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Sponsorship and tackle suggestions 2024

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I am curious how many people suggest stuff they use on the forums VS People who are suggesting their sponsors stuff This is not to be provocative Im just curious how people make thier suggestions

fishing user avatarSir Catch Alot reply : 

nope never

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I was just speaking with Brent at *** and he was explaining his sponsorship program and how I would fit right in (this is just this week).

I explained that I publicly represent all brands that offer a better bait/dollar ratio and his in particular because he offers a good value, the right colors and great customer service.

I appreciate the offer from Brent and others but I have defended knock-offs so whole heartedly here that I wouldn't want my opinion to be percieved as "paid for". What I throw I pay for. I'm not even sure what the rules are on moderators accepting things like product sponsorship's etc. I have recieved a few "test baits" from hand pourers, etc, requesting an opinion and I give it. Free.

Also, all my gear , I paid for.

;) Just so everyone knows

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

I second LBH.

I don't have any sponsors but there are a few companies that I talk about as though they pay me. I just hope that many of you have tried their lures and had some great experiences with them.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I respect your response to ***, LBH.

Muddy, I've never been a tournament fisherman nor have I been in the fishing business so I've never considered having a sponsor.  If I were to ever have a sponsorship, I could only accept one for something that I actually use and believe in.  I have no use for those with no integrity.  An angler may be able to make some bucks by touting a product that he/she doesn't really use,  but eventually I think what goes around comes around.  

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


I don't have any sponsors either.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I don't have any sponsors either.

Smith & Wesson dropped you?  :)

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

I think there are a few that stick to sponsors... they are pretty easy to spot. So easy in fact, many times I see a thread title and know who will reply and can almost guess the response to the word.

Most people here I think are pretty honest about it all. I won't recommend anything that I haven't had good experience with unless I know someone well, that has. (and I've seen it)

Too bad the mods aren't accepting sponsors... I have a good size inventory of blanks and no room in the boat for new builds right now. I guess I'll just have to keep giving rods away to local anglers. ;D  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

THANK YOU GENTLEMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! My fishing partner and I were arguing b/c I went out and got a Pflueger President Reel Ive wanted one for a long time. I told him all the posts Ive read by LBH and he pops off I bet you these guys get paid by their sponsors to reccomend gear I pointed out that Matt Lures, the only tackle rep/manufacturer I know for sure on the forums Is up front about his products

 I also want to say and I hope its OK with him, that I pm REELMECH to get a reel serviced that he dosent service and he took the time to PM me back with contact info so someone else could do it

 Ivebeen trying to get my freind on the forums and he said since Im here I buy too much stuff


fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

My one and only sponsor is  C A S H

fishing user avatarguest reply : 


fishing user avatarbait__Monkey reply : 

Ive been trying to get my freind on the forums and he said since Im here I buy too much stuff


Ears are burnin',......................this "friend",..................he got an address?

Buy Buy


fishing user avatarMadhouse27 reply : 

I'm also living a sponsor free existence. When I'm talking up a Case Plastics Jacks Worm or trying to give Abu Garcia round reels a little meantion it's coming from the heart and from my experiences. One of the great things about this forum is that most of the people are sharing information without any agenda other than to help others become better bass fisherman and to simply have a good time. This forum is a far cry from the sponsor laden, paper infomercial that Bassmaster Magazine has become. I guess that's why I'm on here an hour a night and only read that thing when I'm in the bathroom. Alot of us are loyal to certain brands and manufacturers....and we're not shy about talking about them. I think it's pretty obvious when someone is passionate about something versus when someone is just touting the company line.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Too bad the mods aren't accepting sponsors... I have a good size inventory of blanks and no room in the boat for new builds right now. I guess I'll just have to keep giving rods away to local anglers. ;D

Crawling away on knees, clutching stomach,...tongue dragging

Xmas,........has been cancelled,lol

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


You are obviously Not paying attention...SHIMANO...not Pflueger...

What kind of name is that? Flew-gore, Flu-roer...Flew-Goer... Flugger...NO!

