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Why Do We Fish Regardless Of Whether We Are Successful Or Not? 2024

fishing user avatarSENKOSAM reply : 

Many individuals can not appreciate the reasons to fish and much has to do with temperament. If all one fished for was for material benefit or fame, than he or she are in for a rude awakening. Many anglers I know fished for that reason and stopped completely after a dozen years of not be able to improve above a certain level and seeing that as the reason to abandon the sport. Funny though, they were excellent bass anglers but let ego get in the way.

After I caught my first smallmouth bass on a yellow Mr. Twister grub in a local shallow river, I was hooked. But why? And why hasn't the hobby gotten old after a few years?

You first.

fishing user avatarGetfit74 reply : 

For me it's just the fun and relaxation of being outdoors, like Ron said the peace and quite, having fun with friends and the chance of catching that fish of a lifetime. In the end it's like the old saying goes " a bad day fishing is better than a good day working"

fishing user avatarfishinthedacks reply : 

Relaxation, the ability to teach my kids, having a hobby I know no matter how upset I am I'm just a tacklebox and rod and reel away from solice. And oh yea... The thrill! When that bass blows up that top water lure and your heart begins to thumb, or that trout takes your rod and bends it in half or even watching your son reel in a 1 lb blue gill like its a 8lb monster.

fishing user avatarMike L reply : 

It's the Juice!

The one on one, the matching of wits with one of natures creations that does it for me.

Its like a bear hunter on Kodiac Island stalking a Grizzly..

An Elk hunter in Wyoming...

Trolling for a Blue Marlin off Belize...

For a bass fisherman its the quiet at first light...

The anticipation when you pick up a rod and make that first cast...

The sun coming up over the trees

It's all that and more but you get the picture


fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

Escape from daily life is probably number one on my list. I find fishing and being out in nature to be so relaxing it's like nothing else even matters while I'm there, and when a fish takes the line, that feeling you get inside that feels like it can't be contained is overwhelmingly addictive. You just have to have more. It's costed me me a lot of time and money in persute of it. That part there can't really be explained, you just feel it or you don't. Very strangely, I've known people who have caught fish, some quite nice, and claimed to have felt nothing and did not continue in the sport. So weird!

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

It's a valid question. 


After thinking about it seriously, this is what I've come up with.


Throughout the 50 years plus that I've had the pleasure of inhabiting this world, I've had a few true loves.

Parents, Wives, Children, and Family.  Besides these there was also a different kind of love; love for my career, brother & sisters in arms, and my service. The sports teams I've "Loved" have changed a little and there is a certain passion there too, but again it's different. And there's no doubt my dogs play a big role too.

But Fishing, and I'm talking about the experience not the statistics, grabbed a hold of me as a young boy and just never let go.

Through all of life's trials and tribulations, smiles and tears, cross roads & hurdles, it's fishing that has always been there.

And it's the Only thing that still brings me back to that very special innocent and carefree feeling of being a boy.



fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

We fish for the same reason people play golf, or bowl, play tiddlywinks, or play cards.  Because they are all sources of pleasure and enjoyment.  They are diversions.  They are challenges.

fishing user avatarJar11591 reply : 

Ever since I was 5-6 years old, Ive been addicted to the adrenaline rush that comes from having a fish on the end of your line. And even when I'm not catching, there's always the possibility that I will catch the fish of a life-time at any moment. Its relaxing, its outdoors, and its great stress relief. It can be exhilarating and relaxing at the same time. I fish because I can't think of ANYTHING I would rather do.

fishing user avatarflyingmonkie reply : 

I think the biggest driver for me is "the chase".  I spend so much time trying to understand how this little green fish "thinks"... and my goal is that each day I come closer to understanding him.  Why?  Maybe I think that I also get closer to understanding myself... and others.  We're all animals, and we share many of the same primitive instincts.  To learn one species is to learn them all.


Plus everything that everybody else said. :)

fishing user avatarFish Murderer 71 reply : 

If I have to explain, you'll never understand!

fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 

We are hard wired to hunt/gather, and random reward patterns are addictive.

fishing user avatarSENKOSAM reply : 
  On 3/16/2014 at 1:48 AM, Fish Murderer 71 said:

If I have to explain, you'll never understand!

No explanations necessary. Everyone's different and each has the same or unique reasons the hobby/sport means a lot.  I'm sure many of my reasons are different than yours and maybe a few which are the same. In any case why not share a few? ....or not.


