Our experience is that it takes months, and sometimes years to gain the trust of a customer, but it takes almost no time at all to lose them.

As a customer service rep myself years ago we were never allowed to say things like "I don't know", or "I/we can't help you", or anything along those lines.  This holds true today.  If you don't have the answer the plan is simple:  get as much information from the customer as possible, do all you can to find someone, anyone, who has the answer, and call the customer back.  It's not rocket science, it's common sense and always keeping the one person who matters most to any business, the customer, at the forefront of what you do.

My recommendation would be to type up a letter, outlining what has happened to you just as you did on your post.  Keep it factual and polite, but let them know how disatisfied you are.  Then, send it to a management-level customer service person.  If you can't find the name of someone, address it to "Manager - Customer Service" or "Director - Customer Service".  Management needs to know, and if they're worth anything, they want to know when these types of things happen.  I know I sure would.

Good luck!


fishing user avatarbenzo73 reply : 

I e-mailed falcon, got a response the same day from their general manager. We spend alot of money with these companies the least they can do is return an e-mail. I believe it shows customer appreciation.


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Sorry to hear about your CS problems with Strike King.  It's so frustrating to deal with a company that doen't want to know you once they have your money.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 


I finally got through by sending email to Mr Brown at Strike King. This is a copy of the email correspondence.

Rusty Hooks to cbrown

More options Jan 17 (1 day ago)

This is where I stand with strike king

Reply Forward

Chris Brown to Dan, me

More options Jan 17 (1 day ago)

Mr. Hooks, I have seen your post on the fishing forum and I have a few questions. First of all did you place this order via the internet or over the phone? The reason I ask, The Strike King clothing is actually ran by a vendor of ours in South Carolina. I am in Memphis, TN. We do not handle the clothing here in our facility. As far as calling, whom have you tried to call at Strike King? I do not have any record of your call and am sorry if no one has gotten back with you. Please reply with your full name and shipping address so we can fully track and understand the order. I greatly apologize for any problems you have had and will do whatever means necessary to fix this and your perception of Strike King. We are a very quality driven, consumer oriented company and my first priority is making sure you the customer is happy with our products, services and the services of our vendors. I look forward to your reply and hope to hear from you soon.

Again, my apologies.


Chris Brown

Chris Brown

Consumer Relations and Marketing Manager

Strike King Lure Company

466 Washington Street

Collierville, TN 38017

800-467-5873 ext. 229

- Show quoted text -

-----Original Message-----

From: Rusty Hooks []

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 6:01 AM


Subject: very bad service

Rusty Hooks to Chris

More options Jan 17 (1 day ago)

Hi Mr. Brown. Funny, thats what I get called everyday (UPS driver). My order number is 853635. I apologize also for the post and if this gets resolved, I will quickly re-post as to your actions.

I just don't get it,I don't just buy your tackle, but I've bought S/K clothing every year and never had a problem. I especially got frustrated trying to find contact info. I got the feeling you didn't want to be found although I know this is not S/K's rep in the past.

The number I called was (901) 853-1455. I left a message including order num, phone, address and name. I also noted that if this was the wrong dept that if you could please follow up via my cell num with a number of the proper contact. Still, no reply.

Thanks for your time and

Thank you for responding,

John Thetonia

21 division st apt 5

East Greenwich, RI



Chris Brown to me

More options Jan 17 (22 hours ago)

I have contacted our clothing vendor and will find out where the problem is

and let you know tomorrow asap. Again, I apologize for the problems you have


Chris Brown

Strike King Lure company

Chris Brown

Strike King Lure Company


Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

- Show quoted text -

This was recieved yesterday and I must say I was put at ease,...till I got home and checked my mail. Being told by someone higher up the chain that they were on it and wll get back to me tomorrow, ASAP made me feel better but my empty inbox changed that.

Is it me?

KU- I totally hear you. When I started a new route a few years back, I had 2 people ask me where they can buy UPS stuff (hats,clothes) in my first week. This was when we first got into Nascar and all the Dale Jarred fans came crawling out.

Anyway, I asked my boss for some hats and he gave me a sleeve of them to pass out the next week. That route opened 3 accounts in 2 weeks which is pretty darn good for this business! A little bit goes a long way. Personally, I'd need a hooded sweatshirt a box of the d3's to to win me back,lol I don't see that happening though, I can't even get the stuff I paid for.

And (KU)- Are you meeting us in Georgia in Oct or what bud?

fishing user avatarDirk_Jig-lure reply : 


Please know that this isn't a guy who lacks integrity.  A lot of guys here will tell you the things hes done for people on this board from helping kids to taking people out fishing.   He also does a kids fishing thing with handicapped kids in his home state.  He's a stand up guy and I'll vouch for that personally.  Just give the guy his shirt, holy cow.

LBH- deflate your head, I''m just saying.. :) ;D ;)

fishing user avatarMarty reply : 

I e-mailed Shimano a question about their reels and never received a reply.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

DJ- you're makin' me blush!  lol

Thanks for the kind words

fishing user avatarHookhead reply : 

That really is unfortunate that S/K has such poor customer service.  I'd expect to hear from someone higher up the chain the next day after their first response and apology.  Hang in there LBH.

I ordered some baits from FFO-Tackle that I thought were delivered to the wrong house due to a tracking error by the courier.  After emailing FFO-Tackle they got right back to me and offered to re-ship my order ASAP.  They also opened an investigation with the courier.  I WILL be doing business with FFO-Tackle again. Great folks.

After moving to our new house I couldn't find the paper tray from a color printer (came with my Kodak camera).  I emailed Kodak to ask them where I could purchase a new one.  They next evening I received an email from Kodak customer service stating that they'd be happy to send me one for free.  All I had to provide was my camera's serial number.  

