Well I took a buddy out on the local reservoir with me today with hopes of hitting a section of the reservoir that I've never had my boat at. The whole way there my buddy kept saying lets stop here and fish and I kept telling him lets just get where we're headed and we' fish the whole way back. Going to this area was a gamble to begin with since I've never fished this area from a boat, and I have other areas that I know produce. So I had one voice telling me to go where I know the fish are and another one telling me to stick with plan A, which was scout out a new area. Well we get to where I want to go and we start fishing out on this point when all of a sudden we start hearing someone hollering something but we're not sure what they're hollering. Well after fishing across the point and getting closer to the person hollering, my buddy says to me is that someone in the water ( which is illegal here ). I then realize the guy is in water up to his chin and he's screaming help, so I get to him as fast as my 2-55 lb electric motors will take me. The whole way to him I'm thinking he must have his foot stuck or something, when we get there he begins to tell us. He's been lost there for four days now and hasn't had nothing to drink or eat for four days. He said he went there scouting out spots on the bank to fish from when he got real dizzy fell down and couldnt stand back up. He said he tried crawling on his hands and knees trying to find his way out, but was unable to get out so he laid there for four days before he seen us.
Needless to say we pulled him into the boat and called 911 and made a plan of where to meet DNR Police. We took him to the closest easiest place to off load him on a basket so the paramedics could take him out on the back of a side by side. Come to find out he has severe high blood pressure along with some other medical issues that he needs daily meds for, but didn't have them. I don't know if he would've died there, but when we rolled up he had the fear of God in his eyes, he said he tried to crawl into the edge of the water. The only problem is he crawled off of a drop off and was immediately in 6' of water, and didn't have the energy to get out. So the moral here is don't run off into the woods with out a phone or letting someone know where your go cause that fast it could be you.
That human is very Fortunate you guys came along when you did.
Nice work.
Great you came along when you did.... Hope he recovers alright...
Nice work indeed.
Good thing you stuck to your original plan...
Wow. That speaks. I just bought the Outdoor Life Total Survival Manual for $6 and am working on my survival preparedness myself.
Amazing coincidence that you found him. And he was already out there for four days. Who knows how much longer he would've been out there if you hadn't shown up. I'd say you definitely saved his life.
Sounds like you definitely saved his life. Kudos to you & your buddy. If you hadn't stuck with plan A he is probably dead.
Thanks guys, it made me feel good to be able to help him. I never saw someone appreciate a bottle of Gatorade as much as this man. Right now he's at the hospital, the paramedics gave him IV as soon as he hit the ambulance.
Good job sir
It's very, very fortunate that you came along when you did, and then did the right thing by helping him out.
Did you catch any fish in the new spot???? Jk Nice job
Great story.
Thanks for sharing.
That might be me some day. I'm always taking off by myself to places where my phone has no service. Thats what I like to do .
Awesome, sounds like you were meant to save him. Things happen for a reason!
I'm glad you went there....and yes you saved him!
Wow, great ending! Would appear you were angles sent to save him. Sounds like he will be able to make a full recovery. I am sure he is more than thankful and probably feels like he can never repay you. A good story to tell for years to come!
Great job man
It sure sounds like you saved his life. Think of all the people connected to this man that you also helped. Great job.
That's awesome man. You got to be a hero. Sometimes there's more to life than catching
Doesn't sound like he'd still be with us if you hadn't found him, great job.
Thank goodness that you were out there and able to help a person in need! I'm sure your buddy will never ask you to stop again!
You did good....God works in mysterious ways. That man's time was not now.
Good on you and great job. We need more stories like this to fill the news!
Wow. Great work, hope he recovers and everything.
Nothing quite as rewarding as saving a life. Nice work! Now you have another excuse to go fishing though- "Honey, I've got to go make sure everybody is ok down at the res!"
Once you really see how quickly things can go south and how serious things can get from one small thing happening it really makes you consider the full scope of every little action. I am a volunteer ski patroller and I can't even tell you how many times the smallest thing led to a massive and very serious accident. it seems as though every story begins with "I was just skiing along and all of a sudden..."
Great story! I'm glad you followed your intuition! I'm sure your feeling of accomplishment was greater than catching any fish!
It's always wise to have a plan and be prepared, including staying hydrated, and taking your meds.
I hope you make it back to the spot soon and catch lots of fish!
Again thanks a bunch guys for all the kind words. This whole experience has me rethinking how I go about things, as I am a hunter and I love to just go scouting. The only thing is I do a lot of these things alone and my wife's not always aware of where I am, but that is going to change. I also put together a small supply of meds that I need daily.
Oh and I did manage to catch 4 LM all around 2lbs with what time I had left. I also managed to find a lot of offshore structure that was holding fish, and got waypoints on my GPS. Now I just need to go and fish them, but they look really promising.
Great job! That guy is very fortunate that you went fishing.
Nice work. The man put yoU on him! Prayers for a speedy recovery for him.
Great stuff. Good job investigating the sound. Some people might have ignored it and kept on going.
Great day both of you will never forget.
Truly outstanding story. Well done! If you're interested, Red Cross has a Lifesaver Award. Here is the link: