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The Last Cast 2024

fishing user avatarRamz reply : 

Two of my buddies and I were fishing the other night. It got to that point where it just got too dark to fish without lanterns and we all said as every fisherman says when it gets to that certain point, "last cast". Of course that last cast turned into a few extra casts just to be sure but my point is that we did not catch anything on any of those concluding casts. Before we left the lake we started talking about none of us have ever caught anything or even gotten a hit during any of our "last casts". My question is, has anyone actually caught anything on those last casts? I would imagine that a fish caught on a last cast feels 10x better than a fish caught on the first.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

I never allow myself that senerio.If I catch a fish on my potential last cast , I'm going to throw back into the area to see if I get another strike. B)

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 

ive caught on the "last cast" a couple times. at a pond once and hadnt caught nothing all evening, said ok last cast, threw out was working my red shad worm and was like aahhh hell, let me just reel it in real fast and go home. so i start reeling in real fast and see a boil and something streaking through the water from a short distance, i literally stop my worm right at the bank as this bass flys in and crushes my worm, i set the hook and reel like 3 cranks and land the fish. with that i called it a day. it was cool watching how violent this bass was when it hit my worm though, tore it up.

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

Last spot at the end of a tx, last cast in order to make it back to the weigh in on time, to cull a fish or make your limit on the last cast............ Priceless!!!! Happened twice last year, once for me and once for my partner in buddy tx's. Pretty good feeling!!

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 

I really never did call out "last cast" but just like you I guess there would be a few more added on to the last

I have however thrown my line out when it is time to go home knowing there was only time for another cast or two and caught some nice fish along the way and it truly does make for a great way to end a fishing day and a better ride home.

fishing user avatarShad_Master reply : 

If you are just fun fishing the "last cast" is just the one before the "next cast" - but in tournaments you have a hard line to check in - a couple of years ago, I was fishing from the back of the boat in a club tournament and my partner had his limit and what turned out to be the biggest stringer - I had four (one short of a decent limit) - we had fished almost 13 hours the day before and had fished for almost 8 hours on tournament day - I was getting a little punch drunk when we saw a fish swirl up against the dam - we figured 10 minutes to check in from there so I had about 20 seconds to catch that fish and finish out my limit - my arms felt like wet noodles and I made about 10 "last casts" to that fish and finally got him landed just as my boater got to 2 on the countdown. I measured the fish as we were heading to check-in.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Only when I'm fishing the pond at work during lunch break.

Out on the rivers or lakes I never tell myself "last cast".So I never really know if my last cast really is going to be my last cast for the day.

fishing user avatarmaq88 reply : 

happened once while fishing topwater at sunset

fishing a park lake and was getting hurried

got the bass on a Heddon popper

not the biggest bass (easily no more than 2lbs)

but still a very satisfying feeling

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

It´s late, I´m tired ..... last cast, ok ? -----> yeah, right.

Last cast becomes a good bunch of last casts cuz ..... what if ? .....

fishing user avatarzenyoungkoh reply : 

lol its great. It happened to me bout a week ago. I threw out my power worm and saw my line moving and few seconds later... a fish! that was truly my last cast because i was alr running late

fishing user avatar7mm-08 reply : 

Well I guess I've caught several fish on what was intended to be the last cast. The only thing is that if I catch a fish like that then I am certain to cast a few more times. So I guess the answer is no, I have never caught a fish on the last cast. :D

fishing user avatarCaptin Obvious reply : 

Last Cast for me is like saying "You've got 5 minutes to hook a fish so catch the D*** thing"

And yes I have caught one on my last cast...but then again it wasn't my last cast :D

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

You say out loud, "last cast". Then wait a minute...the fish think you're gone,

so you make another cast.


:happy-127: :happy-127: :happy-127:

fishing user avatarHooked_On_Bass reply : 
  On 6/14/2011 at 8:39 AM, roadwarrior said:

You say out loud, "last cast". Then wait a minute...the fish think you're gone,

so you make another cast.


:happy-127: :happy-127: :happy-127:

Now you tell me! :D

fishing user avatarBassfisherman94 reply : 

A couple of days ago I said last cast and caught a nice 2 pounder on my last cast. so I made a few more casts, and ended up catching 3 in the next 5 casts. it was nice to actually catch one on my last cast for once. maybe it will happen during a tournament soon!

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 
  On 6/14/2011 at 8:39 AM, roadwarrior said:

You say out loud, "last cast". Then wait a minute...the fish think you're gone,

so you make another cast.


