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Sharing Expenses on a fishing trip 2024

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Up until now, I have been fairly lenient on having my guests share much of the expense of a fishing trip.  Too nice a guy, I guess... :)

But now with gas as expensive as it is, how do all of you break it all down to a fair amount for the guess. With the costs of fishing going up these days.  Cost such as boat payment (if any) insurance, maintenance, gas for tow vehicle, gas for boat, ramp fees, parking (if any), wear and tear on tow vehicle, etc.  (Sometimes my trips are 2 hrs; each way)

So what is a fair way to beak it all down and amount to expect from a guest when one joins in for a day of fishing?   I want to be fair.  

Also, do all of you have to ask for the shared amount or does your guest usually just offer something up?  What if you feel it doesn't quite add up to what you think is fair.  Do you say anything or just suck it up and don't offer again. Just trying to get this season off to the right start with my fishing pals. ;)

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

It kind of looks like your choices are...........

A. I will invite a buddy to fish with me and be happy to accept whatever he offers to help with the expenses. OR...

B. I will fish alone and pay all of the expenses myself.

When I invite a friend to fish with me, they are my guest. I have no expectation that they will pay for anything. If the expenses are high and they offer to help cover it, I will sometimes graciously accept some help and be happy with it, no matter what the amount.

If you invite a friend, just to help cover your expenses, you are inviting a conflict. Shucks, if you are furnishing a boat and a tow vehicle, he should pay for everything, right? There is more than one perspective on everything. I would have no expectations and be thankful for any help that is offered. Your friendship will flourish. I hope this helps.


fishing user avatarBob Kavanaugh reply : 

I don't ask. Most of the time I don't take it when they offer. The only exception is if it's a significant distance away, and tow vehicle gas is involved, then we'll agree to a split of gas expenses. Boat payments, and insurance are just part of the joys of boat ownership, and I wouldn't factor that into splitting expenses. Same with vehicle expenses other than gas. Maybe tell your guests to halve gas costs and pop for lunch, and you'll take care of the rest. Seems fair to me. At least it's a heckuva lot better than fishing alone  ;)

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Yes, you are right, Alpster.  I just had an experince once where a guy I worked with went fishing with me.  It was a long trip.  I never said anything to him, thinking he would at least offer up some gas money.  Nothing!  Kind of ticked me off, to be honest.  4 hr round trip, etc.  But anyway.  I hear what you are saying,.  But even these kind of egghe

But you do have ads know the price of gas is up.  When I was a guest, I would always offer up the gas money for the tow vehicle and gas for the boat.  Afterall it was his boat and tow vehicle (wear and tear, etc)  

But you do have some great concepts and are right on.  

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

If I invite someone, I do expect them to at least offer.

Had a friendship nearly ruined because of a situation involving many fishing trips with no offer of any help on gas. >:(

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

When I'm fishing with someone it's usually a close friend and we all understand that expenses are always split 50-50; some times that friend may have financial obligations so they know you pay what you can and catch up when you can.

fishing user avatarWillzx225 reply : 

I agree with CATT.  My normal partner and I usually take his truck and my boat.  It usually works out pretty fairly unless we are traveling multiple hours for a BFL or something like that then we try to split 50-50.  

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 

As long as I get an offer I'm fine with paying the bill. If I'm not on my boat I will offer to pay for whatever and if the person declines I will leave the money hidden somewhere in the vehicle.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

My feeling is that the person with you should AT LEAST offer.  50-50 is a nice concept, but dont see that working out too well.

If you plan out how the expenses will be handled before the trip, you wont be disappointed in the end.  It may seem awkward at first, but it works.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

If I invite someone, I don't expect them to pay for anything.   I'll tell them to bring some snacks and drinks for themselves, I also explain how big the cooler is.  

I was going with or without someone anyways,      Also, I try to attack areas that don't require me to run miles.     Trolling motors are easy on the wallet when it comes to the gas pumps.

So there are ways to work around high gas prices once on the water.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Good point about the trolling motor Matt.  Around here, everything is TM only.  Travel gas to and from, I think should still be split.

My feeling is, that if it was the other way around, I know I would be offering gas money.  I wouldnt  expect anything out of someone that I wouldnt do myself....

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

When you invite a couple over for supper, do you expect them to pay for their steaks?    Groceries aren't cheap either.

I don't get it or understand it.       If you invite someone how can you expect them to pay for gas and such, you ask them.

I can understand telling a partner that you've fished with numerous times.     "Hey, gas is getting expensive and to the point were the boat is gonna stay parked for awhile unless you'l like to help me out some."

I'll tell you what a nice gesture to me is.    Normally, without any suggesstions on my part, most buddies offer to buy breakfast and or lunch.

Even if that don't happen, I'm cool with it all, I invited them as my guest to begin with, so I was gonna have those expenses anyway.

fishing user avatarTheBeast reply : 
If I invite someone, I do expect them to at least offer.

Had a friendship nearly ruined because of a situation involving many fishing trips with no offer of any help on gas. >:(

Why didn't you just say "Hey dikhead pony up the bones or swim back to the ramp"   ;)

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

And again, you make a good point in that I only fish with 3 different people and only one of them on a consistent basis...

I either need to think these things through more or just put it all in one post.... ;)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

"Guests" are free.

However, if I'm the guest, I always try to help with something,

at least breakfast, lunch or dinner.

"Regulars" should carry their weight.


fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

When I go out with my friend on his boat I always get to the lake before he does and I pay his ramp and fishing permit fees before he even arrives (well I have the envelopes all filled out with the $$$s in them and I put them in the Iron Ranger -collection box - after he shows up). I also offer money to help pay for the gas he uses in the boat and his truck (he never takes it though). At least I pay some of the costs.

Now that I have my own boat (yippee), I'd at least like anyone fishing with me to offer some gas money or pay my ramp/fishing permit fees, BUT I do NOT expect them to!! I enjoy having someone along to talk with and share the fun of fishing and to help launch and trailer the boat after a long day on the lake (and there's the added safety factor of having someone with you in case of an emergency). I'd be out there anyway, so absorbing all the costs is pretty much a mute point.

fishing user avatarhamer08 reply : 

I agree with the "you invited them to fish (not to share expenses)" group.

Chances are if your the only one with a boat and/or tow vehicle, there are probably some differences in your financial ability or priorities. This will cause alot of animosity if handled poorly. Unless you specify at the time of invitation, you should not expect to be reimbursed for anything. That's not to say you can't say, "I can't afford to go fishing as much any more".

Keep in mind, the cost for you to boat alone is almost the same as bringing a guest along.

fishing user avatararmesjr reply : 

The thing is that you shouldn't have to ask.  The guest should offer.  I think its a pretty classless move, when the guest doesnt offer.  

fishing user avatarventureboat reply : 

I have a fairly new acquaintence that I've taken fishin a couple times, I've never asked and he's never offered, which is perfectly fine with me! Now he wants to get into some tournaments with me. (I usually fish tournaments alone) If all winnings including big bass are gonna be split 50/50, should gas for tow vehicle only be split 50/50. I will cover eveything else. He's pretty young and just starting a family and doesn't make a lot of money. What do you think???

fishing user avatarhamer08 reply : 


I would just discuss it with him beforehand. I think a good solution would be all the winnings go into a "gas fund" until the end of the season and anything left over is split. If your picking up the tab to begin with, you should decide which tournaments to go to.

fishing user avatarbrgbassmaster reply : 

i told my friend 50-50 for gas and food. its a 2hr trip there so 4 hr round trip. ya it might be kind of harsh compared to what you guys do not saying anything unless they offer but i am an A1C in the airforce we dont get payed much.  but ya 50-50 is what i would say. obviously your boat payment insurance and all that you have to pay cuz its your boat.

fishing user avatarventureboat reply : 

Good idea hamer! Thanks for the input!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

If I invite an angler out for the day, I'll always follow up with, "How much ya got?". If he say $20 bucks, I'll motion upward with my index finger,

looking for a higher bid. If he comes back with $50, I'll say, "Hop in the truck, we're going fishing!"   (just kidd'n) roflmao1.gifbounce.gif

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

It depends greatly on how many and how far we are going, when Pedro, Pocho and I plan a trip let 's say to Zimapán we split between the three of us all the expenses:

1.- Gas for both

2.- Tolls

3.- Ice

4.- Lodging

5.- Food

6.- Boat launch fee

One exception, liquor and/or beer ( you have to bring your own ), we do not include those because I don 't drink ( designated driver of both, vehicle and boat ), Poncho may have one or two beers a day but Pedro .... ::).

