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Fishing Partners 2024

fishing user avatarMobasser reply : 

In almost 40 yrs of bass fishing I've been lucky to fish with 3 guys who were great fishing partners. They were all older than me. 2 are gone now,the other took a new job and moved away years ago. Two of them were tournament fisherman, the other was a skilled bass fisherman. I learned a huge amount from.all 3 of them. Having said that, I've also fished with several guys who, never brought correct tackle, couldn't tie a good knot, used dull rusty hooks, and old half rotted line, or constantly wanted to borrow something, and complained all the time. It used to bother me watching someone tie on a dull, rusted hook, or fishing with old dried out mono. Now, I don't fish with guys like this anymore. My main fishing partner is my grandson, and he's become a good fisherman over a few years time. He rarely has any problems while we fish together. Having a good fishing partner can make for a good day. You can work together, trying different baits, areas etc and get a pattern going. I like to see anyone catch fish, but, I want them to at least try to be ready, with tackle and other items. If not I would rather fish alone. Do you have a good partner?

fishing user avatarGlaucus reply : 

Other than my wife and son (daughters are too young), I only have one good consistent fishing partner. The others are guys who like to fish but use **improper and poor equipment** and constantly need to "borrow" things and who won't take advice. In the end, I suck it up when I'm feeling in the mood for company because it's about just that: the company.


**that doesn't mean the "cost" of something, but improper rods and reels for the techniques being used, the aforementioned rusted/dulled hooks and junk baits and old line that should have been tossed ages ago, as well as poor knots and improper rigging.


"borrow" is in quotes because it's usually soft plastic that gets destroyed or hard baits that get snagged. Generally I know I'll never see them again.

fishing user avatarRip_lipz reply : 

I fish with my wife and my buddy, of course my wife uses all my stuff! My buddy is always prepared (expect for food always steals mine). I am hesitant to fish with new people, I don't mind if they have older equipment, what I do hate is complainers. I fished with a small group of guys last year on my boat. The entire week of fishing all I heard was complaining, they never wanted to fish/graph new areas. We went to the same 3 or 4 points every day. I caught a small limit everyday, while the rest caught maybe one. My boat was trashed with garbage everyday and I was left to lug batteries by myself. By the end of the trip I was so frustrated that I just aimed myself for the bests cast, left them fishing no mans land. Probably not the most mature thing to do.

fishing user avatarMrFrost reply : 

I am lucky when it comes to fishing partners.  In my opinion.  My son is my original, and main fishing partner, unfortunately, due to me working two jobs, and him working two jobs, plus having a two year old (my granddaughter) we don't get to fish together as much as I would like, but he's the first person I call when I am planning something.  Then I have a good friend and co-worker that I generally fish with a couple times a week, typically for twenty to thirty minutes before we go to our second jobs (we work at the same place for our second jobs).  


But my wife and daughter are also fishing partners, just not nearly as often.  But they love to go sometimes, and never complain.  They've both out fished me on occasions as well!


Edited to add, my son and I happily share our tackle with each other.  And my buddy and I will usually buy two of whatever bait we're having good luck with, and give each other one.  

fishing user avatarKrux5506 reply : 

I wish I had a good go-to fishing partner but it's just not the case. Yes, I have friends I fish with, but with pretty much all of us having babies/kids now it's d**n near impossible to get anything lined up. I've always fished by myself probably 90% of the time, but I'm at the point now where I can just as happily ease off on the seriousness of the fishing if it means getting out with a couple of buddies and just having the time together. 

fishing user avatarScott F reply : 

I belong to a fishing club (non tournament) and I’ve met and fished with a number of really good fishermen. I like doing road trips to go fishing and thanks to the club, I have a number of guys I can call to set up a trip. There have been a few that I choose not to fish with again, but for the most part, a great group of guys.

Next month, I rented a home on the bank of a top notch smallmouth river for a two week period. Over the course of the two weeks, 20 of my friends and I will share the house, 6 at a time, to float, boat and wade the river catching big, hard fighting smallies often right out the back door of the cabin. Fishing is only one part of the adventure. Hanging out, sharing meals, and talking fishing around a campfire in the evenings makes this a really fun time. 

