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Best Fishing Prank 2024

fishing user avatarCPBassFishing reply : 

I put a banana in my buddy's tackle box. He's a little superstitious so when he went digging for a trick worm he freaked out a little haha. What was the best prank you have played on someone or have been the victim of?

fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 

I have a buddy that is deathly afraid of snakes.  So I basically purchased one of those big fake ones and hooked it to my line when he wasn't looking. I played like I hooked a good one and faked the fight.  I told him to get the net and when I pulled it up he freaked out! He started screaming and cussing. He jumped out of the boat into the lake.  When he resurfaces I am cracking up.  He hasn't taken me fishing since! lol

fishing user avatarMegastink reply : 

I do this when the fishing is slow and I'm fishing with a friend:


When fishing a topwater, like a buzzbait, I make sure i fish it all the way back to me. On about the third or fourth cast, whenever my poor partner isnt paying attention, right before I would pull the lure out of the water, I dip my rod in the water, and shake it violently back and forth, and start screaming like Iaconelli landing an 8 pounder. My buddy usually whips around, eyes as wide as grapefriuts.


After they see that I apparently dont have the new state record on my line, I laugh as they call me something dirty.


Its a good time...

fishing user avatarDave Hull reply : 

Not mine but the best one I've seen is when Bill Dance took Jerry Reed bass fishing on his "private" pond. Ol Jerry catches about a 10lber and claims that it is his PB and that he is going to keep it and have it mounted. Bill says not on this boat you aint! Jerry fires up the livewell and drops his prize in. Later when Jerry is preoccupied Bill slips the hog back into the drink. Jerry later asks Bill to run the aerator as he wants to make sure the bass has fresh water on him. Bill says "don't you worry the bass has PLENTY of water on him". At the end of the day when Jerry goes to get his bass and Bill says he put it back for him Jerry chases him plum out of the boat into the shallow water! I don't think it was staged for the show cause Jerry really seemed quite upset.

Crap I have done...

Had live crawdads hidden from my partner and was hooking them on my jig when he was not looking and he's wondering why I'm outfishing him 5 to 1. He eventually busted me and cursed my for not sharing!

Smacked by buddy in the side of the head with a 5lber cause he sleeping when the bass are biting. He was so mad he immediately started the boat and went back to the dock!

Crap done to me...

When I was young & dumb buddy and I was fishing the spillway at a local lake after a big rain which spurred a feed. We could see big bass tailing feeding on crawdads. As we were tying up he wants to show me a new knot called the hangman's knot so I let him tie it up. I cast in and hook a big bass but promply loose it cause my knot pulls loose. He proceeds to catch the one I just lost which still had my hook in him! Nice knot.

The old standby...

Grab your buddies pole and peel out about 30 feet of line then cut it and wind it back onto the reel. When his lure goes sailing off into space and he's scratching his head try not to laugh!

fishing user avatarCPBassFishing reply : 
  On 1/27/2013 at 6:12 AM, Dave Hull said:
Not mine but the best one I've seen is when Bill Dance took Jerry Reed bass fishing on his "private" pond. Ol Jerry catches about a 10lber and claims that it is his PB and that he is going to keep it and have it mounted. Bill says not on this boat you aint! Jerry fires up the livewell and drops his prize in. Later when Jerry is preoccupied Bill slips the hog back into the drink. Jerry later asks Bill to run the aerator as he wants to make sure the bass has fresh water on him. Bill says "don't you worry the bass has PLENTY of water on him". At the end of the day when Jerry goes to get his bass and Bill says he put it back for him Jerry chases him plum out of the boat into the shallow water! I don't think it was staged for the show cause Jerry really seemed quite upset.Crap I have done...Had live crawdads hidden from my partner and was hooking them on my jig when he was not looking and he's wondering why I'm outfishing him 5 to 1. He eventually busted me and cursed my for not sharing!Smacked by buddy in the side of the head with a 5lber cause he sleeping when the bass are biting. He was so mad he immediately started the boat and went back to the dock!Crap done to me...When I was young & dumb buddy and I was fishing the spillway at a local lake after a big rain which spurred a feed. We could see big bass tailing feeding on crawdads. As we were tying up he wants to show me a new knot called the hangman's knot so I let him tie it up. I cast in and hook a big bass but promply loose it cause my knot pulls loose. He proceeds to catch the one I just lost which still had my hook in him! Nice knot.The old standby...Grab your buddies pole and peel out about 30 feet of line then cut it and wind it back onto the reel. When his lure goes sailing off into space and he's scratching his head try not to laugh!
haha those are great. I will refrain from the last one because my fishing buddies and I are all on a rather tight budget.
fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Each April 1st I send a memo to my bass club buddies with an April Fools joke.