It's Shimano...S...H..I...M...A...N...O

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

hEY rw IF IT MAKES YOU FEEL ANY BETTER Ive been thinking about a Shimano Spirex for my panfishing set up Thats P A N F I S H  ;D

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

For the record - I do not have any sponsors either.  True, I do receive free samples every now and then for me to test and provide feedback, which I do. But these do not buy my endorsement (but they may garner my business).  And yes, I receive steep discounts from a few major manufacturers, but these are not sponsorships.  Oddly enough, these were brands I was using years and years before they even knew about me, so I was already loyal to them - when I recommend their products, it comes from the heart and not the wallet.

Someday I may seek sponsors.  Not because I need it, but because I believe in their products and wish to help promote them on another level.

fishing user avatarNick_Barr reply : 

I may have an amount of sponsors, But before I even think about sending my resume and trying to be on the pro-staff of a company, I must always believe in their Product 100% and be a life long user of their baits/rods, etc. I will never steer somebody the wrong way. I use my sponsors products ALOT, and I do catch alot of my fish with them. All my replies are 100% truth and what I believe will help the other person get what their looking for... to become a better Bass Fisherman.  ;)

As some of you know my one of my favorite baits is a Gary Yamamoto DT HULA GRUB, and some of my sponsors baits. But I will always tell the person straight up what I believe 100% will help them.. All the Time.

One thing that I love about the beauty of this forum is that everyone is here to learn and to teach others. Which I think alot of bass fishing is about. :)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey Glenn I dont doubt anyones integrity here And I beleive in capatism so I have nothing against sponsorship either  I was just trying to make the point that all this info is so real I know these guys use the stuff the suggest. I have to start controling my spending b/c I am buying too much stuff I could make a tackle box outta stuff that seemed like a good idea at the time and I never used

 Most of the time when Im looking for a suggestion I already have the item on my Cabelas Wish list anyhow Im just looking for some one to co-sign it and I go back ther and click it into my cart or if Im really obsessed  Ill drive the 48 miles to Hamburg and pick it right up at Cabelas  BAD MONKEY

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

Anything I suggest is because I believe in the product and use it and most of the time pay for it.  I have turned down offers from sponsers because I refuse to promote someones product just because they give me product ,pay me, or give me a patch to wear. If I suggest it its because I think its the best bait for the job period. Its more important for me to be honest and for people to know I am telling them to use a certain bait because its the best instead of thinking I am trying to sell something. I also have very little respect for companys that offer sponserships and discounts to almost anyone willing to sign up just to get people to push there product on the internet on forums like this. Most of those people arent really sponsered they are just part of a dirt  cheap sales team for those companys.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

I never thought for a minute your were doubting anyone's integrity.  You've been here long enough to know that everyone here gives honest answers and recommendations.  The occasional snake oil salesman that shows up quickly realizes he walked into the wrong lion's den and makes a fast getaway!   ;D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
No not you Mr Barr it was about a disscussion between me and my best friend and fishing partner Ron He uses real basic equipment and doesnt understand my need to upgrade and he doesnt understand the BAIT MONKEY JONES I have He keeps saying the guys on the forum steer people to certain products I reccomend Pflueger,Rapala and Fenwick and I frequently sing the praises of Cabelas and Im not sponsored by them HE CANT GET IT THROUGH HIS THICK HEAD and I posted the question to get a feel from the fellas and some of the posts(especially Glenns) led me to feel I might have hurt some feelings trying to prove a point I was actua;lly responding to Glenns Post I hate when I put the blinders on to prove something and wind up messin with someone else when I do

This was a pm to Mr Barr I really didnt want you fellas to get hurt

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I also have no sponsers, but do recieve samples quite often to try. I personally dont want to be tied down to using a certain companies baits, because I feel they ALL have their good lures and not so good.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Muddy- I don't think anyone is taking your question personally at all. I think it's a great question and I'm glad it was asked so I had a chance to let people know where I stand.

I have taken a "more than firm" stand on my opinion of the knock-offs vs GYCB and I apprecdiate the opportunity to let everyone know that what I say comes from my experiences and is not a "persueded" or "paid for" opinion.

I'd bet money that Roadwarrior feels the same way.  RW is NOT a GYCB pro-staffer.  I'm sure people wonder how much free stuff he gets because he reccommends GYCB's so steadfastly.  He doesn't and that's the truth.  He endorses them because he believes they catch him the fish he is hunting.  This is a great example because we are both mods and have completely opposite views on this subject.

This gives us,mods anyway, a chance to let everyone know that when we publicize our opinions, it's not sponsor vs sponsor, it's angler opinion vs angler opinion.

