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Do you like music ? 2024

fishing user avatarclooney reply : 

Who here fishes with headphones?  Can you wear them in tournaments I wonder?  Never seen it done !?

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

When I fisrt got my ipod last summer i tried doing this.  It was very wierd and a little to spooky for me.  I felt like I knew nothing about my surroundings.  Taking away one of your senses does wierd things to your others.  I always felt like something was kreepying up on me and I just overall felt unsafe.

fishing user avatarAOY reply : 

I love listening to nature and the sounds but occasionally I'll bring a little radio and turn it down low and play music and fish!  I caught a 7 lb'er out of my two man last year listening to a cd!  I think it liked the music cause it "danced" by the edge of my boat when I pulled it up!   I usually only listen if I'm fishing by myself--don't want spook somebody else's fish too!

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

One of the reasons i like to fish is to get on the water and listen to the naturla sounds. I leave radios, etc at home.  Why listen to music when you canhear so many sounds you usually don't hear.  I love the sounds of frogs, birdes, fish jumping, etc.  With a headset you would miss all that.

fishing user avatarclooney reply : 

KU...Don't be paranoid!...We wouldnt push you in or anything! ;D

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

I use the head phones each time I go out.Metallica rocks!Old Metallica that is. ;)

fishing user avatarbassmaster043 reply : 

Well saltwater fishig we always play sum Bob Marley or Sublime but not bass fishin to many things in nature to listen to!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarfatbass reply : 

I stayed tuned to my pole, bait, line, etc.  If I feel like music I'll sing a song.  Johnny Cash  RIP

fishing user avatarBCAlbin reply : 

    I'm a professional musician, so fishing is one of my few chances to get away from the job  ;D.

fishing user avatarWormy reply : 

I don't know of anyone that doesn't like some type of music but I think it has it's place in life. For me, fishing isn't one of those times. I think you would miss out on the overall experience.

fishing user avatarFisher of Men reply : 

I have to agree that I like to get out and fish to get away from the noise.  I like to hear the birds, the insects, and listen for water splashing.  I would think that wearing headphones would take away from your senses and make you less of an angler.

Now if I was fishing deep with live bait and the fishing got slow, I might see turning on small radio softly or something.

Metallica. . . while fishing!! :o  Maybe there's a place for that on the next X games.  ESPN 2 presents:  X-treme Bass Fishing, hosted by Ted Nugent (does anybody know if the Nuge fishes? Probably with a spear.)

They could put the top ten bass anglers in jet boats and give them like an hour to catch their limit.

Give them each about six No-doze pills and turn them loose.  ;D JK

fishing user avatarBig_Bass_Rich reply : 

fivebasslimit... I'm with you. Metallica kicks. Old or new. I've always got it blaring when I'm trout fishing or still fishing.. otherwise it just gets too boring. But bass fishing I can usually do without music. Occasionally we will bring a little radio on the boat though.

fishing user avatarSENKOSAM reply : 

I have around 35 songs stored on my mp3 player and enjoy dancing to the music on the bow of my boat.  Seems it adds a little something to lure action and makes me forget that I haven't been bit in 3 hours! I'm talking 30 years of classic rock, some new age and jazz. And lets not forget Spice Girls!

If I wanted to hear the sound of running water, I'd flush a few times. ;D

fishing user avatarFisher of Men reply : 

Hey Senko,

Does anyone (in other boats) offer tips?  I mean. . . to stop dancing!   ;D

I bet that's entertaining for the other anglers.  You never know.  You just might show up on America's Funny Videos sometime and make some $$!

fishing user avatarchefxian reply : 

Music, Only shorefishing for catfish  in my backyard

drinking beer and listening to Lynard Skinner.

fishing user avatartireman reply : 

::)Only if my wife goes with me, anytime else, I try to keep focus on what going on around me. Distractions causes alot of missed chances or possible accidents and God knows I help enough on my plate as is. :P

fishing user avatarL.D. reply : 