Two years ago I sent a letter out that PETA was going around on Lake Anna interfering with bass fishermen and boarding their boats and throwing their fish in the livewell into the lake.


In addition, the PETA people were disrupting the weigh-ins on the lake.


What a response!


One guy said he was bringing his pisto; another he was taking his shotguy; a third was going to rig up two or three one ounce sinkers and throw them at the PETA people.


I received a number of calls from other members upset about PETA and their tactics against bass fishermen. 


I also said that PETA was going around as many bass boats as they could and dump a sleeping agent in the water to put the bass to sleep so the bass would not bite the baits.


That got a few more guys upset and said that if they saw the PETA people putting anything in the water where they were fishing they were going to attack and beat up the PETA people.


Overall it was a great prank.


When some of the guys realized it was an April Fools joke they were not happy with me.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Maybe I can type better tomorrow!

fishing user avatarBass Junkie reply : 
  On 1/27/2013 at 8:09 AM, Sam said:
Maybe I can type better tomorrow!

Still funny as all get out  :laugh5:

fishing user avatarSnakehead Whisperer reply : 

Whenever the fishing is fast and furious my friend Edwin will grab a huge chunk of ice out of the cooler and toss it in the water near me when I'm not looking and say "dude, there was one right next to you!" Sad to say but this gets me everytime  :myopic:

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 1/27/2013 at 12:04 AM, CPBassFishing said:
I put a banana in my buddy's tackle box. He's a little superstitious so when he went digging for a trick worm he freaked out a little haha. What was the best prank you have played on someone or have been the victim of?

What is it about the banana? I've heard about that, but never did understand it.


fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

If I'm fishing a slow bait while my buddy is fishing fast and his casts keep crossing my line I'll let my line sit when he's crossed me and doesn't know it. I wait until my line starts moving and give it  a good jerk. Of course he'll set the hook thinking he just hooked his new PB only to find my bait on his line.

Probably my favorite one I pulled was a few years ago on a trout fishing trip at Lake Taneycomo. It was a big group of friends, many who aren't fishermen and women, so I volunteered to go out on the pontoon and help everyone catch some fish. It was mainly little kids and their grandparents, one who had been like a grandfather to me since I was 13, my dad and his annoying, loudmouth friend. My dad's friend had been running his mouth the whole way down to the lake and the entire time we'd been there about how he was going to catch the biggest fish of the trip and he could outfish anyone, anytime, any place and it was getting on my nerves. I had everyone fishing bottom rigs with powerbait and they were catching trout about as fast as they could get a line in the water. Anyone that knows anything about inexperienced anglers using powerbait for trout knows that it results in a lot of swallowed hooks. Not a issue, we were keeping them to eat anyways so I'd just cut the line and get the hooks back later. I spent most of the time helping old Bill who was wheelchair bound and hadn't even had a chance to get my line in the water because I was so busy baiting hooks, tying hooks, unhooking fish, taking pictures, so loudmouth is in the back of the boat chipping away about how bad he's outfishing me  :smile2:. I'd just got done retying Bill's line when loudmouth catches a dink and swings it over to me like everyone else had been doing and insist I unhook his fish for him because "somebody around here has to catch dinner." The fish had the hook swallowed so I cut his line and tossed the fish in the livewell and got a new hook to tie on. I decide to have a little fun with him and instead of tying a good knot I tie a single overhand knot and pop a couple eggs on the hook. He casts out and I watched with much anticipation. Not long before I saw the telltale "tap, tap" of the rod tip and he set the hook into what was by far the largest trout anyone had hooked. He was hooting and hollering about how he was going to win the big fish pot until it got to the boat and he tried to swing it in and the knot slipped and the fish fell back in the water. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath and it took a minute for me to be able to explain what I'd done. Everyone else thought it was hilarious except loudmouth who insisted it wasn't fair and his fish should still be the biggest fish of the weekend because he would have caught it otherwise, everyone laughed even harder when old Bill said "what fish?" :grin:

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

OK, so the best fishing prank I have ever seen done, was this year already.  My wife got me an ice fishing trip for Christmas.  We left Memphis and headed up to Milwaukee Wisconsin for our first ever ice fishing experience.  The guide was a very nice guy who liked to have a bit of fun.  So when he was drilling the holes, he made sure to drill one pretty close to the other with the anticipation of having a little fun.  Well after a couple of hours the second day of fishing, my wife starts to get a little too cold, so he set her up an ice shelter over the hole she was having the most fun jigging.  Well un-known to her there was this other hole drilled right outside the shelter.  While she had gotten out to catch a fish in one of the other holes, the guides helper stepped inside the shelter, ran her line into her hole, up and out of the other hole.  Once out of the other hole and on top of the ice, he tied a Mountain Dew bottle to it.  Well just as she was releasing the fish she had caught outside the shelter, the helper starts yelling, "FISH, FISH, IN THE SHELTER"  My wife precedes to slide over the ice into the shelter.  When she gets in, the "fish" is pulling line like all get out.  While outside the shelter, the guide is running across the ice with the mountain dew bottle in his hand.  He stops and starts running back.  The helper is going " HE'S SWIMMING AT YOU, CATCH UP, CATCH UP".  My wife is reeling like crazy.  The helper says, "Aww, I think he got off", and then the guide takes off back running.  "NO HE'S STILL THERE.....IVE NEVER SEN ONE DO THIS.  MUST BE A GIANT"  Then he lets her "play" him for another minuet and then lets her reel the bottle down through thew hole and up into the shelter.  The look on her face was priceless.  She was a good sport about the whole thing, and the best part is we have it on video.  I am waiting on him to finish editing the video and send it to me.  Once he does, I will be sure to post it on here.  I don't know if ANY prank will ever top this one!



fishing user avatarTopwaterspook reply : 

We were trolling off Hatteras, tuna fishing.  The mate yelled , FISH ON ......and handed the rod to a first timer.  Buckled him in the chair. Kept yelling encouragement in his ear. After about 5 minutes  the fisherman landed a really nice 5 gallon bucket . ...He was ticked

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 1/27/2013 at 5:57 PM, hootiebenji said:
What is it about the banana? I've heard about that, but never did understand it.




I guess nobody knows. Maybe it don't mean anything, someone just made it up on the



fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 
  On 1/27/2013 at 9:35 PM, hootiebenji said:
I guess nobody knows. Maybe it don't mean anything, someone just made it up on the



I have heard some people thinks it brings bad luck.  Pros are very  superstitious.  A lot of them freak out if banana's are even in the boat.

fishing user avatarTom Walker reply : 

found my mates crank bait box  when we were doing an over night trip, the look on his face was priceless when he opened the box in the morning to find I had attached the split rings together to create one giant lure :P half an hour later he was ready to fish again.

fishing user avatarwakeeater reply : 

the bananas superstition goes back to when the english ruled the seas @ 1700s.  they had no refrigeration onboard, of course, and had to carry lots of fruits to prevent scurvy.   bananas spoiled a lot faster & would cause other fruits & veggies to rot quicker, so they wouldn't allow them onboard.  this is the most believable story i've heard about the origin of the "bad luck bananas".


i served in the USN for 4 years (91-95) on a fast attack sub out of norfolk, va.  i wasn't aware of this superstition back then, but i swear i can't remember ever having bananas on the boat!  


ps..  if you wanna talk about pranks on a boat, i could go on for days!

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 1/27/2013 at 10:44 PM, gripnrip said:
I have heard some people thinks it brings bad luck. Pros are very superstitious. A lot of them freak out if banana's are even in the boat.

That's weird. I have taken a banana with me many times......wait a minute..... I wonder if that's why I didn't catch


fishing user avatarCPBassFishing reply : 
  On 1/27/2013 at 8:53 PM, 00 mod said:
OK, so the best fishing prank I have ever seen done, was this year already.  My wife got me an ice fishing trip for Christmas.  We left Memphis and headed up to Milwaukee Wisconsin for our first ever ice fishing experience.  The guide was a very nice guy who liked to have a bit of fun.  So when he was drilling the holes, he made sure to drill one pretty close to the other with the anticipation of having a little fun.  Well after a couple of hours the second day of fishing, my wife starts to get a little too cold, so he set her up an ice shelter over the hole she was having the most fun jigging.  Well un-known to her there was this other hole drilled right outside the shelter.  While she had gotten out to catch a fish in one of the other holes, the guides helper stepped inside the shelter, ran her line into her hole, up and out of the other hole.  Once out of the other hole and on top of the ice, he tied a Mountain Dew bottle to it.  Well just as she was releasing the fish she had caught outside the shelter, the helper starts yelling, "FISH, FISH, IN THE SHELTER"  My wife precedes to slide over the ice into the shelter.  When she gets in, the "fish" is pulling line like all get out.  While outside the shelter, the guide is running across the ice with the mountain dew bottle in his hand.  He stops and starts running back.  The helper is going " HE'S SWIMMING AT YOU, CATCH UP, CATCH UP".  My wife is reeling like crazy.  The helper says, "Aww, I think he got off", and then the guide takes off back running.  "NO HE'S STILL THERE.....IVE NEVER SEN ONE DO THIS.  MUST BE A GIANT"  Then he lets her "play" him for another minuet and then lets her reel the bottle down through thew hole and up into the shelter.  The look on her face was priceless.  She was a good sport about the whole thing, and the best part is we have it on video.  I am waiting on him to finish editing the video and send it to me.  Once he does, I will be sure to post it on here.  I don't know if ANY prank will ever top this one!