Someone needed to ask this eventually and I think you did it in a more than fair, strictly curious way.

Everyone needs to keep in mind though that just because guys are sponsored and may answer your question with a suggestion of such a product,...this does not make them a bad guy.

For example. If someone were to ask for a plastics suggestion for throwing at the edge of lily pad fields, I would expect one of the GYCB pro-staffers to answer with "try the Fat Ika". I'm not on the team but that's what I would answer with. Now if someone is sponsored by "Bill's Lizard baits" and every answer they had was to "throw a lizard in there",...well,..that's different.

It's one thing to promote a product through your endorsement of it but it's a totally different thing to "Push" the product into every crack you think it can fit in.

*I use the GYCB pro staffers as an example because they operate with integrity.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Thanks russ ITS ALL YOUR FAULT ANYWAY  Now I have a Pfluger President reel(ps You gotta teach RW how to pronounce Pflueger,he seems to being having difficuluty with it ;D) And now Im saving for another Fenwick to hang it on Im done with buying anything else the rest of the year My last order of Jelly and Draggin worms is on the way from Manns AND THATS IT  BAD MONKEY

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

No sponsers here.  

Everything I post is water learned and what works for me.  Sometimes it doesnt work for someone elae and other times it does.   I can usualy spot a sponsered by post pretty quick.  

If I post up about a lure I hate or love its honest no backing from a company.  I paid for it and I will speak the truth from my experience with that product.

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Obviously there are people out there that will say anything to sell a product. I believe a man to be honest until he proves otherwise and sponsored or otherwise, I believe most truly believe what they profess.

There have been a few lemons come down the pike in the fishing industry, but they are few and far between. Most baits produced will work, and for those promoting them they work quite well. That in no way implies they will work for everyone.

Most good products don't want sponsored individuals to fabricate embellishments for their products. They want honest and objective responses to inquiries about their product. Those that are sponsored and do add embellishment are short lived in most cases.

Any of the products that I represent state that clearly in the contracts. If it is not clearly stated on paper it certainly is in conversations of business.

By the way: The Banjo Minnow does catch fish - The Walking Worm does catch fish - The Snake does catch fish - The Helicopter Lure caught fish: just not as successfully as advertised.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Just to clarify -  I wasn't upset or offended at all.  Not one bit.  Apologies if I came across that way.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 


fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 
I never thought for a minute your were doubting anyone's integrity. You've been here long enough to know that everyone here gives honest answers and recommendations. The occasional snake oil salesman that shows up quickly realizes he walked into the wrong lion's den and makes a fast getaway! ;D

Great point Glenn; snake oil has a distinct aroma. ;)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Yea it smells like a politician or a sports agent

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

and some of this might surprise you....

Of course I have some sponsors which you will see in my signature at the bottom of this post.

Now about my "fishing line of choice"..... I had used braid for 10 years, and TUF-Line in particular, for 2 years, before "I started bugging them" for a sponsorship. But even now that I am sponsored by them, I think you might  hear me say stuff like "Braid is awesome.... and mono sucks" (without ever mentioning a brand) .... but not so often, TUF-Line vs Spiderwire" etc..... (although you really should compare prices)...

I love my reels too.... but unless somebody asks me what brand I use (and I don't see why they would have to... again, its right there in my signature).

Now about my boat, "Yea' buddies ! I am absolutely lovin' my new boat"..... but you have to remember one thing, "I already have my boat" ! It's registered "In my name" ...."And its paid for" ! It's not like they could take it back from me if I never mentioned them again. Of course out of good faith, as long as my boat continues to give me excellent service, "I'm liable to mention that company every now and again ;-)

But now here's the BIG kicker...... Huddleston, Huddleston, Huddleston.... The best swimbait on the market.... I don't throw anything else..... But guess what ??? I'm not sponsored by them :-)



PS, One more thing; In the past, I have been aproached by many companies who wanted to sponsor me, but because these were not products that I would ordinarily use anyway, I declined those sponsorship offers. I don't care if "Billy Bob wants to give me a truckload of his plastic worms"..... I'm just not a plastic worm guy.

PPS, Oh, and I think its kind of funny when some guys just fall in love with the idea of sponsorships, to the point that every new patch on there shirts, is like a trophy catch to them :-) Ever heard the term "Patch Monkies" ? :-) LOL.... I'm not the one....


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