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If You Caught a Record Fish... 2024

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Would you want your name attached?

For me, I'd like to think no. Let the fish be the focus. But, if it actually happened (not likely) I wonder what I would do.

fishing user avatarShane J reply : 

Heck yeah! My state's record has held since 1967, and I'd want to be recognized as the guy that beat it. What I wouldn't want, is the location to be widely known. The small lake the current record was caught in, has been pummeled to death, and now you're lucky to pull a 3 lb bass outta there.

fishing user avatarrowyourboat reply : 

i would probably pay to have a statue of me and the record fish made and placed at the local bait shop haha

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

x2 Heck yeah!

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

I like to think I don't have a big ego, and would be happy just knowing I caught it.  I don't think I would want everything that comes along with a record catch, and in all honesty, i'd probably feel bad about killing the fish, and would put it back.  Hard to say, because I've never been in that situation.  Plus, I fish private lakes that are not pressured, on a busy day you may see 3 or 4 boats out.  Once people found out a record came, the lake would be swarming with everyone under the sun.  No thanks.  I'd probably have a replica made, tell friends and family, and enjoy the memories that came with the fish everytime I look at the mount on the wall.

If I actually caught a record, all this may go to the wind, so who knows lol.  Can't really say until i'm put in that situation.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
i would probably pay to have a statue of me and the record fish made and placed at the local bait shop haha

;D ;D

fishing user avatarSkunked in DR reply : 

No, a few quick photos and back in the water.  I don't fish for recognition and the last thing I'd want is hundreds of "record seekers" spoiling my solitude.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 
I like to think I don't have a big ego, and would be happy just knowing I caught it. I don't think I would want everything that comes along with a record catch, and in all honesty, i'd probably feel bad about killing the fish, and would put it back. Hard to say, because I've never been in that situation. Plus, I fish private lakes that are not pressured, on a busy day you may see 3 or 4 boats out. Once people found out a record came, the lake would be swarming with everyone under the sun. No thanks. I'd probably have a replica made, tell friends and family, and enjoy the memories that came with the fish everytime I look at the mount on the wall.

If I actually caught a record, all this may go to the wind, so who knows lol. Can't really say until i'm put in that situation.

I'm going to have to say the same for me as far as state records.Take a picture,get the measurements(for replica) and let the big girl go and not say a thing about it.Our lakes get hit hard sense in bringing more pressure.

A world record however....That's a hard one.However I'm pretty sure there really isn't any world record fish here,so that's not something i concern myself with.

Guess i can't say till I'm put in that situation either.

fishing user avatarRio Maverick reply : 

Yes, having your name on record catch is just another goal and would be great!  No one expects it or shouldn't, it like the lottery.  But it would be nice.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 


fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

All I know, if I beat the NY state record LMB, on the public waters I will be on ice.  Call me an egotist.

fishing user avatarBass_Akwards reply : 

Absolutely 100% no doubt about it yes, I'd want my name attached.

The fish can still be the focus.  Look what happened with Mac Weekly, Jed Dickerson, and Winn.  Dotty became the most famous bass in history arguably, and those guys had a National Geographic documentary done on them.  They became bass fishing legends, and so did the fish.

I work my arse off learning how to catch big bass. I spend countless hours on the water fishing in spots where the big fish live. This means I can go a few outings without catching a darn thing (rare but it happens), when I could be home with my fiance or working on my business, or playing poker, or skiing, or doing some other thing I love. If I'm going to give up doing a ton of things I love, I'm going to want some love and respect when I finally achieve my goal of a state record, or God for bid a world record.

Maybe I'm a narcisistic little punk. Maybe my need to be noticed is to high, but I don't care.

If I catch a 12 pound bass here in Colorado, I'll be damned if everyone on this board, as well as all my friends, as well as all the Colorado fishing message boards, won't know my name and see a photo of me holding the monster fish with a gigantic smile on my face.

To me, it takes skill to consistantly catch big fish, and for ME, maybe not anyone else, but for ME, catching a record would be a cumulative thing, where all the work I've put in, and all the hours of studying I've done and all the reading about fishing I've done, and the thousands and thousands of casts I've made and the hundreds of lures I've lost, and countless bass I've caught in the past, all added up to catching a record. With all that sacrifice, I would want the recognition.