AHAHAHA THAT IS AMAZING! Please do post the video.
fishing user avatarrangerboy reply : 

i would go night catfishing with a buddy, when he wasnt looking i would tie a line to his rod tip a jerk it like crazy, he would hear the bell going off and run over. watching him lay into the hook set like he had a 20 lb cat was priceless, some times i could get away with this twice before he would want to kick my butt

fishing user avatartbone1993 reply : 
  On 1/27/2013 at 8:53 PM, 00 mod said:
OK, so the best fishing prank I have ever seen done, was this year already.  My wife got me an ice fishing trip for Christmas.  We left Memphis and headed up to Milwaukee Wisconsin for our first ever ice fishing experience.  The guide was a very nice guy who liked to have a bit of fun.  So when he was drilling the holes, he made sure to drill one pretty close to the other with the anticipation of having a little fun.  Well after a couple of hours the second day of fishing, my wife starts to get a little too cold, so he set her up an ice shelter over the hole she was having the most fun jigging.  Well un-known to her there was this other hole drilled right outside the shelter.  While she had gotten out to catch a fish in one of the other holes, the guides helper stepped inside the shelter, ran her line into her hole, up and out of the other hole.  Once out of the other hole and on top of the ice, he tied a Mountain Dew bottle to it.  Well just as she was releasing the fish she had caught outside the shelter, the helper starts yelling, "FISH, FISH, IN THE SHELTER"  My wife precedes to slide over the ice into the shelter.  When she gets in, the "fish" is pulling line like all get out.  While outside the shelter, the guide is running across the ice with the mountain dew bottle in his hand.  He stops and starts running back.  The helper is going " HE'S SWIMMING AT YOU, CATCH UP, CATCH UP".  My wife is reeling like crazy.  The helper says, "Aww, I think he got off", and then the guide takes off back running.  "NO HE'S STILL THERE.....IVE NEVER SEN ONE DO THIS.  MUST BE A GIANT"  Then he lets her "play" him for another minuet and then lets her reel the bottle down through thew hole and up into the shelter.  The look on her face was priceless.  She was a good sport about the whole thing, and the best part is we have it on video.  I am waiting on him to finish editing the video and send it to me.  Once he does, I will be sure to post it on here.  I don't know if ANY prank will ever top this one!



Saw a video exactly like that on youtube. Except with all dudes...

fishing user avatarPolarkraft05 reply : 

Here's a good ice fishing prank

fishing user avatarCutnshoot reply : 

I went on a guided crappie trip one time and we met up with the guide early at the minniow buckett restruant and store where all the guides meet for breakfast.We were out back meeting up in the rear parking lot where all the guides and regulars had their rigs parked while they ate breakfast. Our guide went from boat to boat looking on the deck of each rig till he found one with a carolina rig tied on. He took the rod out of the bungee and stripped off about  6 feet of line then cut it at the reel twisted the ends togather spooled  it back on the reel, and put it back under the bunghee strap on the deck. I didnt see it happen but I can just visualise that 3/4 oz weight and lizzad just sailing into oblivian on the frist cast and the guide and client watching it sail away.

fishing user avatarShewillbemine reply : 

So sad, since I fish by myself 99% of the time the only pranks I know are from fish not biting.

fishing user avatarbassin is addicting reply : 

i can't wait to pull the one i read here a few weeks ago.....i think it was Bobby who posted it.


after using some reall JJ's and letting the boater smell how strong it is.  have a JJ's jar with water and yellow dye and "accidentally" spill it on your buddy's carpet on his precious bass boat...

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 
  On 1/29/2013 at 10:04 PM, bassin is addicting said:
i can't wait to pull the one i read here a few weeks ago.....i think it was Bobby who posted it.


after using some reall JJ's and letting the boater smell how strong it is.  have a JJ's jar with water and yellow dye and "accidentally" spill it on your buddy's carpet on his precious bass boat...



Know that it might still stain the carpet!  Might not be the best idea!



fishing user avatarbassin is addicting reply : 

Know that it might still stain the carpet!  Might not be the best idea!


good point... i'll test it on something else first....i don't want to stain anyones carpet... 

fishing user avatarendless reply : 

You know I like to joke allot and not sure if ever pulled any prank out on the water?? Well I guess I will have to this year even if it's just tossing a fish into my wife's lap!


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