Awesome customer service = happy returning customer.

I won't be ordering anything from Strike King any time soon.     :P

fishing user avatarReplica. reply : 

I had to contact strike king once about a quality issue with thier spinner baits.  Like most customer service departments the initial contact person offers very little in the way of service.  To my surprise once the info was sent up the chain I received great customer service from strike king.  I think the person you are dealing with also helped with my issue.  To me customer service is only second to product quality, unless the service is severely lacking.  If all else fails start calling the sales department and complaining to them.  If they transfer you, hang-up and call back until the problem is resolved.  I would give them one more chance before using this tactic, but if all else fails.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

It's 2:40pm the next day and still no word from S/K.


Mr Brown seems to want to help, very professional, but still nothing from the clothing vendor that he had contacted and no follow up to see if things are resolved.

Long story short, I got the shirt today, but noone has ever followed up as MR. Brown had promised,including himself. ?? What if I had wanted to cancel? Never addressed.

Some may say I'm nit picking, but when a representative of a company has addressed your poor customer service situation and says he will follow up you "tomorrow ASAP",.....I kind of expect to hear from him the next day, never mind still not hearing anything the day after that.

I don't know what to say, I love S/K tackle, that's why I will buy the clothes, but the out-sourcing to this clothing company needs to be changed to a company that will follow through with your customers. You are putting the faith of your customer service in this other company and in a case like this it reflects terribly on an otherwise top-notch tackle provider.

Sending link to C Brown  1/19/06

fishing user avatarTriton_Mike reply : 

Low Budget,  I know Chris Brown and he is a stand up guy.  Let me see what I can do to remedy your inconvenience.

T Mike

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Got a call from Chris Brown today,thanks Mike.

Mr. Brown went out of his way, above and beyond to appease this one customer and I will say that my faith in Strike King is fully restored.

Mr Brown repeatedly asked what he could do for me to make up for the bad ordeal. We eventually found a double benefit solution. Take care of the kids and you'll take care of me.

Strike King will be donating a stock of tackle to help fill the grab bags that each participant will recieve at this years C.A.S.T. for kids event here in RI. They will also be providing a Strike King banner.

So after that was said and done, Chris was still persistent in proving S/K's dedication to the customer and asked "but what can I do for you, don't worry about the kids, we got them covered, but what can we do for you? Do you need clothing, tackle?"

Wow. I let him know that no further action was needed.

Thanks to everyone for your input, support and phone calls (Mike)


fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

That's awesome LBH!

Glad to see S/K is a stand up company!!!

And a special thanks to you for looking out for the kids!

You also went above and beyond!    

fishing user avatarTriton_Mike reply : 

Guys,  I'm not sponsored by Strike King but I do know Allan Ransom (President) and Chris Brown.  You won't find any better than these 2 guys and their dedication to customer service.  I just don't know how to give a higher reccomendation of world class guys than Allan and Chris.   ;)

T Mike

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 

lbh,you're a class act!!!way to go looking out for the kids!!!it's good to see strike king stand behind their reputation. ;D

fishing user avatarCephkiller reply : 

I wish I had read this before I went shopping today.  I bought a dozen jigs and some Yum chunks.  I really like S/K jigs, but I intentionally avoided them because of this thread.  I bought the Stanley instead.  I LOVE the Stanley spinnerbaits so I'm sure I won't be disappointed, but now I feel a little bad about it.

Thanks for looking out for the kids

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Ceph, I appreciate your support buddy, keep killin the mites,lol

I tried Stanley jigs last year , was given 3 to try and really liked them.  I prefer smaller 1/8oz stand up jigs with a full hook like a Bico or Terminator finesse jig and I'm kind of stuck in my ways here with the gin clear water so I never bought any others.

There is always next year to get back on the S/K wagon but again, thanks

fishing user avatarJeff_NHBA reply : 


 Glad to see this was finally resolved.  I was at Dick's Sporting Goods last night taking the Bait Monkey for a walk and it put up quite the fuss when I was looking at spinnerbaits.  Evidently the BM didn't want anything to do with S/K until your issue was resolved.  Fortunately, the Bait Monkey also knew where the soft plastics aisle was.

 Now the Bait Monkey wants to visit the spinnerbaits and jigs :).

Tight Lines.

fishing user avatarfisherman_54 reply : 

its good to see that strike king is going to give you that stuff for the kids. its good to see that they care about their customers

fishing user avatarMyKeyBe reply : 

Maybe it's just me but I'm not sure I'm ready to jump on the "Strike King is great again" bandwagon.

I really wonder how this would of turned out if T Mike hadn't said something.  :-? Oh well. If nothing else it sounds like the kiddios will have a great season.

Good job looking out T Mike and LBH. ;)

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
Guys, I'm not sponsored by Strike King but I do know Allan Ransom (President) and Chris Brown. You won't find any better than these 2 guys and their dedication to customer service. I just don't know how to give a higher reccomendation of world class guys than Allan and Chris. ;)

T Mike

Sorry Mike, I don't mean disrespect to you, but if any of that were true, it would not have required a call from their friend to get a response to a simple customer service issue.  I think that Chris got motivated by your call and the bad publicity on the forum.  

In the end, it worked out well for the kids and LBH got his shirt.  

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Let me elaborate.  Chris Brown didn't call only because Mike called, I'm not even sure if they directly spoke or if Chris just knew Mike had called and knew what it was about.

I was thanking Mike in a general way for caring and making an effort on my behalf.

All good stuff, just a little confusion.


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