I'm going to read all of the great replies again before I share mine with my fellow anglers on BR. We should never, ever lose sight of the importance angling is in our lives, regardless.


Thanks everyone - keep em com'n !

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

I go to fish, I don´t go to catch. I measure my success by how much fun I had and not by how many I caught.

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 

I fish because it's an amazing thing to do. It puts me in touch with nature. It's intensely relaxing and lets me unwind. It's one of the greatest activities in existence because you can do it at any age. You can do it the way you want to as well as make it as challenging as you want. If you want to sit out with live bait and a bobber you can do that and catch fish. If you want to spend $1000's of dollars on gear and go out and hunt fish down you can do that too. People can find enjoyment in either and that's what so great about it. Something else that's great about fishing is it's always a challenge. You are never assured to catch anything and we're always trying to figure out how to catch more. And finally, there's the anticipation factor. You have no idea what's going to happen on the next cast. The mystery of not knowing is what will keep you coming back time and time again. 

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

For the peace of mind.

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

The good ol' outdoors. To be honest the only reason i bring my phone or have a smart phone is to take pics of fish and send to my buddies and uncle, vis versa. Every one wants to live in such a high pace world and,thats not what i want. Im not talking about living 80 miles in the middle of now where. Just not having social media is a big difference, but alot of people i know are on facebook, instagram, twitter. Every second. This website is my "Social media". Fishing is an escape from everything. Sometimes i go and fish for bull head but most of the time Concentrating on catching fish is an escape in its self.

If i sound like 5tg grader sorry im on ny phone for the next week.

fishing user avatarKoofy Smacker reply : 

Its a game I know nobody can ever score a perfect game on but I want to get as close as possible

fishing user avatarThurmanMerman reply : 

I fish because I'm in the moment.  When I fish, I am.  I don't have to judge myself, worry about what others think of me, or even think about serious problems in my life.  When I'm fishing, and really in the groove, I'm one with everything.

fishing user avatarkanasbassfisher08 reply : 

well i feel like i know what im doing but when im not catching them and i feel like i dont know i love finding out why but does suck when you dont find out that for sure lol

fishing user avatarTexas Hawg Hunter reply : 

because it's not just about catching fish, it is about relaxing.  Fishing is also a giant game of strategy so it is very intellectually stimulating even if you don't catch many for a while.

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

I like to look at the lake or body of water as a new canvas that our good Lord has given us to look at for the day. It can be so full of peace and stress relief. Even if we loose a few it's not like the hassel of the fast lane we all love to get away from. I go fishing to catch fish too...if I just went to look I might be a painter but I enjoy the thrill of the catch and they come in all shapes and sizes.

Tight Lines

fishing user avatarChief 2 reply : 

When I was still working the weekend fishing was a great stress reliever. Now that I am retired I have fished in some of the most beautiful places in our country and now have the time to research and experiment with different techniques. Fishing is now a hobby that I greatly enjoy regardless of how few fish I have been catching this past winter.

fishing user avatarSENKOSAM reply : 

I've come up with a synopsis of thoughts many of you posted, many that apply to me.


contest just between you and the fish


being in the outdoors enjoying  nature and for peace and quiet


I like trying to fool a live creature with an artificial (challenge)


opportunity to spend time with my teenage son.; opportunity to teach my kids (family activity)


quiet, having fun with friends (social)


anticipation when you pick up a rod and make that first cast. ; the heart beats a little faster as you feel the pull on your line. (expectancy can be so much fun!)


Escape from daily life is probably number one on my list ; great stress relief


random reward patterns are addictive; You just have to have more.(gambler tendency many have)


It's cost me me a lot of time and money in pursuit of it. (time and money well spent)


always trying to figure out how to catch more ; a giant game of strategy so it is very intellectually stimulating (mentally stimulating)


I go to fish, I don´t go to catch. I measure my success by how much  fun I had and not by how many I caught.


the experience not the statistics, grabbed a hold of me as a young boy and just never let go.


Through all of life's trials and tribulations, smiles and tears, cross roads & hurdles, it's fishing that has always been there. (one of life's anchors)


Only thing that still brings me back to that very special innocent and carefree feeling of being a boy; (simple enjoyment).


Challenge ; trying to understand how this little green fish "thinks"... and my goal is that each day I come closer to understanding him. (problem solving that never ends and is rewarding in itself)


amazing thing to do (the pursuit of being pleasantly surprised)


The mystery of not knowing ; when a fish strikes, the rush of , what do I do now and what's that fish going to do now - simultaneously!


