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I Fish Mainly For Bass. Other Fisherman??? 2024

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I go fishing and target mainly bass. I stand in my little spot and throw lures.


I notice some of the other fisherman near me will look in my tackle box and try to jazz me when there one baited hook catches pan fish.  They just don't accept or realize I'm after bass not pan fish. I have a few fisherman that do this. When I land a bass it's very quiet. I have learned to keep my tackle box closed now. I'm very polite and say nothing.


Now I do grab my UL setup with live bait or panfish/crappie lures and have a good time catching them too. But I'm mainly after the greatest game fish in the world the small and large mouth bass.


Do any of you guys or gals run into this problem?

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Well, I'm just guessing, but I suspect most guys signd up on a bass forum primarily target bass.

I have never had a bucket fisherman "jazz" me, but I am just as friendly with them as with anyone

else out on the water. I do hate it when they catch one of "my" fish and keep it, but bite my tongue

and move on.

fishing user avatarBruce424 reply : 

Wazzup wif olldem fanzy loors ya got der!!!

haha. I notice I get stares when I go to one of the lakes that are mainly trout fished and I go fishin for bass. I fish somtimes for trout too as well as catfish, but they see my spinnerbaits or jigs and I get looked at like "they aren't gonna catch any trout." Some people...

fishing user avatar0119 reply : 

I'm lucky enough to have tons of highly sought after inshore salt game fish in the freshwater I fish. I'm happy with them just as much as I am a bass. I do plenty of bucket sitting for cats and bass with shiners. I've never been annoyed by folks like you talk about. But I've been down right harassed by fellow lure or boat fishermen. Mostly by their rude boatmanship or downright hatred towards kayakers, which I am one. There is a large contingent of kayak haters here spurred on by local guides. More though, if somebody sees you practicing catch and release, they get down right hostile calling you profanities in upset that you don't give them food for their table. They genuinely get near physical when I tell them my giving them my catch violates state law. But I only get this from fellow lure fishermen, not the bucket brigade who I show up most respect towards.

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 

I'll fish for anything, but mainly bass. I've never had anyone give me grief over what I fish for. Honestly I could care less if they agree with what I throw. When they come in at the end of the day with a few fish and I've caught a boatload it really doesn't bother me. 

fishing user avatarHattrick7 reply : 

Freshwater I only fish for bass and the occasional trout if I'm in the mountains. I have zero interest in fishing for catfish, carp, bluegill, etc. I've never fished for crappie so I can't really say but I don't have the patience to throw out a line and then sit until I get bit. 


Saltwater I love fishing for calico bass primarily but also like fishing for sand bass, halibut, yellowtail, barracuda. Would like to try tuna fishing soon. Sand bass and halibut fishing can get a little slow though. 

fishing user avatarColdSVT reply : 
  On 4/18/2014 at 2:59 AM, Bruce424 said:

Wazzup wif olldem fanzy loors ya got der!!!

haha. I notice I get stares when I go to one of the lakes that are mainly trout fished and I go fishin for bass. I fish somtimes for trout too as well as catfish, but they see my spinnerbaits or jigs and I get looked at like "they aren't gonna catch any trout." Some people...

I get the same looks at one of local lakes...then they get all wide eyed when i yank out a five lb bass.

There is a reason those bass in that lake get chunky quick and that reason is stocked trout lol. I love watchin people look at me like im nuts when i throw a big old trout colored swimbait lol

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

No I don't have any problems.  Other people fish for what they do with their methods and I do what I do.  I don't see too many bass or pan fishermen here, but when I do there is no jazz.  The majority of my time is not spent bass fishing, but the same bucket brigade is in saltwater too.  No problems there either, they fish for their species and I target mine.  Their moonfish is as important to them as my snook is to me.  To disrespect them would be elevating my status to an elitist just because I'm trying to catch a bigger fish, I stop fishing once in awhile and try and catch some moonies for them for dinner.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I fish for bass unless I my daughter goes with me.  Then it's panfish.

fishing user avatarboostr reply : 

In freshwater It depends, but mainly I target Bass. In saltwater whatever eats my bait. There are so many fish species in saltwater that are a blast to catch, and will inhale anything you throw out there. Its like getting your MTB box every month...its a surprise every time. :respect-059:

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

I trout fished alittle not A fan.. i,do go catch fishing on the river a few times a year. But for the most part i strictly all 3 species of bass and stripe bass

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

What I'm saying is other fisherman see your bass lures then they think there out fishing you with a $1.99 can of worms. I never play the competition game. I fish against myself to beat my PB 10# and to land more fish per outing. Plus I stop fishing to help kids fish if they show me there interested.

I find it funny that the bass are right in front of these worm fisherman but they won't strike.

fishing user avatarstk reply : 

I've never been given a hard time by anyone when I am out fishing.  Mostly I just say hello and ask how they are doing.  I try to think of it this way, you will almost always catch fish with live bait and if that is your goal it is fine.  However, it is quite satisfying that you've managed to trick a fish into eating a piece of plastic/wood.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

When I first got into bass fishing it was costing me $50+ a week to use live bait. Then I started using one rod with live bait and the second rod with lures. Soon my lure rod started catching more bass over the live minnows. After some close calls in almost losing my live bait rod with the bigger bass striking it as it laid on the ground while I worked with my lure rod I figured with my climbing success rate with lures I stopped using live bait. The more I figured out the patterns with the different presentations the more success I had. I used my left over live bait money to buy more lures so I had a better lure selection. We never stop learning. I get an awesome feeling when I catch fish on lures.

Every new lure I purchased I also purchased one for my two sons too. What I learned they learned too.