Maybe if I was some lucky weekend angler who just turned 16 and caught the record on a live worm on the 86th cast of my life the recognition wouldn't matter as much, maybe not, but the fact is, I would want to tell my story, and make sure people know that my catch wasn't a fluke. If possible, I would want my name in lights in times square, and on the little ticker thing on the bottom of the TV screen on CNN if I happen to catch "The One."

I can picture it now on the cover of the USA Today!

Boulder Colorado angler Todd Radunsky catches world record Largemouth bass in Mexico!!!

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Todd, I'm rootin' for ya'. Just don't forget us little guys after you become famous.  ;D

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
All I know, if I beat the NY state record LMB, on the public waters I will be on ice. Call me an egotist.

I hear you and won't call you an egotist.

I think I'll take a pic and let it go. Then post the pic all over and say, "I wonder what it weighed??" -bc my calibrated Chatillon scale only goes to 10lbs. Just to see it floored wold be cool. Maybe I'll post a pic of that with it. 8-)

fishing user avatarBass_Akwards reply : 
Todd, I'm rootin' for ya'. Just don't forget us little guys after you become famous. ;D


Radunsky was overheard by other anglers on the lake as he reeled in the 25.12 pound goliath saying "OH MY GOD!" "lOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT BASS!  "I OWE EVERYTHING TO THE WONDERFUL ANGLERS AT BASS RESOURCE!"

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
All I know, if I beat the NY state record LMB, on the public waters I will be on ice. Call me an egotist.

I hear you and won't call you an egotist.

I think I'll take a pic and let it go. Then post the pic all over and say, "I wonder what it weighed??" -bc my calibrated Chatillon scale only goes to 10lbs. Just to see it floored wold be cool. Maybe I'll post a pic of that with it. 8-)


That would be awesome.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

If you asking about a world record, all tackle or line class, the IGFA requires your name and a witness name, photo, certified weight, 100' of line or leader and lure or bait type and how the lure or bait is rigged.

Every state has different requirements, in California a state record must be validated by a biologist or DFG personal. Your name is a requirement for most records. Record bass caught by unknown or anonymous angler; this actually happen at Wolford in CA, when a giant bass was left hanging on the entry gate several years ago. No angler ever claimed it and it was more than likely caught illegally or poached.

Sometimes it's easier to catch a record then to verify it.


fishing user avatarBassThumb reply : 

I would have it mounted for sure.  I don't really care whose name is on it though.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

I will turn it in when I catch one. I will also do my best to release the fish in good health. Not much chance for a state or world record but I do plan on breaking a lake record, which around here is a monster fish.

fishing user avatarStasher1 reply : 
No, a few quick photos and back in the water. I don't fish for recognition and the last thing I'd want is hundreds of "record seekers" spoiling my solitude.


I have no interest in keeping any of them (regardless of size) and I definitely don't fish for fame or notoriety. It's a good thing too, I'm not very good at it.  ;D

fishing user avatarBeastie Bass reply : 

Indiana's Record LM bass was caught by a woman! 8-) Heck yeah! If it was my wife I would want everyone to know about it! If it was me, I would film a commercial just to let everybody in the US know! :D Then I would let everyone know it was caught on a Dancin' Eel! :-?

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

Of course I would, because I want people to call me a liar long after I'm dead.


fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I carry no scale, tape measure or camera and care less about records.  That being said if I catch a very large fish of any species I am more than happy to share my info so others may get a great thrill too.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

A new State Record Smallmouth might be worth a

few million bucks around here. The fish would have

to be kept and necropsy performed. Documentation

on such a fish would need to be thorough and by the

book. This record has been in place for over 50 years

and may never be broken.

fishing user avatarbassman31783 reply : 

If that happened I would probably end up saying yes.  I totally get the reasons why many on here would say no.  However for me I live in Texas where a new state record would be anything bigger then 18.18 & I would want my name attached to that fish.  Secondly I fish lake Fork, which owns 34 of the top 50 caught in Texas, so it gets hammered ALL the time.  Now if I caught it in a really nice small unknown lake then I would be torn. 

fishing user avatarUGLY STIK reply : 

I would 4 sure , people want to know who caught it...thats half the   :D

fishing user avatarSDoolittle reply : 

I'd eat it! And I'd make sure that there were no pictures taken of it. That way my record would be surrounded by controversy for the next century.

fishing user avatarDock Master reply : 

Heck yeah I would have my name attached go ahead and get my fifteen minutes of fame.



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