Thats a good one right there "The fish think your gone" LOL !!!

fishing user avatarTimJ reply : 

not necessarily calling last cast but knowing that we needed to fill a day 3 limit and already fishing into our travel time...and I nail a 14 1/8" SM (14" min) to finish.

cool thing was that I was fishing a team pro-am out of Windsor, Ontario with Steve Clapper and that fish helped him to his win (by ounces) of the Canadian Open.

what a great feeling to contribute under pressure. very enjoyable.

fishing user avatarguitarkid reply : 

One day I was fishing with a couple friends and I said this is my last cast, so I chucked my booyah spinnerbait out there, 2 turns of the handle and WHAM, that bass felt like I hit a brick wall. It turned out to be 23" long and a pretty healthy weight.


fishing user avatarBassDeaton01 reply : 

"Last cast" for me always turns into "a couple more", "maybe two more"," oh that looks like a good spot for a fish" and maybe 20 mins later IF I haven't caught a fish I will pack it up and head to the house. But, no I don't think I have ever said last cast and then caught a fish...that has to be a great feeling though!

fishing user avatarRamz reply : 

What is funny is honestly when I started this topic a few days ago I have never had caught a fish on the last cast. Two days ago..... last cast of the night.... I can honestly now say I have caught a fish on a "last" cast.

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

Here's an extract of a thread I started on February 21 of this year. I didn't say "last cast", but I had been fishing that cove for more than an hour without a bite, it was getting dark, and I was certainly only a few casts away from heading home. NOW, after this fish, you BET I made a bunch more casts to see if anyone else was home !!!

I make quite a few casts around that cove to get the feel of the bait and when I'm making what was going to be just about my last cast (it was getting dark).........BAM. I got my 25 year-old Shakespeare spinning reel with the (marginal) drag singing and a BIG fish taking out line. Got her to the edge of the bank, lipped her, and got her out of the water.

25", 9.06 pounds, my new LMB PB


fishing user avatarFat-G reply : 

I caught a seven pounder on the FIRST cast one time, let her go and went home.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I've done it lots of times. I always say "I need to catch a fish to end on." I guess I figure that way I can at least fish until I catch another one!

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

happens to me all the time same with duck hunting. as soon as I think about switching spots I get bit. as soon as I call it and start picking up decoys ducks buzz us. that is why I am lake coming home from every outdoors activity I do.

fishing user avatarripinthem reply : 

There have been a few times where I just got tired of catching them, and just had to quit. :rolleyes:

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

I've caught bass on the "last" cast and it is awesome when it happens, but I will say I despise it when the last cast hooks up but I lose it. To me that it worse than an empty handed last cast.

fishing user avatarTomNH reply :  post-29411-0-58692600-1316709140_thumb.jI was out fishing on July 4th with my son, we had some luck a few 1-2 lb lm bass. We headed back in around 11:00 to the boat ramp / public beach area. There was lots of people in the area swimming and splashing about. I had put my gear away but my son keep making that "last cast". Well we were about 25 feet from the ramp when he landed this bucket mouth.
fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Probably have caught way more on the first cast than the " last cast". Sometimes it's the kiss of death, sometimes not. Not my first cast today but the first in a totally different body of water, maybe 15# or so, not another strike until later in the day when I went bass fishing. Yesterday we were catching them on almost every single cast, but that was yesterday.

fishing user avatarJigMe reply : 

My last call = phone call from wife, "I need you to ..." End of my fishing trip! So I have never caught anything on my last cast, but I have caught several fish on my first cast.

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

It wasn't my last cast but close to it. I'd fished most of the morning and afternoon without a bite and I was tired. I said, if I didn't catch a fish within 5 casts, I was leaving. On the 4th cast I caught a nice hefty bass. And then two casts later, I caught another. So I stayed for another 2 hours.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

How many bass tournaments have been won on the last cast before time runs out? Hundreds! A good friend of mines nick name is "last cast". You know you must leave, it's getting late and just 1 more cast, the last cast often ends up making your day.


fishing user avatarbassin is addicting reply : 


the last 2 times out...

fishing from the bank by myself...each time i had been out for about 5 hours up and down the bank of my local lake..i had some success...maybe a dozen fish both times...nothing of any size to speak of...

1st time out i said "last cast"...and caught a decent 2 1/2lb'er

then the next day..same thing...different location..i had walked up to my car and was done...and i decided to walk across the road to another little cove i had fished before and said "one cast"...bang!! about a 4 1/2lb'er

both times i gotta admit..i wanted to keep fishing...but i had been out for so long and convinced myself to actaully end the day with those 2 "last casts" on a good note..


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