If we are going close, then we use my vehicle ( gas included ) to tow Pedro 's boat and Poncho pays the snaks and beverages, or we use Pocho 's vehicle and I pay for the snacks and beverages.

If I invite you then I don 't expect anything in return, which is very seldomly the case that a guest doesn 't cooperate with something.

fishing user avatarBassnbrett101 reply : 

If I invite an angler out for the day, I'll always follow up with, "How much ya got?". If he say $20 bucks, I'll motion upward with my index finger,

looking for a higher bid. If he comes back with $50, I'll say, "Hop in the truck, we're going fishing!" (just kidd'n) roflmao1.gifbounce.gif

LMAO!!!  thats good

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Here's my thought on it; yea I was already going alone or with someone & so was my buddy but if we split 50-50 we can go twice or stay twice as long.

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

During the tournaments I fish it is mandatory to throw atleast 15 bucks to the owner for gas.  This year I have been giving more due to the high prices for gas.  

When I go out as someone's guest I also always throw them money for gas.  How much depends on how much I can afford and not be broke untill payday.

I have never had a boat owner actually ask for money from me.  I always offer it up first.  

IMO it's appropriate not to ask for money just as much as it is appropriate for the rider to volunteer it.  

Just like if someone helps you out on the side of the road.  It is polite to offer the assistee some $$ for the help, but equally important is to say thankyou and decline the offer.

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 
I have a fairly new acquaintence that I've taken fishin a couple times, I've never asked and he's never offered, which is perfectly fine with me! Now he wants to get into some tournaments with me. (I usually fish tournaments alone) If all winnings including big bass are gonna be split 50/50, should gas for tow vehicle only be split 50/50. I will cover eveything else. He's pretty young and just starting a family and doesn't make a lot of money. What do you think???

If he is wanting to fish tourneys, then I would let him split tow vehicle money. As for as the boat, I would take care of it.

fishing user avatarventureboat reply : 

ba7ss3in, Those are my thoughts too! Thanks!

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
"Guests" are free.

However, if I'm the guest, I always try to help with something,

at least breakfast, lunch or dinner.

"Regulars" should carry their weight.


Agreed.  If it's a friend who is a regular in your boat, I have to ask you guys what kind of friend he/she really is if he/she isn't offering to help out.  As for guests, you invited them.  You pay the tab.  If they offer to help, great.  

fishing user avatarwagn reply : 

Going at this from another angle. If you do have a guest and they offer to help pay expenses, if they ask you how much you want, give them an actual number. Before I owned my own boat I fished tournaments with a guy who was nice enough to take me along. Having never owned a boat, I didn't really put much thought into gas for a large motor, towing and other expenses. When I offered to pay he would just say doesn't matter, whatever you want. I'd give him 10 bucks or whatever I had on me. I never realized how much he was paying and would gladly have ponied up more if I had just known. After getting my own boat I felt kind of like a jerk.  :-[

However when I take someone out on my boat I expect nothing from them, I was going to go anyway. If they offer I'll give them an actual amount that would split the gas. If the have less that's fine, but at least they'll have an idea of what my costs really are

fishing user avatargobig reply : 

I always try to go 50/50 with whom ever I fish with. I have been on both sides of the fence. Just because you have a boat does not mean that you are rich. Sometimes other people are needed just to afford the trip(not so much anymore but in the past). I would tell them up front so there are no surprises. If you feel like others should pay make an agreement don't harbor ill feelings if they don't offer, be clear. Most understand this and don't mind paying.


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