If you are looking for fishing partners, joining a fishing club is in my opinion, the best way to do it.

fishing user avatarJunger reply : 

I think as long as you understand the expectations, any day on the water is good. I take my 80 year old dad fishing a lot on my little bass boat, and we didn't grow up with much and primarily bank fished. So his experience as a bank fisherman is vastly different from fishing new waters on a boat. He's pretty stubborn and won't listen to much advice I give him, so while it's frustrating to watch him try to fish pads with a noodle spinning rod, I know he's happy to be out there with me and that's all that matters.

fishing user avatarSATXangler reply : 

I'm lucky to have a couple of great fishing buddies. We all help each other out and share tackle when we are having success. One of em also has a boat which is awesome, all I have to worry about is some brews and gas money.

fishing user avatarHower08 reply : 

Out of every one I fish with theirs only a few that will reliably go and not complain my dad one of our mutual friends my girlfriend my son and my buddy I fish weeknight tournaments with other than that people always cancel or only want to go for two hours. Hell even my best friend we only fish a few times a year 

fishing user avatarWVU-SCPA reply : 

The lady friend is going as my partner for the first time in a tournament Saturday.  I'll let her know right as we launch "to be a keeper requires you to catch a keeper".  In all seriousness, I'm very excited she is willing to join me and her patient style of fishing will be beneficial.  

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 
  On 7/12/2019 at 1:44 AM, WVU-SCPA said:

The lady friend is going as my partner for the first time in a tournament Saturday.  I'll let her know right as we launch "to be a keeper requires you to catch a keeper".  In all seriousness, I'm very excited she is willing to join me and her patient style of fishing will be beneficial.  

Ohhh for sure. Good luck and many times two different styles of fishing works good in a team tournament. If she wants to throw something different because it’s pretty, let her. Some of our go to baits are ones I said” ohhhh pretty “ over.  My husband is my best fishing partner and I’m not sure which of us have more gear. 




fishing user avatarrtwvumtneer6 reply : 

I have a very good tournament partner.  We fish local club tournaments, but he also fishes B.A.S.S.  I learn a lot from him and his experience.  I'm a better angler because of it, and IMO we make a pretty good team.


I also have friends and family that I "fun fish" with.  I do my best to share my knowledge (and gear) with them.  That being said, they want to be there and be successful.  It makes the experience better for everyone. 


If someone is too lazy, or just doesn't care, that's their problem and I can't feel too bad when the results show it.  But, the one thing I can't stand and won't tolerate is negativity!!!

fishing user avatarGeekFisher reply : 
  On 7/11/2019 at 9:22 PM, Scott F said:

I belong to a fishing club (non tournament) and I’ve met and fished with a number of really good fishermen. I like doing road trips to go fishing and thanks to the club, I have a number of guys I can call to set up a trip. There have been a few that I choose not to fish with again, but for the most part, a great group of guys.

Next month, I rented a home on the bank of a top notch smallmouth river for a two week period. Over the course of the two weeks, 20 of my friends and I will share the house, 6 at a time, to float, boat and wade the river catching big, hard fighting smallies often right out the back door of the cabin. Fishing is only one part of the adventure. Hanging out, sharing meals, and talking fishing around a campfire in the evenings makes this a really fun time. 

If you are looking for fishing partners, joining a fishing club is in my opinion, the best way to do it.

How does a fishing club does work ? I fished several kayak tournaments but I feel a club would suit me better...

fishing user avatarScott F reply : 

In my area, near Chicago, we have several multi-species clubs, many tournament bass clubs, and my club, the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance. I’ve never been in and have no interest in tournament clubs. The multi species, and my club generally have regular meetings where they get together, maybe have a guest speaker, organize fishing outings, and often leave time just to socialize. At the meetings, you get to know the other members and just talk fishing. The important thing about joining a club is that you’ll get nothing out of it if you aren’t active. Make the time to attend meetings and as many events as you can. It’s the only way to really get anything out of your dues. 

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Just hit 69 and am more critical who I fish with.  I've had some great partners that through life's journey have gone their separate way's due to moving, etc.  I now have a great tourney partner...actually two.  One is my son for the Tuesday nighters with which is the only one he really has time for due to life and three kids.  This time for me is surely blessed.  I also have a good friend I fish other tourneys with and life is good when we fish together too.  I also have a couple other friends I fish with and enjoy our time...but again life just doesn't let me get out with them much.  If I fish with someone new I meet them at the ramp....I don't want to ruin a whole day by someone saying...OH....I need to be home by such and such.  (usually after two hours)

Now days it's rare for me to want to experiment....nothing wrong with launching by one's self....looking up and thanking the good Lord for another day on the water.

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 

I have dozens of buddies that like occupying the back of my boat or joining in a floatilla. It sure makes for some good stories/memories! 

fishing user avatarNHBull reply : 

Fishing partners will come and go, but family is forever.