Nope, no radio on my boat. Too busy fishing and watching Mother Nature. Besides, If the radio was playing how could my clients hear me talk of the big ones that they should have been here yesterday for.

fishing user avatarKSimm19 reply : 

I don't usually listen to anything, but if I do, it is definetely I'm gonna miss her by Brad Paisly cuz it just makes me wanna fish

fishing user avatarfishing4fun reply : 

I have to say my boat does not come off the trailer until METALLICA is playing. The big bass luv it.

fishing user avatarshutout31 reply : 

I have a new radio/cd player in the basement that my wife bought me for xmas. The old radio in my boat crapped out and I'm really looking forward to fishing with the tunes playing. As soon as the boat comes out of winter storage I'll be installing it. I guess I'll need to burn some new Linkin Park cds to keep in the boat as well !!!

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

I have XM radio, 6-CD changer stereo installed on the Ranger.  I got the XM so we can listen to NASCAR while on the water!  That's the wife's rules... oh darn.  ;)

fishing user avatargone_bassin reply : 

i might listen to a little 2pac while im fishin if im sittin at docks drinkin brew with my buddys or if we're just killin time away from the ladys

but once the serius fishin starts the music off.

i like the sound of nothing. where im from it aint loud, and down here in the lower 48 you have cars and street lights and all sorts of other noise so fishing is a good excape from all the chaos and rackit.

fishing user avatargone_bassin reply : 

well the lights dont realy make noise but they are annoying

fishing user avatarBD reply : 
I'm a professional musician, so fishing is one of my few chances to get away from the job ;D.

You two? Awesome so am I.

I don't listen to music when I fish however

fishing user avatarVTbasskid16 reply : 

When ever i can, I listen to AC/DC on the drive to and back! I love AC/DC!!!!!I'm getting a tape layer in my boat this year so i can crank tunes when i'm over deep water.

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

With all this talk about cd changers, stereos, ac/dc, and all, are you not concerned about the noise spooking the fish?  Afterall, we have all heard about being careful not kicking tackle boxes around in the boat, being extremely quiet when approacjing a spot, etc.  What gives?? ??? ??? ;D

fishing user avatarVTbasskid16 reply : 

The truth is that air and more specifically sound waves are not dense enough to penetrate water very far or at all. As far a  jumping up and down in your boat, then yes, the vibration transmits right throught your hull. The further sound waves travel the more they dissapate in water and air. So having a 14" sub woofer in shallow water might not be great but they can't hear it 50 feet down.So far i haven't listened music on the water just the drive to get me pumped up.

I won't listen when seriously fishing (tourney) but it will be fun when just practicing.  (4" speakers)

fishing user avatarclooney reply : 

Just a note!  In my original post ,  I was just wondering if anyone listened to headphones while fishing.  Boy things have been blown out of proportion!  I like AC DC,  Metallica,  and Barry Manilow,  but I wouldn't blow out my 1000 watt subwoofers on my bass boat trying to catch the world record large mouth listening to any of it!  I like nature sounds too!  I like the sounds of the water rippling too!  From now on,  I'm wearing ear plugs with nature sounds in them!   ;)

fishing user avatarcatbird48 reply : 

   i just take my back pac harp with me  and when the fishing slows down ill pull out my harp and start playing , [she will be coming around that mountain, when she comes] . that  most of the time starts them biting again.   got to run   catbird48

fishing user avatartritonman reply : 

I listen to Bassaholic on the way to the ramp, but when it come to being in the boat, it's all nature. Heck I'm deaf enough in or out of the water,my partner Squid has to yell at me anyways ;D

fishing user avatarcatbird48 reply : 

     dang, squid, dont be so hard on your man. so what if he disagrees.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

I tried it once and found that it was distracting and you cannot hear other boats as they fly by causing a wake.  Plus, I got interested in a football game and missed lots of taps.  My concentration went to the radio and not the fishing.  Turn on radio only when anchored or tied up and not fishing. :)


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