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

It's odd to me that if/since most bodies of water hold multiple species, there wouldn't be numerous fisherman pursuing multiple species.  I don't distinguish fishermen based on on their preferred prey or technique.  Only if they have a 5 gallon bucket.  That, I admit, is my prejudice.

fishing user avatarbasshole8190 reply : 

I get odd looks from the bucket fisherman and bass guys alike when they see my 8" hudd or other big baits. they often ask what I'm trying to catch with a big lure like that. then laugh when i tell them bass. I've silenced one or two last year and then they ask where i got the lure? I just tell them to check walmart.

fishing user avatarboostr reply : 

Actually, the way it's been going this year so far I'll be happy if I catch a shiner.

fishing user avatarbasscatcher8 reply : 

I fish for Walleye and Bass and Crappie if they are biting. When the water gets cold the the bass get sluggish its time for the walleye gear to come back out cause they get kicking when the bass goes to bed. Its fun.

fishing user avatarBassguytom reply : 

I mainly fish for bass but am not opposed to picking up my ultralight to feel some crappie or whaterver tugging when I'm not getting any bass. We call it perch jerking. My brother turns to perch jerking a lot quicker then me and than changes to bass again when I land a nice 4 lber.

fishing user avatarmacmichael reply : 

I have never had any problem with other fishers either. I fish for bass, crappie, catfish, white bass, strippers, bluegill and catfish. We  all have that common goal of fishing. I think this is a good thing.

fishing user avatarkickerfish1 reply : 

90% of the time I bass fish. I do dabble a bit with fly fishing and multi species fishing. Really I just hate live bait as I think it takes the sport out of it for me. If I didn't bass fish as much I would move up north and chase muskie.

fishing user avatarNice_Bass reply : 

Bass (lmb) are by far some of the smallest and lackluster fighting fish we have in our waters around here. Nonetheless I still fish for them most often but only exclusively in tournament s. Any other time I may fish for other species as well; stripers, musky, crappie, walleye, flathead, etc. All depends on the lake. Knowing how bass interact with the other species and available prey on a given body of water helps locate where bass will and wont be.

fishing user avatarcollards reply : 

I like to fish for everything. I am happy pulling out fish. I do enjoy trying all the different bass lures the most though. My area is trout area. The ponds and lakes are stocked weekly by the state and private clubs. I have several places which are private so I seldom run into other anglers. When I do, most are professional people and the conversations are very cordial.

fishing user avatarSENKOSAM reply : 

It kind of depends whether the water is a small home water or remote from where I live. I want my home waters to be protected from meat anglers and avoid fishing near them or relating any information that may help them catch bass. Panfish I could care less about protecting, especially white perch, and don't mind helping anyone catch them as long as the areas don't usually hold bass. I avoid fishing with someone who has a big mouth and will brag-gab my locations.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I fish for bass almost exclusively. I will fish for bluegills and perch about once a month during the season, and I don't complain if pike are biting (unless I am getting bit off left and right). That's open water.... Ice fishing is almost exclusively panfish.

fishing user avatarmrmacwvu1 reply : 

Actually I am more of a trout guy but my cabin is 4 hours away. So I actually bass fish more but it is by default.

fishing user avatarJar11591 reply : 

Mostly bass fish. Sometimes I will go after Northerns just because they get big and mean and fun (if you're prepared for them). I will also occasionally go after Bluegill and Crappie if I feel like having a fish fry.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I had one of these experiences yesterday, nothing negative at all but this is how I handle things.  I went to a spot where I catch peacocks, usually I'm alone but yesterday 2 bait fishermen were fishing the other side of the canal.  It was quite weedy and they were having no success.  I spot some peas and sight casted and after a few casts I pulled one in.  Big smile came over their faces, no jazz they just asked me how I did it.  I not only gave them the fish but caught a couple more for them.  I then gave them a pack of crappie jigs just like what I was using and showed them how to work it.  I also caught a nice 4-5# bass on that jig as well, I threw that one back in.  I wished them well and left, I hate fishing weeds.

Negative vibes yield negative reactions from people. 

fishing user avatar200racing reply : 

If it swims I want to land it. I often put out my catfish jugs and then go bass fish while they soak. I also won't hesitate to pick up a light rod and croppie jig to wear out a school of whites or croppie.

I have gone chasing stripes busting shad on the surface in the middle of a tournament.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I get a lot of grumbling from guys when they see me turn a keeper crappie, walleye, or catfish loose sometimes.


I'll fish for anything that bites, although I mainly target bass. I grew up catfishing and still love doing that today except I mainly target big blues and flatheads instead of channel cats. Winter time is white bass and wiper time on the power plant lakes. Crappie and bluegills are fun when they're big and biting well. I catch drum everywhere I go and have even been known to sight fish them when the bites slow. Sight fishing for big longnose gar is a good time. I used to fish for carp a few times a year also, not many fish can match them for speed and power in freshwater.

fishing user avatarCDMeyer reply : 

I know exactly how you feel..... on the lake where I live, it is full of northern, and everyone up there just fishes to fish they enjoy just being outside and enjoy the excitement of anything (and they will take anything on the end of the line).  That used to be me until last year when I fell in love with bass fishing and bass fishing only.  Everyone up there does not get me when I say I am only going for bass.  My grandpa and dad think that I am crazy for not using a leader, not a braid or mono, or floro leader here, we are talking about a 9-12 inch wire leader..... but I am not bashing them they install the love of fishing in me and when they come back with their catch or come back with a picture, it is massive compared to my bass..... my dad caught a 48" Muskie, that he fought for 15 plus minutes, so I see what you mean.....

But at the end of the day we are all one in our obsession of fishing.....

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I chase a few other species. I don't care what others think of my stuff or what I use. If they have questions, I help them out. As for competition, they are welcome to donate their entry fee to me. Let me know the time and place, lol.


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