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Can't wait for the spring 2024

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey Fellas I don't know about you now that Christmas is over I wish spring would get here already

 There ain't nothing better than sittin in a boat all day with your best friend ,talking smack all day and fishing Thank God the BPS and Cabelas catalogs got here and the Fork trip is on the horizion THIS WINTER THING ain't what it's cracked up to be ;)

fishing user avatarOcBassman63 reply : 

 I Feel your pain Man.  :( :(

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Can't wait for the spring

Me neither Muddy, it 's the kick I get out of fishing in 110-120° under the blazing sun, with weather this cold ( 65-80° ) I don 't feel comfortable at all.  ;D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 


fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

No way Jos é, you got any idea how fast the dang grass grows with manure down here ?  ;D

It 's vacation time, instead of having to mow the lawn twice a week during this time I only mow it once every tow weeks.  :D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey Raul; are you coming up to the Fork in March?

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

I wish I could but I can 't Muddy, the BaitMonkey barely left me with enough money for fishing the local lakes with all the stuff he purchased during the Xmas season.   :-?

fishing user avatarRottManK9 reply : 

It's been sleeting and snowing here all weekend, This Sucks!!!  I can't wait for it to warm up. :-[

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

Agreed Muddy,  it cant get here fast enough.  I have alot of testing to do on stuff I have made, let alone just wanting to work outside on the house.  This bitter cold is killing me.  I'm moving south.  well I wish I was

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I can't wait either, that's why I am going to Comedero in two weeks.

fishing user avatarMinuteman reply : 

Spring? I'm still waiting for winter to get here. Looks like it will finally come to PA in the next day or so and stay for the rest of the month. Just realized I got my Jeep almost a 1 year and 1/2 ago and haven't even driven it in the snow yet.

fishing user avatarJ._Bricker reply : 

Muddy- Don't dispare, the fish are still there.  Yesterday (the 14th), took the boat out and I did manage one fish on a rip bait in Disco, with 41 degree water temps.  But, I did find 1/4" ice at the back of one slough.  Just not what we're used to, because it beats the hell out of drilling a hole in the ice to get at 'em.  FYI, 9.29 anchored a 22.03 sack in a touney held on the Jan. 3rd.

Only folks with a need of sunscreen are Raul and our friend in the Southern Hemisphere.

Hook sets are free, JB

fishing user avatarShad_Master reply : 

Not intending to hijack the post, but just taking it in a little different direction -- Does anyone have a formula for calculating the amount of moisture in snow?  We had about 3" - 4" here over the week-end.  I have heard 6" of snow = 1" of rain -- does that sound right?

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Try this one inch of snow = one inch of misery

fishing user avatarJ._Bricker reply : 

Shad man- Couldn't care less what the water content is, my water rate will go up anyway. Good news, I can be fishing on the Delta in 30 minutes, or skiing on powder up in Tahoe in 3.5 hours........

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

I agree 100 million percent. My cabin fever is at an all time high right now. Although I have to say we've gotten off pretty easy this winter in NE. I was catchin fish in Nov and Dec and was just out a wk ago with a t shirt on. I feel you're pain though. Still not the same as gettin out on the water at 6a and staying out all day with perfect temps.

fishing user avatarrocknfish9001 reply : 

well for x-mas, i got a couple of big, 120+ page binder like books that contain topo maps, descriptions, stockings, and census records of about a hundred lakes in the area and surrounding counties!!!! They all sound so good right now. Off the top of my mind, lakes that i need to hit this upcoming season are

north lake

south lake

big bass lake

magician lake

round lake

eagle lake

skegmog lake

burt lake

green lake

barron lake

paw paw lake

cadillac lake

rose lake

thunder lake

pine lake (state record was caught here)

gun lake

garver lake

lime lake

stone lake

N and S scott lake

diamond lake

juno lake

shoot, ive got a lot of water to cover, thats not even all of them i am serious about hitting up/

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

I was done with winter time before it even started. I HATE winter...HATE it. But I can't move any further south. My wife just can't deal with the heat. She gets uncomfortable once it gets into the 80's. It's not like she just doesn't like the heat...she really just can't take it...she gets sick and passes out. She loves this time of year...oh yeah...did I mention I HATE WINTER!!!

fishing user avatarHuntCast reply : 
Not intending to hijack the post, but just taking it in a little different direction -- Does anyone have a formula for calculating the amount of moisture in snow?  We had about 3" - 4" here over the week-end.  I have heard 6" of snow = 1" of rain -- does that sound right?

We use the rule up here that every inch of rain equals a foot of snow, as far as storms go.

So if you get 1.5 inches of rain, if it would have been snow you would of had a foot and a half.

fishing user avatareastkybass reply : 

Don't care if it is 10 degrees I have'nt been since Oct and I can't take it anymore I am going this weekend aslong as it doesn't snow on me

fishing user avatarNEBassMan reply : 

ugh, i'm right there with all you guys.  we have 6 inches of snow on the ground right now with highs getting into the middle teens.  buddy and i are going to head to the pond this weekend to see if it's thick enough to ice fish.  god i hope so.  i need to get a line wet.


fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

The little windows of nice weather are a welcome part of winter this year, but you are right...I cant wait for spring either

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 


I can't wait I'm going nuts. Most winters I can go out and fish a little. Not this one we are having temps in the low 20s highs in the low 50s and water temps around 40-45* nothings biting not even blue gills

 for the first time Ive seen theres ice on the ca delta most of the back sloughs i fish have a 1/8"

of ice on them I'm sure it melts off in the afternoon. but dang ice in the delta  who d thunk?


fishing user avatarllPa1nll reply : 

From Windham, New Hampshire (8:56a Jan 17 07)

temp(4.8 F / -15.1 C)


wind(ESE at 0.0 mph / 0.0 km/h)


dewpoint(-1 F / -19 C)

Today: Sunny. Highs in the mid teens. Northwest winds 10 to 20 mph. Wind chill values as low as 17 below this morning.

I am hoping for an early Birthday present that I get to go out and fish before my Birthday, my Birthday is in late March. On a darker note, we got 1/2 in of freezing rain and we had no power for 1 day, and it snowed last night...

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

Bah, this bites. Today we had a dose of reality. High for this afternoon at the house was 19*. Wasn't it just last week we were in the 40's....Ah, to make matter worse, my *** soft plastics just came in the mail. I've already read the BPS catalog from front to back 3 times. I'm still trying to find a hobby that involves frigid temps and snow, it's just that all my hobbies are outdoor spring / summer type stuff! Why did I ever move back to New England???  :'(

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

I can't wait I'm going nuts. Most winters I can go out and fish a little. Not this one we are having temps in the low 20s highs in the low 50s and water temps around 40-45* nothings biting not even blue gills

 for the first time Ive seen theres ice on the ca delta most of the back sloughs i fish have a 1/8"

of ice on them I'm sure it melts off in the afternoon. but dang ice in the delta  who d thunk?


Dude there was ice on clear lake last weekend! I couldn't believe it!

fishing user avatarJ._Bricker reply : 

Bass Smacker- Did you find that ice off of Italian? I've got to say, our brother lip-rippers in the east can have that weather. Northern Cali weather can continue to spoil me year round ;).  I forgot, I gotta wear shades  8-).

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Snow doesn't bother me.  Its the ice.......

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

Ice? Did anyone say ice?  We had three days of freezing rain and sleet last week-end.  MUch of Oklahoma has been declared a disaster area.  We still have three inches of ice on the ground, and with highs in the mid-twenties, it's going nowhere fast.  To top things off we expecting six to eight inches of snow this week-end.

fishing user avatarBlue Eyed Fisher Chick reply : 

I love winter time, but not when it comes to fishing!! I would much rather sit out on a boat in warm weather than in this freezing stuff we are having right now!! Last week it was 70 today the high is 35 and raining !! Not the kind of fishin weather I like!!!

fishing user avatarfrogtog reply : 

Man I can't see how you guys can live like that! I would go crazey. Have'nt

missed a weekend of fishing in 2 years. I fished 14 days straight from

Dec - Jan 07 caught a lot of nice fish. I have never offered a guide service

put give a call! 8-)

fishing user avatarsamurai361 reply : 

I'm anxious, but I fish year round.  I also use the winter to make changes to my gear.  Since I probably spend less (by $150-200) a month, I can replace lures, damaged/old/broken tackle, upgrade electronics, or move something on one of the boats, and put stuff where it goes, which I NEVER seem to do on the water.  

When I get out on the water, once every 10-14 days, I can take some minnows and bobbers along with my suspending baits and jigs, and catch perch and crappie.  There's hardly ever more than 3 or 4 other boats, usually old guys, and for some reason, my boatless friends don't want to go with me.

Oh, I also work on the admiral's list, so I can keep out of drydock when the bass move onto the beds.  Right after that is striper season, then the flounder come.  I can't be missing that to work on her house.


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