Son, grandson and brother trump every thing else and we fish for volume........wife will fish to keep me company  but won't get up at 4:00 AM to do so ????


fishing user avatarHarold Scoggins reply : 
  On 7/11/2019 at 7:23 PM, Mobasser said:

My main fishing partner is my grandson,

That's the best fishing partner a man can have. You are giving him some fond memories he'll remember for a lifetime.

fishing user avatarstinkychzman55 reply : 

My fishing partner was my wife until we had our daughters. That woman was a dang hammer. I Never came back to the dock with the biggest fish....she just had a knack for tempting the big ones. 2 years of fishing out of a small aluminum with a 9hp Johnson outboard she was the one who finally said "were buying a new boat" I miss fishing with her :(


For now its just me and my dog. I cant say the word fishing without him standing by the garage door where he knows the boat is kept. Hopefully my daughters take to fishing and the outdoors like their mother will give me the perfect excuse to buy a bigger boat!!

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I've fished with a bunch of different people but I've had a few regular fishing buddies in the past. A few have bought boats of their own and now fish in their own boats, my irregular schedule makes it difficult to line up days off, but I still have a handful of people I send the message out to first when I'm headed to the lake and have an empty seat. 


I've always got my 2 furballs that willing to hold down the back of the boat if nobody else wants to though. 

Image may contain: dog

fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 

My middle son is my most consistent fishing partner, although he’d rather fish saltwater, which we often do. He’s real good at bass fishing too though.We haven’t been much this year though due to life getting in the way. 

My grand daughter has reached the teen years and I haven’t been able to get her out recently . She is great to fish with when she’ll go.

I have a few good friends I go with too. One is an ex tournament fisherman . He’s a good guy overall, but nearly snags me with his casts in my little boat. I’m ducking every other cast and he doesn’t realize it, even though I’ll tell him. He also consistently has line problems, backlashes and his line breaks a lot. His hands shake so I have to help him retie a lot. He’s fun in general though and needs to fish to get out so I put up with it.

Also have a childhood friend that has a boat. I taught him the first principles of bass fishing when we were teens. He’s the friend that does everything for himself and we have never had anything resembling a disagreement. We also agree on what life is all about and so I’m blessed to have these people and a few others to fish with.

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

Except for the one I married, all of my best fishing partners have passed on. She and I have named a few of our favorite spots after them. Dave's Point and Pete's place are two of my favorites.  She has a knack of upstaging me almost every time we hit the water. Today I boated three nice bass over 3.5lb. She was fishless as we headed for the dock. You guessed it. She hooked and landed a 19.5 in. LM that weighed in a 4lb.7oz.  I don't know if it's persistance, or just being hard headed, but I love the fact that, like me, she doesn't quit just because the fish aren't cooperating.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 


Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, sky, cloud, outdoor, nature and water

Best one I've ever had.


fishing user avatarstratoliner92 reply : 

Family, dog or best friend in no particular order????. Everyone else it just turns into a hassle and not worth it for me. 

fishing user avatarRandy Price reply : 

I'm 55 and had two really good fishing buddies but within a span of 3 years they both are gone.  I'm in the process of trying to find another but it's hard to find someone that just fits right.

fishing user avatarbuzzbaiter83 reply : 

I have been blessed with great fishing partners but my dad is the best. We still fish a Tuesday night derby every week and our Club Tourneys every other week. He’s the most high strung guy I’ve ever fished with but he’s my best friend. We have one tomorrow night and I’m looking forward to hanging out with him. 

fishing user avatarSphynx reply : 

Original fishing partners were my grandfather and my cousin, but we fished for trout, not bass, I never knew a thing about bass fishing until I was at Ft Hood, a very good friend from Alabama taught me most of what I know. As a young private there wasn't money for technique specific equipment, and we pooled a lot of gear, I think we had a couple of spinning set ups, one baitcasting set up, I understand a lot of guys that get annoyed with that, but it's all we could afford and we had an absolute blast doing it (and caught a lot of fish with the "wrong" gear for a given techniqu), we don't get to fish hardly ever anymore, life happens and all, but I am looking forward to my nieces and nephews getting old enough to go, and my old lady told me to buy her a fishing rod last year, slow on the uptake but we've gone a few times and I'm hoping she ends up infected with fishing fever just like me lol.

fishing user avatarhawgenvy reply : 

I enjoy fishing with my friends. But there is someone special that none of them know about, a partner who is already there waiting for me when I go bank fishing in the evening. He doesn't say much but he has a sixth sense that lets him know where the fish are, and points them out to help me catch more. And I aways reward him with a healthy meal.




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