Concentrating on catching fish is an escape = I fish because I'm in the moment


research and experimenting (knowing and the pursuit of it)


For myself, I no longer think like a fish because just having a thought is an attribute of higher life forms. (No clearly thinking fish would ever think of eating a chartreuse plastic worm! ; )  )  So the mystery began years ago - what are the many ways to provoke a fish to strike in order to continue to get the thrill of having  been totally right about something (for a change) LOL?!! This also includes catching fish in the right area (such as a spot occupied by that big girl minding her own business!); using the right lure and presentation (one of many that might not have worked). No one can argue with success!


The feelings of satisfaction and thankfulness when it all comes together. Some force or being let it happen, no questions asked or payment expected, plus our ability to appreciate the simple things is a blessing many will never know.

fishing user avatardreamertino reply : 

For me its the getaway. I love the challenge of trying to figure out what a bass wants to eat, then trying to make that bait look as life like as possible.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I fish for the chance of landing the fish of a lifetime, you never know it could be your next cast...

fishing user avatarJason Short reply : 

I tournament fish because I like the competition and the chance to win a little money. That's not the reason that I fish though! When I'm not tournament fishing I fish to spend some time with God, enjoying the peacefulness of his creation! That's the same reason I like hunting so much

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Because it is an escape from real life and it is a challenge between man and beast.


And that darn beast wins more than he loses.

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

I really don't know if I would continue to fish IF all the fisheries went down the toilet and catching an actual fish was a rare thing.  That's partly why I stopped hunting pheasants around here-that and dropping a bird now feels something akin to genocide.  But fishing is a prime example of partial reinforcement-meaning: by catching SOME of the time, it strongly reinforces that behavior.  The same thing could be said of buying fishing tackle-and especially baits.  We buy something-it works part of the time, stimulates the pleasure centers of our pea brains- so we continue buying more things.  We're always looking for the magic bullet. 

fishing user avatarnascar2428 reply : 

Fishing...........It's just what I like to do!!

fishing user avatarSENKOSAM reply : 


The same thing could be said of buying fishing tackle-and especially baits.  We buy something-it works part of the time, stimulates the pleasure centers of our pea brains- so we continue buying more things.  We're always looking for the magic bullet.


I used to think the motivation to buy more tackle was for the reason you mentioned, but anymore, going back, I think there were other factors:

1. after reading about the success of lure x,w or z, I wanted to try it and see if I could catch fish on it and do so consistently.

2. winters are long in the northeast and boredom seemed to be alleviated with the arrival of Bass Pro and Cabelas catalogs just after New Years. It became a habit to order stuff that looked good, interesting and potentially something I daydreamed I would catch fish on just after ice out. Imagination helped break up the long cold winters by way of warm weather dreaming.

3. I couldn't pass up clearance sales and bins. Sales mail order catalogs included, I have a Dick's and Gander Mountain fifteen minutes away and every spring, sales flyers showing fishing related gear with some great prices, would cause me to jump in the car and search the clearance bins and buy what was on sale whether I needed it or not. At the least, a few hundred was guaranteed to be spent for momentary imaginings with more trips to follow.  Again, mostly to alleviate the boredom of not being able to fish plus -

4. Work stress would push me into buying more stuff to alleviate the discomfort of work and winter combined. No idea why.


I do none of the above anymore, having far more patience in retirement, but mostly other diversions to focus on during winter until I can hook up the boat trailer, launch and fish. Now it's only a matter of seeing if what I own actually works and not replacing anything that breaks off catching a fish, fully realizing there will always be more ways and lure designs that work that I most likely already own!

fishing user avatarAQUA VELVA reply : 

I can't count the number of times that I have been out on a lake, the sun baking me like a potato in a microwave, no breeze, biting flies, sweating like a pig and no fish. I look around me at all of this ''stuff'' that I have invested in, at no small expense, to catch and release a creature with a brain the size of a wallnut that will not be caught and I ask myself,''Why in the heck do I do this?'' I have no immediate answer. By the time I get home it's dark. I put my gear away, take a shower, fix something to eat and relax. Before the evening is over I am already thinking about what lake I will be going to next and what new lure or technique I might try.And so it goes.

fishing user avatarSENKOSAM reply : 

Rather than call it a hobby, I would rather think of fishing as pursuit - pursuit of more than just fish, as most everyone has stated.


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